At the moment, Ziyi dragged some shaking body, did not take two steps, stopped, his back against the wall, full of sad look, see this scene, I hold the mobile phone hand once stiff, can't remember to dial what number. My heart is completely on her body, the mood of the whole person fluctuates very big, I really did not expect that I would meet Ziyi here and suddenly see her like this.

At this moment, I am a little confused, how she is here alone, how Liu Qianxue is not beside her, what's wrong with her, how suddenly she has become like this, but her expression is so embarrassed, I feel a burst of heartache. A string of love in my heart kept twitching. For many days and nights, I had been dreaming that one day I would walk into the palace of marriage with her. I haven't seen her for such a long time, just for her safety, I can't let her suffer any more harm.

So, until then, I had been holding back from seeing her. I don't want my enemies to take hold of me and threaten me with rozii, but how can I think that day is not yet here. I met her suddenly, and saw her so sad. Seeing her like this, I had no time to think about anything. I was really distressed. Even, there was a kind of fear and uneasiness in my heart. I dare not associate it with her. How could she get drunk in such a night, especially her expression of reluctance and grievance To the extreme.

I was afraid that something had happened to her. I didn't want to face it, but I had to face it again. My step was slowly approaching Ziyi. However, I had just moved a few steps. Suddenly, the door of the box opened again. A girl with glasses came out. She got close to Ziyi and said something. She pulled her back into the box. The door of the box banged It's closed again.

I also hastened to follow the box door, where I can clearly hear the noisy voice inside, I can feel that there are many people in the box, this time, my mind is out of control, imagination, heart strings, more tense. I wanted to rush into the box like this, but my reason told me that under unknown circumstances, blindly acting would only cause chaos.

Just as I was hesitating, a male waiter came across the corridor. He was carrying a few bottles of wine and was going to this box. I had an idea and stopped him immediately. I asked him to lend me the waiter's coat and let me go in instead of him.

At first, he didn't want to, but I gave him 1000 yuan, and said that I was a friend of the box guests. I played with them and told him not to care about anything. I said a simple reason. Under the threat of money, the little waiter compromised. I secretly changed into the waiter's clothes and adjusted my cap. After finishing my cap, I carried wine into the box 。

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the noise of the whole room, not the sound of music, but the mocking sound of everyone's talking. At a glance, there were at least 20 people in this room, but they didn't seem crowded, because the box was really large and the decoration was luxurious. Obviously, these people were children of rich families.

After a slight scan, I found Luo Ziyi sitting in the corner. Her expression was a little trance. She was not in a state at all. She didn't fit in with the cheerful atmosphere in the box. With Ziyi, the girl with glasses who just went out and pulled her in. I can see that the relationship between her and Ziyi is OK, while other people are talking and laughing I'm very happy.

When I came in, Ziyi didn't look at me. She had been immersed in her sad world. She didn't seem to be awake. She drank a little dizzy. However, other people noticed me. One of the long and obscene men directly yelled at me: "waiter, come here and pour the wine!"

This man is obscene in appearance, small in stature, and full of luxury accessories of famous brands, which exposed the temperament of his second generation ancestor. Of course, I know that he is just a foil. At present, I have a unique vision and can look at people very well. As soon as I scan it, I know that the person who really can hold the main court in this box is a white and tender looking man sitting in the middle of the box. This person does not look at a light expression, but he has a strong momentum, and many people are flattering him.

And this man also attracted my attention. His clothes were not as luxurious as that of a dirty man. His clothes were very simple and casual, but I thought it was gorgeous. There was a low-key luxury feeling. What's more, his facial features were of special standard. His skin was white and his height seemed to be very tall. At first, he was really rich and handsome. Of course, the reason why I paid more attention to him was that he was also very handsome It's because his eyes will aim at Ziyi from time to time, and there seems to be a kind of unspeakable meaning in his eyes.

In this time, through their chat, I got a general understanding of the situation, and the tight string in my heart was also loose. Originally, this is Ziyi's high school students' party, and all the people present are rich children and ordinary white-collar workers. However, what I don't understand is why Liu Qianxue is not here, and why Ziyi is so sad.

In order to find out the truth, I still hide my identity and play the role of my waiter. So, I took the wine and went straight to the lewd man, and quickly poured the wine for him. In the process of pouring wine, the obscene man looked at me inexplicably and asked, "why do you keep your hat so low? It's shameful."He seemed to see me quite unhappy, I used a hoarse voice to say: "sorry, this is our theme today!"

As for my explanation, the obscene man had no doubt, but pointed to Gao fushuai and said, "give me the money quickly!"

This wretched man is also a man of flattery. He obviously wants to please that rich and handsome man. I didn't say anything. He continued to fill the hotel for deputy commander Gao. After I poured all the wine, I stood quietly and did not move.

As a passer-by like me, no one will take another look. Everyone scrambles to talk about their topic. As they say it, they talk about Ziyi. One of them, who is very fashionable, said to Ziyi: "Ziyi, you are really. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Since we all come out to play, we should be happy. How can we have a few drinks now Not good? Everyone is just joking with you. Why did you run out? Let's have a hard time meeting our old classmates. Don't be so stiff faced! "

As soon as she spoke, other people also immediately looked at Ziyi, echoed their heads and said yes, they all agreed that Luo Ziyi destroyed the atmosphere of the scene and said that she was beautiful, so she did not pay attention to anyone. The voices of these people came into my ears one after another, and a trace of anger appeared in my heart.

Suddenly, there was a loud female voice in the noise: "Ziyi, tell us about your boyfriend, what kind of person he is, how can you not see you together?"

Hearing this, I suddenly woke up and knew why Ziyi was so sad. I came back nearly two months ago, and I started to see each other. Later, I called several times, and then I haven't contacted until now. Although she said that she asked me to be busy with myself, she was only one of my relatives in this city. Therefore, the word "boyfriends" can make Ziyi happy More sad.

Because of Xie Yu's barrier, we can't get together openly. Now, these old classmates are constantly sarcastic and teasing her. Ziyi will be so aggrieved and sad. She silently bears these things and is not easy to tell others about me. She has to carry them, and when she is hard to bear, she drinks to drown her sorrow. As a result, she is in a trance Yes.

I thought it would be enough for these people to make fun of each other, but I didn't expect that the more they said, the more they talked, the more they went too far. It seemed that they would take advantage of this to vomit their resentment against Ziyi. Waves of comments came like a wave:

"Ziyi, I heard that your male friend is a waste, and looks ugly, is it true?"

"Ziyi, I've heard that your boyfriend used to be the most counsellor in school. He committed suicide in school. How can you still like him?"

"Where is such a simple, poor and ugly type!"

"Can't it, such as Ziyi, a school flower, but many people have chased her, were refused by her, even we have little money have confessed, she refused, how can you fall in love with a person like that?"

"Who knows, I've heard about it, but I haven't seen it. I don't know what charm that person has, let Ziyi take a fancy to him!"

"Ziyi, tell us what kind of man your best boyfriend is and how he is now? At what time did you not get together? Did you break up, or did you not like him

"I see, I guess it's broken up, or Ziyi will not mention anything about him!"

"Ziyi, you don't care. There are more people who are better than him. The key is that you should at least find someone who matches you well, so you won't lose face if you take it out. Do you think so?"

"Yes, yes!"

These people, both men and women, love gossip so much, as if they are amused by teasing others. The more they speak, the more powerful they are. The sarcasm and sarcasm are revealed in the words. They feel that men have been around Ziyi before. This makes them take advantage of this opportunity to severely attack Ziyi. Women's hearts are so fussy, especially those who love vanity I like to attack others in language.

And, in the face of these women's sarcasm, also attracted other boys from time to time to make two sentences, it is difficult to understand Ziyi's taste of boyfriends. For a while, Luo Ziyi became the focus of the audience, and she didn't know what Ziyi had done wrong and let them attack her collectively. Luo Ziyi, who seemed to be strong, changed her mood after Luo's mother left. She couldn't withstand any pressure. At this time, Ziyi's heart was painful enough. For so long, I haven't seen her once, and even there are almost no phone messages Even if you believe me again, and believe that our love is indestructible, there are thoughts in my heart. It turns out that all this is my fault.

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