The more often this happens, Ziyi needs other people's comfort, rather than a blow. She satirizes where she suffered. She wants to ignore these things, wants to anesthetize herself by drinking alcohol, and pretends to be deaf. But wave after wave of sound, or cruel piercing into her ears, thorn her tears can not help falling down, to the end, she really can not help, directly stood up and cried: "you have enough!"

Luo Ziyi, who has always been gentle and elegant, was angry at this time. The noisy box finally calmed down. Ziyi did not care about the surprised eyes of the people present. She picked up her bag and said casually, "you go on, I have something to go first!"

Her voice is full of despair, and the air here suffocates her. This is the first time I see Ziyi get angry, which really makes me a little shocked. At the moment, she doesn't want to stay here for another second, just want to escape from this place.

At this time, Ziyi's classmates knew that they were playing big games. So, several girls immediately came to pull Ziyi and dissuade her from staying. The girl who had a relatively good relationship with Ziyi joined the reconciliation camp and asked Ziyi not to care. Everyone had not seen her for a long time before they made a joke.

Even the young master Qian, who had been sitting in the middle of the room, opened his mouth at this moment. He helped to round the field by explaining: "Ziyi, let's face it. It's not easy for all of us to get together. If you say a lot of jokes, don't put them in your heart. Don't destroy the atmosphere. Stay and continue to play!"

Ziyi looks at the young master Qian. As he says this, Ziyi's mood gradually stabilizes, and then she is pulled back to her original position by the glasses girl. After the words of Mr. Qian fall off, the whole box finally disappears the harsh sarcasm. Then Mr. Qian speaks for Ziyi and criticizes all the people present, showing a gentleman's appearance People seem to be very afraid of him, no one dare to refute, and I saw his appearance, the first reaction is that he is a hypocrite.

Ziyi didn't say anything more. She went back to her original position and lowered her head. At this time, I suddenly noticed that Mr. Qian winked at the obscene man, who seemed to understand his meaning immediately. Then, he went to Ziyi and pretended to comfort Ziyi: "Ziyi, it's necessary to be angry about this little thing. You didn't love to be angry before, I don't care about this. I just made a boyfriend, whatever he is like. Nowadays, it's not normal for people to fall in love, and it's not necessary to get married. What's more, even if you break up, there are a lot of people chasing you. You see, our old monitor Qian Guodong just broke up with his girlfriend. Now you're all alone. You two are talented and beautiful. I think you are very good Yes, or you'll be together

When the obscene man spoke, his finger also pointed to the next side of Mr. Qian, which instantly made him the protagonist of the scene. In addition, Mr. Qian himself had great prestige. Therefore, after the obscene man played a leading role, all the men and women followed suit, saying things like let them be together.

In an instant, the silent box was noisy again. They were all praising the young master Qian. They said that Qian Guodong's family was rich, powerful, handsome and talented. He said that many women wanted to throw themselves in their arms, but they were rejected by him. He told ziyiyi to cherish this opportunity and forget that I was with Mr. Qian.

Just in such a moment, the public opinion turned from belittling me to praising Mr. Qian. It can be seen that Qian Guodong must have come prepared. Maybe he had long wanted to make Ziyi come to attend the class reunion. With my understanding of Ziyi, Mr. Qian must have made a lot of efforts to let Ziyi come to the party This belittles me. As soon as the opportunity comes, the obscene man directly finds out with Ziyi, and the public opinion immediately picks him up. When those people praise Mr. Qian to heaven, he suddenly waves his hand, and the scene suddenly falls into silence.

He smiles triumphantly, with the most complacent attitude to Ziyi: "Ziyi, in fact, I also want to know, did you break up with your boyfriend?"

His question seems to be very casual, but I can tell at once that he has taken Luo Ziyi's army. He has revealed his intention to Ziyi straightforwardly. Obviously, if Ziyi says that he is single, he will take advantage of this opportunity to take luoziyi.

Judging from his face, today's events are a play that he directed and acted by himself. While he was performing, he checked his own results. Facing the question of master Qian, Luo Ziyi was temporarily silent, while other students were looking forward to her answer. I stood aside and saw the ugly faces of those people and the forced grievances of Ziyi For a moment, I really can't look down, I can't let my woman suffer any more grievances, and I can't let her bear so much pressure in front of me. I can't allow it.

I was ignored by the waiter suddenly moved, I slowly walked to Ziyi side, in all of the people did not respond to, I suddenly pull purple from the seat, took her hand to meet the eyes of the audience, I grabbed for Ziyi solemnly replied: "she did not split hands!"

The moment I dropped my voice, the whole room was silent, as if everyone had been hit by acupoints. All of them froze and stare at me with wide eyes. Their faces were incredible. Even they didn't know what was going on. One of the most surprising people was Ziyi, who was still immersed in her own sorrow and was suddenly pulled by me, She was disorganized for a moment. After a moment, she reacted. Later, she quickly took back her hand, but I had already held her tightly and turned my head, staring at her with my tender eyes.The moment I touched my eyes, Ziyi's body suddenly trembled. She felt the deep love from my eyes. Immediately her eyes were red, and tears fell down involuntarily. But this is not the tears of grievance, but the tears of excitement. Her depressed eyes also suddenly sent out a strange light, as if looking for hope in despair, obviously, Luo Zi Yi has made it clear that I am her man, the only man.

When we looked at each other affectionately, some people at the scene finally woke up, and immediately a brilliant voice came: "who the hell are you? Don't make trouble here!"

The man who was talking was a long and strong man. He howled his voice and immediately woke up the other people in the box. As soon as those people woke up, they immediately reprimanded me and said that I was a little waiter who dared to be so arrogant. He didn't look at this place or that, and looked at his own identity.

I didn't pay any attention to these people's mischief. I glanced at the crowd calmly. Then, under the whole audience's attention, I slowly took off my hat and revealed my true face. Then I said to all of them seriously: "I'm her boyfriend!"

My voice is very flat, my face is very cold, I want to let Ziyi's students who love to compare and flatter know that Luo Ziyi has a good eye for me and I want to prove that her boyfriend is no worse than anyone else.

This moment, the whole audience fell into silence again, and Ziyi beside me saw my appearance, heard my words, immediately showed a happy smile, she held my hand more forcefully, helpless she, finally found the most reliable rely on, finally can no longer be aggrieved, no longer uncomfortable, her eyes full of deep feelings.

All the people at the scene saw Luo Ziyi laughing. Their eyes were full of surprise, and they didn't understand what was going on. In their consciousness, Luo Ziyi's boyfriend was a particularly ugly person, a waste that was despised by others, which was almost a fact they firmly believed.

So, when they saw me like this, they didn't believe it. The strong man who scolded me for making trouble at first, he couldn't help standing up and scolding me: "you're a fool. Isn't Ziyi's boyfriend ugly? When did she change her boyfriend? "

His words were recognized by many people in the audience. They all thought that I was a fake. Public opinion can kill people. It seems that what I preached is how small and how small. At this time, I was stereotyped in their hearts. How could it not be retrieved? Suddenly, the huge box was noisy again. All of a sudden, all of which were doubts about me. I was silent for a moment and suddenly rushed into the noise The scene suddenly called a: "Laozi is Ye Zixuan!"

My voice is not very loud, but it is powerful. If I am not wrong, they should also be students of our nearby university. Since they are, they should know my name. And my purpose is to let these people know that Lao Tze Ye Zixuan is not a waste in their mouth, but the overlord of rogue University and the boss of the other shore flower!

I think my words can make them change their attitude towards me. I think they can stop looking down on others. But after all, they still don't believe me. They still think that Ziyi's boyfriend is a rubbish who can't do anything. Other students are stunned when they hear my name. They are all whispering, but this young master Qian is more than one His face was unbelievable. It seemed that he was not local. He didn't know my name at all. He looked at Ziyi and asked, "Ziyi, is what he said true?"

Judging from the state of the scene, others seem to have heard of my name and are all talking about my deeds in a low voice. But this young master Qian is obviously not willing to believe that I am Ziyi's boyfriend. In his consciousness, he always thinks that I am a waste thing to be slaughtered by others.

However, this time Luo Ziyi did not hesitate at all in the face of Mr. Qian's question, and even replied with pride: "yes, he is my boyfriend, ye Zixuan!"

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