With these words, Ziyi also put her head on my arm and relied on me affectionately. At the moment, her decadent spirit completely dissipated. Her body exuded charming luster, and she returned to the appearance of non cannibalism.

According to reason, since Luo Ziyi has admitted it, they should wake up and be ashamed of their previous gossip, or realize their mistakes. But they are just stubborn. Maybe they just don't want to see Luo Ziyi happy. Although they have talked about my name for a long time, one of the women can't help but retort "I have seen Ye Zixuan. He is not like you. Please don't insult the name of Ye Zixuan."

Hearing this, Luo Ziyi chuckled and didn't make a sound. Now that I don't know whether I should be happy or sad, since I know my name, I should also hear about my appearance. However, why don't they accept this fact?

At this moment, I really feel that I can't communicate with this group of people. I know my name, but I don't believe my appearance. In their eyes, I'm a fake person. Luo Zi casually finds a bad boyfriend to solve the embarrassment. I think their hearts are twisted to the extreme. It's a shame to quarrel with these people.

So, I was too lazy to talk to them again. I took Luo Ziyi's hand and whispered, "let's go!"

Luo Ziyi is not sad at the moment, and I don't want to be out of control because of my quarrel with them

We were about to leave, but at this time, the girl with eyes stood up and said, "let's stop making trouble. Since I'm Ziyi's boyfriend, it's better. We all sit and talk. The girl's heart is very good. After that, regardless of everyone's opinions, Ziyi and I were directly pulled to the seat and sat down, and offered me a glass of wine. It was very nice Angry look.

It seems that in addition to Mr. Qian, the girl with eyes also speaks forcefully. In fact, all the people present were silent under her instructions. They were all whispering from some small groups. Originally, she wanted to give the girl a little face and stay quiet for a while. However, Ziyi seems to have been targeted. Maybe everyone thinks that I am Ye Zixuan who is an impostor When I sat down, some people murmured: "hum, how thick skinned, just a waiter would like to sit down and call ye Zixuan's fake. Ah, I'm really sorry for Ziyi!"

It's so ugly to say that in their eyes, I'm just a nobody, a fake with other people's names. To be equal with them reduces their identity. Indeed, in their circle, they always regard themselves as God, and think that it is worthwhile for others to approach them.

I really didn't want to see them all in the same way, but for the sake of their classmates Ziyi, I gave them face again and again. It can be seen that these people are really too much. Therefore, the more they dislike me, the more I have to deal with them.

So, in the scorn of these people's eyes, I simply cocked up my legs, took out a cigarette and smoked it. It seemed that I didn't pay attention to anyone. Ziyi saw me like this and cooperated with me very much. We looked so sweet and made this group of people hate more.

At this time, the wretched man couldn't help but scold me and said, "I Ye Zixuan, is it appropriate for you to pretend to be a hero and pretend to be someone else's name? Where do you come from? You must pester Ziyi. Do you think it's appropriate for us to follow you as a waiter?"

I didn't even have time to speak, Luo Ziyi answered directly for me: "I'm happy!"

In order not to let me be wronged, Ziyi this time is also a fight, I know her for so long, did not realize that she still has such a naughty side, perhaps, with me beside Ziyi, she would dare to say anything and do anything. Anyway, for her, as long as she is with me, regardless of what she is facing, she is willing to advance and retreat with me.

However, the more Luo Ziyi is like this, the more people think I'm a fake. Even the home court master qian can't hold his breath. He also challenged me and asked, "OK, brother, I believe you're Ziyi's boyfriend now. Are you still together now?"

Perhaps, up to now, this young master Qian doesn't believe the facts in front of him. In order to get rid of his idea of pursuing Ziyi, I solemnly replied: "yes, we have always been together, and we will never separate!"

After hearing this, Mr. Qian's face became dignified. It is estimated that my presence disrupted his plan and made him very upset. After a meeting, he said again, "do you think you and ziyipei?"

His words are full of disdain. It can be seen that he is very uncomfortable with me now. I slowly took a cigarette and said calmly: "match, very match, special match!"

After that, I hugged Ziyi in front of him. This time, Mr. Qian was even more upset. He said in a stiff voice: "but have you ever thought that you, a little waiter, can give Ziyi happiness? Can you give her a life she wants? If not, please stay away from Ziyi and don't waste Ziyi's time!"

He was so earnest that he seemed to regard himself as God. There was no reason to talk to such a person. I was too lazy to be wordy, so I gave him a few words: "this is my own business, you can't control it!"Mr. Qian's face was hurt by me. He didn't allow his dignity to be damaged. He patted the table and roared at me: "do you want to die? Dare you talk to me like this!"

Young master Qian, who was angry, was really a little intimidating. Other people in the audience all followed me and said that I dare to talk to Mr. Qian like this. Ziyi saw that I was the target of everyone's attack, and immediately spoke for me and refuted those people.

I thought I was calm, but they were more and more excessive words to listen to me very upset, I tightly frowned, deeply smoked two puffs of cigarettes, and then dropped the cigarette end, and then picked up the glasses girl's wine for me, trying to use the wine to quench the trouble in my heart.

But just when I put my cup to my mouth, young master Qian's tone was not good and roared at me: "who made you drink it? Are you qualified to drink the wine here? It's not that I look down on you. A glass of wine in your hand is enough for half a month's salary

His voice is full of anger. Judging from the current situation, I can annoy him by breathing. I stare at him deeply, and then slowly put the cup back to its original place. At this time, Ziyi, beside me, suddenly stood up and yelled at Mr. Qian: "Qian Guodong, don't go too far. Isn't it just a glass of wine? My boyfriend asked you to provoke you. You are always everywhere Against him

In the face of Ziyi's accusation, Mr. Qian didn't care at all. He laughed and said scornfully: "I really don't care, but I have to see who drinks. It doesn't matter to our classmates to drink. However, for such a person to drink, he is really not qualified!"

After that, he looked at me with angry eyes again. Ziyi was so angry that he couldn't make a sound. If the volcano feeling in my body stayed any longer, I would really explode. Now I don't want to cause trouble. I want to reduce the occurrence of trouble. So, I got up and pulled the angry Ziyi and said lightly: "Ziyi, let's go, don't follow this kind of thing It's not suitable for us

She also knew that we would only make her old classmates more proud if we stayed any longer, so she nodded directly at me and left with me.

But just a few steps after we left, the angry young master Qian patted the table again and roared at me: "stop, who let you leave, speak clearly, don't take the same view with such people, who are we and who are you? Come here, you can explain it to me!"

Other people also immediately said in a loud voice: "a small waiter still dare to pretend B, who gives you courage, do not know what identity?"

I slightly turned around and looked at Mr. Qian, and said in a bad tone, "do I even have no freedom to leave?"

Seeing me like this, Mr. Qian became more angry and roared: "let your manager come here, I want to talk to him!"

I snorted coldly and said, "crazy!"

Immediately, I took Ziyi and continued to walk towards the door, but at this time, master Qian's anger had been completely ignited by me, and we only took two steps. He stopped me with two people and blocked me in front of me. These two people, one is that wretched man, the other is the strong man who yells, looks like they are going to fight. The three people stand together as if they are confident. Their eyes are full of murders. Especially the young master Qian in front of me, his eyes seem to be able to kill people. He stares at me angrily and says, "who are you calling me?"

I didn't want to say any nonsense to him. I yelled, "get out of here!"

At this moment, the fire in my heart erupted, and my momentum radiated without reservation. I thought that I could shock these rich children, but in fact, when they saw me talking to Mr. Qian like this, they all scolded me for being crazy and wanted to die.

The young master Qian was even more stunned. He didn't seem to have suffered such a loss. What's more, he didn't expect that a waiter would dare to roll words at him. He was still so shameless. He was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses and directly yelled at me: "you're looking for death!"

With that, he put out his fist and hit me in front of the door.

After all, this is the center of the city, not my territory, because their families are rich and powerful in this city, because they are old classmates of Ziyi, so I have been giving their face to Ziyi. I am forbearing, seeing Ziyi shed tears, I am still forbearing, and I am still forbearing to see all kinds of their targeting at me, but at this moment, I can't bear it any more, The volcano in my heart also erupted completely.

When Mr. Qian's fist hit me, I quickly reached out my hand and grabbed his attacking arm. Under the gaze of the whole audience, I threw it hard. In an instant, Mr. Qian's whole person was thrown up by me and hit heavily on the table full of drinks.

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