This scene made all the people in the audience dumbfounded. Such a simple action directly detonated the whole audience and shocked everyone. In their idea, Mr. Qian's attack on me is normal, but I dare to fight back. That is an accident. After all, everyone knows that he is a very powerful person, and I must not dare to offend him. But now I not only fight back, but also even now He was beaten to fly in one fell swoop. How can it not be amazing.

When he was flattered to me, he would not have been flattered by me, and then he would have been beaten to death

As soon as Mr. Qian's voice fell, the two men finally reacted. They looked at each other and immediately started to me. However, these rich children are really vulnerable to my attack. The wretched man was useless. I killed him when he came up. But the strong man had some strength, but he couldn't compare with me. In a moment, I killed both of them.

But after I solved these two wastes, Zi Yi's exclamation suddenly came into my ears: "be careful!"

For Ziyi's reminder, I was still a little late after all. I had already stolen the back of my head and was heavily smashed into a wine bottle by Mr. Qian, which made the already chaotic scene more turbulent, and the screams of girls came and went. This group of people who think that they are in the upper class seldom see such a bloody scene. Even Ziyi is scared to see me smashed a bottle. They run to me quickly, take my hand and ask anxiously, "Zixuan, are you ok?"

I looked at her and laughed and said, "it's OK."

Then, I suddenly turned around and stared at the ferocious young master Qian. For this rich young master, he had made great determination to smash people with wine bottles. He thought that I would fall down after this. He wanted to give me a lesson of blood. But when he found that I was still standing here safe and sound, this guy was immediately dumbfounded I know that I am a humble waiter, is a stubble.

Other people were even more unbelievable. I was more powerful than they imagined, especially those who were superior to me and Ziyi. The scene fell into silence again. After a few seconds, the first person who calmed down was Mr. Qian. At this time, I had completely swept away his face, and he gave me a lot of money Hate is too big, so, see me safe and sound, he even more crazy, roared at me: "look, I don't kill you!"

With that, he took the remaining half of the bottle and poked it again into my stomach.

It can be seen that he broke out completely this time, and he even dared to kill people. However, his appearance was even more disgusting to me. From the beginning to the end, he was a typical lawless rich second generation. He wanted to chase Ziyi by his tricks. As a result, I upset the plan and jumped the wall.

Since he's going to be serious, I don't need to be polite to him. Before his wine bottle stabs me, I preemptively kicked Mr. Qian. When my foot touched him, Mr. Qian's whole person was kicked off by me and fell on the table again. Half of his wine bottle also fell to the ground and smashed.

This time, Mr. Qian changed his mind and screamed. Those who were stunned were even more astonished. Their eyes were full of panic. I ignored all the people and looked at the young master Qian who still wanted to get up. I walked up to him, picked him up like a chicken, and said in a sharp voice: "you remember, I don't care who you are, don't mess with me, and don't provoke my women, otherwise I will let you pay a heavy price!"

At this point, I speak extremely sternly, and my eyes are full of murderous spirit. When young master Qian touches my eyes, he is scared to say nothing, and his lips are trembling, completely different from him who was arrogant and domineering before. I also disdain to talk nonsense with him again. I threw him heavily on the ground. Then, I stopped looking at him and looked at all the people on the scene. No one dared to look at me at the scene. When they touched my eyes, they unconsciously lowered their heads, as if I was a devil at the moment, which made them shudder.

I don't care about those who eat soft and fear hard. I only deal with Mr. Qian, who is the leader. I will make an example to them and let them know that Luo Ziyi's men are not rubbish. I also know that I can't stay here any longer, or the noise will be too big for me to finish.

Therefore, after solving the problem of master Qian, I immediately went to Ziyi, who was still in a panic, and said, "let's go quickly!"

Finish saying, I directly pull purple to leave quickly.

As soon as we got to the door, the door of the box was suddenly opened. Immediately, several people came in. One of the men was dressed in a suit and looked like a man with temperament. He was followed by a few thugs. They were all very strong and strong.

Seeing these people appeared, I had a premonition that things were not good. Ziyi firmly grasped my hand. What made me sad was that the man in suit and leather was scanning the messy scene. Instead of paying attention to others, he directly focused on the poor Mr. Qian who was beaten by me.As soon as he looked like this, the man in suit rushed to him immediately, helped him up from the ground, and said apologetically, "Mr. Qian, are you ok?"

After hearing this, I know I'm in trouble. No wonder young master Qian is so arrogant and doesn't pay attention to me at all. Originally, he knew people in this nightclub. After he was helped up, he yelled at the man in suit: "manager Zhang, how do you discipline your employees? I spend money here. Your waiters don't have clean mouths and even beat people. Give me it An explanation

Master Qian was so angry that he vented his anger on the man in suit. I was even more nervous. The man in suit was the manager of this luxurious nightclub and he was so polite to him. I'm afraid I'm in big trouble here today.

After listening to Mr. Qian's words, manager Zhang immediately said seriously, "Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry. Your business is my business. Don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory reply."

After that, he immediately turned his eyes to me. When he found that I was a fresh face, his brow was very fierce, and he asked me seriously: "who are you? Why haven't I seen you?"

In the face of his question, I answered in a righteous way: "I'm right if I haven't seen me, because I'm not a waiter here!"

My words surprised the whole audience again. They all thought I was the waiter here, but I said that I was not from here. How could they not be shocked? However, the well-informed manager Zhang clearly understood what was going on. He said to a person behind him, "go and find out what's going on!"

After all, dachangzi is a big one, and the efficiency of work is so fast. Soon, the waiter who was bribed 1000 yuan by me was arrested. After a confrontation with him, all the people in the audience understood what was going on.

As soon as manager Zhang got to know the truth, he immediately took the waiter and said severely to his staff: "drag it out and give me a beating, and then fire him directly!"

As soon as the waiter heard this, he was immediately frightened and begged for mercy. After all, it was because of me. I could not implicate a waiter who didn't know anything. I looked at the waiter, then turned to look at manager Zhang and said, "this matter has nothing to do with him. I threatened him and robbed him of his clothes. I forced the money to him, Therefore, he is innocent. If you have anything to do with him, please call me. "

I know that today's matter has been made big by me. I can't escape the involvement. But I don't want to involve an innocent person. It's not easy for a waiter to be a servant. However, manager Zhang listened to me and gave the waiter a step down. He just let him go without any help.

As soon as the waiter left, manager Zhang immediately looked at me with that stern face and asked in a cold voice, "come on, what's going on? Why did you run into my territory to make trouble?"

I didn't have time to speak, Ziyi quickly explained for me: "manager Zhang, all this is a misunderstanding, today is our classmate party, my boyfriend and Qian Guodong had a bit of a conflict, that's what happened!"

Although she knew that these people were terrible, Ziyi bravely stood up to speak for me. I felt special satisfaction, but her explanation was feeble. As soon as she finished her speech, Mr. Qian was the first to stand up and say that I was sincere in making trouble, and that if I beat people, we must handle it strictly, otherwise he would not give up.

Obviously, what he meant was not to let me have a good end, and the other two people who were beaten up by me also rushed forward in dismay, saying that I was unreasonable and started to beat people as soon as I came in, and almost killed them. They had to ask for justice. As soon as they finished speaking, other students who were not happy with me also came forward to criticize me like just men. Some of them said it all over again, saying that I was a barbarian who only used brute force.

At the scene, only Ziyi kept explaining for me, but her voice was completely drowned in the noise. She was powerless and didn't listen to her explanation. I also know that I hurt people and I'm an important guest here. Even if we have 10000 mouths, it's useless to say more.

After listening to everyone's words, manager Zhang didn't bother to give me an opportunity to explain. He said to me indifferently: "little brother, it's all about rules when you come out. Of course, we're not surprised here. So, you have to pay for it!"

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