His tone was very severe, and it didn't seem to be bluffing at all. As soon as his voice dropped, several people who followed him came together. All of them were well-trained people. They were not ordinary gangsters. They surrounded me directly.

Hearing this answer, Mr. Qian seemed to forget the pain and scolded me with pride on his face: "give it to me quickly and abolish him!"

Hearing the news, Ziyi's feet were scared. She stood in front of me and explained to manager Zhang in a loud voice: "you can't move him. He's innocent and wronged. He's just self-defense."

However, Ziyi's explanation was really pale and powerless. Since I was wronged, I didn't have any damage, and the other three people were hurt badly. They couldn't believe Xu Nan's words. In other words, because of Mr. Qian's face, manager Zhang would not listen to any explanation.

I know that it's not right for me to beat people in other people's courts, but they want to abolish me. I really can't accept it. Of course, I can't let them do anything rashly. So I immediately took two steps forward and pulled Ziyi aside. At this moment, I also showed a surging momentum on my body. I was staring at manager Zhang with bright eyes and was about to open my mouth.

But before I could say what I said, manager Zhang said again: "do you want to do it? I might as well tell you that no matter what your origin is, if you hurt people in my field, you should follow my rules here. If you cooperate with me, I will only scrap one of your hands. If you want to resist, you will probably die here."

The threat, the threat of red fruit, does not give you a trace of room to ease, and his voice down, pause time, outside the box on the roar into a group of people, the leader is the black faced man with a strong back and a strong back, who should be the steward of the field. His momentum is quite fierce, and the necklace on his neck is very thick, but it is not like pretending to force him, but let him The momentum of the whole person looks more prosperous.

As soon as he came in, he yelled, "who dares to make trouble here?"

His momentum is very overbearing, people can't help but awe him. After he came in, the crowd immediately made way for him. When he came, Mr. Qian pointed at me and said in a loud voice, "that's him!"

Immediately, the big black faced man immediately fixed his eyes on me. He didn't care about my fierce momentum, and said in a sharp voice: "he has already admitted that he is a troublemaker, so don't linger, and let's just scrap it first!"

His words are extremely domineering. At present, he still has so many subordinates here. I can say it myself. But Ziyi is beside me. With her, I can't fly. But even so, I don't want to be planted here. So, when he came to me fiercely, I suddenly straightened my chest and called out forcefully: "you can't abolish me!"

The worse the situation is, the more calm I will be, and I will not let myself be disordered. When that person hears my sonorous and powerful voice, they are all stunned, and their eyes are full of surprise. I dare not hesitate, and continue to sonorously and forcefully: "you misunderstand me. I am not the one who takes the initiative to pick things up here, because I am also a consumer here. I just met mine on the way Girlfriend, so pretend to come in and have a look. A little incident happened in the middle, but both sides are wrong. I think you can't help saying that you want to abolish me. It's unfair to me! "

In fact, I am very clear in my heart that when things get to this point, it is absolutely impossible to be tough. Even if my name is moved out, it will not be useless. Who will know me here? After all, dachangzi also has the rules of dachangzi. I can only tell them the rules. I don't believe that if they are so unreasonable, they must abolish me.

Fortunately, after they listened to me, manager Zhang hesitated after all. He must know that the customers who can spend here are not ordinary people. Even if he turns to Mr. Qian, he can't be totally indifferent and dismiss me if he says no. after all, I'm not a person who comes to the nightclub to pick things up. So, after all, he gave me a chance to solemnly ask me, "Oh, tell me, which room are you a guest?"

It's definitely not an ordinary person to be a manager in such a big nightclub. Manager Zhang doesn't need to ask me too much. He just needs to ask me which box I'm from. He's sure he can find out everything. But this question baffles me. After all, my father's friends in the text message didn't tell me which room I was in, only said that I was in this nightclub, even what his name was I don't know the name. I can't find it at all. I can only honestly reply, "I don't know that in that room, someone invited me to meet here!"

After listening to my words, the black faced man was even more angry. After hearing this, Mr. Qian called out: "manager Zhang, don't listen to his nonsense. Look at his virtue, who will ask him to spend here? Does he have this capital? If he is a normal guest, how can he sneak in the clothes of a waiter? I think he is coming The troublemaker, therefore, you must give me an account anyway

Mr. Qian's words played a role in promoting, so that the black faced man immediately took the guy to me, and his eyes were full of ferocious color. Obviously, I had been cornered, and my heart was nervous with the arrival of his steps. With the approaching of the black faced man, my brain became more and more disordered, and I couldn't calm down even if I wanted to calm down At this moment, I can't think of a better way. I can only try to tell them, let me call and ask.But before I said this, there was a strong and heartwarming voice outside the door: "he's my guest!"

His voice was full of deterrence, which made everyone in the box silent. Even the black faced man stopped and looked at the door. At the moment, a tall figure was slowly entering the room. With his appearance, all the night club staff in the private room immediately yelled: "boss!"

His voice was deafening. However, the tall man did not look at anyone or say hello to anyone. He just walked up to me and said respectfully to me, "Hello, master Su!"

The sound of young master Su captured people's hearts, and made everyone in the room stupefied. The huge private room suddenly became silent. Only the sound of everyone's rapid breathing could be heard. Everyone's expression was different. Especially, young master Qian was deeply shocked by this scene, and his face was unbelievable.

Even the big black faced man who threatened to abolish me with a guy was stunned. His face was unbelievable. It seemed that this was impossible to say from the boss. It was more magical than the sun coming out from the West. And they're nothing. I was the most shocked person in the audience.

When I was frustrated, I suddenly heard a voice "he is my guest" outside the door. This voice immediately brought me out of despair. When the tall figure walked into the private room and heard the people in the nightclub shouting for the boss, my brain seemed to stop turning at the moment, and even I felt that it was my auditory hallucination, because I can't imagine that the boss of such a big luxury nightclub is the person I'm looking for!

When the person who was called the boss came to me and called me master Su, my whole blood would flow back. It turned out that not only did I not have auditory hallucinations, but the boss was really the person I had agreed to meet here. Moreover, he was so respectful to me that I seemed to float all at once when I heard the voice, and this feeling was like a dream.

I can't help but stare at the tall man in front of me. This man is about 40 years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He has a kind of invisible momentum. He can't help but send out. He is like my father. He looks like a man who has been through the battlefield for a long time.

His aura is very strong, strong people feel suffocating, I can't help but compare him with my brilliant boss Wang, and found that they are totally the same in the sky and underground. Boss Wang is relying on shrewd and cunning to mix out, but this person is virtually full of domineering, no wonder this nightclub can stand proud in the center of the city, no wonder the rules of the nightclub All of them are so overbearing. It turns out that the boss here is such a bull.

Is such a powerful person, the one my father asked me to find? In any case, I couldn't believe it. So, I was silent for a long time. In the silent box, I suddenly heard my excited voice: "yes, yes, yes, I'm solo. Are you?"

The man looked at me slightly with his sharp eyes. Then, he held out his hand to me in a domineering voice and said, "Hello, my name is Wu Tianhao, your father's friend!"

Now, this fact has been completely accepted by me. Yes, the tall and great man in front of me is my father's friend. He said that he might be able to help me. To be honest, at the beginning, I had already guessed the identity of the person my father asked me to find. Since he asked me to find him, his strength would not be weak, but I could not imagine that he was this A big boss of the night club on earth and heaven. You know, this nightclub is very famous in the whole city. How can I not be surprised.

From the attitude of boss Wu to me, he seems to respect my father very much. I can't help but sigh. How many things does my father have that I don't know, how deep his strength is, how can he give me a number casually, and the owner of the number is like ox X.

This news deeply moved me. For a time, I couldn't calm down. My mind was still wandering in shock. After a long time, I suddenly reached out my hand. I had been waiting for boss Wu for a long time, holding hands together and excitedly said, "Hello, Uncle Wu!"

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