Even if I want to be calm again, my voice can't help shaking. I'm really excited now. I feel elated in an instant. It's not that I care about their opinions. What I'm more excited about is that I can finally stop being afraid of Xie Yu's backers. Now that I have Wu Tianhao as a supporter, I can see how arrogant the man behind Xie Yu is Look, if my organization doesn't dissolve in a week, what can she do with me.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but show a smile that seems to have if not. Just when I was ecstatic, young master Qian suddenly came out. His handsome face is how ugly it is now.

I had already made him lose face in front of so many old classmates. Finally, a manager came out to support him and seek justice for him. As a result, the appearance of boss Wu made him get back to the origin again. He was even more oppressed than before. He stood by the side of boss Wu and said solemnly, "Uncle Wu, I'm Guodong, last time My father took me to dinner with you. Do you remember that? "

When talking to boss Li, he no longer had the arrogant tone he used to talk to the manager, and became very polite. However, boss Wu didn't have much enthusiasm for him. After shaking hands with me with a smile, boss Wu turned his eyes to Mr. Qian and said softly, "it's a little bit of an impression."

Obviously, Qian Guodong's family has some background, so Uncle Wu can remember him, but remembering him does not mean that he has any special treatment. Wu Tianhao's tone is obviously that there is not much emotion in it.

Master Qian is also a smart man. He felt Uncle Wu ignore him, and his face became more ugly. He held his breath and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Wu, even if this young master Su is your guest, but he beat me and my classmates for no reason. You have to take care of this?"

Although master Qian knew that boss Wu was not easy to offend, he couldn't swallow my tone of voice. Therefore, he knew that to investigate my responsibility was to refute boss Wu's face. He also encouraged himself to speak out. After hearing his words, Uncle Wu frowned, and then asked the next manager, "Lao Zhang, what's going on?"

Manager Zhang is also an old fox. He leans to whatever side of the wind blows. Previously, he felt that young master Qian's backstage was hard, so he could not help but stand on his side. Now he saw that Uncle Wu called me young master. He didn't dare to be presumptuous to me any more. He didn't dare to help Mr. Qian any more. So he immediately asked Ziyi to stand up and deal with the matter I've said it in detail.

Ziyi is my girlfriend. Of course, she is partial to me, but what she said is the truth. She said that they insulted me and took the initiative to beat me. However, they were not good at skills and were beaten by me in the end. Uncle Wu heard the whole story. He didn't need to be polite to Mr. Qian any more. He said coldly: "so it is. It's nothing. Let's go!"

As soon as his voice fell, the black faced man immediately left with a thug. Uncle Wu's simple words let me escape from the heaven and avoid all the troubles. However, it was obvious that young master Qian suffered a loss. He was not willing to let this matter end. He was not willing to say: "Uncle Wu, you are too biased to do so. I was beaten in your field No matter what, I can't swallow it. If you don't help me, I'll tell my dad! "

After that, he immediately took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a phone call. However, Uncle Wu didn't seem to care. He said seriously to the young master Qian: "children, if you don't want to make this big and don't want to involve your family, just forget it. Master Su is a person you can't afford!"

His words are very overbearing. He looks at Mr. Qian with disdain, which is totally different from that of me. Perhaps, Mr. Qian didn't expect Uncle Wu to say such a thing. He was stunned, and his hand with his mobile phone stopped moving. He didn't dare to call again.

As if Uncle Wu had already guessed this, he looked at Mr. Qian without any more words. He turned his head to me and said politely to me: "master Su, talk to me like an office!"

I nodded to him to show that I was OK. Uncle Wu was the first to walk out of the private room.

at the moment, in addition to Ziyi and me, only manager Zhang, who was smiling at me, and Ziyi's group of junior high school students who didn't know how good they were, were constantly sarcastic and demeaning me when they saw that I was a waiter and pretended to be ye Zixuan's name Now, even after the boss here has admitted my identity, those students are still in a state of consternation. In addition to Mr. Qian's words, others now dare not even fart. They are all in a daze. Even the dog legs of two young masters Qian who I beat up dare not speak any more.

I know what a real joke is when I see them. The fake in their eyes becomes the young master in boss Wu's mouth. What they say is not worthy of Ziyi. It turns out that not only the background is strong, but also the force is amazing, and the strength is absolutely arrogant. They are speechless when they are slapped in the face. Of course, I will Instead of caring about their own image in their hearts, the reason why I am in a good mood now is mainly to earn a breath for Ziyi. I just want to let them know that Ziyi has chosen me,! Better than any of them.At the moment, Ziyi's face is full of brilliance. She doesn't care what I look like, but she doesn't want others to look down on me. She hates the sarcasm and sarcasm of those classmates. Now she sees that those students are just like fools. Seeing her boyfriend can be so powerful, she finally really feels proud. Those negative factors are all dissipated from her body. At the moment Her face is full of happiness.

The two of us are standing together now. The men are brave and the women are beautiful. This is a pair of real golden girls. They are blind to those people's eyes, especially those who are not good-looking Ziyi, but always attack her with words. Now they are even more envious and jealous. They dare not say a word any more, even the arrogant young master Qian a few minutes ago Because of boss Wu's warning, he swallowed a lot of fire. However, he looked at me with anger in his eyes, just like he would not be a man without revenge.

The more he is like this, the more comfortable my heart, with this free ran, I took Ziyi's hand, in the audience's attention, leisurely left, in front of master Qian, I suddenly stopped, looked at him contemptuously, jokingly said: "if I remember correctly, you should call Qian Guodong, now I tell you clearly, I don't care what you are It's wrong to violate my bottom line. What's more, it's even more wrong if you want to hit my woman. I hope you don't make such a low-level mistake again next time, otherwise things will not end so well. Of course, if you feel that you have suffered a loss today and have resentment against me, you are welcome to come to me for revenge! "

After that, I didn't look at anyone. I took Ziyi and left completely. When I got to the door, manager Zhang opened the door for me immediately and made a gesture of invitation. I gave him a smile and was about to go out. But at this moment, I suddenly remembered something. So, I turned my head gently and looked at the righteous young master Qian and said again: "Oh By the way, I forgot to tell you, I also have a name called Suluo. Besides, some of your classmates should have heard of my name. I am Ye Zixuan himself. If you want to find me, please go to Chengdong. There is a famous university where I am the head of that school. Not only in this way, you can play there Listen to an organization called the other shore flower. I am the leader of the organization. After mentioning my name, someone will receive you. OK, no more nonsense. I'm waiting for your revenge

As soon as I said this, the eyes of these people in the box changed again and became too colorful. Only a few of them were studying in my area. Before I got out of the door, I heard about my heroic deeds and all kinds of major events in the nearest way. However, I turned a deaf ear to these things Looking back, holding Luo Ziyi in the happiness and sweetness, in all kinds of surprised eyes, together with manager Zhang, walked towards Uncle Wu's office calmly.

Out of that smoky private room, I immediately felt relaxed and happy. After this experience, I walked in this luxurious nightclub again, my waist was straight, and I felt that there was no difficulty that I could not overcome. While Ziyi is walking briskly holding my hand, the face is filled with endless happiness.

Our sweet lovers came to Uncle Wu's office under the guidance of manager Zhang. Manager Zhang knocked on the door of the office, and Uncle Wu's calm voice immediately came from inside: "come in!"

Smell speech, manager Zhang opened the door of the office with a very elegant posture, and then in the side, made a gesture for me. I nodded at him, and Ziyi walked into Uncle Wu's office with Ziyi. Manager Zhang, who was discerning, immediately closed the door and walked out directly.

Seeing me coming in, Uncle Wu immediately got up from the boss's chair, walked to me and said respectfully to me, "master Su, come on, please sit here!"

With that, his hand immediately pointed to the sofa in front of his desk and motioned for me to sit down.

I said his instructions, sat down, very solemn looking at Wu Tianhao, seriously said: "Uncle Wu, don't be polite to me, you are my father's contemporaries, is my elder, in the future call me Arlo!"

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