When I said this, Uncle Wu didn't wriggle. He immediately changed his mouth and said to me, "OK, please sit down, Arlo!"

I gave him a little smile, and then I took Ziyi and sat down together. Boss Wu was in the position opposite to me. As soon as he sat down, he said to me, "is Mr. Su OK recently?"

Wu Tianhao is a man of unsmiliarity. He is not good at words. He speaks to the point without a trace of concealment. When he sees me, he cares about my father's affairs directly. It can be seen that in his heart, my father's status is really high. I have no hesitation. He replied directly: "my father is very good. He lives a life of self-cultivation at home."

Uncle Wu's face sank as soon as he heard it. His eyes were full of stories for a moment. His thoughts seemed to drift to the past. After a long time, he said with great care: "master Su really put down. I want to visit him, but I can't do it!"

Speaking of this, Uncle Wu's face became dignified. It can be seen that he has special feelings for my father. However, in the face of his exclamation, I have nothing to do. I don't know what to say to comfort him. My father's life is leisurely and carefree, he doesn't care about the world, and he doesn't accept anyone's visit. It's impossible to see anyone.

Uncle Wu pondered on himself for a long time, and finally focused his keen eyes on me. He solemnly said, "Mr. Su dragged people to say hello to me some time ago. He said that you are in this city. If you need me, you will contact me. I have been waiting for you for a long time, and now I hope to come!"

His words were crisp and clear, which directly expressed his great expectation for me to contact him, as if it was his honor to work for my father. See him like this, I am more and more surprised, I really can't imagine now, what kind of person is my father, how to feel that any person respect him?

Uncle Yang has raised me for more than ten years because of my father's advice. Even Miaomiao ran away from home, he still treats me as before.

the father of company commander Zhang praises my father in front of him every day, so that company commander Zhang admires my father very much and looks forward to seeing my father.

Now, even the boss Wu has such respect for my father, and it's hard to see him.

What kind of person is my father? I even feel that my father is an insurmountable myth in their hearts. I really can't imagine how deeply my father's image was. However, no matter how bad my father used to be, after all, he was in prison. After all, he is now retired from the world. Why are there so many people who respect him so much and are willing to work for him How about Lao?

I really can't understand, but no matter what kind of person my father is, he will not harm me. This is a great good thing for me. Therefore, I was not polite and immediately said to Wu Tianhao: "Uncle Wu, I come to see you today because I am in trouble!"

As soon as boss Wu heard this, his face became more solemn. He immediately said to me, "come and listen. No matter what, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to help you!"

Obviously, to help me, boss Wu has been ready to go out, as long as he can do, he will not spare no effort to help me.

However, this matter is not very glorious, but it is also very difficult. For a while, I didn't know where to start. After brewing for a long time, I slowly told boss Wu about my predicament, especially the person behind Xie Yu. I was so boastful that he was a little surprised.

In fact, this is not a big deal in itself. Boss Wu is also an old man in the world. He knows that if the mysterious person behind the scenes really hurt me, I would be in danger. Therefore, boss Li also thinks that the role behind this may really know me.

As for the southern boss of the bath center, Uncle Wu has also heard that this southern barbarian is not worth mentioning, but Uncle Wu, who supports him, is very interested. He also wants to know who is targeting me so much.

After an agreement with Uncle Wu, he assured me of two points. First, he would go to find out for me who was making trouble in secret. Second, if I have any trouble, I will call him directly and he will take someone to help me.

These two points are exactly what I need, and I have nothing to say. I just solemnly thank Uncle Wu. He is really a man of great courage. He doesn't talk much, but he is very practical. I can clearly feel that he helped me out of sincerity, without any hypocrisy. This makes me very moved.

When we parted, Uncle Wu didn't ask me to stay. He only said to me with profound meaning: "Arlo, ask Su ye for me!"

For this request, I solemnly promised him, and then left the club.

When I went outside, the breeze slapped on my face, which made me wake up from my dream. At the same time, Ziyi was also awake. Under the night, she looked at me quietly, and her eyes were full of love and worship.

After a long pause, she asked, "Arlo, what kind of man is your father?"

Even Ziyi, a bystander, is a little unbelievable. Everyone in the school knows my story, and Ziyi is no exception. But when I heard that my father who was said to be in prison, this moment was so mysterious and great.Don't say it's her. Now even I don't know very well. For me, he is a good man who is crazy about love and a good father who loves his son. Therefore, I can only truthfully reply: "in fact, now I don't know my father's real identity, he is also a mystery to me!"

After listening to my answer, Ziyi didn't say anything, just doodle, and her mouth looked cute. For her, today is a wonderful night. After she appeared, her face was always smiling, and she didn't hide her happiness. It seems that during the period when I was not around her, although there was Liu Qianxue beside her, she was still very lonely.

Looking at her like this, I can't help but think of the grievance she suffered in the box before I showed up. At that time, I just saw the grievance, and I also swore silently again that I would never let Ziyi suffer any more grievances in the future.

I looked at Ziyi affectionately and couldn't help saying: "purple, I'm sorry, let you be wronged!"

Xu Nan had always been immersed in happiness, but when I said that, she couldn't help shivering all over her body. Her eyes were red. She looked at me and said to me, "stay with me tonight, OK?"

Ziyi's words even have the flavor of praying. She knows that Xie Yu's affair has not been solved, and I won't be with her for the moment, but she doesn't want to be separated from me so soon. She wants to get along with me more. I understand her. I can't refuse her request.

According to the law, I'm in danger now. I'm not suitable to stay with Ziyi. It's easy to lead the danger to her. But I can't say anything if I refuse. We two have a hard time meeting. This evening, Ziyi has suffered so many grievances. It's rare for me to be happy. I can't leave in a hurry. Besides, with the support of boss Wu, I have enough confidence Point, so, I nodded and agreed to Ziyi.

Seeing me nodding, Ziyi immediately showed a soft smile. The light from the roadside was shining on her face, which made her look so beautiful. She took my hand and talked with me while walking. She told her story with me. Suddenly, she found that Ziyi also had a little woman's side. After Luo's mother left, she also had a huge accident Change, but think of here, I have to quickly solve other problems, and then make myself strong, to find mother Luo.

Although the night is already deep, but this time point is the beginning of deep night work. Ziyi and I did not rush home, but went straight to the cinema, looking for a new love film, and watched it.

Although Ziyi is introverted and gentle, when she sees some touching plots, she will shed a few tears, which makes me a little helpless. Until after watching the film, Ziyi and Ziyi went out of the cinema together, and the cold wind blew in my face. I wanted to take her to dinner, but she said that she was not hungry. After watching the time, it was very late. I said to Ziyi: "when It's late. I'll take you back. Liu Qianxue is worried. "

Luo Ziyi listened and said, "I called Qianxue before and told her to stay with you and not go back tonight."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but be stunned. I didn't go back. That meant to be with me. After that, through the light, I could clearly see the blush on her face. The red haze was mapped to the root of her neck. This sentence made me a little confused when she said it from the corner of her mouth. After that, I almost didn't say a word, so I took Ziyi to a high-class hotel and opened it A couple's suite.

Although Ziyi and I haven't said anything clearly, neither of us is a fool. We can guess each other's mind. I have nothing to hide. After all, it's not a shame. If she hadn't come to relatives that day, she would have been my person, but it's not too late. We are all adults, so there's nothing to be ashamed of.

I took my room card and went into the room. I immediately held Ziyi and kissed her. The other party couldn't breathe, so I let go of Ziyi. I stuck it in her ear and whispered, "why don't we take a mandarin duck bath?"

When I said this, she became more shy, just like a flower in bud. She refused my request and kept saying no, No.

Ziyi didn't agree, and I couldn't force her to kiss her again. Then she ran to the bathroom to take a bath. The water washed on my body, but I couldn't quench my desire. The more I washed, the hotter I was, the better I finished it. After washing, I put on my bathrobe and rushed out of the wash room.

Purple see me out, immediately lowered his head also shy ran into the bathroom. And I lie in bed excited, see Ziyi's back, at this time, my mind has already emerged a lot of tempting pictures, the more I think the body is hotter, the faster the heartbeat, I really can't wait.

I took advantage of Ziyi did not come out, have done a good safety measures, looking forward to the moment purple Yi came out of the bathroom and floated into my bed, my mind can not help but think of the picture of beauty out of the bath, I feel more and more excited, and at this time, I suddenly heard the door open, which made me more impatient, I couldn't help asking: "so soon Is it finished? "

At this moment, my thought was that Ziyi, like me, was too anxious to bear. Therefore, after two quick washes, she came out. But what made me silly was that the person who appeared in front of me was not Ziyi, but the waiter of this hotel.As soon as I saw him, I was stunned. Suddenly, a bad premonition came out of my heart. I jumped out of bed immediately and said to him, "who let you in!"

As soon as my voice fell, a man suddenly came out of the waiter's back. This man was no one else, it was the Wanlong who had been abandoned by me. When he saw me in the bathrobe, he showed a dirty smile and said: "Hello, ye Zixuan!"

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