At the moment when I saw the waiter, I had obviously felt that something was wrong. This is a regular five-star hotel. The waiter opened the door without the consent of the guests. There must be something strange about this kind of thing. But I really didn't think that the person who suddenly appeared was Wanlong.

As soon as he appeared, I immediately got nervous. I didn't worry about my safety. Ziyi was still in the bathroom. What I was most afraid of was that she might be naked now. I didn't dare to think about it any more. I quickly lowered my voice and said to Wan Long: "you quickly disappear from my eyes, but I don't mind abandoning you once! ”

in the face of me, Wan Long didn't waver. He just laughed and looked at his expression. Obviously, he came prepared. I am alone now, and he can't be afraid of me. He touched his right hand with his left hand and said in a low voice: "ye Zixuan, do you know how much I miss you during this period of time? You give me such a deep memory that I had an operation on this hand. But I still can't use my strength. Do you know that? "

After saying this, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a face of cold, cold people cautious, as if a nervous patient is about to go mad. I also understand that the hatred between Wan Long and me has reached an indelible level. He is not like a father and son of the Wang family. He can solve this problem by giving both kindness and prestige. After all, I abandoned Xiao Hu's hands and feet. It is a fatal blow to him and to Wanjia. They can't let me go easily.

Since the negotiation was useless, I had to solve it by force. I had to fight against Wanlong first. I had to catch the thief first and capture the king first. Then, without any nonsense, I immediately stepped forward and rushed towards him like a hungry tiger.

I'm still careless. Since Wan Long dares to come here, it shows that he is ready for everything. Seeing that I started, he took a step back. Immediately, a man suddenly flashed out behind Wan Long's back, which was very fast. He came so fast that I couldn't stop the car and didn't have time to dodge. He was suddenly attacked. His foot was directly kicked in my chest, and I immediately returned to the bedside.

Steady body, I fixed eyes on a look, this is a tall middle-aged man, a chill, you can clearly feel his momentum, he showed up, Wanlong's morale changed more big, he stretched out his hand to me, said: "Ye Zixuan, I advise you not to resist, you have died, do you think resistance is useful? You don't know, today you are a sheep's mouth, where you go to live is not good, but a fool ran to my hotel to live, you do not die

As soon as I heard my head buzzing for a moment, I said that Wanlong didn't have the courage to run to the hotel to arrest people, and the waiter opened the door for him. It turned out that this was his home territory. This time I was really careless. Although in this city, Wanjia's influence is not so good, but his family's industry is big. After all, money can make the devil move the mill. Therefore, Wan Long dare to act recklessly. Now I'm really in a desperate situation. I've been down for eight years. I just want to spend a good night with Ziyi, but I fell into the tiger's mouth with Ziyi.

Just when I regret, the voice of purple Yi came from the bathroom: "purple, what's the matter with you?"

Hearing this sound, Wan Long's face showed a smile again. He squinted at me and jokingly said, "do you want me to go in and ask my sister-in-law out?"

His voice changed a little. He scared my heart out. At this point, Wanlong could really do something crazy. So, I didn't dare to hesitate and quickly dissuaded him: "tell you not to move, or Bai Qiuyan won't spare you!"

Then, I gave him a shush action, and then, I yelled to Ziyi: "it's OK. It's the waiter who comes to deliver things."

Ziyi did not move. When Wan long heard me say this, his expression on his face changed. I was also gambling, hoping to stop Wanlong with Bai Qiuyan's name and let him not deal with Ziyi. Obviously, after hearing Bai Qiuyan's name, Wanlong hesitated for a moment and finally said, "I'll let her go on my Bai brother's face, ye Zixuan. I'll come today Deal with you alone

Although Bai Qiuyan is no longer here, his name is still not buried. Wan long still takes care of Bai Qiuyan. Now I'm sure Ziyi is safe and sound. It's only temporary to make terms with people like him. Maybe this crazy guy suddenly changed his mind. With Ziyi as an unstable factor, my life is almost pinched in his hands, So, after making sure that she is safe, I dare not move. If Ziyi is not here, it is still simple for me to escape, but she is here, I can't run.

In order not to implicate Ziyi, in order not to let her find abnormalities, not to let her worry, I think about it. Finally, I whispered to Wan Long: "I'll go with you, but don't disturb Ziyi. If you want to repent, I don't mind burning all the jade and stone, then my life will accompany you. However, you don't want to die in your house. In that case, I'm afraid all of you will die Bad luck, don't you think? "

Wan Long couldn't help laughing when he saw me like this, but he didn't refuse me. He still laughed and said, "OK, OK, I only deal with you today!"

I nodded to him, and then I changed into my own clothes in front of them. When Wan Long saw that I was dressed, he immediately waved his hand. The middle-aged man rushed forward and subdued me. He put my hands on his back and tied them up firmly. Then, they pushed me away together. When they came to the bathroom door, I heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. The sound of water pounded my heart and made me more and more painful.It's really nature that makes people. It was such a wonderful night tonight, but the dream turned into a nightmare. As soon as hope fell, there was only infinite darkness left. I stare at the door of the bathroom for a few eyes, and then cry to the bathroom in pain: "Ziyi, I'm a bit urgent to leave first, you take a bath to call Qianxue, let her pick you up home!"

Wanlong is also very careful. I'm afraid I'll run away if I'm not careful. I don't know what kind of storm I'll face next. I just blame myself for being useless. I can't even spend a night with Ziyi. As a man, I'm really a failure!

After I finished this sentence, middle-aged people would not wait for me to get a reply, they would take me out of the room. Out of the room, I found that there were a lot of big men with guys outside, ready to go. I didn't even have a chance to hesitate. I was directly held by two of them, one left and one right, and pushed to the end of the corridor.

I did not struggle, now I can not struggle, I must calculate the time of Ziyi's departure, I can make preparations for escape, I inadvertently turned back, looked at Ziyi's room, and silently read a sentence: "Ziyi, you should listen to me!"

There was a van at the door of the hotel. After I left, I was immediately taken into the van. As soon as I got on the bus, the middle-aged man covered my head, and my eyes were suddenly dark. Like a prisoner who was about to be shot, I was full of fear and deep fear for the unknown, but there were so many regrets and so many unwillingness in my heart.

For me, my ambition has not been completed, my revenge has not been finished, Xie Yu, Han Boyang, Wan long, and Wanlong is the one I don't pay attention to most, but I didn't expect that I was planted in this person I didn't pay attention to tonight, which made me very unwilling, but also very helpless.

At this moment, I only try my best to think about how to get out of danger for a while, but after thinking all the way, I can't think of a reason. However, time passes in my thinking in a hurry, and I don't know when the van has stopped.

After getting out of the car, I was pulled to walk for a long time, and finally stopped at a certain place. My headgear was removed. Immediately, Wan Long's face was reflected in front of me. Through the weak light, I saw him sitting in a chair in front of me, looking at me leisurely, and behind him, there were many bodyguards with strong backs.

I looked at them a few times, then turned around and looked at the surrounding environment. I found that there was a dilapidated factory building, which smelled very bad. It was estimated that it had been abandoned for a long time, and the air was solidified. People could not help feeling suffocated. The light inside was not good. It was gloomy and terrible. It was like entering a ghost house.

At the moment, I suddenly had a premonition that I might be more or less unlucky this time. Wan Long deliberately pulled me to such a place where birds do not poop. It is not as simple as abolishing me. If only I was abolished, there was no need for such a mobilization, and he took me to this remote and dark place.

In my panic, Wan Long's voice suddenly came: "Ye Zixuan, I really looked down on you at the beginning, and only regarded you as a general gangster, so at that time, I just wanted to abolish you. However, I really didn't expect that you would dare to attack me and abandon me mercilessly. Your behavior really makes me admire

Wan Long's tone was extremely cold. It made me feel cold all over. The uneasiness in my heart was more certain. Wan Long hardly gave me a chance to speak. He continued to say to himself, "you know, I wanted to kill you for a long time, but suddenly a big girl came out, which made my family afraid. I thought she was your old lady, but I didn't expect it It has nothing to do with you. As a result, you've been fucked up for so long. During my healing period, I heard that you've set up an organization, and it's a pity that you're going to die young! "

Wan Long's last words made my heart tremble. Originally, I guessed right. He really wanted to solve me here. I abandoned Wanlong, which made him crazy. Now, he really has the courage. Even if I had only met him once before, he would dare to set a trap for me by uniting Jiang Li, naming him to abolish me In, since I abolished him, I am more certain of one thing, I am dangerous tonight!

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