According to the words, he didn't pay attention to me at the beginning, until I was abandoned. Moreover, I grew faster and faster, so he didn't dare to despise me any more. He was afraid that after releasing the tiger back to the mountain, I would double my revenge on him in the future. Therefore, he was determined to kill me in one fell swoop, and only the dead would not have a chance to turn over. He wants me to disappear from the world without being aware of it. Judging from the current situation, he can definitely do it.

Thinking of these, I hastily opened my mouth and said, "Wanlong, you can't kill me, or your thousands of families will be finished!"

In a hurry, I really can't think of any other way, can only threaten him, but Wanlong seems to have paved the way back, he doesn't care about my threat at all, just said faintly: "do you mean that little girl will avenge you, ha ha, don't worry, I will do very clean, no one will find my head!"

He was very confident when he spoke, as if he had been waiting for this day for a long time, as if killing a person was a very simple thing for him now, just like stepping on an ant. He was not afraid of anything.

In the face of such a madman, I really do not have a better way, and my heart is increasingly anxious. I have to continue to threaten him and say: "the price you killed me is that your whole family will fall into irreparable doom. If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

I thought that this threat can be used to the top, at least it can make him worry about my identity. However, Wan Long didn't even want to know my identity. He didn't mean to be afraid. He directly ordered: "brothers, give me a fight. Beat him to me until he has no strength to speak!"

As soon as Wan Long's voice fell, the people behind him immediately rushed to me with both fists and feet, and hit me fiercely, without leaving any hands. My hands are tied, there is no way to block, can only keep rolling on the ground, let them crazy ravage, the pain is called a heart rending lung, feel the body is going to fall apart, the head also broke a lot of blood, the body has been almost unable to hold, consciousness is also a little fuzzy. I forgot the time, even I didn't have the strength to roll. Lying on the ground like a dead dog, blood kept coming out of my mouth. People almost fell into shock. Wan Long finally called out to stop.

Then, he got up from his chair and walked to me with an unsophisticated pace. When he came to me, he looked down at me from a high position and said, "Ye Zixuan, don't blame me. All this is your own fault, because you offended me is the biggest mistake you have made in your life, so you have to pay for what you have done!"

After that, his face suddenly became ferocious, and his eyes showed a fierce light. Then, he took a machete from one of his hands. Seeing this posture, I had a premonition that something was not going well, and a sense of fear arose.

At this moment, seeing the ferocious expression of Wanlong like a devil, I also felt afraid. Facing the threat of death again, I was afraid. This time, I was really afraid. I was not afraid of pain, nor was I afraid of being tortured. I still had a lot of unfinished things to finish. But if I really died, there would be nothing left. I was afraid that I would never see the love for my father again My dad, I don't want him to give black hair to a white haired man.

I'm afraid that I will never see Ziyi again. In this world, in addition to mother Luo, I am her dependence. If I am leaving her side, I dare not think about it any more. She is my counter scale and my only sustenance in the world except my father.

I'm afraid I will never see my brothers again, Shen Muchen, crab, Chen Haoran, and so many brothers in the organization. I promised them to create a wonderful future with him. I don't want to leave the world so regretfully. I don't want to, really don't want to.

But everything came so fast, so suddenly, I looked at the knife falling from Wan Long's hand. I was so scared in my heart that I couldn't help asking for mercy. But at this moment, I was so weak that I didn't even have the strength to speak. This feeling was hard to bear.

And Wan Long didn't give me a chance at all. He squeezed the knife in his left hand and directly called out to me: "ha ha, ye Zixuan, you don't have to say anything, because no matter what you say, you can't stop me from killing your heart. Now, you can die!"

After that, the sharp knife really cleaved towards me. Now I'm not really the Suluo who was not afraid of death at the beginning. There are also people and things I care about in this world. When the God of death really comes, my fear will be so deep. At this moment, I am more afraid of death than usual, and I am so reluctant to leave this world.

Once I, also faced with several deaths, however, those times my heart is dead, has been desperate to the abyss, can not pull back again, death is just liberation for me, so, at that time, I was really better than dead to live.

Since I set foot on this road, although I know the danger on this road, I may lose my life at any time. However, I did not think that one day I would die so cowardly and have no resistance. If I died in the battlefield, I would at least be prepared to die. I have no regrets.

But now, I'm going to die in such a muddle headed way. I didn't even say goodbye to my relatives and friends. No one knew that I was caught. I even evaporated from the world. I don't want to die like this. I'm very bent and I'm really bent. Seeing such a sharp blade, I'm lax. I shut it up involuntarily.But at this moment when I closed my eyes, the piercing ring of mobile phone broke out in the silent factory building. It sounded loud and strange, accompanied by a pain of piercing my neck. This moment, my body has been wet by cold sweat, I even forget to breathe, I thought I was dead, but my ear or non-stop floating to the noisy mobile phone ring, confused I finally slowly opened my eyes, only to find that Xiao Hu's knife has reached my neck, has pierced my skin, but he stopped, in my neck.

I know that he was also shocked by the sudden mobile phone ring, which came from his pocket. The voice made Wan Long hesitant. After a short silence, he still put away his knife and picked up the phone. As soon as he opened his mouth, he called out: "Dad!"

Then, I saw Xiao Hu's face become more and more dignified, even abnormal anger, to the end, he still angrily hung up the phone.

Put away the mobile phone, Wanlong immediately looked down at me and said fiercely, "do you know Wu Tianhao?"

The meaning of his words was that his father was afraid of Wu Tianhao. This time, I saw the light in despair immediately. I knew that I had a chance to survive. My whole person looked like a shining light. I didn't know where the strength came from. He said to Wan long in a hurry: "he is my uncle. If you kill me, he will help me revenge!"

This call came at the right time, let me get the chance to live, and this straw is Uncle Wu, I pray constantly in my heart, crazy Wanlong can care about this person, can let me off, but he listened to my words, became more angry, he kicked me a few feet, his father's hatred was vented on me, roared "Even if Wu Tianhao supports you, I'm not afraid. As long as he has no evidence to prove that I arrested you, he can't do anything about me!"

Hearing this, my hope was dashed. Wan Long hated me deeply and could not frighten him. He was determined to put me to death. My only strength was dissipated, as if death was calling me in front of my eyes. My vision is becoming more and more blurred.

At this time, Wan Long suddenly added: "since boss Wu has intervened in this matter, I'll slow down for a while. Today is your destiny. From now on, I'll give you two days. As long as Wu Tianhao can't find out anything, I'll take your life again!"

After that, he kicked me again, and then said to the middle-aged man, "Uncle Xiang, take someone here to watch him. If Wu Tianhao's people really find out here, you can run away!"

With this sentence, Wan long left in a hurry. His back was in a special hurry. Obviously, he was in a hurry. It seems that he is also very afraid of Uncle Wu. Maybe Uncle Wu has guessed that my disappearance is related to Wanlong. Therefore, it is only after putting pressure on Wanjia that Wan long's father calls in a hurry.

At this moment, I don't know whether I should be happy or sad. If Uncle Wu can save me in these two days, it's OK. If I can't get rid of it, I'll end up dead. If I can't escape, it's better to die simply. Now I have to continue to suffer a few days of pain and suffering here. This feeling of waiting for death is more painful than anything else.

However, for me with such a strong desire for survival, even if there is a little hope, I can't let go. My desire to live is too strong now, I can't just die in such a muddle. I try to calm myself down. The old concrete floor is very wet, my body is very painful, and the pain is penetrating my whole body, but my brain can still turn and I use it The only consciousness, trying to think, thinking about how to escape this ghost place.

This strange place is like hell to me. The air is full of pungent damp smell. The air seems to be unable to circulate. My breath is very difficult. I'm afraid that I can't wait for the two days given by Wan long. I'm afraid I can't hold on to it. Maybe, after tonight, at sunrise tomorrow, I'll die in this place.

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