After Wan long left, uncle Xiang, a middle-aged man, didn't pay attention to me. Instead, he went to drink. With the passage of time, my strength gradually recovered. But my head was still in a muddle and I couldn't think of a way to escape. Until I opened my eyes and saw Uncle Xiang, who was still drinking on the chair, I suddenly came to light.

Maybe he is my breakthrough point. The world will be driven by interests. He works for thousands of families. Of course, there is also a relationship of interests. I can bribe him with 10 times and 100 times what I can do. What if this middle-aged man is convinced by my balancing interests? Thinking of this, I immediately yelled to the middle-aged man: "Uncle Xiang!"

At the side of the middle-aged drinking a meal, and then glanced at me, coldly replied: "what's the matter?"

I looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Uncle Xiang, you are so old, why do you want to follow the ten thousand family and follow the lead? You should know that the reason why the ten thousand family dare not move me is because I have the backstage. If you let me go now, what conditions do you want? As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you thousands of times, OK?"

I thought everyone was selfish and would change something for a purpose. But to my surprise, uncle Xiang suddenly stood up and came to me. He beat me hard without saying anything, and said, "don't insult me Insult Laozi's personality

The little strength that I managed to accumulate was lost again. My whole body was aching and could not bear such a beating. However, the desire to survive made me still hold on. I didn't faint. I was still standing up to keep myself awake.

When I saw Uncle Xiang's reaction, it can completely show that he is a social figure with a strong sense of righteousness. It's impossible to persuade him to change his ways. Then, I moisten my throat with blood in my mouth, and then tried my best to say, "Uncle Xiang, I'll tell you the truth. Even if Wu Tianhao can't find me, he won't let go of thousands of families You should know what I mean by that

In order to live on, I can only try my best to exaggerate myself and threaten others. However, uncle Xiang doesn't care about my threat at all. He directly stops at me and says, "shut up

Was he such a roar, I suddenly stopped? I don't know what words to use to persuade him. The seemingly gentle middle-aged man doesn't eat hard and soft. It's no wonder that Wan Long trusted him so much and left me here for his care. For such a stubborn person, I'm really helpless. I also know that now, there is no possibility of escaping from life on my own.

At present, I have to pray that Uncle Wu can quickly find me and rescue me. But it's just my hope. Even if there is hope in my heart, it's also illusory. It's really hard to wait for death. Especially lying on the ground, like a dead dog, can't even move. It's worse than an animal. In order to be comfortable, I've even begged uncle Xiang in a low voice to let him lift me up and sit. Now this posture is really It was so hard, but for my plea for mercy, he still did not change his face, almost did not pay attention to me.

So I always maintain a posture, it is really unbearable, even if I want to sleep with my eyes closed, it is a kind of suffering for me, because as soon as I close my eyes, there are various pictures in my mind, which makes me unable to sleep. I just lie on the ground and endure, quietly until dawn.

After daybreak, my spirit was extremely depressed, and my body was even more painful. I couldn't bear it. My eyelids became heavy, and I could fall into a coma at any time. At the moment when I was about to fall asleep, a rush of footsteps suddenly came into my ears. Then, with a creak, the door of this workshop was opened, and the dazzling light came to me In my eyes, it's hard for me to open my eyes.

A moment later, I gradually opened my blurred eyes, and then I saw another middle-aged man with several suit men in a hurry. As soon as the middle-aged man showed up, uncle Xiang immediately got up and called respectfully, "boss!"

I was about to die. I didn't have to think about it. This man must be Wan Long's father. So, I tried my best to look at the middle-aged man in front of me. Seeing his face and temperament, I felt that he was a very ordinary person. Without strong breath and cunning face, an ordinary person could not be in an ordinary person, even ordinary people For example, but I know that as the father of Wan long, the owner of the Xiao family must have extraordinary ability. He can only say that he is too deep to hide.

As soon as he got inside, he glanced at me lying on the ground. Immediately, his face changed and he said to Uncle Xiang, "Ah Xiang, let him go quickly!"

When Uncle Xiang heard the speech, he was still hesitant. What did he want to say? Seeing this, the middle-aged man said in a sharp voice again: "do you hear me? Let him go immediately, immediately?"

Then. Uncle Xiang didn't dare to say any more. He ran to untie me and helped me up from the ground. However, I was really weak. I didn't eat any food and was seriously injured. I lay on the cold ground all night and didn't sleep all night. My energy was exhausted. At the moment, even if Uncle Xiang held me by his hands, I couldn't help shivering after I got up The individual seems to have lost consciousness.The middle-aged man also immediately walked up to me and said to me, "son, are you ok?"

His appearance is full of care. I don't know that he thinks he is very close to me. But I know that this is my enemy's father. Last night's incident must have something to do with him. However, I dare not say anything. I finally found a trace of hope to live. I don't want to die any more. I can only shake my head blankly to say that I accept his greetings temporarily. I will remember this hatred first I'll do it later.

When the middle-aged man saw that I was conscious, he was immediately gratified with a smile, and then introduced himself: "Hello Ye Zixuan. I'm Wan Long's father, Wan Shulin. What happened last night was really wrong. Wanlong's child was so short of discipline that he even made such a thing that you were wronged. I couldn't teach him. I'm sorry for what happened last night again. I'll take care of him when I go back. I hope you have a lot of adults. Don't take a common view with him! "

At the moment, although my consciousness is vague, my brain is not confused. I can hear that his words clearly mean that Wan long did the kidnapping on his own, which has nothing to do with their families. He dismissed me with a lack of discipline after a night's torture. What's Beijing opera? My son sings black face and Laozi sings white face.

I don't understand. I don't want to think. I don't know what the old fox is up to, but I can't tear him apart in order to escape from here. So, I replied in a weak voice, "I'm ok!"

Ten thousand woods a listen, frown brow finally unfolded, he laughed to me, even said a few good, and then said: "child, if you are OK, leave with Uncle together!"

With that, he gave uncle Xiang a look, and then uncle Xiang immediately helped me and walked out of the old factory building with Wanlin. After I came out, I found that this place was very remote and overgrown with weeds. I couldn't drive in any cars. I had to walk away. The sun was very bright in the morning, shining on my eyes, which stabbed my eyes which had not seen the sun for a long time, and almost fell into a blind state.

I breathed the fresh air outside, but my heart was full of mixed feelings. I wandered on the edge of death for a while. Now I was reborn. It was false to say that I was not excited. But at the same time, I was mixed with deep doubts. I really didn't understand what Wanlin meant. Why did I suddenly release me? I even had a faint fear that it was a conspiracy I can't help thinking in my mind, and my mood is more and more complicated.

After walking for more than ten minutes, we came to the road. There was a Mercedes Benz on the side of the road. Although I was safe, my heart was not recovered until I got into the car.

When he said this time, he didn't know what to do with him.

Unknowingly, the car has entered the city, and driving for a while, Wanlin will find a place, put me down, and solemnly said to me: "child, you are free!"

Uncle Xiang also gave me my mobile phone. After the car, I held the mobile phone and fell into thinking. Overnight, I was caught in a muddle and let go again. I didn't understand what was in the mind of the ten thousand family, but I knew that last night this incident gave me a fatal blow, and also let me know that human life is too important.

When I was stunned, Wan Shulin said hello to me. Then, the car left quickly. Seeing the car disappear in my sight, I realized that I was really saved and escaped from the hand of death again.

After a while, my whole body was relaxed, and my breath became smooth. I felt the sky was particularly bright today. I raised my head to face the morning sun, took a deep breath, and felt the fresh air in my mind. The scenes of last night appeared in my mind again. A night is as long as a century. I really can't imagine how I got through last night, but fortunately, I kept on coming back to the world again.

I don't know how long I was stunned. When I slowly regained my mind, I turned on the phone according to my heart's Guide. Then I called Ziyi first. But my mobile phone didn't press the dial button. Suddenly, a lengthened Lincoln suddenly stopped in front of me.

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