A car was killed in the sky. I was stunned by the shock. I held the hand of my mobile phone and stopped. My heart couldn't help it. Maybe, last night's incident left me too much shadow. What happened today is so strange that my nerves have become allergic. So, when I saw this car parked in front of me, a bad feeling suddenly came to my mind. I was afraid that Wan Shulin would set up a plot for me, and I would be doomed forever.

However, what surprised me was that after the door was opened, what I saw was not the enemy, but the one I was constantly thinking about. Luo Ziyi was still wearing yesterday's clothes, but her smile disappeared. Even her eyes were red and swollen. As soon as she saw me, tears gushed out of her eyes. Without saying a word, she directly rushed at me and rushed to me When I was in front of me, he hugged me and choked: "Zixuan, are you ok?"

Say, still keep fumble my body, look at her this appearance, seem to be frightened, in my arms keep crying, and I, suddenly see this favorite woman, heartbeat immediately revived. A I escaped from death and saw my beloved woman again. I couldn't describe my mood with words any more. My hands held Ziyi tightly and said hoarsely, "Ziyi, look, I'm ok!"

At this moment, Ziyi gave me the strength to regain new life, let me really come out of the hand of death, and felt all the haze swept away from my heart.

Originally, I took the initiative to arrest Ziyi yesterday to take care of Ziyi's safety. What I was most worried about was her safety. Now seeing her standing in front of me, my heart suddenly became bright. I didn't expect that Wanlong had really kept this promise. The joy of heart covered all the pain in my body and made all the negative energy in my body disappear.

For a long time, Ziyi stopped crying and slowly left from my arms. Then she looked at me with heartache, touched my face, and choked: "Zixuan, it's me who implicated you and let you suffer so much!"

I smile at her, wipe her tears, said: "it's OK, Ziyi, I'm not good, don't worry!"

To tell you the truth, after yesterday's incident, my heart can no longer bear such a thing, but in front of Ziyi, I still showed a strong masculinity. I didn't want to let her worry, let her see my most vulnerable side. While Ziyi and I were caring for each other, suddenly another person came out of the car. This person was Wu Tianhao, Uncle Wu.

He slowly walked up to me, looked me up, patted me on the shoulder and asked, "Arlo, are you ok?"

As soon as I saw Uncle Wu, my heart immediately relaxed, and I felt that I was really safe. I understood that Uncle Wu pulled me back from the sword of death. Looking at Uncle Wu, I didn't ask anything and said to her sincerely: "thank you, Uncle Wu!"

Uncle Wu looked at me and didn't say anything. He patted me on the shoulder again. But from his eyes, I could feel that he was full of concern for me. His eyes seemed to have some heartache. After a while of silence, Uncle Wu again whispered, "don't stand, get on the bus first!"

With that, he took the lead to walk into the car, and then Ziyi also helped me slowly get on the car. After we got on the bus, the car immediately drove away from here. On the way, I inquired about the whole story of the matter.

But I didn't know what happened when I was busy with my mobile phone, but I didn't know how to call back when I was in a hurry It's not.

At the beginning, she was a little strange when she heard something moving in the room, but later I heard that it was the waiter, so she put down her heart. But I left in a hurry. There was no time to wait for her to come out, and the phone couldn't get through. She immediately felt that the matter was not simple. In a hurry, Ziyi went to Uncle Wu and asked him for help.

Ziyi also met with Uncle Wu with me that day. She knew the relationship between him and me. Among the people I knew, Uncle Wu was the most powerful. Therefore, the first person she thought of was Wu Tianhao.

As soon as Uncle Wu heard Ziyi's description, as an old man in the lake, he immediately realized that something might have happened to me. He did not delay for a moment and immediately began to investigate. After finding out that the hotel belongs to Wanjia and I told him about Wanlong's hatred last night, Uncle Wu confirmed that my disappearance must have something to do with Wanjia.

For the sake of safety, he himself went to Wanjia's hotel and asked for the surveillance video. However, the hotel said that the camera failed in the past two days and could not be retrieved.

As soon as he got the news, Uncle Wu had already decided that my business had something to do with Wanjia, so he immediately put pressure on Wanjia. At the beginning, Wanjia people still refused to admit it. Uncle Wu suffered from no evidence and could not do anything to them. However, he could not leave me alone. In the end, he treated the people in his own way, since the people of Wanjia were tied up I, he kidnapped thousands of people in the same way.Uncle Wu is a shrewd man. He knows that Wan Shulin, who is very resourceful, must be on guard against him. Therefore, it is obviously impossible for him to catch Wan long. Therefore, he secretly catches Wan Lin's wife, together with his illegitimate son, and exchanges their lives for mine.

This move caught Wan Shulin off guard. He had no time to use any traps and tricks. He knew Wu Tianhao's means. Therefore, he did not dare to risk his son's life. Finally, he compromised. Therefore, Wan Lin exchanged hostages with Uncle Wu early this morning.

Knowing what happened, I felt a sense of disappointment in my heart. This time, I relied on Ziyi and Uncle Wu's help. I will remember my gratitude to Uncle Wu, but I will bury her deep in my heart and cherish her with my whole life. It is precisely because she knows me that I will not leave for no reason and realize that I have an accident. Without her, my life may have been lost.

Now, my life is back, but when I think of last night, I still have a lingering fear. I feel that people's life is really fragile. If you are not careful, you may die. Every moment of your life is worth cherishing. But if you want to cherish your life, you have to solve all the troubles. I can't tolerate everything I have. I will never be a man until I get revenge.

However, all this I put in my heart deeply, and did not reveal it to anyone. Even though I didn't tell anyone about the thrilling scene last night, I didn't want people to see my vulnerable side, and I didn't want them to worry about it. However, from this matter, I still understood the fact that I was still too weak, weak to have any deterrence, even ten thousand People like the dragon can easily kill me. If I have the strength of Uncle Wu, then I can't be in a desperate situation.

When my uncle didn't hesitate to ask me where my uncle's address changed. Ziyi doesn't want to be separated from me and wants to stay with me for a while, but I dare not stay with her. I know that my future is still dangerous. Before I solve those troubles, I can't let Ziyi stay with me and take risks with me. I want to shovel the thorns on the road alone.

So, I very seriously dissuade Ziyi, let her stay at home and Liu Qianxue together, only with her, I can let go to do other things, Ziyi is not a vexatious girl, she also knows that my accident last night has a direct relationship with her, if there is no her, even if there is an accident, I can also retreat, although some reluctant, but she still promised me 。

After a while, Uncle Wu drove the car to Ziyi's residential area. Ziyi was still reluctant to leave before getting off the bus. I firmly held her hand and solemnly promised, "Ziyi, don't worry, I'll be OK. Believe me, I'll solve all the problems before long, and then we can be together without any threat All right? "

My words are from the bottom of my heart, and I want to express them to her most. Ziyi heard, the sad face on his face also disappeared immediately, hugged me for a while, then jumped out of the car, after getting off the car, he whispered to me: "Ye Zixuan, I'm waiting for you!"

With this period, Xu Ziyi disappeared in my sight. After Uncle Wu's car started, my mouth silently said, "wait for me!"

Out of the community, Uncle Wu asked me where to go, I stopped, and then reported out the address of my school. He didn't talk nonsense and drove straight to my school gate.

After I got off the bus, Uncle Wu said to me seriously: "Arlo, I'm still a little worried about you, or I'll send some people to protect you?"

I laughed at Uncle Wu and said, "uncle, thank you for your kindness. You can rest assured that this is my territory. There will be no accident. If there is any situation, I will contact you in time."

I can see Uncle Wu's expression. He seems to be a little worried about me because of the incident last night. He still said: "but, you..."

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, I interrupted him directly and seriously said: "don't worry, Uncle Wu, it's all right. Since I have chosen this road, I'll be ready for everything. If I'm really so vulnerable, I'll just hide at home and not come out. So, you can rest assured that things like last night will never happen again!"

I said this sonorous and powerful, Uncle Wu looked at me with appreciative eyes after listening, then nodded, said hello to me and left.

Looking at the disappeared car, my heart is full of excitement, I stood at the school gate, a long breath, and then, I entered this long lost school.

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