After I came back, I went back to my bedroom directly. When the brothers in the organization saw that I was injured, they all felt incredible and asked me what happened to me one after another. However, I didn't elaborate on the incident last night. I only said that when I finished eating in the downtown area, I was ambushed by Wanlong. There were too many of them. After a while, they broke through the encirclement and escaped by chance.

As soon as the brothers heard it, they all threatened to destroy the whole family. I just said calmly that there was nothing more to do. All of them were settled. I had to think long-term about dealing with Wanjia. Although I wanted to kill Wanlong more than anyone else, I was too clear in my heart. At present, I was surrounded by many people who were staring at me. Under this situation, I was not suitable for starting a teacher to mobilize the masses So, even if the resentment in my heart is great, I have to hold back. I must make a good plan and revenge for the gentleman. Ten years is not too late.

After persuading the brothers to leave, I took my clothes and went to the bathroom to have a good shower. I washed all the injuries and filth in my body. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at the shallow knife mark on my neck. My mind was like playing the video again and again, constantly recalling the scene of last night, the ferocious face of Wanlong Constantly flashing among them, his hand that merciless knife is directly hit my heart, my eyes more and more murderous, heart full of hatred, Wanlong will die!

Then, I quickly put on my clothes. I didn't have a rest for half a moment. I went to the coffee shop where we often met to discuss future matters.

An hour later, Shen Muchen and crabs sat at the table, drinking tea and talking. I had nothing to hide from them. I told the story of yesterday and the past in detail. From Xie Yu's appearance to my meeting Uncle Wu, I ran into Ziyi and had a conflict with Mr. Qian until Wan Long kidnapped me and almost killed me Cut, I told Shen Muchen.

After listening, Shen Muchen's face was also very ugly. For Uncle Wu's appearance, Shen Muchen was very pleased for me. He knew that the biggest difficulty I was facing now was the so-called backstage man. With my present power and the forces Shen Muchen had not joined in, he could not beat that woman. Now with Uncle Wu, I really have enough confidence.

As for the matter of Wanlong, Shen Muchen and crabs heard out their sweat. Shen Muchen couldn't help but say in a false alarm: "I didn't expect that Wan Long was so distracted and crazy that you would dare to kill people in order to revenge!"

After saying this sentence, Shen Muchen's eyes were full of fire. Shen Muchen was very angry about the behavior of Wanlong. The straight crab exploded at once, shouting that this revenge must be avenged. People in the coffee shop who were shocked by the earthquake all looked at her with strange eyes.

Of course, for last night's matter, I also want to solve Wanlong as soon as possible, but my only remaining reason tells me that some things can't be rash, so I went to Shen Muchen to discuss it.

Shen Muchen's opinion also advised me to slow down for a while. The Wanjia family had just moved me, and it was impossible to trouble me again in a short period of time. But Xie Yu had already let me go and asked me to disband the organization within a week. If I spent all my energy on dealing with Wanjia this week, I would not defeat Wanjia for a while. At that time, Xie Yu's side would come to deal with me. At that time, my organization was my organization But I really can't keep it. So, I'll ask Uncle Wu to help me guard against Wanjia. I'll deal with Wanjia after I've dealt with Xie Yu. It's much easier.

Shen Muchen is standing in the objective angle, the long-term angle plans for me, I listened to his opinion, also knew that the great event person cannot be anxious because of the square inch, therefore, after making an agreement with him, my heart also slowly firmed up, after chatting almost, we three people prepared to leave together.

We had planned to find a restaurant to eat, but when we passed a private room, a sudden unexpected voice came into my ears: "what did you say? Ye Zixuan was released?"

I am very sensitive to the name now, so even though I am across the door, I still hear this sentence clearly. Immediately, my feet stop involuntarily. Shen Muchen and they stop inexplicably and ask me what's the matter. I make a gesture of not speaking, and then quickly put my ear to the door, continue to listen to the voice in the compartment, with the box "Yes, I don't know if my dad is old and stupid. He let him go for no reason."

After listening carefully, I immediately heard that it was Wan Long's voice. He didn't know why his father let me go. As soon as Wan Long's words were finished, there came the indignant voice: "are you stupid? You should have killed him immediately last night. Didn't I tell you, if anything happened, I'll fix it for you, so you don't have to worry about it!"

This voice, I thought about it and heard it. It was song Qingfeng's voice. Now, my heart was shaking wildly. My anger accumulated in my body. My eyes were red. When I was about to go crazy, Wanlong's voice came again: "it's not that I dare not kill. It's Wu Tianhao who is involved in it. It's not easy to do it. I'm like this If he found out, my family would suffer, so my father stopped me in time

Song Qingfeng heard this, but still disdained to say: "you are still too timid, wasted a great opportunity, knew I would go with him, he would not have the opportunity to see today's sun!"When I heard this, my anger could not be suppressed any longer. I lifted my foot angrily and kicked it to the door with full of anger. The strength of this foot was very big. The door of the compartment was also a little deformed by me. After a while, two faces in the box were reflected in my eyes.

Song Qingfeng and Wan Long sat face to face at the tea table. When they saw me, their eyes suddenly showed an incredible look, and their expressions were even a little flustered. Especially song Qingfeng, after seeing me and I looked at each other, he directly lowered his head, and obviously looked guilty of being a thief.

Although, the person who nearly killed me last night is wan long, but at this moment, the person I hate more is song Qingfeng. How sinister is Wanlong. At least he won't stab me in the back. Song Qingfeng, no matter what, is hiding behind his back and abetting others to deal with me. At the beginning, Wang Shubo was instigated by song Qingfeng, which caused the contradiction between Wang family and me, which made me almost be abolished.

Now, song Qingfeng used Wanlong to kill me. If you want to kill me, such a villain will only hide behind his back and do things that he doesn't know. Such a mean person is really hateful and hateful. The more I think about it, the more I get angry. I clench my fist and walk towards song Qingfeng step by step. I look at him with fierce eyes and say in a sharp voice, "all this is your idea?"

Song Qingfeng looked at me in panic, and then looked at Shen Muchen and crab who came in behind me. His look became more and more nervous. He already knew that he was in trouble. Therefore, he immediately explained: "no, no, no, ye Zixuan, you may have heard me wrong, it's none of my business, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

Hearing this, Wan long, sitting opposite song Qingfeng, was suddenly angry. At the moment when he saw me, Wan Long knew that he was a sheep in the tiger's mouth. He had to be afraid. Now when he heard song Qingfeng's words, all his emotions were replaced by anger. He yelled at Song Qingfeng: "what do you mean, song?"

Song Qingfeng kicked his feet out of the bridge like a kick, and then he kicked me out of the face like the wind of the mountain.

When he fell and cried, I didn't stop for half a moment. I chased him and kept kicking him with my feet. Thinking of his insidious cunning and his cruelty to me, I became more and more angry and kicked harder and harder. Song Qingfeng is a sinister villain. Although his calculation is shrewd, his combat effectiveness is almost zero. With few efforts, he can no longer cry out, and he even has no strength to beg for mercy.

However, Wan Long was just staring at him and didn't dare to step in, because Shen Muchen and crab were eyeing him. He was now a waste man, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

finally, song Qingfeng was knocked out by me. I saw him so that I stopped. At this time, Shen Muchen pointed to Wan Long and said seriously to me, "Arlo, what are you going to do ?

Originally, I have already discussed with Shen Muchen that I will not move the people of ten thousand families for the time being, because the person I have to deal with now is Xie Yu, and I can't spare any energy to deal with them. But now they are all sent to the door. Since they have already entered the tiger's mouth, don't blame me for being rude.

I thought about it for a while, without hesitation, I gritted my teeth and said, "tie them all to me!"

When I said this, I had a cold light in my eyes. For these two villains who threatened my life, I couldn't let them go easily. Although Shen Muchen had this plan, he didn't stop me. After the decision, I directly called Haoran and asked him to bring people to drive over.

When Wan Long saw that I was acting seriously, he was more and more flustered. Hearing this, he begged for mercy directly. However, his action threatened my life. Therefore, the contradiction between him and me could not be resolved. I also made an oath that he would not be a man without revenge.

I was also too lazy to listen to his nonsense, and immediately winked at Shen Muchen. Shen Muchen easily captured Wan long, and he was struggling to die, but a useless man couldn't play a role. When Wanlong was struggling and shouting, I quickly knocked him unconscious.

Our actions have already alarmed the boss of the coffee shop. However, Shen Muchen is familiar with the boss and tells him to mind his own business. The boss dare not say anything. He knows that we are all the bad masters and didn't ask us to compensate him. However, when we left, we still threw the money to compensate him.

Soon, Chen Haoran came with a group of people. We tied up song Qingfeng and put them into sacks. Then they swaggered into the car. Then we left here.

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