Then, we drove the car straight to the abandoned square in the back mountain. Under my rule, there was no group struggle or small group power in the famous university. The normal university was completely taken over by Shen Muchen. We formed an alliance, and the large-scale group war would not happen any more. Now, this ghost place that nobody cares about is my private field It's over.

After entering the abandoned dangerous building, I immediately splashed Wanlong and song Qingfeng awake with water. Then, I ordered my brothers to massage these two guys and let them exercise their hands and feet. Without hesitation, the brothers directly attacked them and beat them to cry for heaven and earth and cry bitterly for days. We have not only Haoran, but also Shen Muchen's people. They are full of resentment towards these two people. Now that the enemy is in front of us, how can we not teach them a profound lesson.

Just, I won't kill them for the time being. I don't want to be charged with murder, but there are still other kinds of torture besides killing. Since I have kidnapped them, I will treat them in their own way and abuse them in their own way, so that they will not live as if they were dead, and let them also experience the pain I suffered last night.

These two people have been tortured by us now, but song Qingfeng still has a little bit of backbone. He threatens me with his last strength, saying that if I don't let him go, I will die very ugly. But compared with him, Wan Long was much quieter and did not dare to say too much, because he knew that the more he said, the more pain he would have to bear.

So, I knocked song Qingfeng out again, and then I left several brothers here to watch them. Shen Muchen and I left together. After going out, I told Shen Muchen my plan in my heart that it was not suitable for us to fight with Wanjia for the time being, but I could not easily let go of this opportunity. I was ready to blackmail Wanjia, otherwise I would be sorry for what I suffered last night The crime of.

Shen Muchen is very much in favor of my idea. Wanlong is the eldest son of all the families. Wan Shulin still cares about his son. What's more, his family is a great cause in this city. It would be a pity if we didn't take this opportunity to extort money.

After some discussions, we selected a hotel not far from my school. This hotel I used to live in before, which is also a part of the industry of thousands of families. For me, it is not because the hotel makes more money. The main reason is that with this hotel, we can organize brothers to have a rest, because the dormitory of the school will close when it arrives Sometimes it's very inconvenient to move. If you live outside, you have to spend money. But if you have your own site, it will be much more convenient in terms of accommodation.

So, I immediately contacted Wan Long's father, Wan Shulin. As soon as I opened my mouth, I didn't have any nonsense. I went straight to the theme and explained the situation to him. My words startled him in an instant. Maybe he didn't think that he had just released me in the morning and had been courteous to me for a long time. In the twinkling of an eye, I bit him and arrested his son. This is to let him realize the real return of the tiger.

Surprised to my surprise, Wan Shulin is an old man in the lake. Of course, he knows that Wan Long has provoked me and nearly killed me. I will not let Wan Long go easily. Now that I have not killed his son directly and given him a chance to negotiate, it is already very good. So he didn't dare to come around, even threatened me. He promised to meet me decisively.

For the sake of safety, I made an appointment with him in a chaotic place in the north of the city, which was fair to both of us. Shortly after I arrived, Wan Shulin arrived at our appointed place as soon as possible. As soon as we met, I made clear my intention and said that if he wanted to kill his son, he would have to exchange the hotel near the school.

Although I have a little lion's mouth, it should be cheaper than his son's life. To my surprise, Wan Shulin agreed to me almost without hesitation, which made me a bit unable to accept. I felt that his role was really unfathomable, and he pretended to be very powerful. His attitude to see me at the moment was almost the same as that in the morning. He was a bad man He even apologized to me, saying that his son did not do a good job yesterday. This hotel should be regarded as a gift from him to make amends to me.

If he was not Wanlong's father, I would be moved by his attitude. But in fact, he is the helmsman of Wanjia. I would not believe him easily. I know that this old guy must be smiling. Or, he is really afraid of Wu Tianhao, so he dare not offend me publicly. However, whatever the reason, as long as he promised to give me the hotel, my goal will be achieved Yes.

After he agreed, he immediately sent someone to draw up the transfer contract for me. He had something to do with it. It went very smoothly. Within an hour, his hotel was successfully transferred to my name. Everything came too fast, just like a dream, which made me a little unprepared. The matter of last night also gradually dispersed with the arrival of this matter, so did Wanlin Gave me a guarantee, and in such a short period of time to the hotel to me, decisive and quick, so I did not play tricks, when accepting the hotel, I immediately ordered people to release Wanlong.

In fact, Wanlin and I just made a superficial appearance, and we all deeply buried the seeds of hatred in our hearts. When I took the Wanjia Hotel, Liang Zi of Wanjia and I were completely married. We will fight sooner or later. It's good to get a bargain today.After everything was done, I immediately ordered Mingge to deal with the affairs of the hotel, and I got together with Shen Muchen to discuss how to deal with song Qingfeng. Without Han Boyang, song Qingfeng was not worth mentioning. What I cared about was the power behind them. Our gratitude and resentment had been settled in his bar, but the insidious villain was always in secret every time If you leave him as a disaster, I will surely die in the future.

Therefore, I can't let him go easily. It's just that the property of song Qingfeng's family is concentrated in my hometown city, and his father is also there. Although the city also has their family business, song Qingfeng's uncle is responsible for all of them. If you want to deal with Wanlong, it's a little difficult to deal with song Qingfeng. Besides, it's not like dealing with Wanlong. I'll give him some benefits Let's go. He's a hidden danger to me. It's neither killing nor killing. It's a headache for me.

Of course, this is also a headache for Shen Muchen. He has told me before that it is easy to deal with Wanlong, but it is difficult to deal with song Qingfeng. It seems that Shen Muchen's earlier worries are justified. Now that this man has fallen into my hands, we don't know what to do with him. After a long discussion, we can't think of a way to achieve both ends.

And when we were tangled, I suddenly received a phone call from my brother in the organization. As soon as he opened his mouth, he said eagerly, "Xuan, brother Xuan, there is a girl calling for you."

Hearing the news, I immediately asked, "who is she? Didn't you say what you wanted from me

He replied: "big brother, I don't know, she didn't say what to look for you. She is waiting for you downstairs in her bedroom. If you don't see her, you will regret it."

I whispered back: "I know, let her wait!"

Finish saying that, I did not wait for that brother to reply, then hung up the phone, and instantly I fell into meditation. A woman came to me and said that I would regret if I didn't see her. I didn't want to guess who she was, so I spoke to her. I had to meet her. So I said goodbye to Shen Muchen and rushed to school.

About half an hour later, I finally went back to my dormitory building. Far away, I saw a large group of men around a girl, pointing out that such a big girl ran into the boys' dormitory regardless of the scene. All kinds of comments were mixed in the air. I hastened to speed up the pace of progress. When I walked in, I saw that the girl in everyone's mouth was no one else, It is my former goddess, Lin Shihan.

At the moment, Lin Shihan is standing firmly in the dormitory downstairs, her face is still beautiful and pure, but in my heart for her feeling has long gone, see her appear, obviously I have guessed, she is for song Qingfeng, really did not expect, in the past female God actually dare to do such a thing, a person ran to our boys' dormitory.

I frowned a little, and then went to her, and said in a deep voice to the boys who were watching, "it's nothing, everyone is scattered!"

After hearing my voice, everyone turned around unconsciously. After seeing me, they didn't say anything. Immediately, the onlookers dispersed consciously.

After people dispersed, I went to the opposite side of Lin Shihan and said to her coldly, "do you want me?"

Lin Shihan immediately turned her eyes to me, and her eyes were full of anger. Then, she called out to me in a commanding tone: "Ye Zixuan, let song Qingfeng go quickly!"

Lin Shihan's attitude is extremely arrogant, his expression is very high, and she is completely different from the goddess I know. At this time, it seems that she takes me as a slave and gives orders to me. I really don't understand. Where does she come from? She can command me with such a tone in my school.

Since I changed, I have no interest in Lin Shihan. Now she is more disgusting than anything in my heart, and her attitude makes me angry. But this is the dormitory downstairs after all, and there are crowds everywhere. I don't want to let people know about it. Then, I said to her coldly: "go to a quiet place to talk with me !”

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