I didn't see Lin Shihan again after finishing this sentence, and I went straight to the quiet path behind the dormitory, and stopped in the pavilion in the deep of the alley. Then Lin Shihan followed up quickly. Her eyes were still angry. She didn't speak again, looked at me a little disdainfully, waiting for my reply. When I was in a hurry, I licked my dry lips and said to her in a disgusting tone, "you came to me to let you let the song Qingfeng go?"

The voice fell, Lin Shihan replied without hesitation: "yes!"

There is no doubt that I am regarded as a prisoner, and she is the police who admonishes. I look at her face, which is disgusting. I refuse directly: "sorry, I can't do your business, and I also tell you that song Qingfeng will be very miserable!"

When I said this, I felt that after seeing Lin Shihan, my hatred for song Qingfeng became bigger. She listened to me and her eyes changed. She said firmly to me, "you dare, I tell you, if you don't let my cousin go, you will pay a lot of price!"

She was crazy. She was disgusting now. I looked at Lin Shihan very disdainfully and said, "Lin Shihan, I read that you are my old classmate. I am very polite to you. I hope you don't get into it. You should understand that you are nothing in my eyes now!"

Lin Shihan listened to me, and his pure face sank. She felt my threat, but she was not afraid. She just said to me fiercely, "sulo, you have changed, and you become more and more disgusting!"

Her words hurt my heart, and let my thoughts go to the past. I was so lonely before. I was so lonely because he and I were bullied. In this cold city, I suffered from the fierce beating to protect this goddess. I knelt down to Ma Qiang for her humiliation. I thought I didn't have any sorry for her place, everywhere Wei Protect her, silently guard her, but she is not generally deep prejudice to me.

I couldn't help but ask her, "Lin Shihan, is it that I was particularly disgusted in your eyes from the beginning?"

I really want to know that in the school age, I like her first feeling. From the beginning of loving her, I gradually feel that she is different from others. In my eyes, she has always been a sacred White Swan, a white lotus with mud and no dye.

Lin Shihan suddenly stopped when he heard me. Maybe she thought about the past things. Her expression changed a little. After a while, she said, "at that time, I think you are a good person. Although you can't do anything, it makes people hate it everywhere, but at least there is a smart brain. I admire it because of her good academic achievements, Even if the school rumors about your family, how you forced to go Miaomiao, I don't believe it.

However, since I met you again in this city, I have found that you are not what I was doing at first. You are not right, serious, and can even sell me for good mischief and reckless means. Listen to my elder brother said, you have been hiding secretly in my door before. Your behavior is really shameless. I feel disgusted and disgusted to people like you! "

She said more and more resentful, to me is disgusted extremely, I heard the heart but there are some pain, really did not think, a misunderstanding let her so see me, I bit teeth, deep voice asked: "have you ever thought, I may be wronged or misunderstood?"

Lin Shihan replied firmly: "never before, but I am more sure that you are a shameless person. My cousin song Qingfeng has not treated you at all. But you have been actively provocative and hurt him several times. Now, there is still a kidnapping. You are getting too much. I warn you if you don't let go of any more people, Your consequences are absolutely unthinkable! "

When it comes to the end, Lin Shihan has already called out. If the eyes can kill people, I am afraid I have already died tens of thousands of times. I would like to explain to her that everything is misunderstanding. But seeing her so true, I am really lazy to explain it. Once a woman recognizes something, she will become insistent. In her eyes, song Qingfeng does anything The feelings seem to be right. Even if he wants to kill me, I'm afraid that Lin Shihan is killing the people. And I always look disgusting in her eyes. No matter what I do, she can't see it. Since the impression has been set, I really don't have to explain too much to her, and I don't want to close up with her. For such a woman, the more far away I am, the better.

So, I pulled down my face and said with a strong voice, "Lin Shihan, then I will tell you solemnly that I can't let your cousin go. If you have the ability, I will call the police. I will make you even his body invisible. I can't believe you can try it!"

Since her attitude is firm, I will be tougher than her. I can never tolerate a woman to give her advice in front of me, especially a woman I hate. When I finish this, Lin Shihan's eyes are red. This time, she is completely annoyed by me. She yells at me with all her strength: "sulo, wait for me!"

After that, she turned and left, looking at her proud back, her threatening words haunted her, and my heart was getting more angry. I suddenly shouted at her, "wait!"Hearing my voice, Lin Shihan stopped in a hurry and immediately turned to look at me. Maybe she thought I was intimidated by her, so she directly asked me, "what's the matter? You've figured it out. Are you ready to let people go?"

Her tone is a little arrogant, I can't help but sneer, but I still pretend to be very sincere on the surface, to her calmly said: "of course, I can release people, but you have to promise me a condition?"

Lin Shihan hesitated for a moment and asked in doubt, "what conditions?"

I gently walked to her and looked at her. Then, my face showed a wicked smile. I lowered the volume and said to her playfully: "as long as you sleep with me for one night, I will immediately release your little cousin. What do you think?"

In my opinion, Lin Shihan's lofty and lofty makes me hate. I can't stand her now. She always looks like a high man. She always feels unattainable. I'm going to try now. How pure is she? I just want to let her understand that she is a whore in my eyes, and she is worthless.

Before I said this, Lin Shihan thought that I had compromised and thought that I was really afraid of him. Therefore, she wanted to talk about a condition and let people go. However, when she heard my condition, she immediately stretched out her hand without hesitation and threw it at my face without hesitation.

I did not have the slightest pity heart, not a grasp of her hand, a strong swing, low roar: "roll!"

A word with all my emotions, all of a sudden, Lin Shihan to suppress, she may not have thought, I will become so fast, this let her take measures against, her suffocating red eyes directly shed tears, she cried to me: "Suluo, you wait for me, I will let you pay a heavy price!"

After that, she quickly turned around and ran away. Looking at her back, I unconsciously took out a cigarette and took a few deep breaths. I felt a burst of melancholy in my heart. I was very angry with Lin Shihan just for a moment. However, I also know that Lin Shihan dares to challenge me like this because of her backer, Lin Feng, whose power can not be underestimated. Therefore, I say I am If I don't care about Lin Shihan's threat, it's absolutely false. But since the matter has come to this stage, even if her brother really participates, I can't help it. I can't let song Qingfeng off easily.

After I finished smoking the remaining cigarettes, I quickly went back to my bedroom and cleaned up a little. After sunset, I called together the responsible persons of the various venues in the organization to have a meal to say some thanks to them, and also held a meeting.

During the meal, I asked several high-level brothers including Haoran Tianyi Mingge to keep their spirits up and face all kinds of emergencies at any time. The brothers also understood that our organization was about to face a major crisis. The bigger the crisis, the better. This can stimulate the ambition of the brothers. Therefore, we all feel nothing, no matter who it is To offend us on the other side of the flower, they will never come back.

I'm glad to see that all the brothers in front of me can have such confidence. After a meal, we had a good time. After we were well fed, I went out with my brothers and prepared to go to various venues. However, as soon as we got out of the hotel, we all stopped a few steps away and were deeply shocked by the scene in front of us.

I saw a group of people of different shapes and colors coming to the intersection ahead. They were approaching us fiercely. There were about 30 people in this group, but they all looked like the ones released from the prison. At first sight, they were fierce and aggressive. Everyone had a strong smell of blood. It was absolutely impossible to say that they had not cut down people Although they didn't hold a guy in their hands, they were more lethal than a machete. This is the real Taoist.

One of the leaders I know is my goddess, Lin Shihan. She is walking very fast at the moment, especially when she sees me. Her elder brother, Lin Feng, is standing beside her. Although I have only seen one side of Lin Feng, I am deeply impressed by this man, especially the feet he kicked me. His face has been deeply rooted in my whole life It won't be forgotten.

When I saw him again today, I found that his momentum was still fierce and his appearance did not change much. He was still an inch head, tall and powerful, full of awe and awe, and full of social atmosphere. When my eyes touched him, Lin Feng also found me. For a moment, his eyes flashed a sharp light. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed towards me, Although he is tall and bulky, but the speed is like a leopard, fast and powerful, in the blink of an eye to my body.

As soon as he got to me, he didn't have a second word. The whole person jumped up directly and kicked me in the chest. His movements were skillful and powerful, which made me unable to defend. I didn't have time to dodge. His hands were on my chest for defense. What I didn't expect was that his kick was extremely hard on my arm. I still underestimated its strength. It's too late to say anything I flew out and fell to the ground.

His foot strength is too heavy, my arms are numb, people can not help coughing up, I tried to get up, but the hands are weak, did not slow down for a long time, this scene not only to suppress me, even my brothers also silly eyes, they may also be Lin Feng to frighten, stupefied for a long time, they several just react to come, one after another to me The side of me, helped me up, concern asked: "brother, are you ok?"Waiting for me to speak back, Lin Feng suddenly stood beside me and looked down at me with disdain. Then, a very fierce voice rang through the silent night: "let me go quickly!"

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