Lin Feng is still such a bully, as if I did not listen to him, and would be killed. Before a long time, he was a mountain I couldn't cross. Now my identity has changed, but I still have a small existence in his eyes. I know in my heart that my insult to Lin Shihan is equivalent to offending her elder brother, but I didn't expect that Lin Feng started when he met and said nothing, and did not put me in the eyes of the kidnapper. For a while, I was also in a helpless situation.

When I was distracted, Lin Feng responded the fastest. He knew that the situation was not seconds. Lin Feng took these people who were not able to parry. He took out his cell phone and called his brother. However, as soon as his cell phone was taken out, he was kicked by a whirl kick from Lin Feng and kicked his mobile phone. Then, Lin Feng roared at us again: "don't TM want to resist, otherwise, otherwise, Lin Feng will shout at us again Your next game will be even worse! "

His tone is very overbearing, with a deep sense of murdering, which makes my brothers all dumb. Even if I become stronger, there is a gap between Lin Feng and me. The name of lunatic is not white, and the problem cannot be solved by force. I am also in the way of his influence, so I can not resist more. After the brave man has helped me up, other brothers still want to resist Wait, I stopped them, looked at Lin Feng indifferently said: "if I don't let it go?"

I thought my words were a bit intimidating. After all, song Qingfeng was in my hand. I decided that he could not come to me. But I was surprised that my voice just fell. Lin Feng said it again. His fist suddenly hit me. I hurriedly escaped his attack. When he was free, his legs moved again and suddenly fell on me , and I was smashed and fell down on the ground.

Lin Feng, never speak any reason, only fist and foot, the offensive is so fierce. In this situation, my brothers can no longer bear it. All of them are ready to fight with him. But the people brought by Lin Feng are not vegetarian. They also come almost at the same time. I am afraid the brothers are injured and shout: "don't move!"

My brothers and men were in shape. They did not attack. Several of us and their people formed a confrontation. Lin Feng came to me and asked in a fierce voice, "man, can you let it go?"

After he said, Lin Shihan came over, and said to me in a bad tone, "sulo, if you know, you should let people go earlier. Don't beg for trouble. You can't fight us!"

She looked at me in a high-level way. I hated her expression. The more she was, the less I wanted to spare song Qingfeng easily. I really didn't believe it. They dare not kill people in the street. I replied weakly: "if you mess with me again, believe me or not, I want your cousin's life on my horse!"

My words are extremely fierce, but they can't play a role. Instead, Lin Feng is angry again. He stepped out to me again without any defense. I was hurt by two times. My body was a little bit uncomfortable. But his momentum was even faster, which made me defenseless. Imitating Buddha exhausted his whole body strength. What's more, his foot is not kicking other places, It was straight to my crotch, and I thought it was too late to clamp my legs.

In a moment, his feet kicked under my crotch. Suddenly, I really felt the feeling of broken eggs. This feeling was tearing my heart and lungs. I was sweating and sweating. My hands covered my crotch, my nerves were almost paralyzed, my body was unable to support it, and fell on the ground, my tears were running down uncontrollably, and my eyes were falling down Several brothers see the appearance, and are directly like crazy, and they are rushing up to Lin Feng.

At the same time, the group of people with Lin Feng also took all the actions. They were more than us. In addition, their fighting power was much stronger than ours. In a few minutes, my brothers had been institutionalized. Obviously, they didn't play any role and became a burden on me. Lin Feng didn't care about my brother. His eyes were just staying in I see my mutilation, his face finally shows a smile, disdain to me said: "sulo, I remember warning you before, but you are not obedient, not only grabbed my little cousin, but also insulted my sister, you are not looking for death!"

When he said this, he kept looking at my crotch with a slant of eyes. I finally understood why Lin Feng kicked my key part. It must be what Lin Shihan told him. He intended to do it. He wanted me to be a great son and son. I couldn't help looking at Lin Shihan. Looking at her expression of happiness and happiness, I was more sure that this bitch meant this bitch To make him brother.

The volcano in my heart exploded suddenly, but the pain of my lower body made me powerless. I didn't care what he had. But at this moment, I thought it would not burst out, and I couldn't even speak out. Because, this feeling was so painful that I even felt like I was going to die.

I want to try my best to restrain my own cry, but this is not a thing to bear. In this scene, the number of people around the guide is increasing. Lin Feng is like the king who dominates the battlefield. He is afraid of things and doesn't care about the eyes of others. When I am in a state of pain, he comes to me again, and a foot is not polite to step on my hand covering my crotch. Then, he is overbearing to me I said, "give you another chance, let it go or not?"

If I refuse again, he will make me a eunuch completely. To be honest, I am afraid in this moment. This kind of thing is the biggest insult to a man. An carelessness will destroy my life, even a man can't be treated as a man. But if I compromise like this, as long as song Qingfeng comes out, he will retaliate me with all his strength. It is nothing to me. The key is that as a kidnapper, I will be threatened by a rescuer. How can I get mixed in the road after being sent out?I can't promise him at all. I'm not afraid of Lin Feng. What I care about is the Xuanwu Association behind him. He dares not to resist him. This is also the reason. That force is dominant in this city, and I'm a vulnerable mole. He doesn't care about my threat. So, what I say is useless and will only deepen the crueler destruction.

After struggling for a long time, I finally opened my mouth and was about to speak, but Lin Feng didn't give me a chance to speak. His only step on my foot suddenly increased his strength, which made my pain more intense. I almost fainted because of the pain. At this time, Lin Feng's voice came again: "Suluo, I'd better advise you to think about it before answering. You don't want to revenge me or threaten me I, you don't think your baby army can be a threat to me, do you? I might as well tell you that I can extinguish you in half a cigarette. Therefore, I advise you to let people go

His tone was extremely arrogant, but the more he did, the more I was not willing to. Especially when I saw my brother being ravaged because he wanted to help me, the anger in my heart became more vigorous. The big noise of syncope told me that it was impossible to compromise like this. Even though I had lost consciousness of the pain, I still clenched my teeth and roared at him angrily: "get out Damn it, I just won't let it go

At this moment, I don't care what kind of life and death, no matter what force he has behind him, I only know that if I continue to linger on like this, I will really be worse than dead, especially looking at the disdain of Lin Shihan, a whore. I can't bear it more. I don't believe that he really dare to kill me. If there is a chance to come back, I will not give him a sneak attack on me Opportunity, this hatred I deeply write down.

The voice just fell, Lin Feng was completely infuriated by me. He frowned and called out to me: "looking for death!"

Then, his face immediately stepped down on the key part under my crotch. I clenched my teeth and waited for the merciless destruction of fate. My heart was at the bottom of despair. I was about to close my eyes and wait for the bad luck. Suddenly, a tall figure appeared without warning, and punched Lin Feng, who was about to give me a fatal blow.

Lin Feng's father was suddenly attacked by others, but Lin Feng's step was not as dangerous as others.

After Uncle Wu showed up, the big black faced man also showed up with a uniform man of more than 30 sizes, which was no less powerful than those brought by Lin Feng. After forcing Lin Feng away, Uncle Wu immediately locked him in with a sharp eye, and asked him, "Lin Feng, as the second leader of the Xuanwu society, you should have personally dealt with several students. Isn't it a little too much?"

There are numerous organizations in this city, but only the Xuanwu society is the dominant one. They are the rulers of the black forces in this city. Their main tasks are different from ours. They mainly engage in some illegal activities, such as pornography, gambling and drugs. Anyway, I can't afford to provoke them. Many families in the east of the city are in their sphere of influence, only Xie Yu's There is no one in the family. The bath center is a black-and-white all-in-one role, and no one will provoke them. This is why I care most about Xie Yu behind the scenes.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Xuanwu people are definitely the most losers. They are all soldiers who have experienced many battles. Lin Feng said that half a cigarette would destroy us. This is not exaggeration. We really have no comparison with them. We are very small.

Of course, not only Xie Yu's bathing center, but also Uncle Wu surprised me. In my eyes, his nightclub can stand firm in the center of the city, and his power will not be weak. But what I didn't expect is that since he knew the origin of Lin Feng, he would dare to ask him with such language temperament, which means that he is not afraid of Lin Feng's power.

Sure enough, Lin Feng seems to know Wu Tianhao. As soon as he saw Uncle Wu, his arrogant face finally changed. He looked at Uncle Wu and asked in doubt, "Wu Tianhao?"

But Uncle Wu listened to Lin Feng's words and didn't say anything, just a cold hum, and immediately looked at me. Seeing that I was sweating, my painful face was a little deformed. He squatted down in a hurry, helped me up and asked, "Arlo, are you ok?"

The pain in my lower body was still so painful that it did not ease, but deepened. After listening to Uncle Wu's words, I didn't answer. I just shook my head, saying that I could not die. But Uncle Wu saw that my hand was still covering my lower body, and immediately understood what was going on. Therefore, he immediately said to me, "you go to the hospital first, and I'll leave the matter here to me, and I'll solve it for you!"

After that, he turned his eyes to Chen Haoran and said to them in a commanding tone: "you guys, hurry up and send Arlo to the hospital!"

Chen Haoran ran ran over immediately, picked me up immediately and left quickly. Other brothers got up and followed up one after another.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Feng didn't open his mouth to stop him. Maybe he knew that he couldn't stop him. Although the background of Lin Feng was clear at present, I could not eliminate his hatred. Before leaving, I looked at him indignantly, and glared at the chief culprit Lin Shihan with fierce eyes, saying that it was not over.

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