When I really set foot on this road, I found that everything was not as simple as I imagined. I thought I was not afraid of anything and had no opponent. But I fell down when I was abolished. I thought I was not afraid of death, but I was really dying. I could not help but fear that I was too small in this world. I thought I was not afraid of killing people, but I really did I will also shiver, I have no cruel heart after all.

When I was a freshman, I tried many things for the first time. However, I found that the first time I tried to do something, I would be flustered, unprepared, restless and lose confidence. In the face of the anger of the Song family and the Lin family, I began to be helpless. The only support in my heart was Uncle Wu. Now even he was suppressed, what can I do? Can I really lead my student party against the biggest gang in this city? It's no doubt that it's an egg against a stone. It doesn't matter if I die, but it also implicates my brothers. I really can't do it.

Although I have ambition, I also have self-knowledge. It's the first time that a group of new students even kill people. How to fight against the Xuanwu society, how to face the pressure of the Lin family and the Song family? For the safety of my brothers, I have to choose to stay in school. But now I can't even stay in school. The order of assassination from the basaltic society is directed at me. I not only want to hide, but also look for a safe haven. All these things are not what I want. I can only blame my short development time, and I can't compete with the basaltic society at all. All kinds of pressure really make me have more heart than strength.

After thinking about it, I finally broke my appointment with my father. I promised him that I didn't do it. I told my father my situation truthfully: "Dad, I not only abolished, but also killed a man, who is the only son of the Song family. Now the Xuanwu Association and the Song family all want to deal with me. If they want to kill me, I can't deal with them!"

In the face of such a big danger, I really don't know how to give myself self-confidence, how to break through the crisis.

To my surprise, my father still didn't feel too surprised after listening to me. Then, he said to me, "Oh, I've heard about your killing. Since you have chosen this road, it's normal for you to carry a few lives on your back. As long as you do something that is worthy of your conscience, you don't have to blame yourself. As for the bullshit Gang, it's hard Didn't Wu Tianhao solve it for you? "

Killing people is a big deal for me, a fledgling kid, but it's not worth mentioning in my father's eyes. He seems to care nothing about this matter at all, and my father's tone seems to care nothing about the Xuanwu society. His tone is full of disdain for the Xuanwu society, and he doesn't ask me what the origin of the Xuanwu society is. He feels like a small role Yes.

After listening to my father's words, I quickly explained to him, "Uncle Wu has helped me, but the influence of the Xuanwu society and the Song family is too big for him to cope with!"

I thought that after listening to my words, my father should pay attention to the biggest gang in this city, but I didn't expect my father still didn't care. He just snorted and said, "Wu Tianhao!"

When he said Wu Tianhao's three words, it was obviously meaningful. My heart suddenly broke a few times when he heard it. Although my father was a big old man, he sometimes had a delicate mind. Now he made it clear that Uncle Wu didn't try his best to help me. Does my father think Uncle Wu has hidden strength? Didn't you try your best to help me with the Xuanwu Association and the Song family?

Didn't you really try your best? But I don't think he is that kind of person at all. He has helped me several times. If there is no him, I may have died. Thanks to Yongquan, I don't want my father to misunderstand him. Therefore, I immediately defended Uncle Wu: "Dad, things are not what you think, Uncle Wu."

Before I finished my words, my father immediately interrupted me and said to me resolutely: "Arlo, you don't have to say it. I know that some things can't just look at the surface, do you understand?"

Hearing this, I suddenly felt a chill running through my whole body. Uncle Wu was very kind, honest and honest, and helped me everywhere. How could he not really help me? Is my dad suspicious? Or my experience in the world is too shallow, too naive, do not know who is going to be complicated.

My father's words lingered deeply in my mind. I couldn't help but panic, and suddenly thought of what Xie Yu said to me that day. It seems that she is right. The fruit on this road is deeper than I thought.

Thinking of these, I couldn't help but take a breath. At this time, my father's voice came over again: "Arlo, listen, Wu Tianhao is a very capable person. The dilemma you are in front of is not a big deal for him, but you must remember that Wu Tianhao can be used, but you can never rely on it!"

My father's tone is still calm, but I can hear it. There are too many profound meanings in it. These words are the simplest but most profound explanation of Wu Tianhao. As expected, people's hearts are the most difficult to guess, and people's hearts are more dangerous than any danger.

I have always trusted Wu Tianhao wholeheartedly. I believe everything he says to me. I really think his ability can suppress Lin Feng, but absolutely can't suppress the alliance between their two families. However, from my father's words, I realize that Wu Tianhao and Lin Feng are just acting. They are acting. He can't control Lin Feng at all, That's why he dared to smash my field and hurt all my brothers.After I killed and told Wu Tianhao that I had killed song Qingfeng, he told me that this matter made him a little difficult. He also told me and my brothers to hide first. Almost all the things I did recently were guided by him, which made me feel that the Xuanwu society was heaven. He and I could not deal with the union of their two families. Therefore, he did not help me in this matter This made me hide in the school, and I thought of solutions to the difficulties. I was afraid and conflicted from the bottom of my heart, which made me unable to confront the Xuanwu society and the Song family with confidence. It turns out that the only reason why things have happened so far is that I trust him too much and rely too much on him.

It turns out that everything is just my psychological function, and things are not so afraid as I imagined. This is not a crisis at all. Only Wu Tianhao is willing to help me, I will not worry about my situation at all. Until now, I know that my father does not care about my affairs. In his eyes, these two forces are not afraid at all, as long as Wu Tianhao is sincere Help me to solve this problem easily.

What my father meant was to tell me from the side that to solve this crisis, Wu Tianhao should be used. No matter whether he helped me from his heart or not, after all, my father's face was still there. Therefore, he would never refuse me on his face. Once he really pulled him into the water, he would help me.

At this moment, I learned that although my father didn't ask about the world, he knew everything about me like the palm of his hand. No wonder he assured me that I ran to the city alone. It turned out that the person he introduced to me at the beginning was a man who had an eye for the sky in this city. However, Wu Tianhao, who has a good eye for the sky, has been fooling me. At this critical moment, my father called Tell me how to solve the difficulties. I can use Wu Tianhao, but I can't trust and rely on him.

Having said so much, the most important thing for me now is to develop my own power. Only when I am strong, can I not rely on others for everything. Now, except for my father, I can no longer trust others, and I can only rely on myself.

But even if I can ask Wu Tianhao to help me fight against Lin Feng, he is helpless in this assassination. I don't know how many people they will send to assassinate me. I can't keep myself nervous all day long to guard against unknown dangers. If I'm not careful, I will die of Huang Quan. So I immediately told my father my worry:

"Dad, those things are down It's nothing. What I'm worried about is the order of the Xuanwu society. It's impossible to prevent such things as assassination. Moreover, I can't stretch my nerves all day. I can fight the enemy head-on, but it's a bit unstable to deal with sudden killers! "

This is my most concerned problem, and it is also the cause of my most panic. I have to make it clear to my father. But what surprised me again is that after listening to my words, my father still has no sense of tension, and his voice is still so calm and calm:

"come on, son, let yourself be confident, don't always be timid, as long as you do it bravely You will find that many things are nothing at all, because you have a condition that no one else can ever possess. You are the son of Su Qiyao. "

After that, my father hung up the phone without waiting for me to reply. I held my mobile phone and fell into a daze. Every word of my father always lingered in my ears. From the first word he said to me, to after he hung up the phone, he didn't care about my sense of crisis. Now I understand that he doesn't care about my life. He is encouraging me in disguise Because he cared too much about his life, he bound his heart and stopped the pace of progress. Every word of his, including every word, reminded me not to be easily knocked down by reality, and not too easy to defeat my self-confidence. He hoped that I could learn self-improvement and become a real man.

Thinking of these, I am really full of self-confidence, self-confidence return to self-confidence, but can the Xuanwu society's assassination order be solved by my self-confidence? What's the meaning of my dad's last words? Does he seem to have something to say, or has he helped me figure out the measures to deal with it?

But no matter what, my father's words full of deep meaning are deeply engraved in my mind, which makes my heart more tenacious, and also gives me endless confidence. My father is right. Only things that I have experienced in person can make me grow up. The face-to-face should be brave to face, so I can't be afraid, even the road ahead I also have to face the danger. I can't be a timid tortoise, because I am Su Qiyao's son!

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