Under the order of Wu Tianhao, soon, the brothers took me out of Lin Feng's sight. Haoran means to go directly to a big hospital. But for me, this kind of injury is not a big injury. I really don't want to go to a big hospital. I feel like I don't want to go to the hospital to make a fool of myself. It may be OK to go back to take a rest. However, the brothers insist on going to the hospital to have a look.

As a result, they still carried me to the medical room of the school. In any case, the major operation could not be done in this place, but some other injuries could still be solved. After entering the clinic, they found that the person on duty was my old acquaintance, beautiful angel sister.

When I first came to this school, I was supposed to be a frequent visitor in the school's medical room. I had made contact with angel sister several times. She gave me sympathy and comfort every time. She was a good person, but since I changed my face, I haven't been to the school doctor's office. I've met once or twice on the road. I don't know if she knows my new identity and appearance. However, at this time, I am not in the mood to feel too much emotion, just feel embarrassed. If the male school doctor is on duty here, I feel better. Now I see her as a female school doctor. I can't stand it any more. I quickly say to my brothers that I want to go back to my bedroom. I don't want to look at it.

But the brothers didn't want to see it. If it was abandoned, it would be over, especially Haoran. He was thick skinned and told the angel sister directly that I was kicked to the point. It was very straightforward and not obscure. At the beginning, she even thought we were playing with her, but when she saw my pain, she even thought that we were playing with her Look, immediately realized that we are serious, so she immediately returned to the doctor's nature, very solemnly asked: "is it really so serious?"

Xiao Tianyi immediately said: "serious, very serious, our big brother is about to die!"

For his words, I have been speechless, but to be honest, the disease is really serious for me. I can't stand steadily, and my feet are a little shaking. Angel sister saw this and quickly let Chen Haoran help me to the hospital bed inside and lay down. Immediately, angel sister said to Chen Haoran: "you all go out first, I want to check him out!"

Haoran a few people listen to, handed me a dirty expression, very consciously back out, they left the room, angel sister immediately put on medical gloves, said to me: "take off the pants!"

This is not euphemistic, very bold, very direct, scared me a lot, what does she mean? Want me to take off my pants in front of a woman? How can I do this? My little brother has never seen Ziyi with his own eyes. How could I be exposed to other women? As a school celebrity, how humiliating it would be if I was told to change it. Although a lot of things can be seen, I can't cross the defense line in my heart to do such a thing. It's really embarrassing.

My eyes looked at the angel sister, a little pinched said: "this is not very good, I think or forget it, nothing!"

But, my voice betrayed me, because when I spoke, the voice was obviously a little shivering, obviously the pain couldn't stand, angel sister saw me so grinding, all a little impatient, she gave me a white eye, said seriously: "hurry up, I'm a doctor!"

At this moment, she looked so serious. She felt that lying in front of her was not a hot-blooded man, but a patient in urgent need of treatment. She had no trace of impurities in her eyes and her expression was just and incomparable. I couldn't help being influenced. I also knew that this kind of thing was a shame for myself, but it was common for doctors However, they haven't seen anything. For them, we are similar to specimens.

But in any case, it was the first time for me to face this kind of thing. After pinching it for a long time, I felt that it was really more and more painful. Gradually, I began to take off the pants outside. At this time, the strict voice of angel sister came back: "hurry up, take off all of them for me!"

Her voice was obviously ordering me to break the line of defense in my heart. I know that if I linger on, my sister will lose her temper, and I am really hurt. Don't delay twice. I will become a eunuch. That will be the end. My husband should be able to bend and stretch. The idea in my heart will be firmly fixed and it will be over!

After thinking about it, I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes. In an instant, all the clothes on my lower body were taken off. Immediately, my lower body was exposed to the angel sister's eyes.

This moment, my body in front of the angel sister showed at a glance, I can be considered to have a profound understanding of what is called visual rape. It's really humiliating and humiliating, and my face can't help turning red. I'm at a loss. I just close my eyes tightly. When I'm tense, the angel sister's stern voice comes over: "how swollen! ”

listen to her words, my problem is really not small ah, no wonder I can't stand the pain, for me, the general pain can't do anything for me, but the feeling of the broken egg really hit your soul, you can't bear it if you want to bear it. Even if you are lying in the hospital bed at the moment, my body is still shaking. Lin Feng really does It's too heavy. When I think about what he did to me, I'm not angry. Now I can bear all these things. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Now I'm most concerned about whether I will become a eunuch.Thinking of these, my face also rose, or I said with a hesitation: "doctor sister, I will not be ok?"

Although I dare to speak, my eyes are still not open, or are still tightly closed. I am afraid to see the eyes of sister angel. Then, the gentle voice of the angel sister rings: "it is not clear for the time being. I have to check it first!"

After all, her hand reached the position of my abdomen, pressed gently, asked me whether I was hurt while pressing. I closed my eyes and answered honestly. Slowly, she felt that the angel sister had normal tone and rhythm of finger pressing. It was really doing the duty of a doctor. I also put down mustard, and cooperated with her quietly. Everything seemed to be OK.

But when Angel sister's hand touched my key part, I felt like I was hit by a violent electric power, shaking all over my body, jumping crazy inside, blank head, and the only consciousness was: "I have lost my child for many years!"

More than ten minutes later, angel sister also checked, put me medicine, she let me put on my pants.

When I heard this, I immediately followed the light and reflected back. I quickly brought up my trousers. I finally opened my eyes until I had put them on. For me, it was really the most shame to me. I just wanted to find a hole in it. But for my sister, it was just a very common thing in her daily life. She had long been able to get in All immune to this aspect of things, I opened my eyes to see her that moment, her face is still pale, a little without a shy look.

She saw me rise, and said to me, "your problem is a bit serious, I am not sure that it will be good, this is the first time I see this problem, if you feel uneasy, I suggest you go to the big hospital to check it!"

Her tone is still plain and strange, but I hear the body suddenly stiff, eyes show extremely complex look, I think she also often do this, did not expect this is her first time, that is, I unconsciously become a test product of her, my eyes tightly look at her, ashamed asked: "this is the first time you see this disease?"

At this moment, I feel very embarrassed. If she said she had no experience, I went to the hospital directly. Now my body is all looked out of her. She said something to me. For me, it was more painful than egg pain. Seeing my response, my sister might understand something. She explained to me softly, saying that she was in school , and I have learned this knowledge. I didn't meet this kind of thing after graduation. I was the first patient in this field. So she was not sure. More importantly, I was injured a bit seriously. She suggested that I go to the big hospital to have a good examination, so I might have a problem.

She said that, I suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, and recall that, in the process of the angel sister's examination, I had no physiological response from the beginning to the end, except for pain or pain. Facing a beautiful woman who has poured out her country and poured out her most precious things, she has no reaction. This should be quite abnormal, that is to say, I really have a big problem here.

But, the examination here is as painful as suffering from purgatory. I don't want to go to the hospital again to be devastated by doctors and nurses. It is more difficult than killing me. So, I said calmly: "forget it, I'll go back to rest for two days, and it will be ok to keep up!"

After listening to my words, sister Angel didn't ask me to go to the hospital. She just prescribed some medicine for me. I had both external application and internal use. I immediately slipped away after paying for it. I didn't want to stay here for a moment. Facing such a big beauty, I was really embarrassed. But when I just came to the door and was about to open the door, I heard the voice of concern from sister Angel: "sulo, This is a big issue for men. You must pay attention to it. If you haven't been good in a few days, come to me for a review! "

Her tone sounded subtle, and I was shaking. She knew that I was sulo who was always knocked into the medical room and hung a bottle. When I heard this, I looked back to sister angel. At the moment, she was full of care. So I nodded slightly towards her and said to myself, "well, I am I see. Thank you, sister and beauty! "

After that, I slowly walked out of the medical room, and as soon as they came out, the brothers met with a swarm of bees. At this moment, they had a concern in their eyes, and also had a little fun. In their mind, they were full of brain supplement pictures.

However, when I said to them that the problem was a little bit serious and had to be reviewed for a few days, they realized that things were much more serious than they thought, and everyone put up their jokes, and then, rushed me back to my bedroom.

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