After thinking of this, I immediately came out of the shadow of failure, and my blood was boiling again. I felt that I had come back again. Then, I left the bathroom and went back to the bedroom. When my brothers saw me answer the phone, their faces suddenly brightened and immediately asked me, "brother, whose phone was it just now?"

I looked at all the brothers in the bedroom with confidence on my face and said passionately, "my dad!"

The simple two words instantly brightened the expression of my brothers, and their faces showed the same expression as me, because these brothers also know that my father is an unusual person, so after knowing that it is his phone call, everyone must think that my father has done something to me. The brothers asked me with one voice what he said to me.

I didn't explain too much. I said a meaningful sentence: "let me go, don't be timid!"

Hearing this, the blood of the brothers was ignited, and they were very excited. To tell the truth, no matter who is a man, he doesn't want to stay in school. Every man doesn't want to hide every day. These days, the brothers of the organization stay in the school and die. Even in the seemingly peaceful school, we have suffered a lot of criticism, Many people think that we are too vulnerable, like paper tigers, have been knocked back to the prototype, and even some people are glad that they did not join in.

The other brothers in the organization feel very weak. Their glory has been gone, and there is no place to show their strength. We all know that what we lack is strength. With our student party, how can we defeat the basaltic society which covers the sky with one hand.

However, now my brothers can see my fighting spirit and hope from my look. They know that the hot blooded era of the organization is coming again. The brothers have said that they are willing to accompany me in the tribulation. I am also very pleased to see the attitude of my brothers towards me. Of course, it is not enough for us to have a cavity of warm blood. We also need to plan a good battle strategy. Blind self-confidence can only help us It's death. We have to get back all the dignity that belongs to us.

After I made the decision, I immediately held an emergency meeting with my brothers about the Jedi counterattack. Because of the suppression of the Xuanwu society, our organization has lost its face and become the laughing stock of others. What's more, because of the suppression of the Xuanwu society, my own business was forced to close down for rectification. The loss was extremely heavy. Boss Wang was forced to make peace with him I have terminated my contract. If we go on like this, our organization will have no place in the eastern district.

I want to regroup and make a name again. Only by changing from passive to active, how can the basaltic power be? They are also composed of human beings, and they are not gods. As long as we have confidence and ability, of course, as long as we have time, we can defeat them. Therefore, what we should do is not sit in the school and wait for death, but take the initiative to attack. In this way, we can also teach Lin Feng a lesson and let them know that although my organization is weak, it is not easy to bully.

My brothers all support my idea. However, we all know that we can't deal with Lin Feng alone. Of course, I also know this. If we want to give a fatal blow to the Xuanwu society, we must make use of Wu Tianhao, the only one I rely on in this city.

Thinking about it, I immediately asked my brothers to do their own things. After finishing this, I dismissed the meeting. After the brothers left, I immediately took out my mobile phone and contacted Wu Tianhao. As soon as the phone was connected, I didn't have any nonsense. I went straight to the theme and said, "Uncle Wu, I just contacted my father. My father told me to let go of it. So, I don't want to hide any more. I want to Take the initiative to attack the basaltic society, so I need your help

I didn't want to give Wu Tianhao room for other problems. I just threw him a difficult problem and asked him to retreat. Since he kept his strength and refused to help me with all his strength, I directly moved my father out. I think he would care about my father's face. Sure enough, after listening to my words, Wu Tianhao's attitude was different. He asked me in a puzzled tone: "Su Is that what he said

I did not hesitate to reply: "yes, my father told me to do boldly, said you will do your best to help me!"

I once again put Wu Tianhao in the army and let him ride the tiger. I can't believe that everything is like this. How can he refuse me.

It is estimated that Wu Tianhao didn't expect that I would speak so fiercely. He stopped for a moment, sighed, and said, "Arlo, Uncle Wu will certainly help you with all his strength. But have you ever thought that once you mainly attack, you will be completely against Xuanwu. Can you bear this consequence?"

I have to say that Uncle Wu is indeed an old fox. He not only promised me, but also reminded me of the consequences of fighting against the Xuanwu Association. He wanted to suppress my ambition with this remark. But in another way of thinking, no matter how powerful Wu Tianhao is, who is willing to fight against a big gang? Of course, I understand his thinking, but I must use him, otherwise If I fight against the basaltic society myself, I will die.

Thinking of these, I replied calmly: "Uncle Wu, even if I don't take the initiative to attack, do you think Xuanwu can easily let me go?"

Wu Tianhao refuted me with such a simple sentence. However, no matter what he said was true or false, he said to me in a worried tone: "however, alo, you are still in crisis. The order of the Xuanwu society may assassinate you at any time. If you have a good or bad character, how can I explain to your father?"After listening to Wu Tianhao, my mouth unconsciously showed a strange smile, and replied with a strong and sonorous voice: "this is not your concern. Uncle Wu, I am not afraid of any kind of fart assassination order, so my father is not worried about it!"

After listening to this, Wu Tianhao also had nothing to say. Then he said to me euphemistically: "well, since that is the case, please contact me when I need it. I will do my best to help."

I got Wu Tianhao's reply, my heart was more surging. After all, I hung up the phone and I immediately prepared for the event against Xuanwu Association. Of course, my enemy is not Xuanwu society. Now, the main thing is Lin Feng. After all, Xuanwu and I have no deep hatred. The reason why I get involved with this gang is because of Lin Feng. Therefore, I am the first target to deal with The mark is Lin Feng. I have been very sorry for his revenge.

During this day, my people are preparing silently. This preparation is equivalent to our counter attack war, and is also the biggest battle since the organization was founded, and it is also related to our life and death. Therefore, we all attach great importance to this action. All the preparations we should prepare are complete and all preparations are quietly carried out.

This evening, the information personnel in charge of the organization sent an important message that Lin Feng went to a steel factory in the East District. The place was spacious and remote, and people didn't care much about it. But it was the largest stronghold of Xuanwu society. Many members of the Xuanwu society were hidden here. It seems that ordinary employees are soldiers of Xuanwu society, They were under the cover of steel production, but secretly did something illegal.

This factory is a stronghold of Xuanwu Association, and it is no secret matter. It is known that it is, but it is still a key enterprise in the city. It can be seen that Xuanwu association is really capable. Although Xuanwu association is the largest gang in the city, its power is mainly concentrated in the East area. In the East, it can be said that the police are in the daytime and the night is their home area.

Today, Lin Feng ran to the place himself, maybe he would do some other shameful activities. Originally, my spearhead was temporarily afraid to target the place. In any case, it was the stronghold with the largest number of Xuanwu Lake. It was very risky to attack there. But Lin Feng just went there, so I could only lock the target there. If I could successfully end the stronghold, it would be a fatal blow to Xuanwu.

Thinking of this, I immediately contacted Wu Tianhao and said my purpose. My words surprised Wu Tianhao. However, he promised to help me before. So, he didn't say much, but simply promised me that he would let people help. After I agreed with him about the time and place, I hung up the phone, and then I took my people to leave.

At this time, I was in full momentum, and I was in sharp contrast with the depression of the previous day. Maybe, I am the real me now. My brothers are all rendered by my momentum. All those eager to try are ready to do a big job. I have brought 50 people in total. Everyone is the elite in the organization. These days in school, brothers can be really real What is choking is bad, now, not only can go out for breath, but also revenge these days of hard forcing life, how can we not be excited.

At 8:40 p.m., 50 brothers had already arrived at the gathering place. And the people of Wu Tianhao arrived early. After meeting with his people, they were almost the same as us. The man who led me knew that the black man in the field.

It seems that Wu Tianhao has made the best efforts this time. There are many people in the school, and the strength of the leader is extremely strong. To be honest, I am also relieved that there are many people who are in charge of him. Although the Xuanwu society is powerful, it is only one of his strongholds, and there are no more people who can be attacked by our hundred people.

He simply told him my strategy of fighting, hoping that he could cooperate with me and listen to me. The black faced man didn't have any nonsense. He said to me with great pride: "boss said it, listen to your command!"

I nodded with satisfaction. After discussing with him, the time had come to nine. At this time, I made a gesture to show the big guy to set off. Then, a large group of people approached the target place quietly.

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