After returning to the bedroom, I just lay down, Uncle Wu's phone call came. As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked with concern: "Arlo, don't your injury matter?"

In order not to let Uncle Wu worry, I casually replied: "nothing serious, uncle, how did you deal with the matter between you and Lin Feng?"

Uncle Wu listened to my words and said in a deep voice: "Lin Feng won't trouble you for the time being. I've already told him that the boy named song is here with me. I told him to come to me if he wants someone, Arlo. But the boy with the surname of song is not easy to get into trouble. You can either hide the person or let him go to avoid getting angry."

I did not hesitate to reply: "uncle, I have a grudge with him is not a day or two, this person I can not let go."

Uncle Wu was silent for a few seconds. He replied seriously, "well, I respect your choice, but you must remember it. You must! Hide the people, and at the same time be careful, don't have any more accidents. Lin Feng and the police, I will try my best to settle for you, you can rest assured. "

I thank Uncle Wu from the bottom of my heart, and then chatted a few words, then hung up the phone, lying in bed staring at the ceiling, the seeds of hatred in my heart slowly breeding, now, I want to revenge not only song Qingfeng, but also Lin Feng. Blood debt must be paid by blood.

At the beginning, I was misunderstood and beaten by him inexplicably. I could bear those things and let him pass. But today, he hit me again without saying anything. I could bear it because of his influence. But now, no matter what kind of person he is and what kind of force is behind him, I can't bear it.

Although I know that the basaltic society is powerful and Lin Feng's fighting power is strong, I am not afraid. Since Uncle Wu has the ability to protect me today, but also can make Lin Feng dare not act rashly under his nose, it shows that his power is not inferior to Lin Feng, or even worse than the Xuanwu society behind him. With Uncle Wu's backing, I don't need to be afraid of Lin any more The power of Feng.

However, now I even walk shivering, want to revenge can not immediately action, so, I must take advantage of this period of time to get well, and then plan revenge action, at present, the only problem is to listen to Uncle Wu, song Qingfeng to hide, now it seems, abandoned Canton is obviously not safe, so I immediately discussed with Chen Haoran the issue of Tibetans 。

Haoran, as a local, is familiar with the city. As soon as I asked him, he thought of a perfect place. He said that it was particularly safe and no one could find it. After listening to him, I left this matter to Chen Haoran and asked him to arrange it. I could never let song civilization run away. With song civilization in hand, my heart could be more stable.

After the command was finished, I quietly entered the state of recuperation. For the next two days, I had been lying in bed, taking medicine and applying medicine on time. After two days, my condition was a little better. I could walk without any problem, but my lower body still had a dull pain, which was very uncomfortable. In order to regain my consciousness, I even looked for the island country love action movie, but it was still a little bit unresponsive. The feeling was really useless. No matter what I did, I couldn't find the feeling, which made me hit a little bit.

Now, I have nothing to do with shame. I immediately went to the clinic and asked her to check it again. This time, I didn't do the same thing as last time. I took off my pants quickly. Now I don't care about other things. I just care about my illness. So, I didn't even close my eyes and looked at the beautiful sister directly Check for me step by step.

In order to make myself feel better, I even put my eyes on the chest of the beautiful sister, and my brain kept filling in the unbearable pictures. But even so, my lower body was still unresponsive. Even the beautiful sister who checked for me was dignified at this time. Finally, she shook her head helplessly and said that my problem was beyond her ability and suggested me Go to a regular hospital for a careful examination.

Seeing her appearance, I realized the seriousness of the matter, and felt more uneasy in my heart. However, this matter can not blame the beautiful sister. She is just a doctor. Even if I am upset, I can't vent with her. I can only put on my pants listlessly, say thanks to her, and then leave quietly.

When I went to the clinic, the sky was actually very clear, but I felt that the whole sky was dark. I was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere, which made me feel a little breathless. The more I thought about it, the more I felt the more bad the feeling was. I suddenly felt that my life was going to be over. I didn't expect that things would develop to such a level.

I thought that after two days of cultivation, everything would be restored to its original state. I was hopeful that God would like to make fun of me. I could only blame my naivety. Listening to the beautiful sister's meaning, it was really difficult to do. Even if I went to an authoritative hospital, it would not be cured. This part is different from other places. Other places will recover after a period of time It's the same, but if this place is broken, it can't be recovered after five or ten years. Moreover, as a man, I'm not complete. What else can I do to fight for.

Fate is really too ridiculous, just mixed up on the road, although life is not lost, but my brother is inadvertently broken, which is more painful than death, the taste of life is not like death, I look up, deep at the blue sky, want to breathe some fresh air into my body, but the bitter mood makes me want to do nothing, with In a confused mood, I drifted back to my bedroom.Haoran, they have been waiting for me in the dormitory. After seeing me back, they surrounded me and asked me how I was. I told them my situation listlessly. After listening to them, my brothers immediately urged me to go to the big hospital for examination, comforting me that everything would be OK. Before the doctor gave the final diagnosis, I could not give up hope completely With my brothers' persuasion, maybe I should go to the big hospital to look for the last glimmer of hope.

Later, I didn't grind Ji. I started together with my brothers. On the way, Chen Haoran was most angry. He swore that if I had an accident, he would castrate song Qingfeng first and kill Lin Shihan's bitch. Other brothers also echoed, if I really abandoned, even if they would like to help me revenge, try their best to kill Lin Feng.

Usually, I would be excited to see my brothers so passionate, but now, I have no heart to listen to anything else. I just walk towards the school gate worried and just want to get to the hospital quickly. But as soon as I stepped out of the school gate, my whole person stopped. My brothers also stopped behind me. It was not other people who caught our eyes. It was the bitch, Lin Shi Han.

Before I met Lin Shihan, even though my brothers were abusing her, I didn't want to think about her because I really didn't want to think about anything else, for fear that it would really be useless. But the moment I saw Lin Shihan, my heart still couldn't help twitching, all the past events were forgotten by me, only her brother kicked me, her schadenfreude expression, this moment, I abandoned all the complex mood, anger completely erupted from the body.

The brothers were even more angry than me. They knew very well that although the person who hurt me was Lin Shihan's elder brother Lin Feng, it was still Lin Shihan who started the attack. Her brother was just a tool for her revenge. The brothers had drawn their hatred on Lin Shihan for a long time. As soon as she appeared, Chen Haoran would go to take her without saying a word.

I quickly stopped them and motioned them not to move. Although I was angry, I had to suppress it. I knew that it was easy to deal with a woman named Lin Shihan, but we couldn't afford to offend Lin Feng behind her, or even the whole Xuanwu society. Uncle Wu managed to suppress the matter and let Lin Feng's target shift to him. If I were here because of this When Lin Shihan is impulsive, he must be on fire again.

Now, no matter what, I have to bear with it first. When my brothers saw me stop me, they were very obedient and did not make any more mistakes. They quietly retreated behind me, staring at Lin Shihan who was coming towards me angrily. It seems that she specially came to look for me. As soon as she saw my appearance, she speeded up her pace and walked towards me quickly.

Coming to me, she went straight to the subject and said, "solo, I want to talk to you alone."

Perhaps it was because Uncle Wu's influence suppressed Lin Feng. During this meeting, Lin Shihan's attitude was not as arrogant as before. She spoke to me in a calm tone. After finishing this sentence with me, she went straight to the tree at the gate of our school.

Looking at the back of her leaving, I hesitated for several times, and finally I followed her. At the moment, my expression was very calm, but my eyes were full of anger. I don't know whether Lin Shihan felt my full of anger. When I arrived, she even put down her arrogant attitude and said to me with a very sincere attitude and a little cry, I apologize for what I did to you before. Can you let the breeze go? I beg you

When she spoke, her voice was choked. After speaking, her eyes were full of tears, and her pitiful appearance really made people feel pity. It seems that she is hard and can't be soft with me. To tell the truth, I can't bear to see her like this. After all, I used to be my hard guard. Looking at her, I said painfully, "Lin Shihan, do you know? If you come to me for the first time, you can talk to me with this attitude. I can see that song Qingfeng has been spared in my previous relationship, but you didn't do that. You even asked your brother to beat me and gave me fatal injury. Now I can tell you clearly that I will never let song Qingfeng go easily! "

After saying that, I resolutely turned around and went straight away. After a few steps, Lin Shihan's cry with crying voice came immediately behind me: "Su Luo, you must make things too hard for you to be reconciled?"

I turned my head indifferently and looked at Lin Shihan with my angry eyes. I said fiercely, "Lin Shihan, I can tell you clearly that now, the matter has been made big by me. If you feel dissatisfied, just let your elder brother come in. I'm not afraid. From the beginning to the end, I haven't been afraid of your elder brother. Lin Shihan, I also warn you, although I don't beat women, But my patience is also limited. For your own safety, I hope you don't come to me again in the future. I'm afraid I can't help fighting against you! "

After that, I did not look at her, and then resolutely left. This series of actions led to my lower body still ache, but I still showed the same appearance in front of her, and could not expose my weakest side to her.

After seeing me leave, the brothers also followed me. Chen Haoran took the lead in speaking and said to me discontented, "brother, this is the end of the matter. Are you going to let that bitch off easily?"For Chen Haoran's words, the other brothers also nodded. I know that they are all for my good, and do not want me to let go of Lin Shihan from the bottom of my heart. But in the face of their questions, I don't want to make too many explanations, and quietly said to them: "go!"

Seeing that I didn't want to answer, the brothers could not go on questioning. After hearing my words, they did not say anything, so they left with me.

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