After all the staff were ready, I went out alone. At this moment, there was no one outside the huge factory building, but many people were scattered in the yard. Playing cards and drinking everything, everyone was free to move, and the crowd were all in normal life. Everything was so peaceful. My sudden appearance did not attract any attention from anyone inside People are willing to take a look at me.

I watched for a long time and coughed heavily. Finally, this move of mine attracted the attention of a smoker. He walked over to me, looked me up and down, and said faintly, "if you want to buy something, you can come tomorrow. We have already finished work here."

Although the words were polite, but the tone was obviously a little impatient. I looked at the smoker and said in a loud voice, "I'm not here to buy things!"

My voice is very loud, so that the people inside have stopped the movement of their hands, have to look at me, and in front of this smoker, is a look of surprise at me, doubt asked: "then what are you here for?"

His voice dropped at the same time, my right hand suddenly shook, immediately, from my right hand sleeve mouth, slipped out a bright swing stick, and when the handle of the swing stick passed through my palm, I squeezed it hard, and said with an evil smile, "I am here to repair people!"

He said, not waiting for the smoking man to react, he quickly waved his club and directly hit the man's head. My speed was very fast, which made people unable to defend. One of the people inside saw this scene and immediately called out: "Puma, get out of the way!"

However, it was obviously too late for them to remind him. My swing stick directly hit his head, and blood ran down his forehead. When he was shocked, I suddenly stepped out of my leg and kicked him in the abdomen. The smoking man flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

The moment the smoking man fell down, several other people immediately showed a look of consternation. But in a flash, their looks changed from amazement to anger. They already saw that I was here to smash the scene. Suddenly, the gang lost what they had done and swore: "my God, your mother!"

After scolding, they took the guys around them one after another, and stormed towards me. Their state was obviously to abolish me. Before they rushed to the door, I yelled behind me and rushed out a large group of people holding the guy. When those people who came over were stunned, the soldiers behind me rushed to those people crazily and went up to them It was a random beating. In less than a moment, these people were beaten to cry for their parents.

The first group of people who rushed out behind me were Haoran people. They released all their frustrations for so many days. Especially Haoran himself was red eyed. After they had no strength to fight back, they did not stop. How could he think that we, the masters of tigers and wolves, were prepared and dare to fight against the people of the basaltic society.

When we didn't pay attention, one of the people who fell on the ground, without knowing where the strength came from, yelled into the air. Obviously, he was calling for help to those who didn't come out. We rushed directly into the air, regardless of how many people there were in them.

Suddenly, a number of men with machetes sprang out of the house. These men were soldiers who had been fighting for a long time, and they were full of deterrence. However, we were so numerous and powerful that we did not fear them at all. No matter whether they were human beings or ghosts, we were merciless.

In particular, I rushed to the front of the team, unstoppable. The gods blocked the gods and the Buddhists killed the Buddhas. Those individuals of the other side were unprepared and could not defeat our group of tigers and wolves. Just as we were fighting fiercely, a loud sound of the iron door being opened suddenly came into our ears.

I couldn't help looking back, I found that the closed door of the workshop next door was opened, and suddenly a lot of people poured out. They blocked the gate of our entrance directly. Blocking the road was like blocking our retreat. There were more than 30 people who just came out. They were all members of the basaltic society, with absolute combat effectiveness Much stronger than our brothers.

As soon as their group surrounded us, a leader immediately called to us: "where are you from, grandson tortoise! If you dare to make trouble here, my brothers, cut them off for me

At that time, the group of big men with swords behind him swept towards us. Just as they rushed over, a few people suddenly stopped, because a large number of people suddenly poured out behind these people. These people were not others, but the brothers of the black faced big man. When they came, they did not give each other a chance to breathe. They went up again in a mess.

The brothers led by the black faced big man are more experienced in fighting than those in the basaltic society. They are unprepared to attack the people who support them. When our brothers see the helpers coming, their morale is even stronger. Without saying a word, they meet the enemy in front of them, and in an instant, they kill these confused members of the Xuanwu society.

Almost less than five minutes later, we cleaned up the people in this room. Without any pause, I took the lead and rushed directly to their other houses. After hearing the fighting, several groups of people were rushed from other directions, but they were all knocked down by us. At this time, the whole workshop was in a complete mess, and the staff in it were in a hurry As soon as they ran out, they were quickly cleaned up by our people. Some people who were still in sleep did not let go and gave a beating directly from the bed.For these people in the Xuanwu society, we are merciless. It is impossible to stop until we are in a coma. The attack is fast and fierce. Within half an hour, we drive straight into the last part of the yard. A workshop in the backyard is still on, and we clean the rooms. There is no important thing. Obviously, the last house hidden here should be Xuanwu The secret stronghold of the meeting. If I thought it was right, Lin Feng should be here at the moment.

This house is closely guarded, and all the doors and windows are welded by electricity. As soon as I saw the house, I immediately ran with my brothers. Outside the secret workshop, there were a group of men in suits. As soon as I saw us coming, one of them knocked hard on the wooden door, while the others all picked up the guys in their hands, Put on a fighting posture.

What's more, these seemingly powerful people were disintegrated by us three or two times. To be good, we can only blame the small number of them and the large number of us. After cleaning up the last defense line, I was the first to rush to the wooden door and kicked it with all my strength. Bang, the wooden door was kicked open by me. Then, I strode in.

After I went in, other brothers followed in one after another. Only a few of them were injured. All of them were only slight injuries. After I entered the door, I immediately scanned the interior of the workshop and saw that there were more than 20 people in it. They were divided into two pairs, forming a confrontation. One of the leaders was the person I was looking for, Lin Feng.

Without waiting for me to open my mouth, a bald head led by another team immediately confronted Lin Feng and asked, "crazy man, what is this situation? Don't you say you're safe here? "

In fact, no one expected that he could be attacked in this place, and his bald face was extremely ugly at this time, but it was far worse than that of Lin Feng. Lin Feng's iron green face looked at the army behind me, then turned to look at me with an unbelievable look in his eyes. Then, he said to me in a cold voice: "Suluo, I didn't expect it was really you. It's up to you How can these people rush in? "

After all, he is an old man. In the face of such a scene, his voice is still calm and he is still not afraid of us. At the moment, what he can't believe is that with the dozens of people I've brought, he can break into his interior.

It was just his question, but before I could make a voice and answer, there was a very rough voice outside the factory building, saying, "there are also us!"

As soon as the sound fell, the back door of the workshop was kicked open again with a bang. The black faced man and his brother rushed in, forming a situation of encirclement in the factory building. At this moment, Lin Feng was unable to fly.

But Lin Feng was still very calm. He was just surprised that the big black faced man would come here. Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the black faced man and said coldly, "Zhao tie, are you really going to fight against Xuanwu?"

It turns out that the name of the black faced man is Zhao tie. It seems that Lin Feng has heard of his name. However, Zhao tie doesn't care about Lin Feng's threat at all. He says arrogantly, "it's none of my business. I'm just carrying out the boss's order."

A word simply showed everything. Lin Feng also took him out of the way. He bit his teeth in anger and looked at me again. He said in a cold voice, "Suluo, who gave you the courage to call here? Are you not afraid to die?"

What I dislike most is that he is such a person. He has become a turtle in a jar and is still threatening me. I looked at his arrogant face and said leisurely, "Lin Feng, you are all dying. You dare to threaten me, which makes me admire very much!"

When I said this, I still held my fist and shook him a few times. My hatred for him has reached the extreme. He can't help but abandon me and beat my best brother. I really want to put him to death immediately. Anyway, he can't escape from my palm any more. Now I just want to kill him slowly.

But after hearing what I said, Lin Feng snorted coldly and said, "you want to catch me. It's a fool's dream. Remember, Suluo, you will pay for today's behavior!"

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