After we left, we took a taxi to the largest andrology hospital in the city. Here, I directly found an old expert with the most authority and experience in treatment to make a diagnosis for me. However, it turned out that I was still disillusioned with that wisp of hope. The diagnosis result was that the key point was hurt, the problem was very serious, and the diagnosis and treatment could not be made. It mainly depends on my own recovery ability, in other words He suggested that I should stay with my girlfriend more and play some exciting and interesting games. Maybe I can recover.

The old professor's words are not absolute, but I can hear that he is comforting me. From the time he said those words, he has proved that I am useless. In a moment, I feel the world in front of me is dark. All the good life I had dreamed of collapsed in an instant, and my life was over.

The panic in my heart hit me like a flood, which made me sad. I wanted to create my own future and erase all the twists and turns on the way. Then I married Ziyi home and lived a happy life with her.

now, fate has made people, I have become a useless person, a complete waste of people, everything has turned into a bubble, all the passion, blood, instant dissipation, I can not accept this fact, I instantly scared silly, even how they left the hospital, how to return to the bedroom, I do not know, the whole brain is blank, completely unknown. What are you thinking about? This cruel fact has hit me too hard. It broke my soul all of a sudden, and made me afraid from the bottom of my heart. I was afraid to face the world and all people.

Back in the bedroom, I locked myself in the room, feeling that I had no face to see people. All my brothers heard about me. Fortunately, no one laughed at me. They were just angry about my business. They all wanted to revenge for me. They all knew their own strength. If we fought with Xuanwu, we had no chance to win, but the brothers were still there He was impassioned and had no fear at all. He said that he must revenge me.

But in the face of the passion of my brothers, I had no ambition, even the thought and courage of revenge. Even I didn't care about the affairs in the organization. I left all my power to Chen Haoran and told him not to disturb the brothers. I put down all of them and locked myself in the small bedroom The day of birth and death.

It's impossible for people who don't experience it personally to understand how painful it is to be abandoned. It's not just that you can't be a man. It's just that you can't even be a man. You can't even lift your head in front of everyone. This fatal blow makes me think of suicide. But when I think of so many people who have hope for me, I give up this idea Head, but I'm living like this is not like death.

If I had not been strong in my heart, I would have collapsed or died. However, I am almost like a dead man. No matter how strong I am, I can't withstand the blow of being abandoned. What I want most in my life is to be a man who stands up to heaven and become a real strong man. But now this fact has been destroyed at the beginning of my life It's not even as good as the original cowardly, butchered solo.

I had my brothers bring me a lot of wine from the bar to my bedroom, which paralyzed my nerves. For five days in a row, I didn't go out of the dorm for five days. I drank like mud every day. It was useless for my brothers to persuade me. During this period, Shen Muchen contacted me, and he seemed to know me Things, all kinds of persuasion are not, I always in their own haze, left ear listen to right ear, I do not want to go out, do not want to see anyone, do not want to face all people and things.

With my self indulgence and degeneration, the whole organization has become unstable. Although Chen Haoran is my right arm and the number two figure in the organization, he is not the boss after all. He can't control other brothers at all. Not everyone is convinced by him. Gradually, the organization has a trend of disintegration.

The so-called country can't be without a monarch for a day. Without me, I can't support this small organization. Although the organization was built by my brothers and I with blood and tears, it almost became a part of my life. Before, when I saw that it was in danger, I would certainly ignore all the rescue. But now what's the use of saving it now, as far as I am a waste man Even if my power is overwhelming in the future, it is no longer wonderful. I have no idea what I can expect. I am a walking corpse, a useless waste now.

Seeing that the internal cracks in the organization are getting bigger and bigger, I, a waste, not only don't want to save it, but also want to just dissolve it. In this way, we can not only solve the crisis of Xie Yu, but also let the brothers return to safety. I also save the worry and trouble others. Thinking of this, I immediately made up my mind in silence. I will announce the solution to my brothers tonight Scattered flowers on the other side.

Just as I was about to go out and announce to my brothers, the accident came. On this evening, I received a call from my good brother crab. He told me on the phone that Shen Muchen was called into the hospital by Lin Feng, the elder brother of Lin Shihan.

This news, like a slap in the head, wakes up the confused me. My heart suddenly trembles. For a moment, I seem to understand that I am too selfish. I only think about myself. I think about escape, degeneration and myself, but I don't think about others. The chaos caused by myself has implicated others.Up to now, song Qingfeng is still in my hand. The Song family and the Lin family are covetous of me. However, I just want to disband the organization here. As a result, Lin Feng reaches out to my good brother, Shen Muchen. Lin Feng can be famous not only by ruthlessness, but also by his own wisdom. He must have investigated the people around me and knew that Shen Muchen is my best Brother, he wanted to force me to release Shen Muchen.

How I do is my business, but now I have implicated Shen Muchen because of my depravity and harmed him because I was hospitalized. How can my conscience be peaceful? How can I be worthy of Shen Muchen, my only good brother. Now I know that escaping can't solve the problem. I've been halfway there and offended many people. Even if I'm determined to give up everything, I'm afraid I won't be able to seek stability in the future, let alone the peace of the people around me.

It's because song Qingfeng is such a bitch. If I don't let him go, I'm in trouble. If I let him go, don't think, song Qingfeng will never let me go. Even if the organization is disbanded, it will still be difficult, and even have no strength to resist.

The reality of red fruit in front of me, what should I do? Let brothers no matter, continue to shrink up to be a turtle, or to stand up again, for myself, for the people I care about to fight, to resist, thinking, my eyes are red, heart entangled, I drink wine, want to paralyze myself, but alcohol is obviously useless to me, but the more I drink more spirit, in my pain tangled time, my bedroom door Bang, when he was knocked open, a wounded man rushed in. He was also a brother in the organization. At the moment, he was black and blue, and there was no good place in his body. He looked very embarrassed. But he couldn't care about himself. As soon as he came in, he was extremely anxious and cried to me:

"brother, no, no, no, there's an accident, something big, i All of our venues are just now, and they have been smashed. Most of our brothers are injured and hospitalized. It was the people of the Xuanwu society who sent out their words. If song Qingfeng has not been released tomorrow, they will let us disappear from the world completely! "

When I heard this news, my brain exploded with a buzz, and my heart felt as if my blood was flowing backward. My hand holding a bottle of wine increased its strength uncontrollably. With a bang, the wine bottle in my hand was crushed on the back of me, and the wine in the bottle fell on the ground in an instant.

Shen Muchen's injury gave me a great blow because he was injured. Now, I heard that almost all the brothers in the organization were also injured. My inner thoughts were immediately firm. It seems that I can't sink down. I have to stand up and face what I should face. I can bear my own injury, but Lin Feng takes my brother for an operation, which is absolutely not possible.

I quickly put on my clothes and went to the hospital with my brother who reported the news. All our injured brothers were in our hospital, including Shen Muchen. Only he was the most injured. The first person I visited was Shen Muchen.

When Shen Muchen saw that I finally went out, a smile appeared on his mouth. Even though he hurt himself again, he still showed the most cordial smile after seeing me. He tried his best to say to me: "Arlo, I know all about you. It's really hard for people to accept. But the more you do, the more you can't give up. Escape can't solve the problem. What's the hatred Even if you lose your life, you have to pay back! "

Although Shen Muchen was seriously injured, his heart was still on me. I suddenly felt that he was warm, and my moved nose was a little sour. This is my brother, who is always thinking about me. How can I be worthy of his escape.

Even if there is no man's dignity, even if the future lost a lot of color, for the sake of brother, I can't degenerate here. For brother, I don't care about the problem of face. For my brother, I have to stand up and face the reality. In the face of bullying my brother, I want him to return it. For Lin Feng, who destroyed me, this hurt my brother I am bound to take his dog's life.

After a period of self reflection, I immediately firmly looked at Shen Muchen lying in the hospital bed and said solemnly: "Muchen, if it is for myself, I may not come out, but Lin Feng has hurt you and all my brothers in the organization. I came out for you. This time, I must let him know and let him pay for the end of fighting against me The price

Finish this sentence, my decadent spirit swept away. At the moment, my eyes showed the most vicious eyes. If the eyes can kill people, then the bones of Lin Feng who have been killed by me are gone. Shen Muchen looks at me with a happy smile and nods to my satisfaction.

After watching Shen Muchen, I went to other wards to visit. All the brothers were hurt badly, but they saw that my decadent boss came out, just like beating chicken blood. They didn't care about their own injury. They all showed an excited smile. Looking at the smiling faces in front of my eyes, my heart was completely melted, and they all joined me after they saw me I don't care about the pain in my body. As the leader, how can I let my brothers down.

Apart from Shen Muchen, I am more sorry for him. According to my brothers, this time, Chen Haoran took the place of me to lead my brother to face the people of the Xuanwu society. Until the end, he insisted on not falling down and fighting the enemy to the end. As a result, he was the most seriously injured of all the brothers. In addition to the internal injury caused by the stick attack, his body was also stabbed several times, and his upper body was sewn tightly Numb, Leng is did not cry out, this is a pure man.When I saw these brothers injured but still fighting, my strong revenge belief in my heart became more and more serious, and my hatred for Lin Feng became deeper and deeper. Now I really can't wait to revenge him. Killing him can't solve my hatred. If he falls into my hands, I will slowly torture him and let him really experience life The feeling of death.

After talking to my senior brother, I probably knew that the person who attacked me suddenly was to make sure that song Qingfeng was still in my hand. Uncle Wu was just a cover. Song Qingfeng had been held in our custody for too many days, and Lin Feng couldn't wait. So he did it tonight. Moreover, he didn't come to negotiate with me this time, but to solve it by violence, Lin Feng's belief is to solve all problems with violence.

Well, since this lunatic of the Xuanwu society likes violence, I will give him a tyranny against violence. He wants me to release his important little cousin, but I will not let him go. I will make Lin Feng pay the price from Song Qingfeng!

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