Thinking of this, I immediately inquired about song Qingfeng's place of detention. Haoran asked me to contact Dong Zhiming directly. He said that he would take someone to look at Song Qingfeng tonight. Now I contacted him directly. Dong Zhiming asked me to wait for him for a while. Then, while I was waiting for him in the ward, I said some words of comfort and encouragement to my brothers and brothers. Time passed quietly in my conversation until Dong Zhi When tomorrow came, I said goodbye to my brothers.

After leaving the hospital, Dong Zhiming took me to song Qingfeng's place of detention. It has to be said that the place Haoran is looking for is really hidden. It is a wasteland outside the suburbs. There are lots of weeds and no human beings. There used to be a breeding base here, which was used by Hao Ran's uncle. But now it has been abandoned for a long time, and it has become a deserted land, which is suitable for Tibetans.

There is a simple small house here. After entering the house, I immediately saw two brothers of Dong Zhiming. They were the two men who had followed him to fight with swords. At this time, they were drinking wine with the help of indecent lights. There were piles of instant noodles boxes and leftover garbage near them. It is estimated that this is the food for the guards and song Qingfeng.

Seeing the brothers are so dedicated, I am very distressed. I am depressed and degenerate, but my brothers are still conscientious to help me guard song Qingfeng and live such a hard life in such a place. Thinking of this, I feel more and more unhappy. Just when I was in a daze, those two brothers and brothers also found me and immediately got up and called out sincerely: "big brother!"

I nodded to them. Then, I took the flashlight and went to the corner of the room. A man was curled up at the corner of the wall. It was song Qingfeng. At this time, his hands and feet were tied by ropes. Obviously, he was not in shape. He looked very embarrassed. His body was shaking like a madman. I illuminated him with the light, and he opened his eyes and looked at me As soon as he saw me, his lax eyes suddenly burst into splendor, just like seeing the Savior, he immediately opened his mouth and said something.

However, his voice was weak and his speech was not clear. I couldn't understand what he said. So I immediately asked people to give him a drink of water. When he moistened his voice, he could finally speak completely. He directly said to me in a praying tone: "yexuan, I'm wrong. Please let me go. I won't do it right again!"

Maybe he suffered too much these days, which finally made him understand that I kidnapped him not for fun, but for real. Fear had consumed all his will. Therefore, now Song Qingfeng has completely lost his arrogance and has become a bit spineless. Everyone can only pray for farewell like a dog in order to continue to live People.

I looked at him, disdainful said: "you said let me let you, I must let you go?"

Although song Qingfeng's hands and feet were tied, his body was still free. Like a mangy dog, he slowly climbed up to me, then raised his eyes, looked at me pitifully, and continued to pray: "Ye Zixuan, let me go, I will listen to you, I swear, I will never revenge, I can give you money, I will give you as much as you want Really

Seeing that he was tortured into this kind of advice, I just think he deserved it. This kind of bullying made me feel sick. I said in a cold voice, "I want you to tie your dear cousin, Lin Shihan, to my bed, would you like to?"

Hearing this, song Qingfeng was still stunned at the beginning. I thought he was a strong man. He would get up for his cousin. But I was wrong. When he touched my firm eyes, his Pug image came out again. He did not hesitate to reply: "OK, OK, OK, I promise you, I promise you!"

It seems that in order to live on, song Qingfeng really doesn't care about anything. Now I guess he will answer anything I say. Seeing him like this, I am even more disappointed with him. I snorted and gave him a scornful smile. Then, I took out my mobile phone and whispered, "in this case, you give me Lin Shihan's phone, and I'll call her !”

When he heard this, song Qingfeng hesitated again. He might not have thought that I was serious. Although Lin Shihan was not related to his cousin like his brother, he could not care, but if he came really, he would be afraid. After all, Lin Shihan is not an ordinary girl, but for song Qingfeng, life is still the most important thing So, after he hesitated for a few times, he still gave me the phone number, and immediately I called in the past.

After the phone was connected, I immediately turned on the loudspeaker, and a female voice was heard: "who are you looking for, please?"

I didn't hide it. I replied calmly, "solo!"

As soon as the other party heard my name, he was stunned and then yelled at me: "sulo, I tell you, our family are angry. If you don't let people go tomorrow, you and your brothers will have an accident!"

At this time, she is still threatening me. This woman is really hopeless. I sneered and slightly replied, "if you want to see the body of song Qingfeng tomorrow, please let your elder brother do it!"

After that, I squatted down and said a sentence to song Qingfeng who was lying on the ground: "Song Qingfeng, did you hear that your beautiful cousin doesn't care about your life and death. Now, I can tell you clearly that if Lin Feng dares to start tomorrow, I dare to kill you!"My voice is very sharp, song Qingfeng was scared to hear, he quickly begged for mercy: "don't, don't, cousin, don't mess around, I don't want to die!"

For this coward who was afraid of death, he certainly didn't want to use violence to solve the matter. After all, the hostage was his own. Lin Shihan was stunned by his words and didn't know how to return it to me for a while. When she was dumb, I said again: "Lin Shihan, you hear me clearly. I have already talked with your little cousin. I can let him go, But he has to send you to my bed and satisfy me. When I'm comfortable, I'll let you go! "

Hearing this, Lin Shihan suddenly broke out. She did not hesitate to yell at me: "Suluo, don't think about it, you pervert, don't dream. Qingfeng is impossible for him to agree!"

She seems to believe his cousin very much, but now I want to see what her trusted cousin who has been saving her life will do. So, I directly stood up and handed the flashlight to Dong Zhiming. By the way, I took a machete from his hand. Then, I played with the knife in front of song Qingfeng for two times. My eyes flashed fiercely and said in a cruel voice: "the breeze is small Do you agree, cousin

Song Qingfeng saw me show a machete, immediately scared soft, he did not hesitate to the phone side of the call: "I promise, I promise you not!"

As soon as song Qingfeng said this, Lin Shihan over there was suddenly silent. The cousin she had been maintaining was willing to send her to my bed without hesitation. What kind of expression should she have now? Don't think about it. I also know that the expression will be very colorful. I looked at Song Qingfeng again and said to the phone:

"Lin Shihan, did you hear that your brother who cares so much doesn't care about you at all. In order to survive, you are still too naive. For such a scum, your elder brother makes a great effort to deal with me. You know, even if I have no seed and no future, I can still pay my life for the people around me, but the people you care about can live I'll let you regret it. I want you to pay the price

These words almost burst out of my heart and lungs, and my tears burst out unconsciously. For so many days, the depressed emotions in my heart erupted. No one could pay attention to my mood. I felt worthless for myself. Just because of such a scum, I lost the dignity of a man. I hate it. I hate it too much.

I didn't wait for Lin Shihan to say anything, I hung up the phone directly. At this moment, my eyes were full of cruelty. From my words, song Qingfeng had already felt something, and my ferocious appearance made him feel more panic. He immediately begged for mercy from me and said, "brother, these are none of my business, really none of my business What a matter

I looked at Song Qingfeng with a ferocious look. I put the knife in my hand directly under his crotch. My blade was only millimeter away from his important part. But I didn't hurt him on purpose. I just put the tip of the knife into the mud, but it was such a simple move that song Qingfeng was scared to death. Tears flowed through my eyes and cried for his father and mother, He really felt the fear of death.

I yelled at him without saying a word: "what is TM? It's none of your business? All of them are caused by you. I have never done anything to hurt you, and I have never had any intersection with you. But you can't help saying that at the classmate party, you humiliated me and suppressed me. At the beginning, I didn't care about you, because I didn't have the strength, so I let it go, but you didn't know what to do, and repeatedly opposed me in this city.

I almost died because of you, you know? Everything is caused by you. If not you, Lin Feng would not have dealt with me, would not have directly abolished me, and made me unable to be a man. Today, I will ask you to pay for my blood debt, so that you can feel my pain and pay the price for maintaining your Lin Shihan everywhere! "

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