Her strength is extraordinary. Even if she doesn't steal attacks, I am only able to open it in front of her. Moreover, she directly deprived me of the chance of backhand. Her head was knocked out. Before she eased, her dagger stabbed and responded quickly. However, she was knocked down by her. The dagger stabbed so quickly, but it didn't directly stab me Her wrist was clamped by a big hand between trance.

It was such a simple action that almost saved my life. I could imagine how the master of that hand existed. I lay on the ground, and I had slowed down the God. She noticed clearly that the eyes of the cleaner were full of murderous energy and suddenly a little startled. She turned her head quickly and looked at the master of the big hand. I looked at it in her eyes In the past, I found that the master of the big hand was a strange man.

His face is dark and his skin is rough. He is like a peasant in the tunnel. He is not tall and has a strong physique. Especially on his face, he has a very conspicuous scar. His glasses are straight through his nose. It looks very vicious. The weather in November is not too cold. But he is wrapped in a worn military coat. It looks very strange. It is a strange person , actually quietly appeared in the canteen, but also can prevent the killer from killing me in time, more importantly, in the face of such a fierce killer, this strange man is effortless, easily seized her wrist, even the expression is very indifferent.

Looking back at the killer, it seems that the strange man has strangled his life. At this moment, her forehead is full of sweat. After a while, she snorted. At the same time, her leg moved, and a big swing leg swept to the strange man quickly. It seems to have a lethality in this leg. But for the weird man, it is like a pediatrics. He even has a little bit of it Hiding without hiding, he carried the killer's foot hard. However, while he took the foot, his hand moved, holding the wrist of the cleaner and throwing it at will.

Immediately, the powerful killer just like sandbags, flew out directly, fell over the table, and saw this scene, I couldn't help but breathe, and my heart was shaking. Such a powerful killer was in the hands of a strange man, so unbearable that I suddenly remembered a saying: "there are people outside the world!"

However, the killer is not a fool, knowing that she is not the opponent of a strange man. So, the moment she fell to the ground from the table, almost half a moment without pause, she turned over at the fastest speed, her body was extremely light, her movements were abnormal and rapid, and then she ran away, and disappeared in the canteen in a flash.

Although I haven't seen the woman's appearance clearly from the beginning to the end, I don't need to think I know. This must be the killer sent by Xuanwu Association. I thought I could keep my life carefully, but I didn't expect that I would be so vulnerable to the attack. It seems that what I lack or realize is the training.

When I was in a state of mind, the strange man suddenly reached out his hand to me and said politely to me, "you are OK, master Su!"

His voice is quite pleasant compared with his appearance. It gives a feeling of incomprehensibility. It is that he feels very safe with him. More importantly, he even calls me master. That is to say, whether he appears here for no reason or chance, he knew me.

Thinking of this, I immediately reached out my hand, and he held together, and then he gently pulled up, at this time, Chen Haoran also hurriedly came up, concerned asked: "Xuan brother, you have not hurt it!"

I shook my head at the great ran, and then I looked at the strange man who saved me, and asked him in a puzzled way, "I'm ok, who are you?"

His expression was normal, and he said in a deep voice, "my name is the sunflower. Your father asked me to protect you!"

There was no unnecessary nonsense, broke the main content in one word, but I was surprised to hear this. I was able to understand it. No wonder my dad called yesterday and told me to let go and fight. I didn't fear it. Originally, he didn't let me take risks by encouraging me, and he didn't care about my safety. Originally, he had secretly sent someone to come to me Protect me.

After hearing this, my heart suddenly had a feeling of being unable to say. My father didn't care about me. He didn't care about me. He didn't look at me. But he always paved the way for me silently. He planned so well for me, but he didn't tell me that he only let me show my confidence to face everything in front of me. He taught me again, so that I should not be given by my heart It broke down.

When I was stunned, many people in the canteen came around us. The sunflower saw the appearance and hurriedly said to me, "master Su, since you are OK, I will go first!"

After that, he left quickly before I replied. He didn't look at him as big as a man, but ran up and followed the wind. In an instant, he disappeared in front of me, until his back disappeared in my eyes. My head was still a bit confused. It felt like a dream. Suddenly, the killer came. Suddenly, protect the whole thing My men came, and suddenly they all left.

I didn't have the opportunity to prepare for it quickly. Maybe it was the style of master. I couldn't understand their form at all. I stood in the spot for a long time. Until Chen Haoran patted me, I woke up from the stupefied God, and then left with him.On the way out, Chen Haoran talked to me about the power of wasabi, but what impressed him more was my father. He randomly sent a person to protect me. He was such a top-notch expert that they couldn't accept it. However, he was more happy that he didn't have to worry about my safety any more. Originally, they were afraid that I would be attacked, and one of them would die if he was not careful. Now that my safety is guaranteed, my brothers are much more at ease.

Although these make me very excited, it is still difficult for me to accept. For such a bodyguard, Qiqi's cold man beside her is a person who comes and goes without trace. Compared with Qiqi's bodyguard, this wasabi is much more ordinary. In the eyes of outsiders, it looks like a farmer. I also know that a person can't be looked at, but he is real In my sense, force is really extraordinary.

I am very strange, my father how he let such a master, willing to protect me? The more I thought about it, the more curious I became. After I returned to my bedroom, I immediately called my father. As soon as I opened my mouth, I went straight to the theme and said, "Dad, the man named wasabi, did you send me to protect me?"

After listening to my words, my father just casually replied, "Oh, he is a friend I met in prison. He just got out of prison a few days ago. He couldn't find a job, so he came to me. You know, I like to be clean, so he asked him to find you. It's a job!"

For this matter, although my father said very light, but I can feel my father's good intentions. I know that he began to worry about my safety after he learned that I was abandoned by Lin Feng, so he sent someone to protect me. Although he didn't say these words personally, I could feel it. After all, my father's personality is like this, and he is not good at expressing 。

My father's love for me is really great, my heart is full of moving, although I know that there is no need to be polite between father and son, but I still can't help, sincerely said to my father: "thank you!"

Immediately, I hung up the phone. After this call, I was more confident. Originally, with Wu Tianhao's help, I was no longer afraid of the basaltic society. Now I have an expert like horseradish to protect me secretly. I am not afraid of the basaltic society any more. For me, the Xuanwu society is no longer enough to be afraid of. I am now in the Eastern District and the basaltic society have reached a point of irresistible confrontation. The so-called "one mountain can not allow two tigers", either he died or I died.

Before the appearance of wasabi, I wanted to spend it with them slowly. But now, I have no patience to spend it with them. The most important thing is that big gangs like the basaltic society have too many secret strongholds. It is also a very difficult thing to send them all. For those like them who are ready to report their grievances, since I have already established their stronghold, They are bound to take revenge in a short time. It is inevitable that they will hit me.

To tell you the truth, my idea now is to have a fight with them to decide the survival of me and him. Although my organization has gained some fame, compared with the basaltic society, we are still a little worse than that. If we really fight, we have no chance of winning. Moreover, we have not reached the point where the small gangs are subject to As we all know, we have offended the biggest gang in the city, so no one dares to join us.

So, my idea now is to defeat the basaltic society. Then, the whole Eastern District will be my world. Although I can't replace it as the leader of the city, my revenge is revenge, so I will be satisfied. Thinking of this, I can't help but feel excited. Although I can't beat them with my strength, I can only ask Wu Tianhao to do his best to help me, so that I can have a great chance to defeat the Xuanwu society.

Of course, those are the thoughts in my mind, but they are also very difficult in practice, but it will never be the end of such a consumption. After a long time of entanglement between the left and the right, I made up my mind to challenge the Xuanwu society and see whether life or death will be determined in this war

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