As soon as the voice fell, my feet slowly approached song Qingfeng. I concentrated all my stifling, all my unwillingness, and all my anger on this foot. When he begged for mercy, I suddenly jumped up and kicked the important part of song Qingfeng with my feet. This foot exhausted all my strength, without any mercy, and I seemed to hear the egg when I stepped on it The sound of breaking, suddenly, a wailing and Howling cry of a ghost rang through the small room.

Seeing him like this, I didn't feel any sympathy, but felt happy. I just wanted to let him taste the pain I suffered and let him pay the price for what he had done to me. I looked at him without expression, then folded up my feet, took out a cigarette and smoked slowly.

This foot is very antidote to me, but I know in my heart that from today on, my road will be more dangerous, but to my surprise, song Qingfeng, who screamed for a few seconds, was suddenly silent, even though there was no small moan. The whole room suddenly showed special silence and was very strange.

After a while, several of us felt something wrong. Dong Zhiming quickly raised his flashlight and lit it on Song Qingfeng. He found that the guy was foaming and his eyes turned white. He looked like he had epilepsy. Seeing this scene, my hands holding cigarettes shook. My heart was oppressed by an inexplicable emotion, and a bad premonition surged up Heart, and Dong Zhiming's face has become very dignified, he gently walked to song Qingfeng, with his fingers under his nose to explore. This does not matter, Dong Zhiming's eyes immediately showed a look of panic, trembling voice said to me: "boss, he is dead!"

For a man, the pain of the lower body can not be compared with language, to me such a hard bone can not help but scream. But song Qingfeng, a soft egg, was suddenly silent after a few calls. After a while, I realized that it was not good. When Dong Zhiming told me that he was dead, my heart was shaking very much, and I couldn't accept it for a while.

Even though I have a big hatred for song Qingfeng, I just want to give him a lesson and a unforgettable lesson in his life. What's more, I want to let Lin Shihan know that this is the price I have to pay. However, I didn't think that the small punishment I felt would kill someone by mistake. I had no time to think about it. I immediately lost my cigarette end and squatted in Song Dynasty Qingfeng's side also stretched out his fingers and explored his breath. The result was the same as Zhiming. He was really out of breath. I put out my hand to touch his heart. His heart stopped beating. Song Qingfeng was really dead.

Time, I also fell into a panic, my lips constantly wriggle, said to myself: "how possible, how can he die like this?"

The first time I killed someone was really scared. After living for so many years, I never thought that I would kill anyone. Even if the person who killed me was dying, I didn't want to kill him. I didn't want to commit a crime, and I didn't want to kill him for my life. I fell into chaos and was surrounded by fear. However, I never thought that things would be like this. After all, my time of wandering the river and lake was earlier than me Compared with me, he calmed down a lot and said to me:

"boss, calm down, you can't blame you for this. We also have our responsibility. Even if you start hard, you won't let him die. He died because he suffered too much these days, which made his body more empty than normal people. Therefore, he couldn't accept such a big deal at once It's the thrill of death

Zhiming's analysis is reasonable, but my head is messy, but my heart is not confused. I know that he said this to comfort me, but for whatever reason, people are killed by my hand, which is an unchangeable fact. When Zhiming wants to comfort me again, I waved my hand to him and said, "OK, don't say it. I killed people!"

Although I am afraid in my heart, I can't shirk my responsibility for it. I am open and aboveboard. Since I have embarked on this road of no return, I can no longer be a good man. Tolerance to the enemy is self-respect? His cruelty, song Qingfeng many times want to abolish me, kill me, I should have a tooth for a tooth, but I have never thought of killing him, nor can I bear the consequences of killing him. But now, people are dead, I even regret it is useless.

What I need to do now is to calm down and think about how to deal with this matter. Originally, song Qingfeng was in my hand, and I could use him to threaten Lin Feng. But now Song Qingfeng is dead, which means that I am about to face the double attack of Song family and Lin Feng. Even if I run to prison and squat, they can't let go of all my brothers. That's what worries me most Of course, I can't let myself wait for death like that.

Zhiming also realized this. He looked at me firmly and said to me, "elder brother, you don't have to blame yourself. This surnamed song has a vicious heart. He deserves more than his death. Now just a few elder brothers are present. No one knows who moved the hand. Let me bear this matter. Anyway, I am a rotten one!"

At this time, Dong Zhiming's voice is particularly sonorous and forceful, without any twist. A kind of real fearless spirit is reflected in him incisively and vividly. I know that Dong Zhiming's life is the first one of righteousness. Therefore, I will admit him to my staff. I have no doubt about his trust in him. But when I hear Zhiming say this sentence, My heart still touched.No matter how righteous a person is, it is difficult to commit murder for you without blinking an eye. You know, killing a person may be a death penalty. Moreover, the dead person is the eldest son of the Song family. The Song family and the Lin family are very large in this city. Even if I am in prison, they will not let me go. But how can I, Su Luo, let such a person do it for you I'm going to die?

Hearing this, I directly refused to say: "absolutely not, a person to do a thing when, this I will bear, I do not want to implicate any of your brothers!"

My tone was very firm, and he didn't give Dong Zhiming any room to discuss. But he seemed to have made up his mind and was ready to die for me. He looked at me deeply and said solemnly to me, "brother, do you know why I want to join you? I don't want to make great achievements in the future, just because I admire your conduct. After joining the organization, I have heard many stories from you, which makes me respect you even more. I feel that you will make great achievements in the future and have an unlimited future.

I don't want you to have an accident like this. The death of song Qingfeng will certainly lead to disaster, and our organization will also face serious crisis. At this time, we can not lack a person who presides over the overall situation. You are the boss. If you are caught, then we will be completely finished. What's more, if you want to surrender yourself, the people of the Song family will surely want to kill you Even if you want to save people.

But I'm different. I'm a small role. Even if I take the responsibility, the people of the Song family certainly know that you are the mastermind. They won't put their main energy on me. When you get away, you can help the organization to resolve the crisis, and at the same time, you can find ways to let me go. I believe in brother Yixuan's ability, I won't let me stay in prison for long! "

It's easy to say and difficult to do such a thing. Few people really want to take the blame, especially the crime of murder. If you don't do well, you may lose your life. Even if some people dare to take the blame, they also know that they will have a future after they come out. But what is Dong Zhiming trying to do? Now, my organization is still a very small organization, and it is facing life and death. What is the future? Zhiming's trust in me completely stems from his good opinion of me and his knowledge that I have the ability of backstage. Therefore, he thinks that I will have certain achievements, but all these are just his reverie. Whether it can become a fact or not is still a distant unknown.

Even if he is willing, I still won't agree, because I can't pass the pass of my conscience. I don't have the qualification to let others bear the responsibility for my own mistakes. Besides, it's still a big event like murder. Although it's a kind of accidental killing, if he voluntarily surrenders, the crime can be set lighter, but even so, I'm not sure that I can save him Therefore, I have no reason to let him go to prison instead of me.

Thinking of this, I solemnly looked at Dong Zhiming and said seriously: "Zhiming, I now tell you clearly that you do not have to bear any responsibility for this matter. It is because of your righteousness that I will actively invite you into the organization and attach great importance to you. You do not need to do such a thing to show your sincerity. I have made up my mind, and you should not talk about this matter Yes

Dong Zhiming listened to my words, maybe he respected me as the boss, and he didn't say anything. But his eyes were still full of worries about me. It can be seen that he really cares about me as a boss and doesn't want me to have an accident.

He was silent for a moment, then continued to say to me: "brother, anyway, the death of song Qingfeng can't be exposed. The brothers in the organization will be injured tonight. If this incident is exposed, those brothers will be in danger. I think it can be concealed for a while. I will continue to guard here. Now you can take charge of the overall situation outside The brothers all hide to prevent Lin Feng's revenge. This is the most important thing! "

What Dong Zhiming said happened to me. Indeed, song Qingfeng's death is no longer a matter for us to return to heaven. If I go to surrender now, I will surely suffer crazy revenge if I do not talk about the internal chaos. In this way, I will not only fall into the trap myself, but also implicate all my brothers. So, no matter what the result is, I will not only get involved in it, but also implicate all my brothers We have to stabilize ourselves first.

So, after an agreement with Dong Zhiming, I decided to keep the matter under pressure for as long as possible. Only in this way can we hold back their revenge temporarily. Later, I left here and went back to the hospital, while Zhiming and his two brothers continued to stay here to guard song Qingfeng's body.

Before I left, I said to Zhiming seriously again: "brother, I've got your heart. It's good to watch here. I'll deal with the affairs in the organization as soon as possible, and then we can try to face it together."

With that, I patted Dong Zhiming on the shoulder and left in a hurry.

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