Now that the decision has been made, there is nothing to be hesitant about. After hearing the news, my brothers supported me with all their strength. They also knew that under the current situation, a war with the basaltic society could not be avoided in any case. As things have come to this stage, we might as well fight with them. Even if we fight against the Xuanwu society, which is stronger than ours, we are still not afraid of them, brother There is only one belief in our hearts, and it's over!

Seeing the brothers show such attitude, I am more excited. In this war, I want to let the people of the basaltic society know that I will not shrink back now. I firmly believe that the Xuanwu Association will not refuse. If they dare not accept my letter of war, then their face will surely be lost. I will be sure when the time comes It will become a mockery of the black forces in the Eastern District and even the whole city. I directly put the first army of the basaltic society and give them a state of difficulty in riding a tiger. Once they accept the challenge, I will eliminate them in one fell swoop. There will be no future trouble. Even if they lose, it doesn't matter.

Before going down to the Xuanwu society, I still contacted Wu Tianhao first. After all, he is my biggest reliance. In order to let him help me with all his strength, I specially made a serious statement about the matter. I almost was assassinated today, and I escaped by luck. My hatred of the Xuanwu Society is no longer the same. I must! If I wanted to have a fight, my father also allowed me to do so. I didn't give Wu Tianhao the chance to refuse me. In the end, he agreed to me and said that he would help me with all his strength.

With Wu Tianhao's assurance, I was basically confident. I felt that victory was just around the corner, and the destruction of the basaltic society was just around the corner. With this confidence, I quickly drew up a war book. Then, in order to let them see my sincerity, I took it with me. Accompanied by Chen Haoran and Xiao Tianyi, I took the initiative to find Lin Feng.

Walking on the road, Chen Haoran or some worry said: "brother Xuan, this kind of thing to let brothers do it, why do you have to go in person, in case of being ambushed by Lin Feng, how to do?"

I calmly smile, leisurely said: "this you can rest assured, no matter how Lin Feng said is also a man, I look for him openly, he is impossible to play Yin, do you think, in the present form, he dares to let me die in his home?"

After listening to my words, Chen Haoran was still a little puzzled on the surface, hesitated for a moment, and then said again: "but they are all underworld. No one can say that they will do something out of the ordinary. In case they don't talk about morality and morality in the world, it will be difficult for us to do it!"

Hao Ran's worry is not wrong. Not everyone in the underworld is as upright as I am. Many people are unscrupulous to achieve their goals. Although there are rules on the road, it is not as bad as their families, but there are still some despicable people who will take innocent people. Therefore, it is impossible to guess the human heart. If I had put it in the past, I would not have been able to go to the door in person, But now the situation is not the same, my own strength is not as good, and I have a sophisticated bodyguard, now do anything without fear.

Of course, this is not the main purpose. The more important reason why I went to the door in person was that we were a small Gang after all, and now we have to challenge the Xuanwu society by leaps and bounds. If I, the eldest, don't go out in person and send a small soldier to give a message, people will certainly refuse to do so. Only when I come in person can I force Lin Feng to accept my challenge and let him accept it if he does not agree By, I just want to let him know, once that he looked down upon Suluo, is also a man, also has the strength to exist.

At the beginning, he looked down on me and despised me. After the change of time and the tempering of years, I also shaped my own strength. Now I dare to challenge him, and even have the confidence to destroy him, and the huge Xuanwu society behind him, so that he knows that rice beads can compete with the sun and the moon. Therefore, at this moment, I don't have any worry and fear They came to the door of Lin Feng's house.

Lin Feng's home is the small foreign-style building where Lin Shihan lived. Standing here, I can't help but recall the past. At that time, I didn't know anything. For the sake of Lin Shihan's safety, I secretly followed her for several days. As a result, I was bumped into by Lin Feng one night. It was the first time I met him, and then I couldn't help but beat me up that night, It's the most oppressive night I've ever had. Only crying can solve the sadness in my heart.

Today, I come here again. Time has changed. I have changed. Lin Shihan has changed. Everything has changed. My feelings for her have never returned to the past. As a person who used to peep in the dark, I have straightened my chest and dare to face anyone. I am standing in this place that I miss, and I am filled with emotion, Then, I slowly stretched out my hand and rang the doorbell of Lin Feng's house.

After a while, the door opened, and it was not other people who came out. It was Lin Shihan, my goddess in the past. When she saw me, her expression was a little flustered and showed an incredible look. She looked me up and down for a long time before she said in dismay, "are you still alive?"

She said this as if I had died, no wonder she would be like this, before Lin Feng did not send a killer here. Then she saw me again, showing such an expression can also understand, but heard her say this sentence, do not know why, my heart suddenly felt a bit bitter, I looked at her with some discomfort, indifferently said: "why can't I live!"When she saw me standing here safe and sound, she was still stunned for a long time. After a moment, she regained her calm look and asked me, "what are you doing here?"

I looked at Lin Shihan and said seriously, "look for Lin Feng!"

As soon as Lin Shihan heard this, his face became a little ugly. He felt as if he had seen something unusual. He quickly replied, "my brother is not at home."

Of course, I don't care if Lin Feng is really not at home. Anyway, I have a lot of time. This is his home. I don't believe he doesn't come back. So, I whispered to Lin Shihan: "I'll go in and wait for him."

With that, I was going to walk into the yard. It seemed that Lin Shihan had no foundation and his face became more ugly. Just as she was about to refuse me, a familiar voice came out: "Shihan, who wants to find me?"

When the sound reached my ears, I had already seen Lin Feng come out of the house with a few of his entourage. To be honest, Lin Feng is indeed an old man who has been wandering in the world for many years. He is very powerful at any time, which makes people feel cold and chilly.

However, his appearance is extremely disgusting to me. If I can, I really want to go up and beat him to vent my anger. Of course, now I can't be impulsive. After all, this is his home. I'm too arrogant and not good. The purpose of my coming today is not to find fault. I'm here for the next war. So, be calm.

When he came over, Lin Feng, who was so arrogant, immediately showed a strange look in his eyes, which was exactly the same as Lin Shihan's expression when he saw me. His eyes were still full of disbelief. It seems that my life is a surprise to the whole world, and I can be so bright Ming Zhengda's appearance at his door is a fantastic thing.

He came up to me, looked me up and down, and then said, "it's strange that you are still alive!"

I disdain to look at him, said: "Laozi's health is good, can roll 100 years old, but, I know you may not live long!"

Listen to my words, Lin Feng is not angry, just very puzzled asked: "moon shadow, she did not look for you?"

The original cleaning killer was called Yueying. I didn't understand until this moment that the two brothers and sisters were sitting at home waiting for the news of my death. They just showed an incredible look when they saw me here. But they didn't expect me to find the door. I couldn't help but feel very funny when I thought of it. I gave a slight smile and said scornfully to Lin Feng: "Oh, what do you say It's the sweeper. She came to see me, but she was scared away by me. Look at her lovely little figure, I really want to catch her. Ah, it's a pity that she ran away! "

When I said this, my voice was very casual. It seemed that at lunch time, the thrill of what happened had disappeared. It was like someone had been around the ghost gate. After listening to my words, Lin Feng was not calm. He obviously didn't believe me. So he snorted and said to me scornfully: "Well, don't make fun of Yueying

In Lin Feng's eyes, no matter how I develop, I'm a mole ant that can be trampled to death at any time. In his opinion, as long as a killer is sent randomly, he can easily kill me. He despises me. He was, is, and has always been.

However, from today on, I think he should not, also did not have this opportunity, I looked straight at him, said with righteous words: "sorry, it seems that my performance let you down, I did not cheat you, you sent the female killer, I was really scared away, of course, I come to you today is not for this small matter, this matter I did not have In my heart, the purpose of my coming to you today is to challenge you. Our organization has decided to fight against your Xuanwu Association. Lin Feng, do you dare to fight? "

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