After saying goodbye to Dong Zhiming, I went back to the hospital directly. In about half an hour, I went directly to Shen Muchen's ward. I could hide from others about the killing of song Qingfeng, but I would not hide it from Shen Muchen. I almost had no reservation. I told him all about the situation tonight and he listened to his thoughts.

Because his original state was not very optimistic, and his injury was still very serious. When I heard this, his whole person was not well. His eyes were full of worry. He was afraid of my accident, but he couldn't think of a better solution. His meaning was similar to that of Zhiming. He also told me not to hide it or destroy the body until it was found on my head My crime was replaced by someone else.

I still didn't accept Shen Muchen's proposal. I only discussed with him how to deal with the organization and how to arrange for those injured brothers. Shen Muchen also felt that we should hide first. Once song Qingfeng's death was made public, then Lin Feng's personality would not care who killed song Qingfeng, but would take responsibility for me To be the chief culprit, then, my brothers must suffer with me, which is the last thing I want to accept.

Shen Muchen means to let all the brothers of the organization hide. The safest place for us is the school. Although the forces of the basaltic society cover the sky with their hands in this city, they are lawless and dare not break into the university campus to hurt people. More importantly, my foundation is in the school. I am the belief of all the students in the school Service force is not generally strong, if by that time, the whole school will only follow me, so there is no need to worry about safety.

After making an agreement with Shen Muchen, I reminded him to pay attention to his safety. It was better to stay at school after the injury was cured. Then, I ran to Chen Haoran and informed them that they should be discharged from the hospital regardless of their injuries. For this sudden change, the brothers were confused, and I didn't explain too much, Just saying that it would be dangerous to stay in the hospital, my brothers didn't ask me more about it. When they knew the urgency of the matter, they didn't delay. After getting up and preparing, they all went back to school.

Other people's injuries to nothing serious, all brothers, only Chen Haoran the most serious, he was deliberately pulled back by 120 ambulance, in order not to affect Haoran's injury, I arranged him in the school's medical room, where the medical conditions are relatively good, without delay, the others stay in the dormitory.

Many students in our school have heard about our experience this time. They all know that our organization has been hit by the biggest gang in the city, the basaltic society. For this matter, it can be said that some people are happy and others are worried. Of course, only a small part of the school is worried about our safety. There is a faint air in the school.

On the night when I went back to school, although there was no situation for the time being, I didn't sleep well and had nightmares. The next day, I got up early and gathered the brothers who came back last night. Even Hao Ran, who was seriously injured, was also found. More than 500 of us gathered in the auditorium of the school. I stood on the stage with my brothers in a dignified face We have a meeting.

Many of the members of the organization have come, even the girls from xiaotaimei's party have also arrived. This emergency meeting is the largest meeting held since the establishment of the organization. Members of the organization may also realize that something important is going to happen. There is no previous funny expression, and they look at me seriously.

I stood on such a big stage, looked at all the members sitting under the stage, and said my heart words. When I spoke this time, I was in a low mood and the atmosphere was sad. I totally lost the previous impassioned enthusiasm. As soon as I came on stage, I bowed to my brothers and said that I was sorry for them and let everyone down. Originally, I wanted to take you to create a new one that belongs to me Our bright future, however, I'm useless, because my self indulgence, let the organization continue to suffer from the blow, let the brothers repeatedly injured, is my fault when the boss, can't blame others.

I said a lot of sorry words, all from my sincere confession, from the heart of the apology, my words make everyone's face more heavy, from their faces, brothers have no complaints against me, even so, I am also ashamed.

After I apologized, I coughed gently. After a moment, I said solemnly to all the brothers present: "listen, from now on, the flower on the other side will be dissolved."

After a while, the huge auditorium seemed to have dropped a heavy bomb. The silent meeting room, at the moment of my voice falling, burst into a pot. Everyone was shocked, surprised, and all of them were talking in succession. They couldn't believe what I said. Everyone asked me what was going on and why it was suddenly dissolved. I exhausted all my resources The hard-working organizations, for a time, they simply can't accept what I mean.

Speaking from my heart, I feel more heartache than any of you here. Last night, before Lin Feng attacked my brother, I had the idea of dissolving the organization, but it was just an idea that I wanted to escape from reality. Today, I finally officially announced the result. Only then did I know that I was so reluctant to give up There is no way. I have to disband it. I have made a mistake and may face legal or personal revenge. I can't give you hope any more. I have no chance to lead you to the future.In the face of my brothers' questions, I couldn't pour my heart out, and I didn't want to make you more sad. I could only explain to you with red eyes that the current organization was facing a serious crisis, which came from the Song family and the Xuanwu society. Of course, I also told them that there was also a behind the scenes man against me. They would constantly suppress my organization, so, the organization There is no development to speak of. I don't want to involve you. I can only choose to understand and disperse it, so that we can live a peaceful life and do not need to hide and hide.

However, the brothers obviously did not have much persuasion for my reason. All the brothers did not want to and even more did not agree. When they joined my organization, they were ready to bleed and sacrifice. We all have a spirit of fearing death. Moreover, the crisis we are facing is not a day or two. What's more, I have been killed by Lin Feng I became a eunuch and a real waste man. Even if I could swallow it, my brothers couldn't swallow it. Each of them wanted to revenge for me.

Last night, even though the brothers were injured, I was able to cheer up again. They all ignored the injury and welcomed me back together. I also promised my brothers to take revenge. But in one night, I suddenly changed my mind. Not only did I not have revenge, but also disbanded the other shore flower. How can we let the brothers accept it.

Chen Haoran, in particular, was the first person who didn't accept me. He also followed me all the way. Seriously injured, he couldn't help standing up and yelling at me: "brother, if you don't give us a convincing reason, we won't agree. What happened to you? Do you have to disband our hard-working organization? We are brothers. As long as we all unite, no matter what difficulties ahead, we can overcome them! "

He said this sonorous and powerful words, the words awe people's hearts, listen to all of you stood up, have yelled: "the other shore flower absolutely can't be disbanded, if you have something to carry together, if you have difficulties, you should rush together, because you are the faith of all of us!"

At this moment, everyone showed a strong spirit. Through their words, the more reluctant I was to give up and I didn't want to lose them, but the more brothers were like this, the more miserable my heart was, the more fierce and fierce the feelings of not giving up were more fierce in my heart. My eyes were unconsciously moist, and I knew how much I could not bear to destroy me My painstaking efforts are reluctant to leave this group of brothers fighting in all directions, but the cruel reality can't be changed. Even if I don't give up any more, I must go out of this step.

For the sake of justice and the safety of my brothers, I am willing to sacrifice myself to go to jail to face the unknown danger. After I leave, the organization will have no owner, and there will be no one who can take charge of the overall situation. Even if I find a new boss, the brothers will express their opinions and will not obey. At that time, the organization will naturally become a loose sand, and then it will suffer from the forest Feng's suppression, in the end, the injured are still the brothers, so, in any case, the organization must be disbanded.

However, looking at the situation in front of me, if I don't say that I killed song Qingfeng and I want to go to prison, my brothers will definitely not agree to be disbanded. Therefore, when these brothers of life and death are making a lot of noise, I suddenly slap the table and yell at all the people's congresses: "give me a rest, don't make any noise. Now I'll tell you why I have to disband the organization!"

The more silent my brothers were, the louder they looked at me, the louder they were, the louder their voices were, the more silent they were waiting for me For... "

My words just said two words, was dumb by the next thing. In an instant, the door of the auditorium was suddenly opened. A brother in charge of intelligence rushed in. He saw me on the platform at a glance, and immediately called out to me: "big brother, it's not good. It's a big deal. Song Qingfeng is dead. It's Dong Zhiming who did it Yes, he has turned himself in

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