I slowly waited for Lin Feng's answer. However, as soon as I finished speaking, Lin Feng didn't make a statement, but the attendant beside him was angry. He rushed forward and pointed at me and swore: "I'll go to your mother's house. You're still wearing open crotch pants. Their hair hasn't grown up. What's the qualification to challenge us? You don't even have the qualification to give Feng Ge shoes. I'm Pooh! ”

with that, he spat at me provocatively. His words were full of sarcasm, which made me worthless. However, I came here today to prepare for the war. It was because the challenge was a little unconvincing that I came to the war in person. Therefore, in the face of this Gang's abuse, I didn't get angry, instead, I laughed. Then, I solemnly faced Lin Feng again He said:

"Lin Feng, I came here with sincerity. As the leader of a guild, I came to you personally to declare war, just to show my determination. Did you want to destroy us for a long time? Right now, I'm going to give you this opportunity to fight a big fight directly to solve the hatred between us. Do you think it's just your intention? "

It's useless to talk to their minions. Lin Feng is the key. As long as he is convinced by the method of encouragement, everything will be done. Lin Feng is also a second leader in the basaltic society. He is also very famous. Moreover, he is an impulsive person. In the face of my student's challenge, he is absolutely impossible to swallow up.

But I didn't expect that Lin Feng's anger was more than the so-called face. After listening to my words, he was angry in a moment. He accelerated his pace and came to me, shouting: "Suluo, do you think you are a character so much? What qualifications do you have to challenge me? I told you that we should pay the price for what happened last night, since the moon shadow has not been killed I'll give you a good time now

Seeing Lin Feng's arrogant and domineering appearance, I was really speechless. I thought he was impulsive and had a bad temper. But at least he should have some morality and morality, know some rules, and care about face. But in fact, I was wrong. His selfish heart is more than everything. I can only say that my idea is too naive.

Seeing Lin Feng approaching step by step, Chen Haoran and Xiao Tianyi behind me were not calm. They had seen Lin Feng's power and knew that his means were cruel. While pulling me back, they yelled: "Lin Feng, I tell you, we know people don't do secret things. Since our boss is here, we really intend to challenge you Xuanwu Association. This matter has already happened It has been spread out. If you dare to mess around, how can you save the face of your basaltic society!

Chen Haoran wants to suppress Lin Feng's anger with words. He doesn't want me to be hurt, but Lin Feng's hatred for me is not overnight. Now it can be said that in order to revenge me, he can be reckless and directly want to kill me. He won't give me any chance to negotiate. He doesn't care about any place for killing me.

However, just as Lin Feng just walked out of the gate, his body suddenly stopped. At this time, his mobile phone ring suddenly rang and hesitated for a moment. Finally, Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and picked up the phone. In a short moment, Lin Feng's face changed and his mouth suddenly burst out a sentence: "what do you say?"

His voice was so shocked that several of his followers were startled and rushed to come up. They must have realized that something bad had happened. After Lin Feng hung up the phone, one of the horsemen quickly asked him, "boss, what happened?"

At this time, Lin Feng looked up at me with a fierce look in his eyes. He bit his teeth and said angrily, "the moon shadow is dead!"

As soon as the words fell, several of the attendants beside Lin Feng suddenly changed their faces, and their eyes were full of shock. Don't mention them, even I was shocked by this sentence. You know, when the killer escaped, it was clear that he was good, he was alive and disorderly, like a man without any trouble. His skills of running away were so quick. From her appearance to now, there is no time for an hour How could she die suddenly?

This question made me panic. I couldn't think of it, but I couldn't think of it. At the moment of chaos, Lin Feng's roaring voice suddenly came: "Suluo, did you do it?"

His roar pulled me back from my loss of consciousness. As soon as I raised my eyes, I immediately caught Lin Feng's red and angry eyes. Looking at him, it seemed that the killer named Yueying had a high status in their Xuanwu society. Therefore, when I learned that she was dead, Lin Feng suddenly became angry.

But this matter has nothing to do with me. At that time, I only saw the horseradish, and I just threw her away. There was no killer at all. Not only me, but also Chen Haoran saw all this clearly. However, how could she suddenly die? I also want to ask someone what happened!

I looked at Lin Feng and answered with righteous words: "her death is none of my business."

I will admit that if I didn't do it, I didn't have to bear it, because I didn't have to. But Lin Feng didn't believe me at all. He continued to shout to me, "no wonder, you're such a waste. I said how dare you come to my house all of a sudden. It turns out that there are hidden murders. I want to see how much you are Great abilityAfter that, he strode forward and attacked me directly. It was the first time I saw Lin Feng in a violent state. Although he had not fought, I could feel from his momentum that his combat effectiveness was several times more than usual. I could not help feeling suffocated by his momentum. Lin Feng's speed was fast and fierce. In a moment, he had come to me, Just a step away from me, he jumped up and hit me with a flying leg in the air.

In the face of his attack, I was ready to deal with it. With a flash, I easily escaped his swift attack. At the same time, Chen Haoran and Xiao Tianyi immediately helped me cope with the furious Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng's valet was not a decoration. Seeing that my two brothers started, they immediately ran over and restrained Haoran and Xiao Tian Yi.

Without Haoran and Tianyi, Lin Feng suddenly attacked me with crazy breath. His action was too fierce, which made the ground dusty. Although I was ready, the momentum of the wolf was really too overburdened. His legs were very fast, and he swept me one after another. The attack was too fierce. I could not make a counterattack. I was forced to retreat and could only bite The teeth are blocked by hand.

But Lin Feng's strength is really too strong, the attack is more and more fierce, my hands were shocked numb, people also constantly backward, but let me surprise is, Lin Feng did not take advantage of my retreat to continue to attack me, but suddenly extended his hand to the attendant beside him, and the horse immediately took a hand out of his clothes The knife was handed to Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng got the short blade, his face became more ferocious. He yelled at me: "you can die!"

After that, he rushed to me at a high speed again. As soon as I stepped back and stood still, Lin Feng had already flashed in front of me. He lifted his knife and chopped directly at my head. I only felt my eyes flickered with the light of the knife, and my mind was flustered. However, at this critical moment, my body was suddenly held by people All of a sudden, my whole person dodged away, and Lin Feng's fatal had been cut empty.

When my body stood firm again, I suddenly found that the one holding me to avoid danger was no one else. It was the bodyguard my father had found for me, wasabi. He is still wearing that old military coat. His body is like a mountain. In his arms, I feel very secure at the moment. It is because of his shadow that I dare the wolf to enter the tiger's den and face the fierce Lin Feng. The strange horseradish is my strong backing.

After the wasabi pulled me apart, he immediately blocked me in front of me. At the moment, his back was so great, and Lin Feng's stature was also very tall, but compared with Wasabi, it was also a little weak. However, to my surprise, the appearance of Wasabi did not make Lin Feng feel surprised. He just kept looking at the wasabi, and the time suddenly fell into stillness for a moment After that, Lin Feng opened his mouth and said to the wasabi coldly, "you killed the moon shadow?"

Until now, I suddenly realized, I seem to have understood why Lin Feng just showed me the opportunity to kill without reason. Originally, he had already guessed that with my ability, it is absolutely impossible to avoid the assassination of moon shadow, let alone kill the moon shadow. Since I have not achieved these two points, it is not necessary to think that there must be an expert to help me, so he did this It's the person behind me.

However, what surprised me even more was that the horseradish in front of me did not hesitate to reply after listening to Lin Feng's question: "yes, I killed her!"

After hearing the answer from wasabi, I suddenly realized that the killer didn't run out for a long time. Wasabi looked around and saw that there was no other abnormality around him. He said hello to me immediately and left the canteen quickly.

Originally, he not only hid in the dark to continue to protect me, but also knew that I had no crisis for the time being, so he went to hunt down the escaped killer. The reason why he did this must be to avoid future trouble. That is to say, just now horseradish was deliberately letting the killer away in the canteen. The purpose was to hide people's eyes, and then secretly gave the killer who was a threat to me Kill it. It'll make things easier.

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