What I want to say is that song Qingfeng is dead and killed by me. I have to bear the responsibility. But this sudden change makes me dumbfounded. I can't help but let me lose my mind. After hearing his words, I don't know what to do. I don't know whether I'm sad or sad at this moment!

At the same time, all the other brothers on the stage were shocked. They were shocked by the news that song Qingfeng was dead, but I was different from them. I was shocked by Dong Zhiming's behavior. I really didn't expect that he would take the blame for me without saying a word. I thought I convinced him yesterday that he would obey my orders However, he put everything in his heart, and now I suddenly understand that he asked me to leave yesterday to do this.

I really can't believe this sudden news. I stare at my brother who came to report the news, pretending not to hear it and asking him to say it again. But the answer is still the same. Dong Zhiming has really turned himself in. Suddenly, my eyes are red and my inner emotions are extremely tangled. At this time, all the brothers came back to God, and the voices of discussion rose and fell.

I looked at the brothers with different expressions in red eyes, and my inner emotions turned upside down. Dong Zhiming's behavior really made me unable to accept it. However, I could not conceal the truth from all my brothers. I couldn't let Dong Zhiming take the blame for me. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I thought about it. I was about to open my mouth and say to my brothers that I was the murderer Hands.

But before I could speak again, two people suddenly rushed into the door. They were Dong Zhiming's brothers. They were also present when I killed song Qingfeng last night. They had followed Dong Zhiming before they entered the organization. It is said that they came out of their hometown together with him. Their relationship is very close. Therefore, after joining the organization, Dong Zhiming put this The two brought in together.

The two are actually twin brothers, one called big dog and the other called Ergou. Seeing them at this moment, I felt as if I had seen Zhiming himself. When they said they wanted to talk with me alone, I suddenly felt that Dong Zhiming had something to say to me. So, I almost did not think about it, so I followed them out and looked for them A deserted corner stopped.

When there was no one around, big dog immediately said to me, "brother Xuan, Mingge asked us to tell you something. He knows your character and says that you always think about your brother. He will certainly shoulder the responsibility on yourself and disband the organization you have been working hard for. Mingge doesn't want your painstaking efforts to be destroyed. He says that he has never admired others in his life, but you are the first He believes that you can bring brilliance to the organization and brothers. He doesn't want you to ruin your life because of the so-called righteousness. He asked us to tell you that those who make great achievements should be free from small details. He is willing to be a stepping stone on your way to success! "

When big dog said this, his tone was sad and resolute. As soon as he finished, his younger brother Ergou immediately continued: "yes, our two brothers also support Mingge's decision. Since we have chosen to join the organization, we are ready to contribute. Mingge is willing to give. We all respect his opinions. Brother Xuan, we all hope you can cheer up and achieve great things You should do whatever you want. It's just that your heart is not hard enough and you don't think about yourself. It's very difficult to achieve great things. Brother Ming hopes you can change yourself through his affairs. I hope you can live up to Mingge's hard work! "

With that, I found that the two brothers' eyes were a little red. Their words attacked my heart, and I was stunned for a moment. Dong Zhiming really understood me very well. Since he had taken the responsibility for me, he specially asked the two brothers to say such a thing to me. This made me determined to be cruel, to cheer me up, and to create a world that belongs to us, So his sacrifice is worth it.

They are all right. Although I feel decisive, sometimes it's not vicious enough. I can't be a real villain. It's right to be righteous. But if I pay too much attention to righteousness, it's still difficult to achieve great things. Even my good brother Shen Muchen advised me to either let others take the place of guilt, or destroy the corpse, and never throw myself into the trap. But my idea is still to surrender Surrender, do not involve anyone, now want to come, my idea is really too extreme.

If I insist on doing so that day, my life may be over. With their power, I will surely die in prison, and the organization will collapse completely. This is definitely not a good result. Dong Zhiming will bear the consequences by himself. His righteousness can save everything and let me know myself. He is for me, for the organization and for all my brothers Boys, it's great to sacrifice your spirit.

I was moved by his behavior and admired by his righteousness. What he asked the brothers to send to me also made me wake up gradually. Indeed, I still have too many things to do. My brothers put all their hopes on me. I can't fail to live up to everyone's expectations. Since I have chosen this road, I should only do what I am satisfied with. Cao Cao has a saying Very right, I would rather be negative than negative. I finally realized the meaning of this sentence.

Now calm down and think about it, even if I turn myself in now, I can't replace Dong Zhiming. He can't get out of the prison. He has cheated the police and interfered with the judicial justice. Even if it is proved that he didn't kill people, he at least committed the crime of shielding. At that time, neither of us can escape from the prison. As a result, we can say that we have compensated our wives and broken our soldiers.After thinking about it, I still bit my teeth and respected Dong Zhiming's decision and decided not to tell the truth. However, I also made a decision in my heart. I will never let him down. I must carry forward the organization and try my best to rescue him and let him accompany me to fight in all directions.

After chatting with them for a while, I went back to the auditorium again. At this time, all my brothers were still talking about song Qingfeng. Although song Qingfeng deserved more than his death, it became more serious after his death. Many people thought that Zhiming was too reckless and reckless. There are also many people who think that I am going to disband the organization this time. Maybe it was because I knew in advance that song Qingfeng was dead and that he was afraid of bringing harm to everyone.

Some smart brothers even guessed that I killed the person. After all, I went to song Qingfeng last night, and after returning, I also behaved abnormally. Suddenly, I asked all my brothers to come to school. After careful analysis, it was easy to guess that it was me. However, no one would say it even if some people knew it.

I didn't explain anything. I just told all the brothers in the organization that Dong Zhiming was killed because of the organization. No one was allowed to say that he was not. After that, I formally assured everyone that the organization would not be dissolved. Since the matter has become a big problem, I will try my best to resolve the crisis and let the organization be saved from danger.

Although the organization will not be disbanded, I also ask you to hide. We will not take care of the affairs of the venue. Everyone should stay at school with peace of mind. If there is no special matter, it is better not to leave the school. Especially the senior brothers of the organization are not allowed to leave the school. No one has any objection to me. They want to fight with the organization In the end, there was no doubt about my orders. After all the major and minor affairs of the organization were accounted for, I ended the meeting.

After the meeting, I received a phone call from Uncle Wu. He also got the news that song Qingfeng was dead. He was shocked by the news and called me to confirm it. I didn't hide it from him. I directly admitted that although Uncle Wu had certain power, he also told me not to have any activities in a short period of time after confirming the fact. My brothers also hid well and didn't run around. The next day will be full of ups and downs.

He said that when song Qingfeng died, Lin Feng and the Song family would definitely put the blame on me. They would certainly trouble me. They told me not to fall into the trap and be more careful at school. I told Uncle Wu about my arrangement here, and he was very satisfied. He told me that he would try his best to help me and minimize the matter as much as possible, but he could not promise me anything Unexpectedly, the dead person is not ordinary people, is the future helmsman of Song family, song Qingfeng, what he can do is to do his best.

Uncle Wu is the only one who can help me in this city. His status in this city is not low. Black and white are related to each other. Although he can't completely solve this problem, I can only place my hope on him. In addition, I told Uncle Wu to find a way to save Dong Zhiming, The one who will do everything possible to reduce his crime to as small as possible, and then try to find another way.

Uncle Wu immediately agreed to my request. After thanking Uncle Wu, I hung up the phone. Although song Qingfeng's death was an accident in an accident, Lin Feng's anger was already unstoppable. At the beginning, the development of things was not as big as expected. They knew that song Qingfeng's death had something to do with me, but he did They can't find direct evidence that I killed the man, and I can't help it.

Uncle Wu intervened with the police, and it was not too difficult for me. I cooperated with them to provide some testimony, and it was over. During this day, there was no accident. I lived in a quiet life. I and all my brothers in the organization returned to the classroom and listened carefully to no class.

Although my people are in the classroom, my heart does not stay in the school, and my thoughts are always vague. While waiting for the news from Uncle Wu, I think about how to deal with them to resolve the crisis and let the organization rise again.

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