Killing is a big event for me, but listening to the tone of wasabi, it is so common. It seems that to kill a person is as simple as stepping on an ant. The powerful bodyguard in front of me is really beyond my imagination. Even killing people is silent. When I was in the canteen, I didn't see any trend of killing When did he kill the killer when I showed up here in less than an hour?

Thinking of this, I can't help but shed a cold sweat. Fortunately, this giant guy is my bodyguard. If my enemy is my enemy, how terrible it is. I think he is not just a felon. Although he looks like a big old criminal, he has a delicate and bold way of doing things. Compared with his old life in the world, I am really one of them A doll that doesn't walk back.

After hearing the answer from wasabi, Lin Feng's expression can't calm down any more. He knows that the moon shadow under his hand is powerful, but he died quietly in the hand of wasabi. Just as the wasabi appeared, he just took me out of Linfeng's knife. Lin Feng is not a fool, he also feels the ability of wasabi.

Even if he knew that wasabi was the one who killed the moon shadow, Lin Feng didn't immediately take action. Instead, he asked solemnly, "who are you?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, wasabi replied, "you have no right to know. My task is to protect young master su. I want to remove all those who threaten his life."

His words are very light, which is also mixed with deep threats. Lin Feng himself is a rebellious person, a man who must report his revenge. Yesterday, he ran in such a mess because we have many forces. Today, in his territory, the number of people on both sides is almost the same. Even if he realized the extraordinary performance of wasabi, he was not afraid Holding the knife tightly, he said in a deep voice, "you are crazy. I'm going to meet you today to see if your strength is as crazy as your tone."

After that, he was not polite. He attacked the wasabi with a knife. In my opinion, Lin Feng's strength was unfathomable. He had experienced many trials to be able to have such ability. He gave me an impulse to fight with him. I stepped forward slightly. Maybe the wasabi realized my action and quickly reached out to stop me and turned back A deep look at me, indicating that I am not his opponent.

Since this is the case, I can only listen to him. Sure enough, the match between the masters is not the same as the gas field. This scene suddenly suppressed all the people on the scene. My brother and Lin Feng's followers unconsciously stopped and retreated. Even I unconsciously stepped back a few steps, indeed, in the face of Lin Feng's domineering, I may also realize that I am not his opponent.

But in the face of Lin Feng's strength, wasabi is not satisfied. He is still standing in the same place as Mount Tai. Maybe, for him, Lin Feng seems to be a little child, and he is not worth paying attention to. I am afraid that he will be too light hearted and be killed by Lin Feng. I will be his laughing stock again That will only let Lin Feng look down on me more, so I can only silently refuel for wasabi!

Just when Lin Feng's knife was about to swing at him, the steady horseradish finally moved. He just took a small step, and his huge body showed a virtual shadow. He easily avoided Lin Feng's attack. I always thought that a person who was too big would be clumsy. However, Lin Feng's action was so fast, and the tall wasabi was just a light one Hiding, it is easy to resolve Lin Feng's attack, this simply subverted my world view, I seem to experience the essence of martial arts.

So, I devoted myself to the fight between wasabi and Lin Feng. Both of them were masters, but their moves were quite different. The actions of Wasabi were like playing Tai Chi, but the moves he played were extremely powerful.

Compared with his movements, Lin Feng is totally relying on a brute force and his own agile skills. He is like a wolf. He fails in one move and directly carries out the next attack. Each time he takes a direct attack, it can be said that his move is fatal.

However, wasabi seems to be playing with Lin Feng intentionally. He doesn't attack. He just keeps avoiding Lin Feng's attack. Although on the surface, it seems that the two people are equal, but everyone knows that the wasabi doesn't try his best. He only uses one tenth of his strength. Even Lin Feng has realized the strength of wasabi. I can clearly see the sweat on his forehead Flow, at present, his whole person's aura is more and more insufficient, people are also a little tired, but Lin Feng is the kind of should not admit defeat, even if he knows that he is not an opponent, he is also gripping his teeth.

Although wasabi has been avoiding and not fighting back, but this fight, he did not have a sense of urgency, and I watched the war, already excited. Just when I was very happy, Lin Feng, in a violent state, suddenly broke out. After he pushed back the wasabi with a knife, he quickly grasped a gap. Suddenly, a reverse rotation kick came and kicked the man's chest. Although the wasabi blocked it with his hand, the whole person still couldn't help stepping back two steps. This is the first time that wasabi was attacked for such a long time.

Seeing this sudden scene, the horses of Lin Feng were all excited and called out: "brother Feng, powerful!"But Lin Feng himself was not excited. He knew in his heart how difficult it was to win a move. He also knew how tough the big man was in front of him. After a fight, Lin Feng didn't take advantage of the victory. He stopped, pointed to the wasabi and roared, "do you intend to keep on guard all the time?"

After Lin Feng said this, those excited horses behind him immediately quieted down. They suddenly realized that the man like the mountain didn't make a move at all. After listening to Lin Feng's words, the wasabi, as the party concerned, stretched out his hand to Lin Feng, hooked his fingers and said defiantly, "come on, I'll play with you."

At this time, the momentum of Wasabi really radiated out, that kind of Taishan pressure on the momentum of the audience are about to suffocate, he is absolutely a very terrible existence, in the fight just with Lin Feng, wasabi not only did not make a move, or even block did not use full force, I suddenly thought, is it not for a long time no one to accompany him to play, finally met a He wanted to die, so he didn't want to play with him directly, and played him like a monkey.

At the time of my wild thoughts, Lin Feng was angry again. I know that as the second leader of the Xuanwu society, he was not despised by others. In his heart, only he despised others. He always regarded others as mole ants. Now he was treated as mole ants. How could he stand it? So, at this moment, Lin Feng broke out completely and suddenly turned to wasabi Attack came over, it seems that this is probably the strongest attack of Lin Feng.

Although I know the power of wasabi, I still sweat for him, because Lin Feng's killing heart is too heavy. What surprised me again is that in the face of Lin Feng's deadly attack, wasabi did not evade this time. Instead, he met him directly. His big body was so fast that it was amazing that he flashed in front of Lin Feng, He stretched out his hand and directly patted open the knife hand of Lin Feng.

The next scene shocked all the people present. The horseradish standing in front of Lin Feng was shocked. When Lin Feng was stunned, a mountain sweeping momentum directly hit Lin Feng. His actions were completed in a single breath. From taking steps to finally hitting Lin Feng, it was almost completed in the blink of an eye. Even if Lin Feng wanted to hide, it was too late. His body was firmly covered by the mountain Sunflower to hit, Lin Feng's body is also very bulky, but the wasabi hit, also so vulnerable to fly out, heavily hit a few meters away, I saw the feeling of special pain.

All of this really happened too fast and suddenly. Many people didn't seem to react. Maybe only I saw the action of Wasabi on the scene. I was hit by such a huge man. It can be said that he was killed or injured. However, this seemingly simple thing still shocked me, because after Lin Feng fell to the ground, he directly and violently vomited a fresh mouthful Blood, he wanted to get up from the ground, but he was weak. After struggling for a few times, he still gave up the idea and lay on the ground, even unable to speak. He could only cover his chest and breathe heavily.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned, especially Lin Shihan, a woman who did not know half of martial arts. She thought her elder brother was invincible all the time. At first, she saw that Lin Feng had no ability to fight back against wasabi. She thought that her elder brother was better than others. Especially when she saw that Lin Feng kicked the wasabi, she was almost excited Cry out.

However, when she heard Lin Feng call wasabi fight back, she realized that things were not so simple, and her expression became serious. She watched her big brother helplessly. After being hit by wasabi's unremarkable move, she fell to the ground and couldn't get up. At this moment, the woman was suddenly silly, immersed in a daze and did not recover for a moment 。

After a long time, she suddenly relaxed, and suddenly called out: "brother!"

Said, her whole person immediately ran toward Lin Feng, she ran to Lin Feng's side, subconsciously want to help him up, but Lin Feng's body is too big for him, she can't help, can only anxiously shout: "brother, you're OK, brother, don't scare me!"

Lin Feng, who is weak, doesn't even have the strength to speak. After hearing Lin Shihan's question, he can only gently shake his head and signal Lin Shihan. His face is really pale and powerless. It's absolutely deceptive to say that it's OK. At this moment, Lin Feng, who is so arrogant, can't be arrogant any more. This battle, Lin Feng, is a complete defeat!

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