After the accident, I quietly became myself. Every day I went to class as usual and became an ordinary student. But some things can't be avoided if you want to. In the third class in the morning, Lin Shihan suddenly appeared at the door of my classroom. She called my name at all costs and yelled, "Suluo, get out of here!"

Obviously, she asked me to set up a teacher to blame, but at the moment, she did not look as lofty as she used to be, and some were just haggard. Seeing her coming, I didn't have many accidents. I knew that I had to face and I couldn't escape. So I directly got up and went out of the classroom and took her to the roof of the teaching building.

I walked in front of me, and Lin Shihan followed me. Standing on the edge of the roof, I looked down on the roof, lit a cigarette leisurely and smoked it. Seeing my posture, Lin Shihan was more angry. She stood in front of me and questioned me: "you killed the breeze, right?"

In the face of her questioning, I still smoke deeply. It is impossible for me to admit it again. After talking with big dog and two dogs, I made up my mind to live up to Dong Zhiming's heart. No matter how others guess or question me, I can't take the initiative to admit it. Therefore, I didn't look at Lin Shihan and replied casually: "no If there is evidence, please don't talk nonsense, or I can sue you for slander

After hearing this, Lin Shihan cried to me with a slight cry: "Suluo, others don't know. I know that what you said to me last night is true to me. You don't have to be hard hearted. You killed Qingfeng because my elder brother attacked you, and you vented your hatred on Qingfeng, so you killed him!"

I didn't want to explain it to her too much. I said coldly, "he should have died."

Hearing this, Lin Shihan was completely angry. She did not hesitate to stretch out her hand and slapped me hard. She fanned out the smoke in my mouth. After slapping me, she yelled at me again: "you are a beast, without humanity. Even if Qingfeng is afraid of death, he is cowardly, and he can say some words against his heart in order to live, then you are also You can't kill him

The tears of Lin Shihan are surging, and her sadness has reached the extreme. It can be seen that her relationship with song Qingfeng is not ordinary, but her words make me angry and speechless again. Song Qingfeng is her cousin. Yes, that villain gave up her meticulous cousin in order to survive. In Lin Shihan's heart, she only thought that song Qingfeng was threatened by me for fear of death. She never thought that song Qingfeng was a despicable villain, and she was not wrong to think so. After all, people are relatives! In her eyes, I will always be just a devil. No matter what I do or say is wrong, I can't change her view on me. I really regret what I did to her before. If she hadn't lost her brother, I couldn't bear her slap.

However, when she raised her hand again to slap me in the mouth, the anger in my heart could no longer be contained. I grabbed her flying hand and roared at her heartrendingly:

"Lin Shihan, you only consider song Qingfeng. Do you have any mind to consider it from my perspective? I just kidnapped your boyfriend, but you even called your brother to come. As soon as I saw me, I started and even kicked me mercilessly. Even if I was wrong again, you can't deal with me like that. Do you know that your brother's foot made me lose my ability to be a man. Do you know what it means to me? My life is over, you know

At the end of the day, I almost roared and yelled. Lin Shihan may never see me so angry, and almost all of them were scared to be silly. He kept tears in his eyes and looked at me and her arrogant face. My mood in my heart became unstable. I threw Lin Shihan's hand away, and suddenly jumped onto the edge of the rooftop,

standing in this extreme In a dangerous place, I had already ignored life and death. I resolutely turned around and looked at Lin Shihan, who thought I was going to jump from a building. He was shocked. He roared angrily: "Lin Shihan, you know, death is not terrible. It's a relief from feeling tired. Now, I'm really not like death!"

My hiss and roars floated over the silent rooftop and deeply penetrated into Lin Shihan's heart. For a moment, her face became more ugly, and her eyes showed an incredible look. She was stunned for a long time before she said, "what's wrong with you?"

Her tone of voice, her look, fully demonstrated that she did not believe me, do not believe me that the place where there is a problem. No wonder I said this to her yesterday. She still dares to find me today. I feel ridiculous to see her look like this. I look up to the sky and close my eyes deeply. I adjust my mood and stabilize my mood.

After calming down, I immediately jumped down again, slowly walked to Lin Shihan, stretched out his hand, pinched her chin, and said to her word by word: "yes, I'm useless, completely abandoned!"

Looking at me like this, Lin Shihan's eyes suddenly flashed a little strange. However, the hatred in her heart still occupied the dominant position. Soon, she responded. She shook off my hand and said to me sobbing: "even if it is like this, you can't kill people. Qingfeng is innocent. Why do you want to kill him?"Sure enough, no matter how much I said, what she cared most about was song Qingfeng. No matter how he was, I was always an outsider. Now Lin Shihan has completely determined that I am the murderer. No matter what I say is futile. It can be said that the enmity between us will never be resolved since she Lin Feng abolished me and I killed song Qingfeng So one day, only one person can laugh to the end!

I approached Lin Shihan again and looked at her closely. I said in a sharp voice, "Lin Shihan, you and song Qingfeng are deeply in love. I can understand, but I hope you don't reprimand me again. I'm not a good person, but at least I have a clear conscience about anything. Song Qingfeng deserves his death. Since you have so much time, it's better to accompany him before he is buried, Don't bother me here. Now our organization is under the surveillance of the police. I don't want to make trouble again, so I forbear not to fight you, but please respect yourself, otherwise, I may let you experience the torture of song Qingfeng! "

After that, my hand suddenly stretched down and directly scraped from Su Xuejing's thigh to the root of her thigh. Now, I don't have the sense of male and female rejection. I feel that I am Asia invincible. No matter what I do, I don't feel embarrassed. Lin Shihan is different. Even though I am a disabled person, I am still a man in her eyes Where could she stand such frivolity? She immediately stepped back and yelled to me, "sulo, you are a dead pervert. You will pay for everything you do!"

After that, she suddenly turned around and left with tears in her eyes. What she cared about was that I killed her cousin. I had to pay the price. Thinking of the unwillingness in my heart, I couldn't help shouting at her back: "Lin Shihan, I'd like you to take a message to Lin Feng and tell him to let him do something for me Pay the price

My tone is very cold, let Lin Shihan's body can not help but stop, but she did not look back, stopped for a few seconds, she continued to take a step, resolutely left.

When Lin Shihan's figure completely disappeared on the roof, I was filled with anger. My fist clenched and I raised my head to roar at the sky. My roar was loud in the sky. After a long time of venting, my mood was relaxed a lot, and I left the roof immediately.

Lin Shihan left and did not see her in the school. The day passed very quietly, and there was still no major event. However, his brother who inquired about the news outside the school reported that recently, there were always unknown people walking around at the school gate, probably from the Xuanwu society.

After learning about this, we became more alert. It seems that the other party will not wait for a while, and has already begun to take action. Therefore, I emphasize once again that brothers, not only do not leave school half a step away in school, but also walk in groups on the road on campus. Never leave alone.

With a cautious heart, we spent another day. However, on the third day of song Qingfeng's death, the day could not be so peaceful. The news came that song Qingfeng's father had already rushed to the city. The Song family and Lin Feng's people had made great moves. Even Uncle Wu couldn't hold back. They also fought with the people of the Xuanwu society. In the face of these two forces, Uncle Wu Uncle was beaten down.

Of course, it is not their intention to deal with Uncle Wu. They also know that Uncle Wu is my man. To deal with me, we must first deal with Uncle Wu, and their ultimate goal is to deal with me. They are not fools. They all know that it is I who really killed song Qingfeng.

This is not the only bad news. On this day, I got a news that made me very uneasy. Uncle Wu called me and told me that the people of the Xuanwu society had issued a gang assassination order, and they would do anything to get rid of me.

It seems that it is not safe to hide in the school now, and my situation becomes precarious. If the other party really comes to deal with me openly, I will not be afraid at all. After all, no matter how bold they are, they dare not mess around in the school. However, this assassination order is different. It is the highest order of the basaltic society and can only be issued by the president himself. It is said that he was alive under this instruction People, has not yet appeared, even if you die, you may not find who the killer is.

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