Wasabi suddenly took a step, slowly toward Lin Feng step by step, his eyes are all cold, no one can see through what he wants to do, but everyone knows, the moon shadow is dead in such a ugly hand, now it seems that he is pressing against Lin Feng, obviously with a murderous spirit. After a while, Lin Feng's gang of attendants responded and they stood up The horse rushed forward to protect the weak Lin Feng, but these little minions were OK with ordinary people. But in front of the wasabi, just like a baby in its infancy, when the horseradish saw them in front of him, he knocked them down.

After cleaning up the garbage, wasabi went directly to Lin Feng. However, he didn't immediately move his hand. Instead, he turned his head to look at me and asked, "master Su, this man is a threat to you. You can't stay here!"

Wasabi didn't say much, but every word he said was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Obviously, wasabi saw that Lin Feng was going to kill me just now, so he had a chance to kill Lin Feng. He would eliminate all those who threatened my life.

He did not surprise me, but scared Lin Shihan to death. She immediately stood up and stood in front of Lin Feng and yelled at wasabi: "you can't kill him!"

Although Lin Shihan and her brothers are deeply in love, at the moment, she is no longer so confident. Her arrogant white swan is also a bit depressed at the moment. Facing the fierce horseradish, her strength can no longer be displayed. However, the sunflower is just like a killing machine. He doesn't care whether the person in front of him is a man or a woman. He doesn't even look at Lin Shihan, only his eyes He knows when and what to do. In the canteen, he doesn't kill the moon shadow immediately, but he secretly solves her behind his back. Lin Feng is not a small role. He is the second leader of the basaltic society, and here is the door of other people Kui wanted to kill, he did not immediately execute, or asked me.

And I did not make any answer, just quietly walked toward Lin Shihan. When I came to her, I looked at her with a little contempt and asked, "then you tell me why I can't kill him?"

Hearing this, Lin Shihan immediately turned his eyes on me. Now Lin Shihan knows that I am the head of everything in the people present. She knows that I can take Lin Feng's life at any time, because I am no longer the Suluo who is despised by others. Therefore, Lin Shihan's eyes on me have changed. Now, she dare not look down on me, even all of them Don't hate me anymore.

He said to me, don't you want to kill me with his eyes

Said, Lin Shihan's tears can no longer restrain the flow of the whereabouts, if ordinary people see, will be unable to help heartache, but now I have no trace of love for her, no any thoughts, on the contrary, I am full of resentment for her, from today she opened the door to me, see my expression, I know that she and Lin Feng's idea, want to put me to death If there is no wasabi around me, I'm afraid the person who died here today may be me. Of course, this is what Lin Shihan wants to see.

However, the person who is going to die is not me, but her big brother. After her life is threatened, she is like ordinary people. She pretends to be pitiful with me and asks me to let them go. This makes me sneer.

I disdain to look at my once goddess, cold voice said: "is it? You know how to be soft now. What did you do before? I warned you long ago, but have you ever heard of it? Aren't you very happy when your brother deals with me? Didn't you gloat when your brother abolished me? If I were not lucky today, I would be the one who fell on the ground. Do you know that if I were in that case, I would beg for mercy from you. Do you think your elder brother can let me go? "

My voice was very cold, my eyes were full of cold, my words were not soft, and I didn't give Lin Shihan a chance to negotiate. Today, I came here to find Lin Feng's letter of war. Even though I knew that he sent a killer to kill me, I didn't put it in my heart. I just wanted to have a fair fight with him to decide the life and death of both sides, But Lin Feng didn't give me a chance to challenge at all. He was even dismissive of me. He even didn't pay attention to morality. When he came up, he directly wanted to kill me. How could I let go of a person like him easily.

But what made me even more unexpected was that after I said this, Lin Shihan, who always regarded himself as lofty and lofty, knelt down in front of me with a plop. She raised her dim tears eyes and looked at me pitifully. She cried and said in a tone of begging for mercy: "Suluo, I'm sorry for you. I'm not sensible. All the blame is on me, but I am Elder brother, he is innocent. He does everything for me. I know your heart is not bad, so I beg you to let him go, OK

At this moment, Lin Shihan's voice was very poor. She no longer had the dignity of the past. She gave up everything to get Lin Feng's safety. The lofty Lin Shihan knelt down in front of me. It really makes me really incredible. I used to kneel down for her to kneel down for others. Now, she kneels down for Lin Feng. It's really natural for her to kneel down for me.My eyes can not help but look at her sad face, her expression is very sincere, if not reserved, it is easy to be shaken by her, but in my heart, such a beautiful woman kneels in front of you, even if it is a person who meets by chance, it is estimated that you will be moved. What's more, she is still the goddess I never forget in the past, let alone us alone I am sure I should agree with her about the friendship between my classmates.

If I put it in front of me, I will certainly not hesitate to promise her, but now it is different from the past. First of all, let's not say what their brothers did to me before, just say that I was abandoned by her brother. This is a major event that has delayed my whole life. Is it necessary for me to be kind to Lin Feng Huai!

My father always told me that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to myself. If I am soft hearted again and let go of people who want to kill myself several times, I will not only apologize to myself, but also fail my father's painstaking efforts. Thinking of this, my mind immediately firmed up, looking down at Lin Shihan kneeling in front of me, and said coldly:

"Lin Shihan" Don't be too naive. Don't try to use your hypocrisy to gain my pity. I have no love for you. Now, I haven't directly dealt with you, which is the greatest gift. But what you said is not wrong. My Suluo's heart is not bad, some hatred, I can laugh it off, but there are still some hatred, I can never forget Your brother is too cruel. He not only made me a eunuch, but also tried to kill me several times. Therefore, I can't let him go! "

When I said this, my expression was very cold, my voice was very decisive, and there was no emotion to tell. After hearing this, Lin Shihan was more desperate, but she still did not give up. She grabbed my pants leg, looked at me pitifully, and said choked again: "Suluo, I know you have suffered, but Qingfeng is also dead, one after another. Are you still dissatisfied Enough? I have to forgive people. Please, let my cousin go. I can do anything you want me to do! "

At this point, Lin Shihan has already sobbed, tears flow more turbulent, but her last words, I do not have the slightest temptation to me, if put in the past, I am sure I would like her to do so, now the situation is not the same, but I can see that Lin Shihan and her Lin Feng feelings are really deep enough, for the sake of Lin Feng, she can ignore everything, this brother and sister relationship I can't help but be moved.

However, now I have no sympathy for Lin Shihan, and the rest is indifference. I stare at her coldly, and then bend down, slowly stretch out my hand, and gently wipe away the tears on her face. This woman is the first woman to let my love begin. Once upon a time, she was a light in my dark world, illuminating the direction of my progress, nothing I can only secretly look at her in the corner and appreciate her.

Although I knew that we would not get together, I still couldn't forget her. With the passage of time, we both entered the University. I thought my lovesickness would end here. But what I didn't expect was that fate made us meet again in a strange city. At that time, she was a green female college student, but I was A little rogue who went astray met so suddenly, a small misunderstanding, let us two hate more and more, until today, has reached the point of irresolvable.

At the beginning, I regretted it, but now I think about it, what I paid for her is really not worth it. Therefore, I don't regret what I did. Even though I nearly died because of that misunderstanding, I still feel that I am not wrong. When the war comes, the person standing is me, the person kneeling is Lin Shihan, the person lying down is Lin Feng, and the dead person is song Qingfeng, accident let me become the ultimate winner of the game.

However, after wiping away tears for Lin Shihan and her expectant eyes, I finally said: "I'm sorry, I can't do it!"

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