As the largest guild in the city, the Xuanwu society is absolutely full of Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon, and has a lot of powerful talents. Especially in the aspect of assassination, once the order of assassination is issued, they will carry out their tasks by any means, killing people in an invisible way. Many people have died in these people's hands.

The order of assassination is only known by the high-level of the Xuanwu society. However, Uncle Wu is also a veteran of the society. He secretly learned about it from the population of the society. As soon as he got the news, he immediately told me to move my position and stop staying at school. From the moment the order was issued, I was in extreme danger After the news, my nerves tensed up immediately. It seemed that in an instant, I stood on the edge of the cliff. No matter how high your martial arts skills are, it's hard to guard against it. I have a chance to die at any time.

It's absolutely impossible to prevent assassination. If the assassins of the Xuanwu society make a sneak attack on me, I feel that there should be no pressure to deal with them. After all, I haven't dealt with them. No one knows what their fighting capacity is. I don't worry about my own safety. Pity my brothers. Although they fight bravely, they are only students But these people are killers, killers without blinking eyes. I wish they would only come to me.

Although I have a fluke about my own skills, if I want to meet a professional expert, such as Liu Qianxue, I can't guarantee that I can be safe and sound. However, these assassins will not openly fight with you. They are specialized in sneak attack, which will kill you in an instant. If I continue to stay in school, it is not only me I'm in danger, and my brothers are suffering.

I really didn't expect that things would come to this stage. As a weak and nameless little character like me, a gang leader would accept such an assassination order. No matter how powerful Lin Feng was, he would be a second in command. If he didn't make too much trouble, there was nothing wrong with it Out, there is bound to be death, and they are forced to do so.

Although Lin Feng has the right to dispatch these killers, it also needs the permission of help. It seems that Lin Feng has made great efforts to kill me, and even the leader of the gang has solved it. Let alone the assassination order, I am in absolute crisis. Even if I can escape a robbery, it shows that I am now against the whole Xuanwu society, and their assassination orders were originally issued It's just for ordinary big people, but I'm just a student. They all want to assassinate. It's just incredible. Obviously, the people of the Song family didn't avoid suspicion and directly got involved in it. This time, I won't give up the matter.

The crisis was so fierce that it scared me directly. I didn't hide it. At the moment, I summoned important members of the organization to come to my bedroom and told me about it. After hearing this, all the brothers showed a dignified look. For them, they could understand each other. But now they suddenly heard the so-called assassination order, we would not panic Although the target of the assassination was me, my brothers were also worried about me, and the atmosphere became very heavy.

All the brothers were nervous and suggested that I hide. For safety, I can hide for a while, but I can't hide all my life. I'm a man of seven feet. Although my ability is disabled now, my other functions are still normal. Since I have recovered from the degradation, I can't be slaughtered like this. Even if I want to die, I can't die In the hands of the basaltic society, I will die with my eyes closed.

It's just that I don't want to hide. I was abandoned by Lin Feng. I haven't even got revenge from him. Instead, I have to shrink back. What's more, if I want to hide, I can't even hide in this city. The city is full of crisis. All the people of Song family and Lin family are staring at me and taking me as prey. Even if I go to Uncle Wu, I'm afraid he will It's hard to protect me.

So, I had to leave the city and go home to my father's side. Now, only his old man can take care of me, but this is not the result I want. I am not willing to go back like this. When I came, I was so confident that I told my father that I would make a world in this city and let him know, His son is no worse than others, even better than others.

But now, I not only become a disabled person, but also be scared to hide home, then I really even half a man are not, I live and what is the meaning? I can't hide, but if I don't leave, what can I do if I stay in school? Even Uncle Wu has no way to deal with this kind of assassination. How can I resist it.

The voices of my brothers still linger in my ears, or hope that I can escape here. But when I think of Lin Feng's arrogant appearance, the thought of the brothers in the organization who are worried and unable to settle down, and the thought of Dong Zhiming taking the blame for me, I know that I have not only hatred, but also responsibility. Therefore, I can not escape. I must be brave in life or death face.

In the end, I made up my mind to never leave. It's useless for my brothers to persuade me. If I don't want to die, I don't want to die. I just want to solve this crisis. After discussing with these brothers in the bedroom for a long time, we couldn't think of a good way. The killer is in the dark and I'm in the light. How can I change from passive to active? How can we avoid the pursuit of killers? Everything was too hard for me.The brothers were all sad. Everyone frowned and smoked deeply. The whole bedroom was filled with smoke, and there was an atmosphere of suffocation. Just when the brothers were depressed, a cell phone ring suddenly rang, breaking the tense atmosphere.

In a sensitive state, I couldn't help shivering. I suddenly came back to realize that the ring was coming from my mobile phone. I haven't thought about my phone for a long time. Now someone calls me, I suddenly feel something is coming. I immediately take out my hand-held machine and look at it. Suddenly, my eyes light up and find that the number displayed on the caller ID is actually me Dad's.

When people walk in the endless darkness and suddenly see a faint light in front of me, it is a kind of joy. At this moment, I suddenly received a call from my father. It was like holding a straw on the edge of death. I didn't want to drag my father in, and I didn't want to let him know what I was up to. But now my life is almost gone, It's possible to be assassinated at any time, so I don't care much about it.

I immediately said hello to my brothers, ran out and picked up the phone in the bathroom. Suddenly, my father's deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "Arlo, I hear you have a problem?"

Hearing my father's voice, my nervous mood suddenly relaxed, and quietly replied, "I've offended the basaltic society here. They're going to deal with me!"

My father listened to my words, not a bit shocked, tone is still very indifferent to say: "you children's family games I don't care, I ask is that you really have a problem?"

It turns out that my father is always concerned about my body. Hearing this problem, my heart was touched again. My sensitive nerve couldn't help beating wildly. My eyes are red unconsciously. This is not only a blow to me, but also to my father. He has only one son like me. If I can't inherit the family, it means that my father has no successor.

After a long pause, I slowly replied, "well, there is a problem. The doctor said that the hope of recovery is not great, it depends on personal nature."

I thought that my father would be sad and sad when he heard this news, and would certainly revenge me with his temper. But to my surprise, my father's tone was still deep, as if there was nothing impossible in his eyes. His voice was a little displeased and said, "Arlo, it's because of this that you've been knocked down, and you've been down since then?"

From my father's words, I felt the implication of his words. It seemed that I was very disappointed with me. I remember very clearly that when I went back to school, I was so confident and assured my father that his son Su Qiyao would not be inferior to others.

But now, I not only did not stand out, but also humiliated my father. This incident gave me a fatal blow, shattered my self-confidence, let me no matter how strong, once resolute also disappeared. When facing my father's question, I was a little dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. My father didn't wait for my reply, and continued to say:

"I'm Su Qiyao Since the doctor said that he had a chance to recover, you should believe in this opportunity. If you don't believe in yourself, you are really wasted. Even if not, what's the big deal? You are still a man. If you are knocked down, you can get up. If your heart is broken, your people will be completely abandoned. When I asked you to go back to school, I didn't mean how strong your military strength was, but I thought that your spirit and will had passed the test, so I let you experience it outside and really grow up! "

It seems that I really failed to live up to my father's expectations. From the very beginning, my father told me that this road is not only a road of no return, but also full of danger. But I don't care about these, or I set foot on it without hesitation. I naively thought that I would build a world of my own by my own strength, and let my father look at me with a new look, but I really am Too young, too arrogant, only a little strength began to be arrogant, in the end, not only did not succeed, but also let my father down.

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