After listening to my words, Lin Shihan's body obviously trembled, as if she had been struck by lightning. Her eyes turned red instantly, and her anger flashed from it. She wanted to explode. But when she touched the eyes of Wasabi beside me, she still dared not to speak. The deterrent power of Wasabi was really extraordinary. Lin Shihan shut up without waiting to speak.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was lying on the ground, recovered a little strength. He vomited blood on the ground, and then he stood up and sat up. He was so overbearing that he didn't have the arrogance of the last moment. He couldn't pull Lin Shihan. He said weakly: "Shihan, this matter has nothing to do with you. You should go now. Don't do it Please

Although he has been reduced to a prisoner, his backbone still remains,? From the beginning to the end, there was no fear in his eyes. There was only pain and heartache after seeing Lin Shihan kneeling. People like him had already looked down on his anger. Therefore, he preferred to die, rather than let the people he wanted to protect compromise in front of me.

But Lin Shihan listened to Lin Feng's words, immediately stood up, in the past helped Lin Feng, continued to cry and said: "brother!"

Brother and sister's deep love really moved the world, but my eyes were as cold as ever. I accidentally noticed that Lin Feng gave Lin Shihan a good look, then he shot at me with his vicious eyes, and said to me, "Suluo, don't scare me. You don't look at where this is. Do you dare to kill here? You're going to kill me, and I promise you won't leave safe and sound! "

Lin Feng is really a smart man. He says what I worry about. What he said is what I think in my heart. Therefore, I didn't kill Lin Feng immediately. Killing him is not as simple as killing moon shadow, and the moon shadow is solved by wasabi secretly. But now we are still at his door. There are cameras everywhere. If we kill people openly, we will even kill them I'm afraid no one can't help me.

What's more, Lin Feng is not an ordinary person. He is also the deputy leader of the basaltic society. The whole eastern district is his territory. If he dies, it will certainly shake the whole eastern district. At that time, things will be really big. Therefore, no matter how much I hate him, I will not be able to kill people openly at his door.

When I was distracted, one of Lin Feng's classmates, that is, the man who handed Lin Feng's knife, suddenly stood up and yelled at me: "little B, do you know who our brother Feng is? I warn you, if you dare to move a hair of our brother Feng, I promise you will die without a corpse, and all your student dolls will be buried with them!"

The boy who talked was beaten seriously. His tone was so arrogant that he didn't pay attention to anyone. He was so arrogant. He said that Lin Feng was the king of heaven. However, this threat obviously didn't work for me. If I was afraid, I would not dare to come here.

I didn't even look at the speaker. I just cast my cold eyes on Lin Feng, and Lin Feng did not change his eyes. Instead, he looked directly at me. Although his body was very weak, he had been covering his chest, showing a very painful look, but his eyes were still full of contempt. He has no fear of me. He seems to have decided that I dare not to do anything about him.

Then, I smile at Lin Feng evil, and then took out a cigarette, deeply inhaled, and then I gently leaned down to spray a puff of smoke on the invincible face of Lin Feng. I made an extremely contemptuous voice to him and said, "yes, you are right. I dare not kill you here, but I dare not let you live like death I want you to have a taste of being abandoned. I want to let you know that solo, whom you have always looked down upon, will step on your head one day

After that, I ignored everything and quickly looked up at the wasabi waiting for my order, and said firmly: "wasabi, on the premise of no human life, give me his hands and feet, the most important thing is to turn him into a eunuch, so that he can't be a man in this life!"

My words are very serious, and my expression is very firm. This is also the decision I made after a lot of consideration. I know that this is the best way and the best way to solve the hatred in my heart. After all, it is unrealistic to kill people here, but at the same time, I can't simply let him go, and I can't kill him without getting angry. Then I have to let him be A cripple, like me, is the best choice, so that he can taste the taste of not a man.

What's more, once he becomes a disabled person, he will lose all his martial arts skills, and the people on the scene will be shocked by my words, especially Lin Feng himself. He may think that he can frighten me, so he doesn't care about my threat. Now, once I say this, he can't calm down, and his eyes flash a ray of horror This may be more terrifying than death. The more tough a man is, the less he wants to be a eunuch. Just like this, Lin Feng is completely flustered. He suddenly opens his mouth and flushes his eyes to get angry. However, he is so impatient that he doesn't say anything and starts to cough.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Shihan who held him was even more scared. She stopped in front of Lin Feng regardless of her life and death. Her eyes were full of fear and panic, and her tears began to flow down again. However, wasabi didn't know what to be pitiful. After he got my order, he immediately walked to Lin Feng, and Lin Shihan was in front of him He didn't even think about it. He grabbed Lin Shihan's shoulder and threw her away mercilessly.At the moment when Lin Shihan fell on the ground, wasabi bent down to pick up the knife on the ground and directly stabbed Lin Feng. At this moment, my heart was very excited. I really wanted to see the scene of Lin Feng being abandoned. I wanted to see what it would be like if he couldn't be a man. I quietly did a bystander on the side, but what I didn't expect was that he had to do it right now This moment, a majestic voice suddenly cut through the sky, clearly penetrated into each of our eardrums: "I'll see who is going to play wild here!"

This sudden voice is as powerful as a rainbow. Although others are not here, his invisible momentum has already passed. It is obvious that the voice is not made by ordinary people. All the people present at me have looked at the source of the sound.

I saw a group of people surging out at the corner of the road ahead. Although they add up less than ten people, their momentum is worth thousands of troops. All of them stride towards us, and the leaders are two middle-aged men. They give me a terrible feeling. I shudder when I see them.

One looks like a scholar, while the other, on the contrary, is a Wufu face. These two men seem to be both literati and martial arts. Obviously, they are masters of the masters. The eyes of this martial artist are very Ling. If anyone touches him, he will inevitably tremble unconsciously. This man seems to be several grades higher than Lin Feng and can be comparable with wasabi.

The man who looks like a scholar is wearing a pair of golden glasses. He is a man who has no military value. However, his vicissitudes of life show his cunning. Obviously, he is an old man. His strength in his head should not be underestimated.

And behind these two middle-aged men are some very big people. Each of them looks very strong. They are all well-trained professional thugs. When I see them appear, my heart is suddenly a little flustered. Although I believe in the strength of wasabi and know that it is effortless for him to defeat Lin Feng, but at present, the other party suddenly More than such a group of people can be comparable to Lin Feng, and more than Lin Feng's strength is much higher, and the leading Wufu looks more unfathomable. Therefore, I am not sure that the strength of Wasabi can deal with a group of them.

However, what shocked me even more was that when I saw the group of people who were still lying on the ground, they just got up from the ground as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, as if their Savior had come. They soon staggered to the man headed by Wu Fu and said respectfully to him, "president!"

This simple two words made my heart tremble suddenly. The leader of the Xuanwu society appeared. Everyone in this city knows that the leader of the Xuanwu society is a figure who can see the head but not the end. There are few people who have ever seen him. I only know his name, but I have never seen him. Today, I finally see the legend Lin Xuanwu.

In fact, now I'm not sure whether he is Lin Xuanwu himself, but the next scene makes me more sure. At this time, Lin Shihan slowly raised his head and looked at the Wu Fu who suddenly appeared. Then, he called out "Dad!" very wrongly

Under this, my whole person is stupefied instantly, the heart can't help but tremble.

It turns out that the Wufu in front of him is the leader of the Xuanwu society, the biological father of Lin Feng and Lin Shihan, and the leader of the black forces in the whole city. No wonder the momentum is so strong. If he can have such a strong atmosphere, his personal strength is absolutely not at the bottom. I know the power of wasabi, but even if he is powerful, he can't resist so many people, and Lin Xuanwu's siege ah, instantaneously Between, we have changed from active to passive. Now we want to get out of it, there is only one way to control Lin Feng as our bargaining chip!

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