Even so, in the face of this group of experts, wasabi is still unchanged, a look of disapproval, still calm in front of me, like a mountain, give me a great sense of security, he is a bodyguard, do is really qualified, no matter what occasion, he is the first time to keep my safety, to my safety first.

However, this act of threatening Lin Feng with a knife immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of one of the members of the Xuanwu society. He was the first one to jump out of the room, pointed at me and yelled: "little B, put down the knife quickly, can you leave a whole body?"

Although he was just a small minion, his tone was very arrogant. I didn't experience any big waves. A small one couldn't frighten me. But I only yelled at them after they were close to me: "stop, or I'll kill Lin Feng!"

Although my aura was not enough, my words played a key role. I was afraid to see Lin Xuanwu himself for the first time, especially his powerful aura. His roar and voice shook mountains and rivers, as if they were still lingering in my ears The only way I can escape from such a man is to take his son as a hostage.

However, to my surprise, Lin Xuanwu was not excited at all when he saw my threat. On the contrary, at the beginning, he was so murderous that when he came to our body, his arrogance slowly disappeared. Even his eyes showed a very surprised color. The object of his surprise was not me, but the wasabi in front of me.

At this moment, Lin Xuanwu's eyes completely stopped on the wasabi. The more he looked at him, the more uneasy he was. It was as if he knew the wasabi. When others saw Lin Xuanwu showing this look, they all looked at him with strange eyes, hoping that Lin Xuanwu would uphold justice. Even Lin Shihan looked at him with eager eyes She hoped that Lin Feng would be rescued safely with his father.

However, Lin Feng, as the party concerned, had already been flushed with anger. Seeing Lin Xuanwu coming, he immediately regained his look. Without any scruples, he yelled at Lin Xuanwu: "Dad, don't worry about me. Help me kill them!"

It seems that Lin Feng has too much resentment against me in his heart. He doesn't care about his own life. He just wants our lives. But after listening to Lin Xuanwu and Lin Feng's words, he is still indifferent. His eyes are still on the sunflower forehead. After staring for a long time, he starts to say: "are you the horseradish who was the madman in those days? ”

when Lin Xuanwu said this, his prestige was all gone, and his voice even trembled, which surprised everyone in the audience. After all, among these people, Lin Xuanwu was the leader of the city's underworld forces. Now, the big man in people's mind has treated me with such a tone and attitude The man in front looks like a farmer.

The moment Lin Xuanwu's voice just fell, the people around him almost at the same time shifted their eyes to the wasabi. In the face of the public's attention, wasabi remained unchanged. He just looked at Lin Xuanwu lightly and said in a soft voice, "ha ha ha, good. It's been so many years. I didn't expect that someone would remember me!"

His tone was full of scorn. In his eyes, it seemed that Lin Xuanwu was insignificant, and his words made him tremble for a moment, and his eyes showed panic.

I looked at Lin Xuanwu, who was in a panic, and then looked at the wasabi in front of me. I thought this bodyguard was someone my father sent at random, and he couldn't find a job after transformation. But I didn't expect that he still had such a nickname. Listening to Lin Xuanwu's tone, it seemed that this wasabi was very famous in the world!

Although this nickname is very popular, people who dare to call themselves as madmen dare not call them without certain strength. It seems that horseradish is definitely more than superficial. He must be a man with a story.

Of course, the people around Lin Xuanwu were as surprised as I was. They didn't know the name of a madman, and they didn't even hear of it. Especially the man standing beside Lin Xuanwu with golden glasses and a scholar's appearance, he helped his golden glasses, then looked at Lin Xuanwu, pointed to the wasabi, and asked, "Lao Lin, what is he Why, is it great? "

At this time, Lin Xuanwu slightly regained his mind and said to the scholar beside him:

"Lao song, you don't know something. A man didn't associate with any organization and went alone. Many places left him a bad reputation. He didn't pay attention to anyone at all, and caused a lot of disasters, but no one took care of him After sleeping with the mistress of a big man in other provinces, the big man directly sent ten experts around him and 50 death attendants to kill the man. However, all the people sent out were destroyed, but the man was still intact. In the end, he killed the big man. This event caused a stir in the whole country at that time. The man was arrested by the state for killing too many people, He is the famous horseradish

Lin Xuanwu's explanation immediately made everyone in the audience wide eyed. Even Lin Feng, who was subdued by me, could not help turning his face into iron blue. Perhaps he had realized his mistake and thought about the scene of fighting with Wasabi alone. How ignorant he was. And those experts standing behind Lin Xuanwu, just now with extraordinary momentum, could hear Lin Xuanwu After that, their fighting spirit immediately disappeared. Even I was subdued by Lin Xuanwu's explanation.At this moment, I finally understood. I said that this wasabi is so murderous and his martial arts are so good. It turns out that he really has a story. He is a legend. However, why is such a legendary figure willing to be a bodyguard beside me? I was stunned at the thought.

Lin Xuanwu himself was also a little surprised. After explaining with Lao Jiu, a scholar, he again focused his eyes on the wasabi. Then, he asked in doubt to the wasabi: "Diary of a madman, we Xuanwu will have no injustice or hatred with you, and you have never been involved in any business. But today you helped a doll to deal with my son. This is for the sake of What

Although yamakui is terrible, Lin Xuanwu is a father after all. He cares more about his son's life. Now Lin Feng is in my hands. He will not give up. However, after hearing his words, Yamaguchi still has no expression and replies coldly: "this is the task assigned to me by Mr. Su. I will kill anyone who threatens his life !”

In the eyes of all people, I am a small role, as if there is no threat to anyone. Lin Xuanwu has not even looked at me with his eyes from his appearance to now, as if I was the air. But the answer of Wasabi just set me off. I was ignored just now, and I became brilliant in an instant.

At the same time, all the people on the scene focused their eyes on me, especially Lin Xuanwu himself. After a long pause, they turned to look at Lao song beside him. He was a bit unhappy and said, "Lao song, didn't you tell me that this father of Suluo is not a local bastard with a little row? What's going on now

Obviously, Lin Xuanwu realized that something was wrong. How could a character willing to be guarded by a lone ranger madman be a small person. Therefore, he had already felt that the intelligence given to him by the old song dynasty was wrong. He felt that my father was not an ordinary local ruffian, so he began to question the scholar song next to him.

Originally, I was still confused about the identity of this scholar, but after listening to Lin Xuanwu's words, I immediately understood that the old song in his mouth must be song Qingfeng's father. No wonder his eyes were full of murderous spirit when he looked at me. However, at this moment, Lao song's eyes were not on me, but at his side, Lin Xuanwu. Facing his questioning, he was both "Lao Lin, I really didn't lie to you about this matter. The news I got was to tell me that Su Qiyao was really just a big gangster who was famous for his ruthlessness, but his power was not so strong that he only became king in one county."

After hearing this, Lin Xuanwu's face became more displeased, and he said angrily, "do you think that ordinary people can make a famous madman yield to protect his son?"

After hearing this, Lao song was also in a cold sweat, but he seemed to be quite confident in his intelligence. He first gave Lin Xuanwu an awkward smile. Then, he turned his head and looked at the wasabi and said very seriously to him, "crazy man, what benefits did Su Qiyao give you to protect his son willingly? It's not so good that he su Qiyao can give you Yes, I'll double it for you. What do you think? "

As soon as old song's words were finished, Lin Xuanwu next to him realized something, and his face suddenly changed. At the same time, the horseradish flashed in front of old song with lightning power. Without saying a word, he slapped him. The power of Wasabi can be imagined. The old song who had no power to bind a chicken could bear it. In an instant, he was fanned out by the horseradish , his mouth also inadvertently spit out two teeth, that looks like a miserable ah!

When they were afraid, their people were still United. Seeing that the wasabi started suddenly, they all wanted to fight back, but their behavior was stopped by Lin Xuanwu. Seeing that old song was beaten, his face became even worse. He also knew that old song said something he shouldn't have said, which caused him to be beaten. Therefore, he didn't do any abnormal things. He just said a deep voice to the wasabi He said:

"madman, I know you are a legend. Lin Xuanwu and the whole Xuanwu Association don't want to offend you. If my son is injured by you, I can ignore it. As long as you release my son Lin Feng, I will let you leave safely. What do you think?"

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