Obviously, wasabi didn't pay any attention to the leader of the basaltic society at all. He hit Lao song directly in front of him. This scene was deeply watched by Lin Xuanwu, but he still did not attack. He still wanted to fight with Yamaguchi. It was obvious that Lin Xuanwu did not dare to offend wasabi easily.

It was only at this moment that I realized that this was someone else's territory, and that the basaltic society had mobilized so many experts. Once the battle broke out, even though the wasabi was more powerful, it would be hard to resist. Even if he could deal with all of them alone, he could not protect me from his own safety. At that time, I was the one who was injured, but wasabi was not there at all Hu, pointing to Lin Feng, who was threatened by me, he said in a cold voice to Lin Xuanwu: "he wants to kill young master su. You can't let it go easily."

His voice was still cold, and things were like this. He still didn't give Lin Xuanwu face. Let alone Lin Xuanwu, even the defeated old song couldn't stand it. He slowly got up from the ground, and then yelled at Lin Xuanwu: "I said that brother-in-law, it's all like this. What's wrong with them? Do we still fear him, no matter how much he was Niu B, if you want to die, I'll take care of it! " Like father, like son. Song Qingfeng is as like as two peas in his old son. Song Qingfeng was the same as his son. In the coffee shop, Song Qingfeng was so instigated as a dragon. He was a real son of a son. He was also treacherous and insidious.

Maybe it's this kind of person that wasabi hates most. He goes to him without hesitation after hearing what old song said. However, Lin Xuanwu seems to quit this time, and immediately reaches out his hand to block the way of wasabi. He says seriously, "crazy man, I give up because I respect you for being a character. I hope you can also give me some face. I know your strength, But are you sure that you can fight against the joint attack of me and some hall leaders with your own strength? Even if you have the ability to get out of here by yourself, you can guarantee that the boy will be safe and sound? "

When he said that, he reached out and pointed to me. At this moment, Lin Xuanwu's momentum appeared, and he was also angry. After all, this is his territory. At the door of his house, his son was injured again, and his brother-in-law, Lao song, was beaten. If he retreated, he would certainly make the brothers cold hearted. However, what he said was also reasonable. He stopped the horseradish Step.

Although wasabi kills people without blinking an eye, he is steady and cautious. He knows that his biggest task is to protect me. If he wants to kill Lin Feng and hurt me or lose my life, he will be a bodyguard. After listening to Lin Xuanwu's words, Yamaguchi did not continue to move, but returned to my side and looked at me with his sharp eyes to inquire about me opinion.

Seeing that wasabi looked at me, Lin Xuanwu suddenly realized that I was the protagonist of the scene. My position could determine Lin Feng's power of life and death and decide the actions of wasabi. Immediately, Lin Xuanwu also looked at me and said coldly to me, "Suluo, I hope you can understand the situation in front of you. If you move my son, you think you are Can you leave safely? Even if you can escape from life, do you think you can escape the pursuit of the Xuanwu society? "

To tell you the truth, his every word is reasonable, and it's really what I've been worrying about repeatedly. I thought it would be enough to get away from him safely. Even if Lin Xuanwu didn't show up, I didn't dare to kill people in public. What's more, he brought these powerful soldiers, and I couldn't kill people in public.

Just in time, the leader of the Xuanwu society gave me a step down, so I could only climb down. Although the person who killed me was dead and Lin Feng was defeated, I hated him more than that. So, today I can't come in vain. After thinking over it, I shook Lin Feng's neck with a knife in my hand.

Then, looking at Lin Xuanwu, he said in a loud voice, "Lin Xuanwu, the leader of the Xuanwu Association, is it right? I've heard so much about it. I can let your son go, but you must promise me a condition!"

In the face of the legendary Lin Xuanwu, I was not afraid. On the contrary, I was confident and forceful. It seemed that if Lin Xuanwu hesitated a little, I would kill Lin Feng immediately. My momentum was not lower than that of him, or even much stronger than him. Obviously, my words made Lin Xuanwu angry, but he did not attack immediately. Even if he dared to ignore the order He was a fearless character, a madman, who did not dare to ignore his son's life. Even though he had great resentment against me, he tried his best to suppress it. He looked at me a few times and asked in a deep voice, "what conditions?"

After that, he frowned tightly. Maybe he thought that the conditions I proposed would threaten the Xuanwu, so he showed such an expression. However, seeing his worried look, I couldn't help laughing. Then, he said to him leisurely:

"my condition is very simple. Of course, this is the reason why I came to your house today I hope you can accept my challenge and come here with full sincerity. But your son is not sensible and looks down on me and my student party. You even hit me without saying a word. But I hope you can promise me that this condition is not excessive! "

My words are very relaxed, said Lin Feng's face is not good-looking, performance is very shameless, and Lin Xuanwu listened to my words, tight brow relaxed down, eyes full of incredible look, he was very puzzled at me, with a voice of disbelief said: "this is really your condition?"I nodded definitely and replied decisively, "yes, this is my condition!"

I don't want to kill Lin Feng directly now. I want to kill him with a knife. But I know my situation very well. If I abolish him on impulse, Lin Xuanwu will try his best to kill me. At that time, even if the horseradish is fierce, it will be difficult to protect me from the madness of Lin Xuanwu. Now I have to consider the overall situation, No Can care about personal hatred.

But even if he could protect me, he could not protect my two brothers, Haoran and Tianyi. Once he started, I had the ability to protect myself, but my two brothers didn't. therefore, if we fight, we will never get good fruits. Moreover, our organization will suffer crazy revenge from the Xuanwu society, and we will not be ready for anything at that time It is bound to change from initiative to passivity, and the situation is bound to be chaotic.

Instead, it's better to follow my plan at the beginning and try my best to fight a big battle with the Xuanwu Association. As long as Wu Tianhao is willing to do his best to help me, I don't believe that his Xuanwu will not collapse. At that time, let alone abolish Lin Feng, even if he is killed, it will only be a matter of minutes.

Therefore, the wise move is to have a big fight with him. Although we are weak, we still don't know who is the winner. The person who laughs to the last is definitely me. My condition is nothing to Sirius. In other words, he also likes my decision. In his opinion, I was a mole ant that could be crushed to death at any time. How could I be inferior to their eyes 。

But now the situation is different. Lin Xuanwu knows that I have the role of Wasabi around me. He doesn't dare to belittle me now. My strength in the eastern district is also very few. Fighting with me is not to deceive the small. Moreover, he doesn't want to let this period of gratitude and resentment continue to entangle, and the first world war will solve all our gratitude and resentment.

After hearing that I was so sure, Lin Xuanwu directly agreed to me. Maybe from now on, he also began to attach importance to me. After receiving my letter of war, he set the date of the decisive battle more and more in a week, and gave me and him the common preparation time. I also agreed with his statement. After seven days, there will be a showdown.

However, there are some people who are dissatisfied with this decision, that is, Lao song, who hates me to the bone, would like to kill me now to avenge song Qingfeng. However, he also knows that the person who has the right to speak here is still Lin Xuanwu. He has no courage to vent his anger on Lin Xuanwu, so he has to swallow this tone. But from the look in his eyes, I can see that this time I Not only to deal with the whole Xuanwu society, but also to the Song family.

After I made an agreement with Lin Xuanwu, I also kept my promise and let go of Lin Feng. Then, I left with these people. Before leaving, I looked at Lin Feng deeply and said to him in a provocative tone: "goodbye in seven days!"

After Lin Feng's eyes were fixed on me, Lin Feng's eyes were obviously on my mind, and Lin Feng told me that he would not be offended by his eyes The same peak is telling me that I am dead.

I looked at the two brothers and sisters, and then I turned around and left. Sure enough, Lin Xuanwu was also very trustworthy. He didn't betray his promise and sent someone to revenge us. When I got back to school, my situation was completely safe, and my bodyguard, wasabi, was hiding out.

After returning to the dormitory, Haoran and they kept asking me about wasabi. Of course, what they wanted to know more was about my father. They were curious about my father's holiness. They even invited a murderer to be my bodyguard. However, I didn't bother to tell them that I didn't want to answer them, but now, even I don't know my father Things, I just casually perfunctory in the past, they were sent away, a person quietly in the bedroom thinking about things.

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