No matter what kind of person my father is and what secret he has, I don't want to know. I know that Su Qiyao is my father, and everything he does is for me. Therefore, I can't let him down. After I killed the Xuanwu Association, my organization will also have a firm foothold in this city. I firmly believe that it is I who will win this war, and tun And the underground forces in the whole city are only a matter of time.

of course, this is also an idea that I encourage myself. I also know that it is not a simple thing to deal with the deep-rooted basaltic society in the eastern district. However, it is also the first gang in the city. Although the idea power is only in one Eastern District, its strength can not be underestimated.

What's more, the Song family, who has been looking for my revenge, has also been involved. The Song family is one of the largest families in this city. Moreover, he is Lin Xuanwu's brother-in-law. The two forces unite together, not to mention going east. Even in the whole city, they can walk sideways. Therefore, this time, I not only ask Wu Tianhao to help, but also to do his best Help me.

After thinking so much, I contacted Wu Tianhao directly and agreed to meet him in the evening. In the evening, I got together with the senior leaders of the organization to discuss the current situation and discuss the severe test to be faced. There was plenty of time. However, it was obviously impossible to expand my team in these seven days. The news of the war between me and the Xuanwu society It has already been spread on the road of the city, and everyone thinks that we are bound to lose. Therefore, no one is willing to join us at this time. Now what I have to do is to stabilize the morale of the army and prepare for the war on the basis of the original people.

All the brothers in the organization have basically fought head-on with the basaltic society, and they will not have fear because we all know that they are living people like us. As long as we take out the spirit of our life, I don't believe we can beat them.

I'm very glad for my brothers. They have some young people's passion. Even though they know the strength of the basaltic society, they don't want to shrink back. For the matter that they are about to fight a decisive battle with the basaltic society, the brothers all have extraordinary expectations. Each brother unconditionally believes in my ability and knows that I will not fight an unprepared war. They believe me more deeply than myself I think that under my leadership, I can definitely defeat the lawless Xuanwu society.

Seeing that the confidence of the brothers is still there, I feel at ease. Now there are seven days to go before the war. In addition to preparing for the war, I also need to restore our order. Because we almost gave up all the sites a few days ago, things are in disorder. After some rectification, all our farms are open for business. Tonight, all brothers will be in their own hands I'm in my position.

Now that the Xuanwu society has accepted our war letter, we are not afraid of their surprise attack, because we have made it clear in advance that before the war, they can't come to hell before the war, and they dare not blatantly do it. Of course, I'm not afraid of the basaltic society at all. Even if they don't follow the rules, I won't be afraid. I can say that no matter what happens to me in the future, I won't shrink back.

After the meeting with my brothers, I took them out to have a big meal. These days, we have been in a tight state. We have been preventing dangerous attacks at all times. We have never really relaxed. Even having lunch in the canteen, I was assassinated. But the sudden appearance of Wasabi made my plan go very smoothly, and my brothers and I were finally able to Relax.

As soon as these guys heard that I was going to take them to a big meal, all of them were very excited. We set off immediately. Now I am no longer afraid of my head and tail. Even when I walked to the school gate, a white Volkswagen car came from a distance and suddenly stopped by my side, opened the window to me and drove She is the angel sister of the infirmary.

And she took the lead and asked me, "are you getting better there?"

Originally, I didn't think about it. At the moment, I was in other places. But when the angel sister arrived, she immediately poured a basin of cold water on me. Suddenly, my heart was cold, and all the happiness disappeared. And the brothers were staring at me. At the moment, even though I was thick skinned, I was already embarrassed.

At this moment, if someone else said this to me, I would just walk away. But this person is a beautiful angel sister. She has always treated me well. As a doctor, she is also concerned about my illness. I also understand that. In retrospect, since I came back from the examination, I have directly lost all faith and forgot to contact sister angel.

Thinking of this, I told my brothers to wait for me in the hotel first. I arrived later. They left without saying much.

After they left, I directly got into the car of angel sister and said to her in a low voice, "I went to the city hospital, and they said there was no way to do it. The chance of self-healing was one in ten thousand. It can be said that I was completely abandoned!"

Angel sister listened to my words, her face also became a little dignified, her eyes looked at my crotch, then, she directly drove the car to a no one's place, after parking, she said to me very seriously: "take off your pants, I'll have a look!"

Sister angel's words directly shocked me. If I was better in the ward, after all, she was wearing uniform at that time, but now the situation is not the same. She was wearing plain clothes and in the car, which was like a car shaking. I quickly refused: "forget it, anyway, you can't cure it, so let it go!"Angel sister knew that I was shy, but she still said to me seriously: "you are a big man, what can I be shy about? I'm not without seeing it. Take off quickly and let me have a look again!"

Her expression is very serious, not like a joke, even after work, her doctor's professional ethics is still so strong, I think this is the doctor should have a sense of responsibility, and I really want to make myself better, think about it, I simply do not pinch, immediately to the pants to fade down.

Let me not calm down is, the angel sister looked very seriously, and from time to time also poked with her hands a few times, her body fragrance clearly spread into my nose, the scene is extremely ambiguous, we are lonely and widowed in the car, and her appearance is extremely attractive, if not for my side of the problem, I am afraid I would have been unable to control.

However, even if I can't do it below, my face is red and my heart is full of deer bumping. But Angel sister doesn't care at all. Her expression is still very calm. After a long time, she let me put on my pants and said to me seriously: "Suluo, I feel that your problem is not too serious. If Western medicine is not good, you can try traditional Chinese medicine, my Lord I'm an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. I'll tell him about you and see if he can do anything about it

Her words made me forget the embarrassment. My focus instantly shifted to her grandfather, who was an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. When I heard her saying that her grandfather might cure me, I couldn't describe my mood at this time. However, no matter how much I hope, as long as there is hope, it is good for me. In case my illness is really cured by her grandfather, I will do anything I can, I immediately thank sister angel.

The angel sister just smiles and doesn't say much. Then, she asks me where I'm going to eat. I give her the name of the restaurant. She drives her car and delivers it to me. I arrive in a few minutes. After I get off the bus, I invite her to come in. She says that she has something to do next afternoon, so she drives away.

After this short episode, I was in a better mood and more energetic. After entering the hotel, I came to the box they had ordered and had a good drink with my brothers. Everyone began to talk at length and boast. After the meal was full of wine and food, I asked them to go to the court to watch it, and I went to visit Wu myself Tianhao.

What my father said to me, I deeply remember in my mind that Wu Tianhao can be used, but can't be relied on. I don't care what the relationship between him and my father is, but I want him to help me sincerely without sincerity. Wu Tianhao is still very polite when he sees me. He promised me on the phone before the fight between me and the basaltic society He will do his best. This time I came to talk to him personally, and he said that he would do his best to help me.

However, he also stressed to me the seriousness of the matter. He said that I must be fully prepared for the battle. If the basaltic society can come to this day, there will be hidden dragons and crouching tigers. He told me to be careful. He stressed that on the day of the decisive battle, he would personally lead the team to fight with me.

In fact, from the tone of Wu Tianhao, you can see that although he attaches great importance to the basaltic society, he does not show any fear. The lines reveal that Wu Tianhao has no pressure to deal with the Xuanwu Association. From the beginning, I didn't feel that Wu Tianhao had that ability. He was just the boss of a large-scale nightclub, just a group of thugs under his hand How can a home guard be compared with a real Taoist.

But that day, my father told me that Wu Tianhao was a very capable man, and my predicament was nothing to him. Therefore, he said that Wu Tianhao's strength was clear. There would be no problem in dealing with Xuanwu. Before my father told me, I really had to rely on Wu Tianhao to grow up. At that time, I had absolute trust in him.

But my father's words changed my view on him. Although Wu Tianhao's attitude towards me was very sincere, and he did solve my problems for me, compared with him, I still believe what my father said. It is because I trust my father that I dare to challenge Sirius. In any case, this time I will use Wu Tianhao's power to eradicate the Xuanwu society This trouble has brought my newly rising power to a new height.

I had a long chat with Wu Wan Tianhao. I talked with him again about several key points for attention. After a long chat, I saw the time and it was almost late at night. I said goodbye to him and went back to school alone.

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