After he came out from Wu Tianhao, he wanted to go back to school directly. However, I didn't go there for a long time, so I immediately went back to the East District. I went to all the venues under my banner, and made a special trip to the bar and the splendid nightclub to accompany the two owners, and promised that there would be no such accident in the future.

They also said that they understood me and didn't embarrass me too much. They just stressed with me that we should try not to have such a big accident in the future. In fact, it's normal for them to have some accidents on the field. However, we gave the biggest stronghold of the basaltic society and gave them a big blow. From last night's station, our organization became a dare to challenge the basaltic Association Existence, even if they have opinions on me, they can only hold it in their hearts and greet me with a smile.

After saying hello to the two owners, I went back to the meeting bar to have a rest. During the day, I almost never stopped. I was busy until 3:00 in the morning. At this time, the bar was supposed to be closed. However, when it was about to close, the brother outside suddenly sent a message and said anxiously, "brother, there is a woman in the hall all the time When I was drinking, I said I would close the door, but she still refused to leave. In short, she would not leave even if she was chased out! "

As soon as I heard about the girl, I immediately thought of the order of the Xuanwu society. When I heard this news, I was a little sleepy. In a moment, I became more alert. The people who came to drink in the bar drank an atmosphere. Now all the guests were gone, and the music was turned off. What was she drinking? One was deliberately picking fault, the other was being trapped by love Lost in love. Third, the Xuanwu sect sent revenge. Although they promised that the two sides would not interfere with each other before the decisive battle, no one could guarantee that they would keep their promise.

immediately, I said, "I'll go out and have a look!"

With that, I went out. When I came to the hall, I saw a woman in a black leather coat sitting there sipping wine in the corner of the bar. Although I only saw the figure of my back, I recognized the woman at a glance. She was Xie Yu.

She always appeared with a purpose. I clearly remember that on the day I took over the bar, she also came here and asked me to disband the organization within a week. However, it has been several weeks since then. My organization still exists, but now, she has come again, and I suddenly have a bad feeling in my heart.

These days, I've been dealing with the Xuanwu Association, and I haven't paid attention to her. It can be said that I have forgotten her trouble. Today, she came to the door in person. Could she tell me that they are going to take action against me at this time?

As far as the current situation is concerned, all my plans are going well. If I am interrupted by this slut at this critical moment, all my preparations will be wasted. Thinking of this, I can't help but feel the waves in my heart. I pray that she won't embarrass me at this time.

Then, I came to her opposite, Xie Yu saw that I did not appear surprised, just drank the wine in the cup, then, she showed me a charming smile, jiaosheng said: "handsome boy, long time no see!"

Every time Xie Yu sees me, she will tease me and see my embarrassment. This feeling is really oppressive. Every time I see Xie Yu, I feel very uncomfortable. Although she came here alone, there was no sign of fighting. But I am still uneasy that she will not come to the door for no reason.

I stood in front of her and said to her in a very impolite tone, "we are closed here. If you want to drink, please go somewhere else."

As for my attitude, Xie Yu didn't care. She put down the cup, looked at me with color Mimi, pouted and said, "I said Ye Zixuan, the customer is God. Don't you know?"

No matter what, Xie Yu is a consumer here. I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble if I try to get rid of her. However, I can't really serve her. But looking at her, I feel uncomfortable, and I always feel that there must be no good. Now it is the crucial moment for me and the Xuanwu society to fight. I really don't want to change the plan because of her. As long as it is after the decisive battle, She can do whatever she wants, but now I can't have a conflict with her because I don't have the experience to deal with her.

Thinking of so many unnecessary factors, I tried to adjust the state of mind, and then sat opposite her, indifferently said: "talk about it, what can I do for you?"

Seeing that my tone was gentle, Xie Yu suddenly got up and walked to me and sat down beside me. Then, her hand suddenly touched my thigh, and she also breathed into my face. She said in a delicate voice, "it seems that you hate me. I haven't done anything harmful to heaven. But I always do it for you!"

Maybe it's because she is a professional. When I hear what she says to me, I feel mixed with a kind of coquettish, and I smell a lot of disgust. I don't want to talk nonsense with her. I directly say, "I have something to do recently, and I don't have time to chat with you. If you want to find me, you can wait a few more days, and then I can play with you slowly."

After listening to my words, Xie Yu still had that teasing expression, and continued to say with shame: "it's about the Xuanwu Association. I know all these things. However, I heard that you were abandoned by Lin Feng. I don't know whether it's true or not!"She put her hand on my crotch. Although I am a waste person now, I have been indifferent to men and women, but now I am so frivolous treated by a young lady, I still can't stand it. I directly shake off her hand and roar, "don't overdo it. Don't think I dare to do anything to you!"

Xie Yu saw me angry, put on a look of grievance, coquettish said: "Oh, don't be angry, I don't care about you, sister, I have unique skills, specialized in the treatment of impotence and premature ejaculation, or sister I help you, ensure that you become vigorous in bed!"

This is a knot in my heart. It hurts when I mention it. But Xie Yu, a bitch, still uses this topic as a topic to challenge my bottom line. I can't bear it. When the balloon explodes, I can't stand it. I turn my head and look like her next to me. She squeezes out a word: "go!"

My tone did not have a trace of politeness, but Xie Yu's face is really not general thick, I did not rest assured of her attitude, heard me scold her, she even laughed at me, see me even more unhappy.

At the same time, she took out a cigarette and smoked it for herself. After taking a few deep breaths, she said to me: "all I have done is for you. It seems that you still don't understand my good intentions. I told you at the beginning that the road is not suitable for you. Look at you. Just how long have I done, I haven't dealt with you yet. You'll get into trouble After the basaltic society, you were ruined by madmen. I see, in another two days, I'm afraid you won't even have a life. Then I'll be watching you. I'm afraid I'll go to your grave! "

After that, she also looked at me with a kind of iron hate but not steel eyes. At this moment, she said in her heart, if she had not hurt me several times, maybe I would have been moved by Xie Yu's words. But when I think of the things she did to me, I think that it is because of her people behind the scenes that she set foot on this road of no return, which leads to so many things that happened later. I think more and more about me Qi, I feel that she came here today, is deliberately teasing me, her happiness based on my pain.

The more I thought about it, the less I felt. Seeing that she was not moved by my words, I stood up directly and roared at her without any politeness: "do you roll or not?"

Now I don't want to offend her just because of the war in front of me. But if I'm really forced to hurry up, I don't care about other things. I still know that the soldiers will block the water. Xie Yu can see that I'm completely angry now. She doesn't take any more measures. Instead, she pinches off the cigarette end in her hand. Then, she puts away her playful attitude and is serious He said to me:

"sulo, I should have told you at the beginning that my main reason for you is not to let you find a girlfriend. But now you are a disabled person, and you can't fall in love again. Therefore, the purpose of my coming today is to tell you that you have recovered your freedom, and I will not trouble you again. Of course, I hope you don't want to Thinking about revenge and things like that. Well, I've finished what I should convey. Goodbye

After that, she left the bar without looking at me again. For a moment, I was in a daze, even a little unresponsive. I was confused. How could I have thought that things had developed to this point, which really caught me off guard.

At that time, I came back only for revenge. At that time, although I dominated the school, I was still a student. I just left brilliant footprints in my life experience. At that time, I just wanted to get along well with Ziyi and step into the palace of marriage in the future. However, it was this Miss Xie Yu who suddenly appeared in my life and was hindered everywhere Because of my love with Ziyi, I was forced to go to this road of no return. From the beginning to the end, my goal was to eliminate the behind the scenes forces that hindered me.

I was going to challenge them after killing the Xuanwu society, and then I was at ease with Ziyi. But since I abandoned, everything has changed. All of this happened too suddenly. I'm not a complete person. What's the significance of Ziyi together? I finally realized that Xie Yu suddenly came to me today, not to ask for trouble Tell me one thing, because I am a disabled person, so they will not fight against me again.

At this moment, I reflected that at the beginning, their reason for me was that they didn't want me to find a girlfriend and forced me to be with the people in Xie Yu's mouth. Now I have become a disabled person. Even if I want to find a girlfriend, I can't find it. Therefore, even the people behind Xie Yu gave up on me, and no longer interested in interfering with my affairs for a week When the time came, they still didn't do it to me. Originally, it was because they knew that I had become a disabled person, and it would be meaningless for them to do it to me.

If Xie Yu wanted to talk to me about this matter before, I would be very excited, but now she said this to me, I was totally excited, mixed with all kinds of emotions in my heart, she was willing to let me go until now, in another way, that person behind the scenes did not want to be with me at all, they were playing with me from the beginning to the end I didn't meet their standards until I had no children.

This has been hiding behind the scenes, the heart is really too vicious, if they did not appear in my life at the beginning, I would not have become this way, I have long been happy with Ziyi, all I have experienced now is forced by them, I have been reduced to this point, they let me go easily with a word, pat their buttocks and leave, they recognize It's over, and for me, it's just the beginning.Although the angel sister told me that her grandfather might cure my illness, even if I had become a disabled person all my life and could not be proficient in male and female affairs, I could not easily let go of this person behind the scenes. I wanted to expose the true face of the people behind the curtain and see who was behind me several times and three times.

If I really exterminate the Xuanwu society, I must find out the person behind Xie Yu who led to the beginning of everything. I swear that once I find out, I will never let them go.

After Xie Yu left, it was 3:30 in the morning. From yesterday to now, I was busy with a lot of things. I was already very tired and tired. Therefore, I went out and took a taxi to my hotel under my name. When I came to a room, I immediately fell asleep. I had a good sleep. When I was talking with Zhou gongchang, a cell phone ring suddenly remembered and broke My dream, I vaguely connected to the phone, LISP said: "who ah?"

And the other end of the phone immediately came a serious female voice: "it's me, bailing!"

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