Although I am not a complete person now, even if I am, I will not take advantage of others' danger. If I don't do something in such a good environment in the dense grass, I don't have other extraordinary ideas. My thoughts are not here. Although I'm not a gentleman, I'm not that kind of mean person. After making sure that Bai Ling is OK, I left immediately and went back to the car.

A moment later, Bai Ling came back, and the short episode ended like this. But 1. I had experienced the embarrassing thing just now. Bai Ling and I had no privacy. In order to see my doctor, she showed me all. After the scene just passed, I showed her all. There was always that scene in my mind. Bai Ling didn't speak after getting on the bus, and the atmosphere became awkward I got up, so I took the initiative to look for a topic and said, "sister Ling, I heard that you don't care about the world in school, but how do you know I'm Suluo?"

Bai Ling listened to my words and directly replied, "I really don't ask about the world, but I'm very concerned about your affairs. You're so famous in school that you can't pay attention to it!"

Finish saying, she also white me one eye, I don't know she this is praise me or blame me, do I do not know how to answer.

For a while, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment again. After a few seconds, bailing said to herself, "you used to be a little brother who you wanted to take care of. I didn't expect to grow up in an instant!"

Bai Ling finished saying this, even in his eyes a little strange.

I chuckled and said, "people will grow up, so do I!"

Bai Ling was disdainful to say: "growth is not like this, were kicked into half a man, so still not growing good time!"

This sentence is true, let me blush, usually serious bailing, did not expect to hit people, if others say me like this, I will immediately turn over, especially a woman said this, I will be more angry.

However, from Bai Ling's mouth, I felt that it was a good intention, without any anger. So, I replied with a smile: "it seems that it's my fault!"

Bai Ling didn't seem to have recovered from her fright, so we didn't start immediately. For the next half an hour, I was chatting with Bailing to make her happy. She also revealed something I didn't know. That is, the time when she impressed me most was the time I jumped from the building.

At that time, because I was too weak, I jumped down and was caught by the fireman's air cushion, but I couldn't bear the pressure of falling from high altitude. At that moment, my heart almost stopped beating. At that time, Bai Ling was on the scene and gave me an emergency care, which allowed me to recover my vital signs. If there was no her, maybe I would have been dead, I was equivalent to It was the first person she rescued herself, so she remembered it very clearly and was very impressed with me.

If she didn't tell me about it, I'm afraid I would never have known it in my life. At that time, I woke up and became a psychopath. My brain was like water, and I didn't know anything. I really didn't think that there was such a thing in the middle. The first person who pulled me back from hell was Bai Ling, and our relationship began at that time.

After knowing this, Bai Ling's image in my mind was higher than before. I felt that what she did was like a real angel. In fact, judging from my heart, bailing is also a real beauty. If she was a student, she could compete with Ziyi. But Bai Ling's beauty is familiar with the mature beauty, which is different from Ziyi's pure beauty.

Even though I have been close to the girl for a few times, I can't get along with her, but I can't get along with her She is really good, I also really take her as a big sister, and Bai Ling also seems to take me as a brother.

After chatting for a while, I saw that Bai Ling's state recovered a lot, so she didn't delay, we both started directly, and I fell asleep again. I didn't wake up in the morning, but I was woken up by her phone. Just now, I was more tired. Listening to the dynamic songs in the car, I fell asleep again unconsciously It's on.

This sleep, I sleep very solid, as if really away from the dispute, the original secular struggle, also forget all the unpleasant, forget all kinds of misfortune, really is a long time have not like this good sleep, also do not know how long passed, suddenly, my nose smell a woman's fragrance, originally sensitive me, suddenly recovered I will open my eyes unconsciously, but at the moment when I was ready to open my eyes, an accident happened. I suddenly felt that my dry lips were touched by something, which was wet, soft and fragrant.

In an instant, a torrent rushed through my whole body, and my nerves were tensed to the extreme. I knew that I had been secretly kissed. This was my first feeling. My heart beat very much at this moment. My consciousness told me that I was attacked, but it was Bai Ling's kiss. What she wanted to ask was different from her girl, but it was something that made me puzzled. Why did Bai Ling secretly kiss me?At the moment when I was entangled, Bai Ling's sweet lips suddenly left, and my heart was in a mess. My first reaction was to open my eyes and question Bai Ling. But on second thought, they secretly kissed me while I was asleep. Obviously, they didn't want to let me know. If I made this matter clear, it would be more embarrassing. Therefore, I took this kiss as one A dream, continue to pretend to sleep, about ten minutes later, I slowly wake up.

After I opened my eyes, I immediately saw bailing sitting beside me with blurred eyes. At this moment, she was just like taking spring medicine. She wanted to burn herself, and her face was still hung with a blush of guilty conscience. Seeing me waking up in such a short time, she was not comfortable now.

I looked at the face red white Ling, pretending to know nothing, appearance, blankly asked: "to it?"

Maybe it was because she had done something wrong. Bai Ling had no confidence to speak now. She said to me with a little shyness: "well, it's been half a day, but the car can't get in, so we can only walk in!"

I looked at the time, it's already three o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't sleep long. In fact, it has been a long time. It seems that I overslept. I apologized to bailing and said, "why don't you wake me up? You've been waiting for me!"

After listening to my words, bailing seemed more embarrassed. She pursed her lips and said, "look, you're sleeping soundly. I didn't disturb you. Since you wake up, let's go!"

With that, Bai Ling got out of the car. After she got off the car, I touched my lips with my hand, and a smile appeared at the corner of my mouth. I followed her closely, looking at Bai Ling who behaved strangely. I was puzzled again. I don't think she is a woman who is hungry and thirsty. If she wants to find a man, there will be many men Come here selfless dedication, but she is not like that kind of casual woman, why steal kiss me? Is she in love with me?

It's impossible to say that. Although I have met with her several times, our feelings are not deep and we can't say we have feelings. I didn't get to the point where women are fascinated. After conjecturing a lot of possibilities, I didn't come up with a reason. But I can feel that Bai lingqin has a reason, but I know it's not easy to break through. I can only pretend that there is nothing wrong In any case, after the disease is cured, I will not have an intersection with her, and from then on, each side of the world.

I tossed the messy brain, put all the questions behind, I accelerated the pace to catch up with Bai Ling, and then, we walked into her hometown together. When I first arrived here, I suddenly felt deep into nature. This village is hidden in the deep mountains. It has beautiful mountains, beautiful waters, beautiful flowers and pleasant air. Even though it is remote and urban, it is not backward. Some cities have almost everything here, giving people a sense of paradise.

No wonder bailing's grandfather is here. It seems that people of older age like to be clean. Like my father, old people like to be in this kind of place. But her grandfather is an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. There are a lot of medicinal materials on the mountain here, which is beneficial to her grandfather's hospital. So I don't want to leave. Indeed, such a place is a necessary place for the elderly.

We met a lot of people on the way to the village. Bai Ling knew almost everyone, but when they saw me, they still looked incredible. I also guessed that it was a very strange thing for bailing to bring a man back. I ignored people's eyes, followed Bai Ling's side frankly, and walked towards her grandfather's home step by step.

After walking for about ten minutes, we have reached the end of the village. At this time, Bai Ling pointed to the large brick house in front of her and said, "this is her hometown. I carefully looked at the house on the edge of the village. It looked like a building from the last century, but it was well maintained. The whole courtyard was very large, which had the feeling of quadrangle, The only thing is that there are many small gardens around, which are good places for self-cultivation.

Even standing in a long distance, I can clearly ask about the smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the yard. Then, Bai Ling and I went in together. As soon as I went in, I saw that many places in the yard were covered with traditional Chinese medicine. Even if I went into the tile house, I could see all the herbs. I felt that this was a warehouse for medicine.

Bai Ling told me that her grandfather was the only doctor in the village. Because it was too far away to see a doctor, it was inconvenient, and the cost of treatment was very good. Therefore, most of the people in the village came to see her grandfather, and her grandfather never charged the villagers a cent. Everyone who saw the doctor did not say that the medicine could cure the disease, but there were no mistakes. It won the trust of the villagers It's why everyone in the village knows her.

Because of this, her grandfather refused to leave the village for half a step, just to help the young and old in the village more. After hearing this, I finally understood why bailing has the heart of Bodhisattva. It turns out that this is inherited. It can also be said that it is a kind of spirit of doctor's benevolence and hanging a pot to help the world!

With some emotion, Bai Ling and I entered the room. Just entering the door was the kitchen. Here I saw a middle-aged man who was cooking medicine. Needless to say, this should be bailing's grandfather.

Her grandfather was not as chivalrous as I imagined. He was a very ordinary old man with gray hair, thin bones, and a little hunchback. This was my first impression of him. However, when he heard the sound of footsteps, he quickly put down his work and turned to meet him. He ignored his granddaughter directly and said with a smile to me“ You're bailing's boyfriend, soloThe old man's words made me surprised, and Bai Ling was even more shy and angry: "grandfather, what boyfriend did I say to you? It's a friend. Are you a fool? "

Seeing that his granddaughter was not happy, he immediately changed his mouth and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, it's my old fool. I said something wrong. It's a male friend."

I also had no choice but to smile. Then I looked like grandfather Bai and was about to ask me about my illness. But when I saw his face, I couldn't help being stunned. What I wanted to say was also held back. Because I had seen this grandfather somewhere, but I couldn't remember it in a hurry. I always felt a sense of deja vu“ Grandfather Bai, have we met somewhere? "

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