Before I met grandfather Bai, I was full of imagination about his appearance. As a result, I didn't expect that he should be such a person. I knew to joke. I was speechless in an instant. Even now I doubt whether he can cure my illness. Suddenly, I feel hopeless. But what makes me even more surprised is that I seem to have seen him somewhere, but I can't remember for a while Yes.

But the white grandfather also seemed to see my dissimilarity, said with a smile: "two years ago, in your home city..."

Before he finished speaking, I suddenly thought of it. It was that time. No wonder I had some impression. I interrupted the words of white grandfather directly and said, "it's you, grandfather!"

Grandfather Bai was the man who had been with me two years ago. At that time, I was bullied by my classmate Wang Jinpeng. He wanted to take photos of me. At this critical moment, grandfather Bai suddenly appeared and rescued me. At that time, I wanted to worship him as a teacher. In a flash of time, he disappeared. I didn't expect that I would see him today.

I and the white grandfather's dialogue, to the side of white Ling confused, she widened her eyes at me, puzzled asked: "Suluo, do you know my grandfather?"

With a smile, I replied, "I don't know each other, but I met once. Grandfather Bai helped me once. That's all!"

That incident is also an embarrassing thing for me. How can I tell Bai Ling that? It has been a long time since I almost forgot. After listening to my words, grandfather Bai said with a smile: "I think about it now."

I was just about to open my mouth, but my grandfather pulled me aside mysteriously, inserted the topic I wanted to recall, and quietly asked, "boy, tell me the truth, are you my granddaughter's boyfriend?"

What's the situation? The man in front of me was quite different from the grandfather who saved me that time. When I heard his words, I almost fainted. For me, after a long journey, I met an episode. I was tired for a day. Now, the dripping water is not enough. As a result, the doctor who helped the world didn't ask about his illness and was interested in gossip. What's my feeling Ekan, I feel like I'm trapped.

But even if I feel uncomfortable, out of the basic etiquette of being a human being, for my illness, I politely replied: "grandfather, you really misunderstood me. Sister Ling and I are just ordinary friends. She has always taken care of me as my brother. After learning that I am ill, she brought me to see you!"

But after listening to my words, grandfather Bai was still full of disbelief. He looked me up and down and continued: "boy, don't try to fool me. If you don't speak clearly, I won't treat you. My granddaughter didn't play with boys since she was a child. When she grew up, the boys who pursued her queued up, but they were all rejected. Now that she is not young, her parents are worried to death, and she has introduced so many excellent people to her. She can't look up to one of them. Our family can't help her,

but you are different, you are the only boy she brought home from childhood to adulthood Do you think it's easy? What's more, according to what my granddaughter said, she seemed to show you that part. She was willing to do such a thing. You said it's OK. Do you think I'll believe the old man? "

White grandfather said, but also with a pair of don't think I look at me, obviously, in his eyes have recognized, I am bailing's boyfriend, so, bailing will help me like this, but in fact, I have no relationship with Bai Ling, how can I know that I am the first boy she took home, and what Bai grandfather said is not wrong, it is just In school, Bai Ling has refused many people's pursuit, but I really did not expect that she was such a person who rejected boys.

Listen to the meaning of grandfather Bai's words, isn't she mentally handicapped for boys? If this is a disease, she can't be cured in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, what can be done.

Since grandfather Bai said that Bai Ling has always rejected men since she was young, her situation to me is really a little different. She has never rejected me or hated me. Then, why would she like to approach me? Is it because I'm not a real man? She made me a sister? Then why did she kiss me secretly? If I told him this, he would believe that I was Bai Ling's boyfriend.

I told the truth, but the white grandfather just don't believe it, so he recognized that I was bailing's boyfriend. At this time, bailing on one side didn't want to. When she saw what her grandfather was saying to me furtively, she knew it was not a good thing. So, she said directly to her grandfather, "grandfather, I brought someone here to see you. If you do this, I will be angry !”

Bailing a word to suppress her this old naughty grandfather, Bai grandfather immediately did not ask, a loud reply: "good, good, I see a doctor, I see a doctor is not good!"

After that, he recovered to his serious appearance. Grandfather Bai seemed to have a double personality. The doctor's image came out. Let me go with him and say to give me an examination. In fact, I could not wait. After all, this is the purpose of my trip. I left the kitchen with my grandfather and went to the special room for medical treatment.

After I went in, I was directly asked to take off my pants and lie naked in the hospital bed, and my grandfather Bai immediately checked me up. What made me more uneasy was that Bai Ling stood by and looked at me without any hesitation. Maybe grandfather Bai had identified me as his grandson-in-law, so he didn't let bailing leave. I was embarrassed to say anything, anyway Ling has seen it several times, and it's OK to let her look at it more. However, what makes me embarrassed is that grandfather Bai always asks me some physiological questions when he examines me. Because Bai Ling is beside me, it's hard for me to open my mouth and answer no, I'm not.White grandfather in my examination, put away all the fun, expression abnormal serious, check for a long time, he solemnly said to me: "not very serious, should be cured!"

It's very light, but it sounds like the best thing in the world. In despair, I found hope and didn't have to live like this all my life. Bai Ling listened to her grandfather's words and showed a look of relief. However, grandfather Bai continued: "I can't guarantee this kind of problem. I can only try my best. It's mainly up to you, All I can do is help you

I don't care whether I can cure 100% or not, as long as I have the chance to cure, I will be satisfied. Then, grandfather Bai didn't say any more nonsense, so he immediately went to prescribe the medicine. After the medicine was prescribed, it began to boil immediately. It was only a kind of drug that can stimulate people's ability, which is similar to the spring medicine sold outside, which can stimulate people's ability. This is the method that uncle Bai said, and it is in use The aphrodisiac of medicine configuration can stimulate me in that respect. As for whether it can get better or not, it depends on myself.

He repeated with me as he was cooking medicine. If he could not be cured, don't blame him. After listening to his words, I became more excited. When I was not completely told that I couldn't, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, I was happy. Now listening to grandfather Bai's meaning, my hope of recovery is quite big, not 100%, that's also true It's more than 80 percent, so at this moment, I'm very excited.

I am very happy to wait until grandfather Bai has prepared the medicine. When I am ready to drink it, I fall into speechless again, because the old man pulled me to bailing's room. This is bailing's boudoir, which is mixed with the fresh Chinese medicine flavor and the room's simple charm. The decoration is not luxurious, but it is extremely warm. There are many bailing hanging on the wall since childhood Big photos, but also pasted a lot of certificates, everything here confirms Bai Ling's growth.

But what I don't understand is, why does grandfather Bai pull me here to drink medicine, and grandfather Bai explained to me that if you want to achieve the maximum physiological stimulation, the medicine can only play an auxiliary role. After taking the medicine, there must be a woman on the scene. The best thing is that this woman can seduce me and let me have a heartbeat, which can maximize the efficacy of this method Is the most perfect, can stimulate my silent for a long time ability.

I also understand the meaning of grandfather Bai, he is to let Bai Ling and I in the same room, let me drink aphrodisiac, in let white Ling stimulate me, let me burst out of the most primitive nature, and at that time, my disease will naturally be good, although I understand his meaning, but I can't help but panic, this is how dangerous a thing, lonely men and women coexist The room is not very good, and I also took medicine, in the face of Bailing such a beauty, if the medicine works, I'm afraid I will make regret.

I am a big man, but nothing, but bailing is different. I can't ruin others' innocence because of my illness. Although she is the object that every boy loves secretly, including me, it's not good. Even if I'm kind, is Bai Ling good at it? Does this strange old man really care about the innocence of his granddaughter? Is he so sure of my relationship with Bailing?

I was about to say what I thought in my heart, but what I didn't think of was that Bai Ling didn't care about it. In other words, she agreed with her grandfather's practice and thought that this treatment could cure my disease. Therefore, she agreed with my grandfather's idea almost without hesitation. At this point, I suddenly felt that I was not as quick as a woman Bai Ling doesn't care. What am I afraid of here? People do this to help me to cure the disease. Now that the matter has come to this stage, I can only insist on it.

What's more, Bai Ling told me before I came today that the faster I was in this situation, the better it was, and the more troublesome it was. I couldn't ask my grandfather Bai to prescribe medicine for me and drink it in front of Ziyi. If I went to Ziyi for such a thing, Ziyi would not say anything to me, but she still had some disagreements. If everything could be cured, everything would be fine The woman in front of you is not embarrassed.

Grandfather Bai also told me that this medicine may have side effects. No matter whether it is good or not, he should stay here and let him observe the situation. He must make sure that it is cured completely. If I leave this medicine and I go back to the past, it will be difficult to do. Therefore, the only way now is to cooperate with them and listen to their orders.

After half a day's deliberation, I finally made up my mind. At the same time, I will try my best to control myself and try not to have any contact with bailing. Then, I immediately took the medicine in the bowl and drank it.

As if I was afraid of my repentance, grandfather Bai looked at me with his own eyes and nodded his head with satisfaction. He looked at me with a smile and said, "wait a few minutes and the medicine will slowly play out!"

Then, he said hello to bailing again, let her cooperate, and then left the room.

Although from the beginning to the end, when grandfather Bai told me these things, he was a very serious expression, but when he came out of the room and closed the door for us, I suddenly had a bad feeling. The old man absolutely had some secret. He didn't even tell bailing that if I was crazy, I would run or ask for help However, it may be that I'm worried too much.In the scene, I drank a strong aphrodisiac and looked at it with four eyes of a beautiful woman. At this moment, the atmosphere in the room was so strange that I felt suffocated, and I couldn't help breathing.

And although bailing is to maintain a heart of saving the world, do not ask for return to help me, but really to this time, she is also a little embarrassed, her eyes twinkle blurred look, white grandfather have been out for a long time, we two still stand so quietly, after a long time, Bai lingcai whispered: "sit down for a while, the efficacy should be after a while To come up! "

She took my hand and went to the bed. We sat quietly on the bed and waited. With the passage of time, my body also slowly appeared some dry and hot feeling, but I still did not feel it. My heart began to panic, the drug effect came up, why is it not easy to use, is it true Abandoned?

Sitting beside me, Bai Ling saw my face dignified and asked, "Suluo, what's the matter with you? Do you feel it?"

I gave a bitter smile and whispered, "no!"

Hearing my answer, Bai Ling's brow slightly frowned, and continued to ask, "don't you think that kind of thing in your mind now?"

I know what that kind of thing Bai Ling refers to. Grandfather Bai specially let us be alone, hoping that I can masturbate the affairs of men and women, so as to stimulate myself. To blame, I can only blame my thinking for being too pure. I don't want to have a trace of blasphemy on bailing, even I have never thought about it.

She said so, my face immediately red, embarrassed said: "Well!"

When Bai Ling saw me like this, although she didn't say anything on her mouth, there was a trace of blame in her eyes. Suddenly, she looked at me closely. At this time, we were facing each other and only one punch apart. At this time, bailing said, "Suluo, you can't do this. If you want to quickly restore your original appearance and become a man again, then Now don't be serious and take out the most obscene thoughts of men, or do you have no feelings for me

These words are very exciting, but they are a little unacceptable. They are full of provocative taste. With a slight downward glance of eyes and close contact, Bai Ling's body fragrance is introduced into my nose. In the face of such a picture, I think it's a man who can't calm down. At this moment, I suddenly feel that the heat and dryness in my body are even fiercer than just now.

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