I know Bai Ling's intention. She is deliberately seducing me and asking me to think about it. I also know that if you want to be a disabled person or cure a disease, you can't be serious any more. You must have a different mind and try to think about it as much as possible. But Bai Ling is pure in my heart. I really dare not blaspheme her, even if I have no idea, the more important thing is Yes, I still have a Ziyi in my heart. When I think of her, I dare not think about other women any more. Even if it is a spiritual infidelity, I am also afraid. In the face of Bai Ling's words, I really don't know how to answer for a moment, but my heart is unconsciously ready to move.

At this moment, the mania in my body can no longer be controlled. My heart rate has become very fast. My face has gradually turned red, and my breath is also short of breath. I can feel it is hot when I breathe out. I have to say that bailing is for me to give up everything. She just let me experience the feeling of being seduced by a woman, and she is a woman who has a good feeling for her People, to activate my potential.

When she found that I slowly came to feel, she also showed a color of relief, and then, she gently blew a breath into my ear and asked in a delicate voice, "do you feel it?"

Her voice is extremely enchanting, listen to me can not help swallowing saliva, a little embarrassed way: "the body has a feeling, but there is still no response!"

After listening to my words, bailing didn't say anything. Next, her behavior surprised me. She stopped for a moment, and suddenly grabbed my hand, put it on her chest, and shook it a few times, saying, "what about now?"

Bai Ling's face is also red, she really for me, a pure high cold goddess, even at the expense of their own, to try to seduce me, this really let me can't stop, have to say, where she really feel, but this is not the time for emotion, but this move makes the restlessness in my body more fierce, I feel a little bit floating It's getting more and more shortness of breath. I know, these are the effects of medicine.

"Suluo, I know you are a gentleman. You are not as fickle as other boys. You don't want to be ambiguous with girls. Even in my eyes, you are just like a brother. You will be shy and shy. Similarly, this is the reason why I regard you as a friend. No, for now, I hope you can do something exceptional for yourself Believe you can! "

Maybe, Bai Ling is right. People should not limit themselves to doing limited things, just let go. At this moment, the flame in my heart is completely burning. It may be that grandfather Bai's medicine has played a full role, or maybe Bai Ling's temptation to me is too big. In a word, at this moment, I have a reaction.

She looked at her red and white hands in her eyes, but she was very pleased to see her red hands in my eyes.

And I was also on the verge of an outbreak. The animal nature in my body erupted completely. Bai Ling, like a magnet, sucked me deeply, which made my body hard to control. However, at this time, I still had a trace of reason. I tried to resist the desire to burst out, and said to bailing, "you leave here quickly, hurry up!"

This effect is very strong, if bailing continues to stay here, I will really be unable to control it. Now, while I am still a little sober, I quickly let her leave, so as not to harm bailing when I completely lose my mind. When I say this, bailing is still a bit stunned. Maybe she would like to see my situation more, to make sure whether I am really good, but I am The body is more and more out of my control, the head is also gradually confused, see white Ling is not moved, I directly roared at her: "you hurry to get out of here!"

My voice immediately pulled bailing back. She knew that I had to lose control of her body. Without any further delay, she ran out quickly. Now I am the only one in this room. I suddenly feel that I am in the fire mountain, burning my body, and feeling that every cell of myself is going to explode.

I thought I could resist the drug effect, but I didn't expect that the drug was too fast, which made my spirit completely degenerate. If I came to a girl at random, I would have sex with her. I really need to vent. I really don't want to stay in this room. Even if I look at the photo of bailing, I can't stand it. At this moment, I just want to Find a basin of cold water to extinguish the bath fire in your heart.

When I was about to leave, the door was opened again. The man who came in was grandfather Bai. When he came in, he already had a bowl of medicine in his hand, which might be the antidote. As soon as he came to me, he immediately handed me the medicine bowl and said, "drink it quickly!"

After I took it, I drank it without hesitation. All of a sudden, the feeling of dryness and heat was gone. After drinking the antidote, my mind gradually became sober, but at the same time, my body was also very uncomfortable. If I didn't vent out, I would feel extremely uncomfortable.

White grandfather told me that this is a normal phenomenon, to ease it would be good, but let me suffer is that the situation is not as good as the white grandfather said, the longer I go down, the more uncomfortable I feel, if I don't vent out, I will suffocate the same, see me like this, grandfather white immediately felt something wrong, he checked me again.After he carefully examined me, his expression changed and he said in a big surprise: "the amount of the medicine is used too much, and the antidote is not easy to use!"

Although grandfather Bai likes to make jokes, he never carelessly treats patients. He is also an experienced old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. He certainly can't make mistakes in medication. Bai Ling doesn't believe that her grandfather will make mistakes, even I don't believe it. So, I immediately asked what happened.

Grandfather Bai sighed gently and explained to us, "in fact, it's not the wrong dosage. It's mainly the boy's own problem. There's a chill in his body, which may be innate. If I'm right, you've been in bad health since childhood. When I prescribe medicine for you, it's based on the amount of normal adults. But I didn't expect that because of you The cold in your body makes you can't stand the amount of medicine I prescribe

It turns out that this is the case. Now I finally understand. No wonder I was always sick when I was a child, and my development and other children were slower. It was because I had congenital diseases. But now these are not important. The most important thing is how to solve my egg pain situation. Although my other places are normal, only where is the most uncomfortable for me, if I want to do it again If I can't find a solution, I may die. I'm still young and have a good time waiting for me!

After listening to the white grandfather's explanation, Bai Ling immediately asked, "grandfather, is there no solution?"

White grandfather sighed and said: "the way is to find a woman and this boy to combine, let him completely release the efficacy, it is OK!"

When grandfather Bai said this, he was obviously indifferent and looked at Bai Ling and me. He must have completely recognized that there was something wrong between her granddaughter and me, and that we had already happened. Therefore, he didn't think that it was difficult. But Bai Ling and I were innocent. Even if there was a little ambiguity, it was enough and had not been done What's too unconventional, and the relationship between us is doctor and patient.

If you want to help me solve the problem in front of me, that is to have a relationship with bailing, then I will not do it. The innocence of others will be gone. I can't ruin her because of my business. Moreover, I'm still a girl friend, so I can't do anything out of the ordinary.

Looking back on it carefully, Bai Ling did things to me that other men dreamed of. I didn't know what she thought in her heart, and I didn't want to guess. As soon as Grandpa Bai's voice dropped, I flatly refused: "no way!"

In fact, for this matter, bailing is also very tangled, although she has the intention to help me, but this kind of thing is very important to her, she is the kind of reserved girl, her own innocence is very important, after listening to my refusal, bailing very seriously asked Bai grandfather: "grandfather, is there no other way to solve the problem?"

White grandfather gently shook his head, said: "no, this is the only way to Su Luo, if you two want to be together, or have been together, then don't delay, this kind of thing is dragging on, the gods can't save him!"

As soon as the white grandfather's words finished, I once again did not hesitate to reply: "you do not want to say, this kind of thing I can't do!"

For my own life, I can't do anything to destroy people's innocence. Although I don't want to die like this, I don't want to harm others. Although we are all safe after the event, innocence is more difficult for a woman than death.

Grandfather Bai was a little annoyed when he saw me like this. He said to me flatly, "little rabbit, if you don't take time, it's not just a waste. You will die. Compared with living, do you want to die? Old man, I haven't treated anyone in my life. Do you want to die in my family? If you don't want to go with my granddaughter, you can find another girl in ten minutes, or you want to pull a woman from the village? Do you think there is any other way to do it

Grandfather Han's words are serious and serious this time. The doctor who has cured people can't be called a miracle doctor. This title is more important to him than bailing's innocence. It can be seen that he doesn't want his title of miracle doctor to be rejected.

However, after listening to grandfather Bai's words, my heart is more tangled. If it is not cured, I will still be a disabled person. I can bear the result. But if I die because of this, there will be nothing left, and I will be laughed to death. How can I say that I am a famous figure now? I would rather die in battle than die in such a oppressive way 。

Today, I came here specially to cure my illness. I still have a lot of things to solve outside. I don't want to die here, but I sell my morality for my life. In this case, even if I live, can my conscience be peaceful?

The more I think about it, the more entangled in my heart. However, when I was in a state of anxiety, Bai Ling on one side said, "I know, grandfather, you go out!"

After listening to Bai Ling's words, he didn't ask for my opinion. He turned around and left. Sometimes, he didn't forget to help us to bring the door.

White grandfather left, the room, once again left me and Bai Ling alone man and woman two people, although my dry heat stopped, but the animal nature of the body still exists, I forcibly control myself not to break out, do not let oneself regret things, I red eyes said to her: "you..."But as soon as I opened my mouth, Bai Ling suddenly took a big step and walked in front of me. Before I could continue to speak, her lips directly blocked what I was going to say. In an instant, my body was paralyzed, and my desire was ignited again. Finally, the trace of reason was lost in an instant. What I just wanted to say was completely forgotten in a flash.

After a burst of kissing, Bai Ling and I stood opposite to each other. Although I had lost my mind, I still saw a few tears on Bai Ling's face. Then, she whispered to me: "for you, I will!"

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