Now I don't care whether you are willing or not, but I'm totally out of control. Maybe it's time for the effect to play. At the moment, I've lost my nature. Only when I let out all the lust in my body can my animal nature be relieved. However, if there is a woman around me, I will be hard to control myself, let alone bailing People, I just ignore everything.

I can't wait to hold bailing, tears hazy, directly fell on the bed, at the moment I have no pity, very rude to pull Bai Ling's clothes, also do not know how long, a fragrant battle to end, after a short passion, I finally wake up.

The first moment I regained my sanity, I immediately saw the white Ling lying beside me. At the moment, her white face exuded a charming blush, mingled with sweat and tears, and her eyes showed a sad feeling. I couldn't help but feel a burst of heartache. Once she was an ice cream beauty who was not close to a man, now, this iceberg like person's son has melted A few years older than my sister, at this time lying beside me, also became a little girl, so pitiful.

Although this kind of thing can be done by two people, I, a big man, have no influence, but I know that even if Bai Ling says yes, she can't accept it in her heart. Now she is the one who is hurt the most. Therefore, I feel sorry for her. So, I put my guilty eyes on bailing and said from the bottom of my heart: "sister Ling, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

When I said this, my voice trembled. Originally, I planned to do anything for Bai Ling as long as she helped me to cure the disease. However, the result of curing me was to destroy herself, which made me feel uneasy and didn't know how to make up for this sin. I married her and Ziyi, and polygamy was not allowed in China, so I was confused 。

To my surprise, bailing didn't seem to care about it. She heard me and saw that I was normal. Her painful face even showed a smile. She said to me happily: "it's OK. It's not related to you. It's all my own volition."

Although she didn't blame me, I still felt sorry for her. In fact, the more she was like this, the more I felt sorry for her. I kept apologizing to her and confessing what she had done. Bailing saw me like this, she directly sat up and said to me seriously: "Suluo, I didn't blame you. No matter now or for coming, I won't blame you, so you don't have to apologize I don't care about it

After that, she got up and put on her clothes in front of me. Her beautiful body was revealed again. Although it was just over, I couldn't bear to see me again, but it was not the time to think about that. Although Bai Ling's tone of voice was very calm and her words were very light, I could feel that she was a typical forced smile, that girl Don't care about yourself!

If I can be responsible for her, it's OK, but I can't, because I have Ziyi. The reason why I can't wait to be cured is to live up to Ziyi, the second important woman in my life. Even if Bai has great kindness to me, I can't be with her. If she beats me and scolds me, I may feel better. I don't I hope she swallows her pain into her stomach and pretends to be indifferent.

After Bai Ling put on her clothes, I couldn't help saying to her: "I already have a girlfriend, she is very important to me, so."

Suddenly, Ling said, "I can't tell you what I'm saying with her."

Seeing her so leisurely, I thought she didn't understand what I meant. I quickly finished the following words: "so, I can't be with you!"

I know that even if Bai Ling said that she didn't care, it was also a kind of invisible damage to her. When Bai Ling heard this, she still didn't show any difference and said, "what do you think? Who should be responsible for it? I don't like you. Today I just don't want you to have an accident. It would be bad if I died in my house! "

Bai lingshuang's words are big righteousness Ling ran, as if in her eyes, this is a small matter, a normal person's one night stand, she kept saying nothing, but I have been entangled in her mind, again said: "but."

This time, Bai Ling didn't wait for me to finish. She interrupted me again. She said coldly, "it's nothing, but you don't want to think so much, so don't worry about it. As for me, I won't worry about it at all, and my family's thoughts are not feudal and conservative. OK, let's just say nothing!"

Ten thousand did not expect, this kind of thing should be I advised her, the result made her persuade me, at this moment, I really have no words to say, bailing see me like this, continue to say to me: "Suluo, if you really feel guilty to me, then help me a favor?"

When Bai Ling said this, her face became serious, and there was even a hint of praying in her eyes. Hearing her words, I almost said without hesitation: "you say, as long as I can do it!"

After that, bailing said to me without hesitation: "in fact, to be honest with you, I also have a boyfriend, but it's not easy to bring it out. My family don't know. I'm so old. They worry that I can't get married. My grandfather is urging to have grandchildren. All the old people are like this. However, since things have developed to this stage today, he We must be more sure that we are lovers, so I hope you can help me to hide from my grandfather and pretend to be my boyfriend! "After listening to Bai Ling's words, I suddenly feel that I am not feeling the taste in my heart. What! She said she had a boyfriend? This suddenly makes me feel strange, there is a kind of sour taste in my heart, is it jealous? In a word, my heart is very sad, but no matter what, I will promise Bai Ling, when I come, I can see that her grandfather really wants her to find a boyfriend and get married quickly. If I still don't admit it now, I know her grandfather's skill, and I can't tear me into pieces!

This question is not difficult for me, but I still have a worry in my heart. So, I said to Bai Ling seriously: "I can help you with this, but I'm afraid it won't be hidden for a long time. What should your family do if they know that I'm a liar?"

When I was so serious, Bai Ling couldn't help smiling and said, "don't worry about it. You can help me. Grandfather, he won't inquire so detailed. Moreover, I will try to bring my boyfriend back before our relationship is exposed."

Hearing Bai Ling's words, I couldn't help but wonder. Her personality is obvious to all. Almost no man has ever appeared around her. What's more, what makes me more entangled is that she says she has a boyfriend. Does her family disagree with her? Bai Ling's family urged too much, so let me come out to replace, do you think my current identity is a spare tire?

After thinking for a long time, I still couldn't figure it out. These are the problems in my heart. I'm sorry to continue to inquire. After all, it's the privacy of others. However, I solemnly agreed to her request. After seeing that I fully agreed, bailing laughed at me and got up and left the room.

She walked very natural and unrestrained, and talked like nobody else, but her back looked very sad, and her walking pace was still a little shaky. It seems that I did exert too much force. Because of the medicine effect, I did not pity her. Regret and remorse intertwined in my heart and could not be dispersed for a long time.

After bailing went out, I lay on the bed again, always thinking of the figure of bailing, and I and her little bit by bit, a long time of melancholy, the heart has a kind of unspeakable taste, in the constant torture me, a person quietly eased for a long time, but still did not recover, but I also think of a thing, since bailing did not care about this matter, I I'm not sorry for her.

However, I had sex with other women because of my illness. Even if Ziyi knew about it one day, I think I would forgive me. Anyway, the result is gratifying. I have regained the dignity of a man, and in that respect, I have more endurance than before. As a complete man, I will not have inferiority complex again After that, I'm not afraid to be teased by others. For me, it's to cure a disease, and for Bai Ling, it's to save people. We have different perspectives, but we have achieved our respective goals.

Forget it, think so much also burn brain, simply do not want to, and then I am ready to get up, when I opened the quilt ready to get out of bed, I accidentally saw a pool of eye-catching blood stains on the sheet, suddenly I was dumbfounded, the original uneasy psychology suddenly rolled up, everything is not the taste.

Just now Bai Ling said that she was going to have a boyfriend. I thought she had become a woman. People of her age had experienced bed affairs, which was also a normal thing. But when I saw this pool of blood, I immediately understood that Bai Ling was actually the first time. Did she deceive me just now?

But her appearance doesn't seem to deceive me. Every word she says seems to exist. Besides, she also has the need to cheat me. If she doesn't cheat me, what kind of state is Bai Ling and her boyfriend? What kind of person is her boyfriend?

All of this, the more I think about it, the more chaotic I feel. I started from here, just like entering a mystery, which made me dizzy. With a heart of doubt, I also left the room.

After going out, I met Bai Ling outside. She said that she asked me to take a bath, but she didn't say anything else. After that, she walked in front of me. I followed her silently in the back and went to a room next door. After entering the room, I saw a big wooden bucket, just like the one in the ancient TV series. The bucket has been filled with water and floating on it This kind of medicine, bailing said, is specially prepared for me by my grandfather, which is helpful to my body.

Then, bailing turned to leave. After three times and five divisions, she stripped off her clothes, jumped into the big barrel, and immersed herself in it. I have to say, the medicine bath is also quite comfortable. At this moment, the state of physical and mental exhaustion was thrown out of the clouds. After the bath, my mental state recovered a lot. However, the emotions hidden in my heart were still wielded If I don't go, I always feel something is stuck.

Out of the bathroom, I went straight to the room where we had just arrived. At this time, grandfather Bai and Bai Ling had been waiting for me at the dining table. It seemed that they had been waiting for me. There were many delicacies on the table. I had a good appetite. I immediately sat down.

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