Now my grandfather Bai is very happy. His smile is full and his smile is very bright. The old and strange grandfather Bai is really elusive to me. He has a personality for a while. However, I am very strange that he seems to like to have a relationship with Bai Ling. Does he value me so much and hope that I can be his son-in-law? What's the reason?

Previously, my brain has been in a state of confusion. I can't think of any reason. But now, I'm conscious. Although I don't want to understand why grandfather Bai wants to be like this, I always feel that he has problems. He is an experienced traditional Chinese medicine. How can he give me more medicine? Even if he said that my body is weak, this excuse said in the past, but since the medicine has such a big side effect, why didn't he tell me in advance, so that I had a preparation, even then, he should not let his granddaughter dedicate himself.

Now think about it, everything seems strange. Even if I don't have a relationship with someone, I won't die, right? What's more, I don't think that grandfather Bai's words were for me, not for me to accept the matter of having a relationship with Bai Ling. After all, I was a beast at that time. As long as I was a woman next to me, there would be a relationship. Therefore, he didn't have to say that he had to convince me.

Now I suddenly feel that grandfather Bai's words are obviously for Bai Ling to listen to, let her sacrifice herself in order to save me, as if all this was expected in advance. From the first time he locked me and bailing in the room, I felt that he had a kind of conspiracy. Now we two cooked rice, and he was so excited, which clearly shows that the matter is not simple.

What I don't understand is why grandfather Bai wants me to have sex with his granddaughter so much? I don't think he valued me. After all, he didn't know me at all, and I didn't have so much charm. He could satisfy my grandfather as soon as he met me. Besides, he knew that although I was in such a mess at the beginning, he didn't want him to marry his granddaughter to me, as if he had saved him.

Or to say that grandfather Bai is to let his granddaughter quickly find a boyfriend, so he did it. Just now my thinking was very clear, but the more I thought about it, the more wrong it was. The more confused I was, the more enthusiastic grandfather Bai interrupted me. He specially asked Bai Ling to sit with me. He also told me that this table of delicacies was specially prepared for me. It was very nutritious for my body. Let me eat more to make up for the energy consumed today. Bai Ling was embarrassed.

But anyway, grandfather Bai cured my illness. He is my benefactor. Now I don't want to think about it. I simply put aside all the confusion and talked with him. After a while, I found that grandfather Bai was a storyteller. Every word he said brought us joy. With him here, the atmosphere of eating was much easier.

However, the joke returned to a joke, said for a while, white grandfather said to me and Bai Ling: "this time you can personally admit your relationship!"

After hearing this, Bai Ling and I just laughed awkwardly and didn't speak, which was tantamount to acquiescence. When Bai Ling saw us like this, they couldn't close their mouths. While laughing, he scolded us: "why didn't you admit it at the beginning? My old man is not a man with old ideas!"

I heard, more embarrassed, more do not know what to say, and bailing seems to have been ready, shy reply: "grandfather, we have not been dating for a long time, you don't want to get to the bottom of the matter, to now I have not seen his family, so ah, grandfather, I hope this matter you and my parents to keep secret, OK?"

In grandfather Bai's heart, the only granddaughter is the apple of her eye. He will agree to anything he says. After listening to Bai Ling's words, he immediately said kindly: "OK, OK, OK, grandfather will promise you!"

Grandfather Bai's indulgence is expressed in his words, as if his granddaughter found a boyfriend is an extremely glorious thing, which makes his old man happy. Seeing them like this, I feel more guilty. My fake boyfriend and his baby granddaughter had a relationship. If one day grandfather Bai knew, what would he look like? I really dare not go there Yes.

However, I have promised Bai Ling to help her hide from her grandfather. It is not good to behave differently. I can only cooperate with them and be an extra in silence. After a meal, the three of us have thousands of emotions, which are interwoven in each other's hearts.

After dinner, grandfather Bai went directly to my side, affectionately took my hand, and said to me, "Xiao Su, you are the first boy my granddaughter has ever met and the only one who has brought him home. Therefore, as an elder, I'm going to give you a special meeting gift!"

I thought that I had nothing to do with Bai Ling, and we had a relationship with each other. But now it's OK. The old man also gave me gifts. I was a bit confused when I heard this. I felt that the development of things seemed to be out of control. I was a temporary actor who had done something wrong. But grandfather Bai cured my illness. I don't know how to thank him Now he wants to give me another gift, so I'm embarrassed to accept it.

My eyes looked at the white grandfather, said: "grandfather, you are too polite, no, really not!"But grandfather Bai didn't care about me. He took me away directly. Bai Ling felt a little uneasy and wanted to go with him, but he was stopped by his grandfather. He said with dignity: "this is a matter for Suluo and me. Don't come here!"

I looked at Bai Ling with a look for help. But when I faced her grandfather, Bai Ling was helpless. She just handed me a look, indicating that I should never say anything about it. After I understood it, I immediately followed grandfather Han Bai to leave. I followed him to turn left and right, and finally came to the room where he treated me.

After closing the door, white grandfather with a funny face, immediately changed. At this moment, his expression became extremely serious, and there was no joking appearance at all. When I saw him like this, my heart couldn't help shaking. Suddenly, I felt that this changeable old man was not a simple character.

He pauses a little, and then he says to me, "sullo, I don't care what you used to be, no matter what your family conditions are, no matter what kind of relationship you had with Bailing before today. But now, since you have had a relationship, you must be responsible for her. I am not old. I can feel that my granddaughter absolutely likes you, so I don't want you to let her down! "

When I heard this, my heart trembled even more. Originally, the old man knew from the beginning that, no, it can be said that Bai Ling and I were not friends. All of a sudden, I felt as if I had fallen into a conspiracy. This feeling of being calculated was very uncomfortable. Then, I immediately asked grandfather Bai, "master Bai Ye, you deliberately let me have a relationship with Bai Ling, right? "

White grandfather heard my question, did not feel surprised, just ha ha's smile, said to me: "yes, you said right!"

After he admitted it, I felt more uncomfortable. Previously, I was just wondering. I thought it was strange. But when I heard grandfather Bai admit it himself, all the signs in my heart were gone. Now I suddenly feel ridiculous. A burst of anger filled my heart. I looked at him and said, "why do you want to do this? She is your granddaughter ? Do you know, she is still the first time, why do you cheat her with such things? "

After listening to my words, grandfather Bai also showed a sad look on his face. I can see that he was also very self reproached for his own practice. After a pause, he sighed deeply. Then, he said to me earnestly:

"Xiaosu, to be honest, I don't want to do this, you don't know. Bai Ling has been sensitive to boys since childhood, She never makes friends with the opposite sex. When a boy comes near her, they think it is a conspiracy. She hates the opposite sex. I can't help her with this situation. When she volunteered for college, her parents and I asked her to study medicine, just to let her know more about physiological things, so that she could get more contact with men. But as a result, she did all these things, but she still didn't It works!

Those of us who are elders also introduced many blind dates to her. However, she refused to agree with us and said that she did not meet her standard. However, when we asked her what kind of standard she was looking for, she did not say. We are also helpless to be an elder. The child will be nearly three years old. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid she won't find her. The child's parents have not been around since childhood. She grew up with me. I know her temperament. Today, when I saw her bring the boy back for the first time, do you think I'm not happy? Therefore, I want to arrange you together

At this moment, I felt the real love from grandfather Bai. I felt the old man's love for his granddaughter. To be honest, I had just wronged him. However, his practice was extreme, which made me feel guilty.

However, after listening to grandfather Bai's words from the bottom of his heart, I also deeply realized his hardship. No matter who it is, Bai Ling's situation belongs to a different kind. A woman in her late thirties should stop all the men around her. Even the doctor's grandfather can't see what kind of disease it is. How can it not cause people to worry!

Inadvertently, the question that made me wonder reappeared in my mind. Bai Ling said that she was going to have a boyfriend soon. What was the matter? There were no men in her life and work. This is an indisputable fact. After listening to Bai's explanation, I don't believe Bai Ling's words, but I don't think she lied to me, At this moment, I was more and more curious about Bai Ling's mysterious boyfriend.

When I was in a vague state of mind, grandfather Bai solemnly said to me, "Xiao Wu, in a word, you and my granddaughter will not suffer losses together. As you know, Bai Ling hates the opposite sex. Since she is willing to accept you, it means that she really likes you, and you have reached her standard. Therefore, I hope you can be together, take care of her and protect her. Even after I die, I can still close my eyes.

Of course, I've just heard Bai Ling say about you, and I've learned something about it. Don't worry, I won't stop you. But it's different from today. For bailing, you should be more careful in the future. Therefore, I'll give you a meeting gift, because I'm afraid that in this world, no one can give you this gift except me YesIf this is said from other people's mouth, I will certainly think that bragging, but from the mouth of grandfather Bai, I unconsciously think that he has this ability, so I can't help but ask: "what is that?"

But the white grandfather did not immediately answer me, just asked me: "are you not good from childhood?"

He said that he was right. My health was not good since I was a child. I couldn't compare with children of the same age. I had a minor illness in three days, a serious illness in two days, and a persistent disease, headache. But he just gave me a pulse, and he knew that I was not in good health since I was a child. His title as a miracle doctor was definitely not an empty name. When he said this, I nodded directly and replied, "mm-hmm, yes!"

White grandfather see I admit, and continue to ask: "is not often sick, run to the hospital every two days?"

After hearing this, I was more shocked. I didn't expect that grandfather Bai could even know this. I looked at him in surprise and replied again, "Mm-hmm."

Seeing my affirmation, grandfather Bai continued: "in fact, there is a chill in your body, which is congenital and should be related to your mother when she gave birth to you. It belongs to the genetic type. It has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow now. This cold air will weaken your immunity and make you often get sick, and when you are sick, your body is very weak.

I can see that although you don't get sick now, it's because you often exercise, which makes the disease develop more slowly. But in fact, if you don't get rid of it, you will never live to be 30 years old. And this kind of disease is checked in the hospital, nothing can be found out at all. In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, but no one in the world can cure you except me

With these words, the cunning hunchback middle-aged man showed a complete sense of pride, but it is still unknown whether it can be trusted. However, judging from what he said before, it is true, and grandfather Bai does not seem to lie to me, and there is no need to cheat me. Therefore, I believe his diagnosis of me.

After thinking about it, I had a bitter smile in my heart. After a long time, he not only used Bai Ling's routine, but also indirectly gave me the routine again. As expected, he was resourceful. My grandfather and I were not at the same level. I was still too tender after all.

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