Ha ha ha! Now I finally understand that grandfather Han's special gift is to cure this congenital disease for me. From his words, I can see that this disease is really difficult to cure, and it seems to be a simple thing for him. So he still has time to play a trick to make me and his granddaughter get better.

But about my disease, he said so seriously, it is enough to prove that it is really difficult to cure, and he said that he is the only one who can cure me. I would say that it is absolutely false that I don't want to live healthily. Since I was young, I hope that I can be like normal people and have a good body. As time goes by, I also grow up and my body looks at it It's OK, but it's just a superficial phenomenon, so I also want to cure him completely.

What's more, grandfather Bai said that I could live to 40 at most. I think he would not cheat me about this kind of life and death. After all, he didn't want his granddaughter to become a widow. If it was like what he said, it would be all over, and all the things I fought for would be in vain. But I'm glad that I happened to be here, otherwise I'll live again For a few years, I suddenly died, even how to die do not know, that can be sad.

However, there is one thing that makes me very difficult, that is, grandfather Bai asked me not to let Bai Ling down. This is impossible for me to do. I only played games with her, and I couldn't give it to him. I promised bailing to help him hide from him. At least there was a time limit. But I couldn't do anything about it. But if I had a showdown now, I would not only be hurt His old man's heart has also violated his promise to bailing. In that case, I can't get any benefits from both sides, and I will be reduced to a sinner. The gain is not worth the loss!

Just when I moved Wuxi, grandfather Bai pulled me to the bedside and told me to lie down. I didn't have any ink, so I did it according to his requirements. Although he was old, his action ability was very quick. He could do it as he said. I couldn't say anything more when he treated me like this. Therefore, I had to listen to him for a while Machine in the showdown, at present or in front of the form of the main bar!

I know that it is not easy to treat a stubborn disease like me, but when I saw grandfather Bai take out a lot of silver needles in front of me, I was still shocked. I know that the idea of traditional Chinese medicine is acupuncture, but there are too many of them in front of me. It's to make me a hedgehog. No wonder grandfather Bai attaches so much importance to it and dare not have a trace of neglect.

Seeing that it would be so troublesome to treat this disease, I felt more guilty. I really wanted to tell him the truth. However, seeing him seriously doing the work before treatment and thinking about his care for his granddaughter, I was really embarrassed to hurt the old man's heart. I understood that if I told the truth at this time, it would not only hurt grandfather Bai and Bai Ling, What's more, I also know the strength of grandfather Bai. If I make him angry, I'll be the body lying here. Although I can't promise anything to grandfather Bai, I'm really in a dilemma. I can only take a step at a time. Now what I can do is to cooperate with him and accept treatment seriously.

For me, what is really suffering, even the feeling of broken eggs I personally experienced, but when grandfather White's silver needle one by one inserted into each acupoint of my body, I realized what is the pain, the pain is not expressed in words, so I cried out the throat, this pain and egg broken pain is incomparable, also do not know Grandfather Daobai's silver needles are inserted in my body what acupoints, anyway, each needle, can make me whole person sad.

My body is constantly sweating on the pulley, and the white grandfather who treated me also exudes sweat on his thin cheek. It can be seen that the needle technique can not be slack for one day. It is necessary to be very delicate in mind, absolutely calm in hands and feet, and can not be distracted completely. This is absolutely not what ordinary people can do. I felt numb and numb. All of a sudden, I didn't know what acupoint was pricked by the needle, which made me fall asleep.

When I woke up, I found that I was still lying in the same place, but the work of treatment was over. Grandfather Bai saw me awake and told me softly, "Xiao Su, you are all right now!"

White grandfather said is very relaxed, but I can feel his relaxed behind the fatigue, and I do not know how to describe the mood at the moment, inexplicably, the body for many years of stubborn disease has been cured, which makes me really excited, but at the same time, the heart is full of contradictions, implicit feeling guilty, come here, all my diseases are cured, as if reborn Yes, they have paid too much for me, but I can't give them anything!

But I am still a person who knows how to be grateful. In the face of all that they have done to me, I feel really mixed. And the grandfather Bai on the other side told me again and said, "remember, what we say here, don't let the third person know!"

With that, he walked out of the ward without saying anything. I slowly sat up, relieved my stiff body, adjusted my mood, and put on my clothes. Immediately, also out of the ward.

After I came out, I found that I saw her coming out in Bailing's room. As soon as she saw me, she asked, "Suluo, are you ok? My grandfather said to heal you. How did it take so long?""How long has it been?" I asked softly

Bai Ling leisurely replied: "it's been a night, I know you have something else. I wanted to take you back last night, but my grandfather said that you promised to be here today. I didn't look for you. What have you done in it, until now?"

After listening to Bai Ling's words, I was surprised in an instant. I didn't think of it. It was in my trance that the night passed. I vaguely remember that when my grandfather Bai treated me, he had just finished dinner. At that time, it was still in the evening. Unexpectedly, it was already the next morning. I was really a little confused. However, seeing Bai Ling's curious expression, I only Can perfunctorily say: "nothing, is in the process of treatment, I accidentally fell asleep in the hospital bed, wake up when the day is light, so, I am a little uncomfortable between the moment!"

White Ling white I one eye, said: "then you hurry to wash it, and then we are ready to go back!"

After that, she gave me what she had in her hand. At that time, I carried a set of brand-new toiletries. I walked outside and stood on the balcony. I looked up at the sun in the sky. I felt that my body was light and my walking was light. Even my eyes were bright and my body was light Change.

All of these are attributed to grandfather Bai. My stubborn disease may have been removed. After this treatment, my constitution has fundamentally changed. At this moment, I am really happy. With a happy mood, I washed my face well in Bailing prepared for me. After washing, I went back to the house and ate early with their grandsons Meal.

When Bai Ling was present, her grandfather returned to the joking way. She didn't look serious at all. She couldn't see that she was a doctor with superb medical skills. She was still joking with me. Bai Ling also showed a very close feeling with me. She was afraid that her grandfather would find something abnormal. Among the three people, I was the most difficult one. I would like to hide her for bailing I was caught in the middle of them, acting as a double-sided man. I was really racking my brains. I was really scared to eat a meal. I was afraid that I would reveal my secret if I was not careful.

After breakfast, we could go back to the city. When we left, grandfather Bai didn't say anything to me, but quietly pulled me over and said to me with profound meaning: "we must take good care of Bailing!"

A short sentence, full of white grandfather's endless love for bailing, I solemnly nodded to him, and then, I followed bailing to leave this unforgettable place. Overnight, I was completely transformed and became a real man. All the questions were removed. This is a great good thing for me, but I can't afford to be happy Come on, on the contrary, being pressed by Bai Ling's affairs, I feel heavy and complicated.

And bailing is the same, don't look at the time at home, she is so strong and optimistic to grandfather, but this one out of the house, left the grandfather's line of sight, her expression changed, became extremely melancholy, even walking has become hobbled, I don't know what she is thinking in her heart, but it's not easy to ask what, just follow her silently behind her.

Now alone with her, anger seems to become more embarrassing, come, even if I saw her, even if she secretly kiss me, we will not be so strange, but at the moment, this situation is really embarrassing, especially looking at her not too happy, my heart is not taste.

All the way, we didn't say a word, until we came to the village and got on the bus, Bai Ling said to me seriously: "Suluo, now that you're well, we'll be apart from each other in the future. As for yesterday's things, we'll forget it, and we'll think nothing happened!"

I understand that Bai Ling has been struggling with this problem all the way. Yes, what she said is also reasonable. There is no possibility between me and her. I have Ziyi. She also said that she will soon have a boyfriend. Therefore, it is impossible for us to have feelings. There is no need to have any contact in the future. If I am with her, I don't know how to call her, which will only make us very uncomfortable.

After listening to her, I didn't hesitate to reply directly and seriously: "well, OK, I respect your decision!"

In a word, I said very melancholy, the feeling in my heart was suddenly desolate. I didn't know why. I felt sorry for her and grandfather Bai. But it was Bai Ling's decision. I had no choice but to accept her. Since it was her decision, I respected her. After receiving my consent, Bai Ling gave me a strong smile, and then she started the car And left.

The car was flying all the way, and we were still speechless. All the way, I was looking out of the window and watching the fleeting scenery. All of a sudden, what I saw was the same as bailing's fleeting in my life. What I should do had been done. In the end, I had to do nothing. It was like a stranger, and the world was different.

About this unforgettable small village, about the old and strange grandfather Bai, about the path we passed by, and everything related to bailing, since I separated from Bai Ling, it will become a thing of the past. When I think of these, I feel even more flustered, as if I have lost something and can't find it again.I didn't think it was long when I came here, but now it's different. I feel that it's so long. We are more speechless in the car. This feeling is suffocating. It's really hard. Every minute is a kind of suffering. As time goes on, we finally come to the city, and the car drives into the city I'm familiar with, Looking at the towering high-rise buildings, the bustling street, the mood in my heart rolling more severe, a kind of feelings do not give up in the mind inexplicably breeding.

With this kind of reluctant mood, I can't help but look at Bai Ling, who focuses on driving. At the moment, her expression is as cold as ice, but her eyes seem to be mixed with some tangled things. However, all of a sudden, her eyebrows wrinkled, and at the same time, the car suddenly came to a sudden brake, my body suddenly leaned forward without warning, this moment, my heart They had to spit out of their throat and didn't feel relieved for a while.

Shocked, I immediately raised my head and looked at the official website outside the window, only to find that in front of our car, there were several luxury cars deliberately blocking our way.

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