In this straight road, a car appeared in the air, blocking in front of us, the first car is very conspicuous, is a very windy convertible sports car, at the moment, a man and a woman are sitting in the car, among them, the man who drives the car looks at us with fun. When he touches his disgusting expression, I can't help but feel disgust in the bottom of my heart, but, beside me White Ling, she looked at that person's face, seems to be more disgusted than I, disgusted with panic, look at her appearance, as if do not want to entangle with the people in front of her.

As a result, she quickly backed up, trying to avoid the sports car, but just after she reversed it, several similar luxury sports cars sped from the rear, blocking our back road. Obviously, the other side was prepared. They don't know each other at all. This group of young men certainly didn't come to me, and these people are rich. So, the people driving sports cars in front of me are 100% for bailing, although I don't know their purpose. But looking at Bai Ling's expression, I knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

So, I immediately closed my eyebrows and looked at the convertible sports car in front of me. At this time, the man with a funny face in the car had already got out of the car and was coming towards us. The man was handsome, but his expression was too cheap. People wanted to beat him even when they saw him. His proud capital was obviously not his force But his sense of superiority in his own conditions is probably related to his background.

I immediately turned to Bai Ling and asked, "do you know him?"

At this time, Bai Ling's face was even more ugly, and said in a deep voice, "well, an old classmate!"

Ling's car window is so white that we can't see her pale face. Otherwise, we can't see the pale face of the man who knocked on the car window Extremely.

Looking at her like this, I can't help but want to help her drive the fly away. But as soon as I was about to leave, Bai Ling stopped me and said seriously, "don't move. This man's name is Kang Ming. His father is the deputy director of the city's Public Security Bureau. If you offend him, you'll be in trouble. Wait here. I'll go down and have a look."

After that, Bai Ling got out of the car and talked with the man outside the car. I didn't know what he said, which made Bai Ling blush and look a little angry. I sat in the car and watched bailing eat shriveled, but I didn't move. Because I knew in my heart that Kang Ming is something I can't mess with. What we people can't mess with is the people on the white road No matter how reasonable we are, we can't help them. In the end, we will only hurt ourselves.

What's more, at this time, I can't provoke this person for a moment's hatred. I'll start a war with the Xuanwu Association. If I'm in trouble at this critical moment, I'll face three forces. If I don't need the Xuanwu Association, I can almost say goodbye to his father's anti-corruption order. Now I want to think about the overall situation If you can bear it, you can.

After thinking about it, I still had to sit in the car, praying that Kang Ming would not do anything to Bai Ling, hoping that she could smooth out the childe of the director general. However, I finally learned what lying down and being shot, I could get into trouble by sitting in the car to get clean.

I didn't expect that Kang Ming came directly to me after a few words of noise, opened the door, pointed to me and said, "ling'er, didn't you say that you will never have a man in your car? But what is this fellow? "

Kang Ming's appearance is quite domineering. With that, he grabbed my clothes and pulled me out of the car, which made Bai Ling's face even more embarrassed. She immediately came to Kang Ming and said, "Kangming, I'll tell you, don't go too far. Who do I have to get your permission when I'm with? Does this have anything to do with you?"

At this time, we were surrounded by people who continued from other sports cars. There were men and women in a group of them. However, looking at the clothes of these men and their looks, it was noble childe, and the women seemed to be their playmates. In front of so many people, I was grabbed by Kang Ming as a chicken. This kind of taste was not good, but I did I can't get angry. If I offend the son of the vice Bureau impulsively, I can't really mix up in this city in the future.

Even if I was angry in my heart, I couldn't say anything. Fortunately, Kang Ming pulled me out and let me go. After hearing Bai Ling's words, Kang Ming immediately showed a positive look and said solemnly, "how can it have nothing to do with me? What did you say to me at the beginning? Can't you remember that you won't accept any man, even if you don't have a man in your car, But what's the matter with this boy? Don't tell me this is your brother

After hearing this, I also understood that it was another emotional dispute. Needless to think, the chief of the Bureau was rejected by Bai Ling, and he was dissatisfied. The second generation ancestor like him, unless Bai Ling really didn't look up to any man, he allowed her to refuse himself. But now, he saw me sitting in Bai Ling's car. Of course, he was angry, even he brought it Those people also all agree with him, saying bad things about Bai Ling.

These people's words hit Bai Ling one by one, which made her blush and speechless. I did have a relationship with her. I was still the first man in her life, but we were not friends with men and women. So, for a while, she became very impotent and didn't know how to explain it. After a long pause, she roared at Kang Ming: "yes, he's not my brother Can't I feel good for him? You can't control my own business. Please get out of the way, or I'll call the police! "When Bai Ling said this, she was not calm. Moreover, I could read from her eyes that her words were not lies, that is to say, what grandfather Bai and I said were true. Bailing did hate men before, but she did not treat me the same? She really had a good feeling for me, so she was willing to give her life?

Thinking of this, my heart bred a kind of inexplicable feelings. However, Kang Ming listened to Bai Ling's words, but he only heard a joke. He laughed dryly and said sarcastically, "Bai Ling, how can you be more and more naive now? You talk to me about the police in front of me. Don't you know who my father is? In this city, Laozi is the law. Do you think it is useful to call the police? "

After Kang Ming said this, the people who followed him also laughed wildly, as if they had heard a big joke and were laughing at Bai Ling's ignorance. The voices of these people were so hurtful that Bai Ling had no face to speak again. Once again, she made her a laughing stock of these people. Everyone has dignity, not to mention the cold person like Bai Ling Fear is to be ridiculed, and at the moment, these people are so blatant to her, I have seen in the heart can not bear, but I still bear, do not let their own have any movement, if not for my recent decisive battle, I would have burst out.

I didn't say a word, waiting for the end of the matter, but it didn't work out. Kang Minggang satirized Bai Ling, and then pointed the spear at me. He pulled my clothes again, pulled me to Bai Ling's face, and said to her, "Bai Ling, I don't object to you looking for a man, but at least you have to find someone on the table, so that I can balance my mind. But you're looking at how much the goods have fallen off the price. It's disgraceful to pull them out. Bailing, are your eyes just like this? "

Kang Ming's words again aroused the resonance of those childe brothers. They satirized me again and again, saying that I was worthless. Indeed, my image today is a little poor. After too many things in the past two days, I have been in a mess. My clothes are not the same, and my hair is still messy. However, Bai Ling looks at me again and again, and she is really tolerant She couldn't stand it. She was ridiculed. She didn't say anything, but she saw that I was implicated innocently and immediately protected me behind her.

Then, Bai Ling said in a cold voice to Kang Ming: "Kangming, I hope you can stop at the moment. I can do my business as I want, and you can't intervene in my affairs."

After that, bailing pulled me to leave. Obviously, bailing didn't want me to be hurt. She was defending me everywhere. I seemed to be the important man in her life. I also felt that Bai Ling was disgusted with Kang Ming. She didn't want to talk to him even though it was the simplest explanation.

At present, Bai Ling didn't even want a car and wanted to pull me away. But anyone could guess that Kang Ming would not let us go easily. He took the lead to stop us after we had just taken a few steps. However, this time, he ignored Bai Ling directly and focused his eyes on me. He would like to know why I was favored by Bai Ling. After all, through the watch just now Now, he can see that Bai Ling's attitude towards me is different.

Kang Ming looked at me from top to bottom, then he suddenly showed a playful look and asked, "brother, I'm very curious about you. Can you tell me how you got bailing?"

His tone was full of provocation. I looked at his face, and my heart was disgusted. But at the moment, I didn't want to cause any trouble. I just wanted to leave here quickly. Without saying a word from the beginning to the end, I finally said, "brother, I think you may have misunderstood me. There is nothing between me and sister bailing."

I thought that after finishing this sentence, Kang Ming would stop pestering Bai Ling and let us go. But what I didn't expect was that Kang Ming didn't believe me at all. Instead, he felt that I was weak. He despised me even more. His steps suddenly came towards me, and he seemed to want to do something to me according to the situation.

However, Bai Ling has always been in front of me and does not give Kang Ming a chance to get close to me. This scene makes Kang Ming's gang despise me even more. They scold me as a man and even use women to protect me. Their expressions and tone are really disgusting. Now I finally understand why Bai Ling didn't follow them before Explanation, because she knows that explanation is superfluous. The purpose of their coming is to make trouble out of nothing, and they deliberately find fault here.

In fact, I also know why they despise me so much, because Bai Ling was indifferent to the son of deputy director general, and finally found me such a weak and nameless boyfriend, which made them totally unable to accept. They just wanted to belittle me, so as to elevate their own identity and look down on me, so that they could get a little psychological balance. In the face of such a group of people, I feel that one more minute is the destruction of my soul.

Then, I ignored the voice of those people's curse, took a big step, went to Bai Ling's side, took up Bai Ling's hand and whispered, "let's go!"

My voice is not very loud. Bai Ling is trying to leave with me after listening to it. However, when Kang Ming's group of people heard my words full of amity, it seemed that they didn't respect his meaning. His eyes glared at me and yelled at me: "what do you mean? I haven't finished my words. You just want to leave. That's it Don't you give me face? "His tone was obviously angry, as if I interrupted their taunting voice to me, which was a matter of death. They thought that I should stand here and let him and his friends laugh heartily, but I have no right to speak here. His madness is slowly reaching my bottom line. I remember my dad told me that no matter what you do, don't be timid, just let go.

When I think of this sentence, my anger is rising slowly. My original intention is that I don't want to make a big deal, because the day of decisive battle is coming soon. I don't want to make any mistakes and provoke the son of the deputy director. I'm afraid that it will not be good for me to be attacked by the enemy at that time. However, according to the current situation, the plan may have to be changed.

If you force me to embarrass the people I care about, I really can't guarantee what will happen. I pray for him silently in my heart: "Kangming, I hope you will give up, otherwise I can't guarantee your safety!"

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