However, these are all my thoughts in my heart. I really don't want to offend the people in front of me. Especially when I touch Bai Ling's worried eyes, I restrain myself more. Therefore, I didn't speak and I didn't intend to leave. I just took out a cigarette and put it in my mouth. At this moment, if I don't find something to do, I will be suffocated by myself. The atmosphere here is here I couldn't stand it. I had to smoke a cigarette to distract myself.

However, just as I took out the lighter and was lighting up a cigarette, Kang Ming in front of me suddenly slapped me on the head and scolded, "I'm talking to you. Didn't you hear me, you Punk?"

His strength is very strong. When he hit me on the head, the smoke in his mouth dropped. Bai Ling saw that Kang Ming had started, and she was also angry. She immediately blocked me, pushed him down, and yelled, "Kangming, why are you hitting people?"

To tell you the truth, even if I can bear it any longer, I can't stand it any more. Anger has already spread all over my body. My hands shaking with the lighter are creaking in my hands. I slowly raise my head, turn my red eyes to the arrogant Kang Ming, and bite my teeth and say, "don't go too far!"

I don't know if Kang Ming grew up in the palm of his hand when he was young. It seems that he really regards himself as the king of the city. Even if I smoke a cigarette in front of him, it has become a reason to refute his face. Now, seeing my angry attitude towards him, he feels that I don't know the sky and the earth. Then, he is also angry and his eyes stare "Grass nm, you really don't want to live anymore!" he said

With that, he was about to rush to hit me again. At once, Bai Ling, who was in front of me, stopped him and warned him not to mess around. However, Kang Ming was already angry and ignored everything. He saw that Bai Ling was in the way, and pushed him away mercilessly, which made Bai Ling fall and falter. Fortunately, he was held by me, but it was almost gone There was a fall.

Looking at Bai Ling, who was panicked and wronged and helpless, my heart soared with fire. Originally, Bai Ling was in a bad mood. Her heart had been hurt very much. She needed a quiet environment to adjust her mood. Moreover, she drove all the way to the city, and her body was tired for three hours. She had not come and had a rest, so she immediately faced such a dilemma 。

As a man, I can bear how to be humiliated, beaten and scolded, but I can't bear his bullying Bai Ling again and again. No matter how, I should clear the obstacles for her, drive away this annoying fly, and let her not be disturbed by Kang Ming. But because he is the son of the deputy director general, I dare not mess around, and I have been in a state of forbearance all the time, because I know that once it is made out, I should clear Contradiction, there is too much hindrance to me in the future, but at this moment, my anger is almost out of control.

Kang Ming, who has nothing to do with her, has actually done something to Bai Ling. I really can't bear it any longer. Her anger keeps rising and finally breaks through my body. Now, I don't care whether the person in front of me is the chief or the mayor's son. I just know that I can't let Bai Ling suffer any injustice.

After righting Bai Ling, I pressed Kang Ming step by step. Just as he was going to teach me a lesson again, I suddenly straightened my back, took Han Shuang's hand, and yelled at Kang Ming who was full of Rage: "apologize to bailing, immediately, immediately!"

This sentence, behind the scenes, roared out of my heart all the anger, roaring straight into the sky, at this time, I no longer had the image of a small man who had been complacent before, and my domineering spirit was clearly displayed. This move shocked the rich second generation, especially Kang Ming, who was not able to live for a long time. He stood on his feet and looked at me in an incredible way 。

He always thinks that he is inviolable. Others dare not even speak to him loudly, and even show a slight disrespect to him. He is very angry. He is holding bailing and I together today. It is because bailing didn't choose him to be with him. But he chose me as a little man, so he wanted to show his king's position in front of bailing, constantly oppressed me and bullied me, so that Bai Ling knew how low a figure she had chosen.

But now, I dare to yell at him and even ask him to apologize. Of course, he was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. He stood in the same place and was stunned for a long time before he realized that his dignity was damaged. He clenched his fist and swore: "you die for me!"

After that, his fists directly hit my face. However, before his fist hit my face, his body was kicked away by me. In a flash, Kang Ming changed from the one who made the hand to the one who was beaten. All the people on the scene were stunned. No one expected that I would dare to attack the young master of the deputy bureau. Perhaps, they did not expect that I was a waste who needed the protection of women. Actually, I had such strength. Almost no one could see how I got out of my feet. Kang Ming was suddenly kicked to the ground by me.

Bai Ling, who was held by me tightly, showed a gratifying look one second ago, immersed in the warmth of being guarded by me. But this second, she saw that I started to fight Kang Ming. Immediately, her face showed a color of surprise. She quickly pulled her hand out of my hand and said to me, "Suluo, are you crazy, how can you do it to him?"Bai Ling's words are accusing me of being too reckless, but her tone is full of care for me. I know that she is worried about me and that I have made a big accident. However, I smile at her like nobody else, and whispers, "I don't care what his identity is, I only know that I can't watch you suffer injustice!"

This is what I say in my heart. No matter how much I say, she is the first time I give her to my woman. I owe her too much, and I can't pay back. Now looking at her suffering from injustice, if I ignore it again, I will really not be a man. Even if the consequences are more serious, I will take out my man's nature to protect the woman who is important to me.

After hearing what I said, Bai Ling's eyes immediately changed again. She wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say. At this time, Kang Ming had already climbed up from the ground angrily. He was so angry that he pointed to me and cried out: "brothers, all of you, let's kill him!"

Kang Ming says that the five men who came with him immediately shot at me. Two of these five men are still good at strength. They should have nothing to do with fitness. They are still fierce in fighting. However, for me, these individuals do not have any pressure. When the girls cheer for their male friends, I just gently push Bai Ling, who is worried, to one side, and immediately I quickly turned around and gave a side kick to the first one, and as he retreated, I shot the others without hesitation.

Maybe it's because my illness has been cured. I always feel that I have endless strength. No matter in terms of speed or strength, I have greatly improved. Originally, these people are vulnerable to attack. Now my strength has been improved on the original basis, and they are not my opponents any more. In a moment, I knocked these people down It didn't take much effort.

However, my reason allowed me to control my strength, but I failed in the end. One of them fell to the ground seriously and couldn't even get up. By this time, these lawless second generation ancestors were completely stupid, especially those female partners of the second generation, who were scared to lose their color, and their eyes changed from ridicule to panic.

Kang Ming, the initiator of the whole incident, quietly picked up a brick from the ground, which may be the biggest weapon for him. He wanted to take advantage of my fighting with his people to give me a sneak attack, but when he ran to me with a brick, his brother had been completely killed by me, which surprised him who was holding the brick, but I was surprised To my surprise, the man who put himself on that day knew that he was not my opponent. He was still not afraid of me. He continued to yell at me: "you little bastard, you dare to beat me. It seems that you are really tired of living!"

I don't want to be too long winded with him. I say "sorry" to him

My tone is very cold. Since I have already offended him, I can only offend him to the end. This time, I want to save Bai Ling's face when I say anything. Kang Ming is furious at what I said. He immediately raises a brick and pours at my head, scolding: "I apologize to your mother, you die for me!"

This move is nothing to me, but white Ling scared not light, she immediately panicked at me and called out: "Suluo, be careful!"

Seeing Kang Ming's brick smashed over, I didn't avoid it. With a dull sound, a brick fell apart on my head, and the dust sprinkled all over me. But my people were safe and sound. I was still standing in the same place, standing still, and those girls who were full of panic were even more stupid when they saw this scene, even those young masters who had fallen to the ground and wanted to continue to resist At this time, I dare not move.

Kang Ming wanted to take advantage of me when I was knocked unconscious, but when he saw that I was like nobody, his eyes immediately showed a look of panic. He seemed to understand that I was more terrible than he imagined. But I had lost my patience, and I didn't give him the chance to apologize. He flew straight up and kicked him out. Finally, he landed heavily on the ground. My action was extremely cruel, which made those stupid people even more afraid of me. Kang Ming, who fell to the ground, was in a state of panic and howled bitterly. He even had no strength to get up.

I ignored other people and went straight to Kang Ming. I came to him with one foot on his chest. Then, I bent down and looked at him closely. I said coldly, "Kang Ming is right, deputy director's son. I didn't want to see you just now. It doesn't mean that I'm afraid of your backstage, but I don't want to cause trouble. Since you've forced me to rush me, I just don't want to make trouble Don't blame me for my impoliteness. This time, I just gave you a little lesson. If you dare to annoy me again, I will ask you to live worse than death. Can you understand me? "

My voice was full of threat. Obviously, Kang Ming was not frightened by my momentum. His eyes were full of anger. He clenched his teeth tightly and yelled at me: "since you know who my father is, you should know that if you offend me, you will never have a good end!"

When he said this, his expression was once again full of arrogance and madness. I know now that he has no other skills. The only thing he can do is to threaten people with his father. I might have cared about this threat before, but since I have already started, I have no way to go back, so I can only carry out this rampancy It's the bottom.I ignored Kang Ming's threat directly. I grabbed his hair and hit the ground with force. After a few times, I snapped at him again: "tell you, since I dare to hit you, it means that I am not afraid of you. Even if your father is the king of heaven, I'm not afraid of you. I just want to tell you, don't worry about bailing in the future. Can you do it? Tell me?"

With that, my eyes even showed the intention of killing, because I especially hate him, who likes to use power and bully others at will. He who tramples on other people's dignity to establish his own happiness is a mistake to live in this world. Therefore, you are particularly disgusted with such people.

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