I thought that I would frighten the son of the deputy director. However, to my surprise, Kang Ming was not afraid of my killing intention. After he was beaten by me, he became more angry under my threat. It seemed that he had not suffered such a humiliation since he was a child. He still roared at me fearlessly: "little B son, I will beg for mercy if you dream No matter who you are, I will make you look ugly

After that, he gave me a ferocious smile, the kind of wild look in his eyes means even more. Seeing him like this, my anger directly soared to the sky. Anyway, I was afraid of his revenge. If this kind of person didn't give him some memory, he would do more as he wanted. At that time, I gave him a few slaps again, which made his mouth bleed and said no Come out.

I see him still active, still with arrogant eyes ferocious staring at me, my anger can not stop, so, I suddenly stand up, keep kicking him, every foot is kicking very hard, he is like a sandbag kick, I want to kick him no longer rampant.

Until now, the people with Kang Ming finally responded. They were still in a state of consternation. However, they were immediately worried when they saw me beating the deputy director. Among them, the girl who was in the same car with Kang Ming yelled at me in a loud voice: "you release Kang Shao quickly, tell you that I have already called the police. What can I do when the police come to see you Bang

The girl became the fuse. Then, other people yelled at me again. I didn't listen to them. I ignored their voices and beat Kang Ming. He couldn't speak. People were almost unconscious. At this time, bailing suddenly ran to my side, grabbed me and yelled anxiously "Suluo, don't fight, run quickly, the police will come soon!"

At the moment, Bai Ling, I don't know whether she is afraid or worried. Her eyes are already red. I feel more and more distressed to see her like this. I also know that it will be dangerous to put it down. Therefore, I nodded to Bai Ling, who was in a panic. Then, I ordered those people to drive the car out of the way in a domineering tone. After listening to my words, they almost did not Hesitant to move the car away, immediately, I and bailing immediately on the car, quickly left.

Driving on the way, Bai Ling's expression is still very worried, she said while driving: "Suluo, you have caused a big problem, do you know?"

Bai Ling's voice is hoarse, she seems to care about me, for fear that I have a mistake, no matter what occasion, she is the kind of big sister who takes care of me. Unconsciously, I stretched out my hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

Looking at her worried appearance, I solemnly said to her: "I know, but I don't regret. I can bear it if they beat me and scold me. But he started to you, so I can't accept it. I don't allow anyone to bully you. Although I can't promise you, I can guarantee you won't be wronged!"

What I said was from the bottom of my heart. Bai Ling, who was driving, trembled for a moment, and her expression became more sad. She turned her head to look at me, and again made a hoarse voice. She said to me, "but, but you can't offend Kang Ming for me. You can't afford to offend him. Now you'd better not go back to school, go out and hide, I'll go Talk to Kang Ming to see if you can solve this problem and come back later! "

Bai Ling's tone is full of concern. I also know that Kang Ming who offended is not an ordinary person. But there is still a lot of work to do. I will not hide. I don't have to hide. I dare to do what I can. This is the truth I have always followed. I firmly said, "no, please send me back to school first I can do it myself. Don't worry about it! "

My tone is unquestionable, eyes doubly firm, bailing also knows my personality, he knows I will not easily yield. So, she didn't persuade me to drive the car. However, her eyes were still full of worries. However, what surprised me was that the siren sounded like an amulet after us shortly after the car started. I had already guessed that they were coming for me.

When Bai Ling heard this sound, her face became worse. She could not hold the steering wheel firmly. In a hurry, she made an emergency brake. As our car had just stopped, soon, the number of police cars directly surrounded our car. I don't know whether it was because of Kang Ming's injury. She felt that the speed of the police and the police officers were too big as usual That's the gap.

My heart is also accompanied by the sound of the siren heavy up, and bailing is showing a desperate look, a face of apology and helplessness to look at me, choked said: "I'm sorry, I hurt you!"

I showed a wry smile, comforted and said: "it's OK, really not!"

When we were talking, the policemen who surrounded us got out of the car one after another and surrounded Bai Ling and I in the car. At this time, Kang Ming, who was badly beaten by me, also got off one of the sports cars, but was helped to walk towards me. Now, with the police present, the boy immediately regarded himself as a God, even though he was in a hurry Seriously injured, he still played his arrogance to the extreme. Even the look in my eyes, he was extremely contemptuous.As soon as he got to our car, he immediately reached out his hand and pointed to me, who was sitting in the front passenger's seat. In a commanding tone, he said aloud to the leading police officer: "Captain Zhang, it's this son of a bitch who hit me. Catch him quickly. Hurry up!"

As soon as Kang Ming's voice dropped, the leading police officer, who was called captain Chen, straightened up immediately. As if he had heard the order of the superior, he gave me a sharp glance, and then he waved his hand without hesitation. Immediately, behind him, a policeman rushed over, opened my door, pulled me out of the car rudely, and handcuffed me very quickly.

I don't know if it caused too much shadow on me. I vaguely remember that year I saw my father taken away by the police. That scene was deeply branded in my heart, which made me extremely sensitive to this kind of incident. I was afraid of the police from the bottom of my heart. I didn't want to go to prison. I was still in a cold prison life.

But at the moment, the cold handcuffs on my hand, let my body can not help but suddenly tremble, an uncontrollable fear eroded my heart, bailing in the car saw the police handcuffed me, immediately ran to my side, and constantly pleaded with the police, obvious and easy to see, all this is in vain.

At this time, where the police would listen to her, said to bailing indifferently: "madam, if you interfere with official business again, we will arrest you together!"

It doesn't matter what I do. I can bear it. Now bailing is a dangerous and worried problem for me. So, I said to her quickly: "sister Ling, I'm ok. You go back first."

After listening to my words, Bai Ling still wants to speak again. However, Kang Ming doesn't want us to waste time here. He calls to the police again in the tone of command: "hurry up, take him away from me!"

Suddenly, the two policemen who were holding me forcibly pulled me away. I was powerless to drag my feet, and clearly heard the voice of Bailing praying: "Kangming, you can let Suluo go!"

What followed was Kang Ming's disdainful voice: "hum, don't worry, I'll take good care of him for you!"

His tone with a deep sense of revenge, listening to my spine are cold, just before stepping on the police car. I couldn't help but look back at the tearful bailing and yelled at her: "bailing, listen to me, now hurry home, I'll be OK, I'll find you when I'm finished!"

With this sentence, I got into the police car. I didn't know why. Seeing bailing's reluctant appearance, my heart was touched. An inexplicable feeling arose. There was unknown danger in the road ahead. I didn't know what to face next. But even if I was afraid, I couldn't show it in front of bailing. I should be strong in front of her 。

Just because the person I offended was Mr. Kang. From an ordinary student, I became a felon in an instant. I couldn't even make a phone call. After I was taken to the police station, I even saved the interrogation procedure and was directly put into the detention room. At this time, I realized what despair was, and then I knew that Kang Ming's lawless capital was just like what he said. I really do It's against God.

Before I started, I didn't think about them. No wonder Bai Ling's face was so ugly when I met Kang Ming yesterday. No wonder she was so worried that I offended him. It turns out that this person really can't be provoked. However, since I have done it, I will not regret it. I also feel worthwhile for what I have done. After a while, the door of the detention room is opened. At this time, Kang Ming and several policemen come in.

At the moment, Mr. Kang has already dealt with his wound, and his violent spirit suddenly emerged. As soon as he saw me, his mouth grinned and a proud smile appeared on his face. He went straight to me and said with disdain: "Suluo, right? What's the matter? Now is he very sorry to have offended me?"

I slowly looked at him and said, "ha ha, regret? There is no regret in the dictionary of Laozi Suluo

Although I don't want to be locked up in this dark place, if I get another chance, I will still do the same thing, and even worse than this fight, because I can't watch Bai Ling wronged. I'm a man. It's my responsibility to protect this woman.

However, Kang Ming didn't get angry when he saw me so tough. He just clapped his hands and said: "OK, OK, OK, it's really backbone. I just inquired about you. It's said that you're doing well in the eastern district. It seems that he has set up a small Gang. It's said that he will fight with the basaltic society. You're very good. You are a character. However, you can rest assured that you enjoy the prison here I will take good care of your brother for you

It sounds like he cares about me, but it is full of sarcasm and threats. It has been made clear that he not only needs to deal with me alone, but also wants to deal with my organization and my brother. Kang Ming's words stab my heart. For example, we are black, and the most afraid thing to offend is the police Because of this, I had to endure how Kang Ming humiliated me.

But in the end, I couldn't resist it for Bai Ling. I offended him. I could bear his anger against me. But now he has to deal with my organization and brothers. I can't bear it. I can't take it because of my own impulse. If Kang Ming uses the police to deal with my organization, it's only a short time before Kang Ming uses the police to deal with my organization, So, I will never allow it.So, I yelled at Kang Ming directly: "it's me who hit you. You have the ability to rush to me. Don't move my brother, or I won't let you go!"

My roar was filled with endless anger, but my threat obviously had no effect on Kang Ming. Just outside, I couldn't threaten him with violence. What's more, it was in the police station and his territory. My words were even more ineffective. To him, it was just like a joke. After hearing my threats, his face became more and more rampant He looked at me with disdain and said, "hum, I'm really ignorant. It seems that I have to teach you how to be a man!"

After that, he immediately winked at the police next to him. Immediately, the two policemen attacked me directly. Originally, I was held on the stool. They caught me very easily. They beat me violently when they came up to me.

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