When they hit me, although they didn't kill me, they did all they could. They didn't kill me on the spot. Kang Ming, who was high above him, smoked leisurely and enjoyed watching me beaten. His eyes were filled with deep disdain and disdain.

He said to me until he was beaten by blood, and then he stopped beating me

I know, in the face of a second generation ancestor who doesn't put anyone in his eyes, what I say is useless. In his eyes, I am a mole ant, a mole ant that he can trample to death with one foot. My threat can't play any role at all. Therefore, I don't ask for trouble any more. I stare at him hard and keep silent.

Kang Ming saw that I was soft and chuckled twice. Then, he came to me and puffed smoke into my face. He said haughtily, "I'm really strange. How can you get Bai Ling's favor? Her taste is really heavy. At first, I thought you could play a pig and eat a tiger. It turned out that you were a little fucker. You didn't think about yourself. You dare to beat me. Do you have any brain problems? "

With that, he suddenly raised his hand and directly slapped me hard, hitting my face with burning pain, but I still did not speak to refute. Seeing that I still didn't like it, Kang Ming beat me hard again and again, and the attack was heavier and heavier. For his beating, I kept gritting my teeth and bearing it. After a while, Kang Ming stopped.

Immediately, he said to me playfully: "sullo, right? I ask you a question, do you want to live?"

Listen to his words, is it to vent me? No, he said something in his words. Although I hate him deeply, I know that this is not the time to be spirited. A man should be able to bend and stretch. I am going to fight with the Xuanwu society, and there are many things I have not done. Therefore, I can't delay in the police station. Immediately, I said, "yes, of course I do."

Kang Ming nodded his head meaningfully and said, "in fact, it's very easy for you to live. I can let you go now, but you must promise me a condition!"

I knew that people like him must be attached with conditions. It is impossible for him to let me go without asking for something. I knew this and I was ready to ask him, "go ahead, what conditions?"

After listening to my frank reply, Kang Ming immediately showed a lewd smile and whispered to me:

"you know, I like bailing. I haven't chased her for a long time. I think she cares about you very much. I thought that if she threatened her with you, she would yield, but I didn't expect that she would still be reserved and refused to sleep with me, but I think she will listen to you, If you can help me persuade her, as long as Bai Ling agrees to sleep with me for one night, I will release you immediately, and I can also promise you that you and your organization can walk across the city in the future. What do you think? "

After saying this, Kang Ming also put on a proud expression, that is, how cheap to be, how confident and how confident, as if he had expected that I would agree to him. But after listening to his words, I was even more angry. However, his condition is really tempting, which is something that people like us can't hope for, but this attractive condition is not beaten Moving me makes me sick. I offended you just because of protecting Bai Ling. Now he let me do such a thing, which is impossible at all. If this is the case, why should I offend you just now.

He may not understand me. No matter how insulted, belittled, beaten or scolded me, I could bear it. However, I couldn't bear to have ideas about the important people around me. At this moment, he thought of playing bailing in his heart. He was such a person who regarded himself as a God, and no woman was allowed not to yield to him. What he wanted was to play bailing and play Play this woman he can't chase.

Thinking of this, my anger is like adding fuel to the fire, burning deeply every cell in my body. I can't control too much any more. Although my hands are handcuffed, my feet are still free. Therefore, I quickly lift my feet and kick Kang Ming's crotch mercilessly when he is unprepared. At the same time, my mouth also sends out Angry roar: "I grass your mother, I want to dry you!"

My sudden kick was very powerful. Kang Ming covered his crotch and fell on the ground. He rolled and screamed. His voice was very sad. However, seeing him like this, I was still not relieved. Now, I had the impulse to kill him. Immediately, I was handcuffed to my chair and rushed to him without hesitation. However, the police next to me saw me do it immediately When they attacked me, they took up the baton in their hands and smashed me hard. After all, the fists were hard to beat with four hands. I couldn't do it to the police. In an instant, I was paralyzed by the smashing, and my whole body was tearing my heart and lungs. But they still kept on beating me all the time.

At this time, Kang Ming, who screamed so much, stopped for a moment. He stood up and angrily yelled at the policeman who beat me: "hit me, beat me to death. I'm responsible for any accident."

Kang Ming's words made the police hit me more forcefully. My bones were making a zipping sound. My head was dizzy and my consciousness was almost gone. All I could do was curl up and try to protect my important parts. But even so, I was still beaten in a daze and kept twitching on the ground.These policemen are kind of human. Seeing me like this, they stop unconsciously. However, Kang Ming, who is in a hurry, is still angry. Seeing them stop, he continues to shout: "don't stop. Keep fighting. I said, I'll be responsible for what happened!"

In his opinion, killing me is as simple as stepping on an ant, but his words didn't scare me, on the contrary, it made me more furious. I stared at Kang Ming with red eyes and tried to shout to him: "Kangming, I warn you, unless I am dead, if you dare to move bailing a hair, I will kill you!"

After listening to my words, Kang Ming became more angry and immediately called out to the two policemen, "do you hear me? Keep calling me!"

Several policemen had to order me to raise their batons. I continued to protect my important parts and closed my eyes to wait for endless torture. At this moment, the door of the detention room was opened, and captain Zhang, who had been guarding the outside, suddenly came in. As soon as he came in, he said to Kang Ming, "don't fight, Master Kang. I just received an order from my superiors to let us go People

This is like a straw in the desert. After hearing this, I was immediately revived, that is to say, I was saved. But the good news only made me happy for a second. Later, I found that Kang Ming didn't care about the order at all. He did not hesitate to say: "you can't let people go. I must abolish him today!"

This Kang Ming is really rampant to the extreme. It seems that he doesn't care about anyone's orders, as if he really regards himself as the sky. But the captain is still a man of heart. Hearing Kang Ming's words, his face also showed a look of embarrassment. Then, he whispered, "however, Mr. Kang, I can't disobey the orders of the superior, or I'll lose my job!"

Seeing captain Zhang like this, Kang Ming's attitude is still tough. He says arrogantly to captain Zhang: "what are you afraid of? I'm not here. What's wrong with me?"

Despite Kang Ming's words, team leader Zhang still has no confidence. After all, he is just a small official, and his fate is in the hands of others. Even if Kang Ming is forced to do so, he can't erase his responsibility for disobeying orders. This is not an ordinary thing. Although he wants to please Kang Ming, he is not a member of the Bureau after all, and he does not have such great power. Therefore, Captain Zhang still does It's the hesitation.

Seeing this, Kang Ming obviously lost his patience. He went straight to captain Zhang and said to him in a deep voice: "team Zhang, you can rest assured. I have already said hello to my father. I'll deal with this bastard. There won't be any trouble!"

Immediately, he took a baton from the hand of the policeman next to him. Immediately, he yelled: "since you are afraid of an accident, I will come by myself."

After that, Kang Ming walked directly to me with his baton in front of me. He looked down on me and said scornfully:

"Suluo, I just gave you a chance to live, but you don't know how to cherish it. You don't even want to be shameless. You dare to confront me. Today, I'll let you see my power. I want you to have a good look at it There is nothing in front of me. Look how I crushed you. Don't think you can go out if someone protects you. To tell you the truth, I'm here today, and I'm going to abolish you, because here I am, I'm heaven. Today even if I'm here, I can't save you! "

after that, Kang Ming smashed his baton and threw it on my head. At this moment, my last hope turned into a bubble. I never thought that Kang Ming would be so lawless. He was fighting with a deputy director's father. He did whatever he wanted to do. He didn't put anyone in his eyes. When despair reached the bottom, I secretly vowed that if I was given a chance to go out alive, Kang Ming would surely kill him.

But at the moment when I was in despair, suddenly, the iron door of the detention room was opened once, accompanied by a solemn and dignified voice: "I'd like to see who has such a big voice?"

With the fall of the voice, an extraordinary middle-aged man has stepped into the detention room. After seeing the middle-aged man, Captain Zhang met him respectfully and respectfully as he saw his father. He said with a smile: "director, you are here!"

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