The word "director" was deeply introduced into my eardrum, which shocked my spirit. My consciousness told me that my Savior was coming. Although my body was in a weak state, my head was still awake. I knew that the man who was called the director general by team leader Zhang could not be the father of Kang Ming. Moreover, Captain Zhang called the director, while Kang Ming's father was the deputy director There are a lot of things wrong with a word. Otherwise, he would not have said that when he entered the door. This man, known as the director, was obviously accusing Kang Ming.

Sure enough, Kang Ming, who was lawless just now, wilted at the moment he saw this man. His arrogance dissipated immediately. Then, he put away his baton and went to the solemn man. He said politely, "Uncle Zhuang, you are here."

Even if Kang Ming is crazy, he doesn't dare to be crazy in front of this man. It can be seen that this man is the leader here. His solemn breath is awe inspiring. However, for Kang Ming's greetings, the dignified director did not show a good face. He just said to Kang Ming: "Oh, who should I be? How dare I be lawless in the bureau To the point of killing people, it turns out to be the son of Kang's deputy bureau's family! "

Kang Ming was called the director of the man made the voice changed, see director Zhuang so do not give him face, Kang Ming's mood seems to be a little uncomfortable, but he dare not nonsense, continue to say in a low voice: "Uncle Zhuang, this boy beat me outside, so I am."

After saying this, he also showed a pitiful look in front of director Zhuang. He turned his head and glared at me with red eyes, as if to eat me. However, after listening to Kang Ming's words, director Zhuang only gave a cold Snort and said, "hum, even if you are beaten and hurt, we will deal with it by the police. What are you using lynching here, police Is the Bureau run by your family? Or when I'm dead? I'm not retired. Do you want to ride on my head

Director Zhuang's words immediately enlightened me. It turned out that he was estranged from Kang Ming's father. No wonder he didn't give Kang Ming face at all. However, Kang Ming was so bold and reckless in the Bureau. It is because of his father that he became more and more arrogant.

At the moment, in the face of director Zhuang's reproach, Kang Ming can only hold it for a long time, even if he is angry. He asks in doubt: "Uncle Zhuang, do you need to come over and reprimand me for such a small role?"

When Kang Ming said this, his eyes were full of disobedience and incomprehension. He didn't understand why director Zhuang went to the detention room to interfere with the affairs of a small person like me. Of course, this is also my doubt. In my memory, director Zhuang and I have no relationship at all. I have never heard of the name.

Just as I was wondering, director Zhuang suddenly ignored Kang Ming's question and went straight to me. He lifted me up from the ground and asked with concern, "Xiao Su, are you ok?"

At this moment, director Zhuang's tone is very peaceful, just like what he just looked like. He didn't have the airs of the director at all. Some of them just cared for the elder and cared for the younger generation.

As long as the people on the scene are not stupid, they can see that I am a small person in the heart of the chief director, especially Kang Ming, he is so stupid, showing a look of astonishment. In his opinion, I am a mole ant that he can ravage. Even if he killed me, he didn't have a big deal, but at this moment, he saw that the director was so polite to me How can I not call him a fool and let him fall into a state of loss of mind.

but I didn't expect that things would happen like this. I swear, I really have no impression of director Zhuang. As far as my current situation is concerned, I know a director of the Institute, which makes me feel very lucky. To a small person like me, who is qualified to know the bureau Long ah, I don't know how he knew me, and I didn't know that he would be so kind to me. To me, it became a mystery.

But no matter why he knew me, now at least I can be sure that he came to save me, and then I replied, "I'm ok!"

In fact, being beaten is a common occurrence for me. My fighting ability is still very strong. What's more, I protected important parts just now, and I didn't suffer any serious injuries. So director Zhuang saw that I was not in a big way. He also showed a gratifying look on his face. He nodded to me and said, "well, it's ok if it's OK. If it's OK, just go with me. Someone wants to see you You

After that, he helped me to leave. But Kang Ming's hatred for me seemed too great. He didn't want me to leave so easily. Even if it was director Zhuang's face, he didn't give it to him. Just when I was about to leave the detention room, Kang Ming called out: "uncle Zhuang, he's a criminal. We can't let him go so easily."

Originally, I thought that when director Zhuang came, Kang Ming would give up because of the pressure. But I didn't expect that the rampant Kang Ming didn't even give the director the face. When he said this, director Zhuang was still angry. He directly turned back and said to Kang Ming, "Kang Ming, if you don't want to have an accident with your father, I advise you to restrain yourself!"

He said this without a word of politeness. After saying that, he ignored Kang Ming and took me directly out of the detention room. After I came out, I immediately felt the air was much fresher, and my inner mood gradually slowed down. Nevertheless, my heart was extremely complicated. A mystery puzzled me. With the help of director Zhuang, we came to his office Room. As soon as I got into his office, I saw someone in front of me. At this time, I suddenly realized that it was he who saved me.This person is no other than Zhang Lei, the leader of the new military training team in our school. At the moment, he is leisurely drinking tea in the director's office. As soon as he sees me coming, he immediately meets me. Seeing that I am so hurt, his face is not good. He asks me, "tell me, who did this?"

Before I spoke, director Zhuang suddenly showed some shame, sighed and explained, "it's the son of deputy bureau Kang!"

And Zhang Lei is also a person with a bad temper. After hearing this, he said with integrity: "grass, there is no royal law for TM, how can you beat people in the police station!"

For this matter, director Zhuang also said that he was helpless. He explained to Zhang Lei that the Kang family was very powerful here, and there were still people at the top. Even he, the director of the Bureau, did not dare to provoke them easily. Sometimes he had to listen to his deputy director. So what director Zhuang can do today is to rescue me, not to Kang Ming.

Zhang Lei listened to director Zhuang's explanation, and did not say anything more. He just thanks him. But I can see that he is still uncomfortable. After listening to director Zhuang's explanation, I understand him. I will not blame him. It is a miracle to save me. I am very satisfied. Then Zhang Lei began to ask me about my situation.

I was excited to look at Zhang Lei. My heart was very warm. I really didn't expect that our second meeting would be in this place. Although there were too many words of thanks that I wanted to say, they were nonsense. So I said to him leisurely, "thank you!"

The two short words represent my endless gratitude. However, for my thanks, Zhang Lei didn't care. He only said it was a piece of work. As for why he appeared here, Zhang Lei explained to me that director Zhuang was a friend of his father's. He had been chatting with Zhuang Ju here, but when he knew that I was arrested, he immediately asked director Zhuang to come Help.

Zhang Lei's explanation is very simple, but I feel that he came to save me on purpose. Where could there be such a coincidence in the world? Moreover, seeing the attitude of director Zhuang towards Zhang Lei, I also understood that Zhang Lei's father was no smaller than the director in front of him. This is the reason why director Zhuang protected me. In short, I know that Zhang Lei saved me, whatever he was Meaning or accidental, in short, the outcome is good, so, I am not entangled in this matter, once again thank Zhang Lei.

Zhang Lei smiles and then turns his eyes to director Zhuang. As I have guessed, he specially asked director Zhuang to take me to the office. Of course, he didn't just want to reminisce with me, but here, he entrusted the health bureau to take care of me, so as not to let similar things happen again. However, director Zhuang was very face saving and did not give up. He immediately agreed to Zhang Lei's request 。

Zhang Lei's intention moved me even more. He must have known what I had done in this city. Therefore, he had to deal with the police. Today, he came here not only to save me, but also to pave the way for me.

Now I am very happy. Now I have the relationship of director Zhuang. It seems that from now on, I don't have to worry about anything. With this backstage, things are much simpler. Suddenly, I feel that the value of this beating is exciting. I try to endure the pain and sit on the sofa silently, listening to the chat between Zhang Lei and director Zhuang After a while, Zhang Lei said goodbye to director Zhuang for taking me to the hospital.

After leaving the office, I went to the hall on the first floor. I saw a familiar figure, Bai Ling. At the moment, she was pleading with the police on duty here to see me. She didn't know the situation inside. However, she knew that I must have suffered in it. Therefore, she kept asking the police to let her in Go and have a look at me.

But these police did not give her any room to discuss, and they refused her mercilessly. Facing the cold eye of the police, Bai Ling still did not give up and prayed for them. Seeing such a high and cold bailing, now for me, I have the cheek to ask for help. Seeing this scene, I feel heartache.

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