As soon as I got downstairs, I saw bailing pleading with the police. Seeing her like this, my eyes were red. I could see clearly that Bai Ling's look was so desperate, and the indifferent police still wanted to drive Bai Ling out. At this time, I took a step, walked lightly to Bai Ling's side, and said tenderly to her, "ling'er!"

My voice is not very big, but let Bai Ling's body stop for a moment, she seems to be electrocuted, the whole person is stupefied, pause for a long time, she just leisurely turn back, when she saw the face with a smile, her red eyes, immediately shed crystal tears, I can see, it is excited tears, at this time Bai Ling is really excited.

However, Bai Ling is a sensible person. She knows what the occasion is and what the relationship between us is. Therefore, she does not show any intimate behavior. She is shocked and asks me, "Suluo, are you ok?"

I looked at her with a smile and said, "well, it's OK."

Hearing my words, Bai Ling's face is incredible. She must know that I have offended Kang Ming. If that person doesn't play me to death, she won't give up. She certainly doesn't believe that I can come out so easily. However, when she saw Zhang Lei in military uniform coming to my side, she immediately understood what was going on, and her face immediately showed a gratifying smile Rong, no more questions.

And I said to Bai Ling softly: "OK, let's leave here first, what's the matter to go out again!"

As soon as I got out of the police station, I saw that Kang Ming also came out. He glared at us and didn't do anything more. He just gave us a very fierce look and left in anger.

This scene was deeply seen by Zhang Lei. He seemed to understand something, so he asked me, "Arlo, you have offended him!"

I nodded and said, "Well!"

Zhang Lei chuckled gently and said, "it's better for you to retaliate against him, but you should remember one thing. Don't make things too big. I can help you solve them. In addition, if you encounter problems like today, remember to call me!"

I can see that Zhang Lei is really taking care of me. He told me before that he could call him if he met any trouble, and he would solve it for me. But I never thought about looking for him. I didn't expect that he could have such a great ability to easily get me out of the Bureau. Until now, I know that Zhang Lei's influence is really not small.

I looked at him sincerely and said gratefully, "brother Lei, thank you first, but don't worry. I'll look for you if something happens later."

Zhang Lei roared up to the sky for a long time, then patted me on the shoulder and said, "Arlo, since my sister-in-law is here, then I will accompany you. Let my sister-in-law take you to the hospital. I just have something to do, so I'll go first!"

After saying that, he also gave a mysterious smile to me and Bai Ling. I was ok, but Bai Ling was a little overwhelmed. However, she did not explain anything. She only gave Zhang Lei a friendly smile. After saying goodbye to him, I got on her car with Bai Ling.

The two of us returned to the car. Bai lingcai showed her heartfelt side and immediately asked me, "Suluo, I'm really sorry. I hurt you. Do you still hurt now?"

Said, she is also very distressed to touch the corner of my mouth stained with blood, feel her heart is more painful than me, although my body has been hurt, but I still pretended to be unimportant on the surface, said to her lightly: "nothing serious, just a little skin injury, you'd better send me to school, I have something else there!"

What I didn't expect was that Bai Ling didn't listen to me at all. Maybe, she had already seen that I was seriously hurt this time, so she refused directly:

"no, don't lie to me. I can see that you are seriously injured. You can't underestimate these traumas. Once they are not treated in time, they will I have a stubborn disease. Although it's ok now, I'll find it one day in the future. You can go home with me now. There's a medicinal wine that my grandfather specially adjusted to treat injuries. I'll wipe it for you, and it'll be OK! "

Hearing Bai Ling's words, my heart immediately warmed a lot, I know she was worried about me, but I did have something to go back to fight, I have to go back to deal with some things, so, I explained to bailing: "ling'er, I really have an emergency, you can rest assured, this injury is really nothing to me!"

Although my refusal is very clear, but at this moment, bailing has already ignored. At this moment, she directly showed the appearance of a domineering queen, and said to me with a strong attitude: "I say no is no, nothing is not physically important, this time you must listen to me!"

Her tone was tough, and she didn't give me a chance to refuse. After that, Bai Ling didn't care what I looked like, so she just started the car and left. Looking at Bai Ling's strong appearance, I didn't get angry, but I felt a lot of sadness in my heart. I suddenly had a feeling for her. I knew that she cared about me, and she cared about me very much This kind of care may have been produced since I contacted her.Today, our relationship has also undergone subtle changes. Her concern for me is increasing. No matter what big things I have, she cares about my body. Therefore, she is domineering to ask me to go to her home. Of course, it is not a big deal for me to rush back to school. I just don't want to let myself fall too deep, which will make both of us unnatural, But my wound is really painful. If I don't get treatment soon, it may affect my fight.

I want to get out of the car now and don't make it. So, after thinking about it, I finally compromise, but I still casually asked, "well, it's not convenient for me to go to your home. What if your parents misunderstand me?"

White Ling some speechless said: "this you don't worry, I live alone!"

After listening to her answer, I couldn't say anything more. I could only sit in the car quietly and keep my spirits. The car was driving fast on the road. In a short time, the car drove to the downstairs of Bailing's house. After stopping the car, bailing immediately helped me up the stairs.

Bai Ling lives in a single apartment located in the center of the city. The environment of the community is very beautiful. Her home is on the third floor. Bai Ling put me at the door of her house, and she went to open the door. I stood outside the door, feeling a little uneasy. After all, it was a girl's room. I always felt a little uneasy in action, especially thinking about the two of us I'm even more upset.

In fact, by now, I have slowly felt Bai Ling's heart. The cold goddess, who said that she didn't take any men in her car, not only let me take her car, but also let me enter her door. If you want to say that she has no feelings for me, ghosts don't believe it. But when I was thinking about it, bailing opened the door and went in. She looked at me and said softly "Come in quickly, what are you doing there?"

After listening to Bai Ling's words, I immediately regained my mind and went straight into the room. After I went in, bailing immediately closed the door. To my surprise, as soon as the outer door was closed, bailing hugged me without saying a word. Her fragrant lips were heavily kissed on my lips.

This kiss came so fast that I couldn't defend myself. It was in such a moment that I became numb. At this moment, I really realized the overbearing side of bailing. Maybe that's her true nature. I also learned that Bai Ling really likes me. She is far away from men who are not interested in me, so that no one can get close to them, but to me If you want to go against it, you always take the initiative.

With such a tyrannical kiss, I felt more violent than any medicine. My body pain seemed to be gone. At this moment, I had nothing in my head. I just immersed in this overbearing kiss. Unconsciously, I suddenly stretched out my hand and hugged bailing's body. I turned passive into active, kissing her crazily, kissing both of us Move it out of your room.

When we were kissing, I bumped into the wall. I let go of Bailing immediately and screamed. My voice made bailing wake up. She suddenly changed from Queen to little girl who had done something wrong. She stroked my face gently and said with guilt: "Suluo, I'm really sorry, I just just just I was so excited that I couldn't help it. "

Seeing bailing like this, my heart is also in the sea, a kiss let us both feel guilty like a thief, because we know each other, we can not get together, I can still restrain myself, but bailing is different, perhaps because before has always been a man in a thousand miles away, so suddenly and I contact, she tasted that kind of pleasure She couldn't help but want to taste the forbidden fruit again. This is the feeling that a mature woman should have. I also understand. Of course, I didn't blame her, and I also understood that.

Then, I slowly stretched out my hand, wiped off the tears just shed for her, comforted and said: "nothing, I understand you, OK, you don't blame yourself, I'm not OK!"

My gentle tone completely melted Bai Ling's cold heart. She stretched out her hand with tenderness in her eyes, took my hand on her face, and said to me in a soft voice: "Suluo, why do you want to be so good? Tell me why, why?"

When she said this, her voice choked, and her expression was so helpless. She was moved by my kindness to her, but she hated my kindness to her because we could not be together. Therefore, at this moment, Bai Ling was entangled and also hurt.

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