To see such a white Ling, really let me very sad, such a good girl, for me willing to pay the first girl, I can not make up for her what, I so failed her, suddenly, my heart is not taste, mixed feelings.

Pause for a long time, my body pain also eased a lot, then, I looked at Bai Ling, affectionately said: "you are not the same to me, OK, but, Ling Er, you can rest assured, although I su Luo can't make any commitment to you, but, I can only do it, is to let you no longer be wronged!"

Perhaps, Bai Ling also knows that I can do for her only these, but for these, she has been satisfied. She never thought that she would have any vows with me. If we did not meet a Kang Ming midway, we would be strangers in the future, because she has her life, I have my life, and our intersection is not much.

But Kang Ming's affair changed my position in Bailing's heart again. It seems that she has not regarded me as the little boy who needs to be cared for. My image in her mind has gradually grown up. She also looked at me affectionately. For a long time, she just said a word: "Hmm!"

Her voice is very delicate, but a word is full of infinite affection. However, I don't know what to say. The atmosphere of the room suddenly becomes a little awkward, and the breath of our breath becomes a little thick. The whole room is full of different meanings, which is the taste of love.

A few seconds later, Bai Ling took the lead in breaking the embarrassment, released my hand and arranged her messy hair. Then she said to me, "I'll get you some medicine. You'll take off your clothes first."

After that, she went to a room inside, and I was very obedient. I quickly took off my old clothes, and then changed into bailing's shoes. She sat on the sofa and waited anxiously.

After a while, bailing came over with the medicine box. Seeing that I was still wearing pants, she immediately said, "take off your pants and apply them all!"

In fact, I hurt mainly in the lower body, but this suddenly let me take off my pants, I still a little bit can not accept, we this lonely man and daughter alone in a room, once take off pants, I am really afraid of a careless, will make a mistake, if something happened, can be really bad, but bailing but don't care, look at my twisted appearance, she white me a glance, helpless said "Take off quickly. I haven't seen it before!"

She said this, perhaps just to break the awkward deadlock, she was also right. We both had seen it, and there was no big deal. Then, I immediately took off my pants and lay on the sofa with only a pair of underpants. Bailing then gave a slight smile, and then took out the medicinal wine from the medicine box and sat beside me.

She poured the medicinal wine on my body, and then slowly wiped it on my body. Her movements were very gentle, her eyes were full of heartache, and her mouth was still muttering that they were too cruel. I could hear Bai Ling's every word clearly, but I pretended to be unable to hear. I only felt the temperature in her hands and the movement of her hands on me On, let my heart, itching unbearable, feel the whole body has a group of flame, slowly burning, embarrassed is, my lower body can not help but react.

Originally, Bai Ling was determined to wipe the medicine for me, but when she found that my body reacted, her face turned red and her heart seemed to be crazy. I felt that when she applied the medicine for me, her breath was heavy, and the scene was embarrassed again. I don't know how long it took. She finally wiped the medicine for me, but my lower body was still hot, but we were both silent Now, my eyes are facing each other, and I feel that there are sparks everywhere.

And Bai Ling looked at me quietly for a long time. Suddenly, she put her hand into my lower body, which scared me a lot. My hair was pricked up by the electric current. What made me more astonished was that Bai Ling even bent down and carried out that action on me. In this instant, I forgot all the actions, and even my breath became more and more urgent in this room We are lonely and widowed. How can I not be touched by such a beautiful woman.

To tell you the truth, if we had a clear relationship, I would have taken her down. After all, I am a normal man and have physiological needs. But my only reason tells me that I can't be impulsive and calm at this time. I can't get deeper and deeper here in bailing.

Yesterday, we had a relationship. It can be said that it was for the sake of curing the disease. It can be said that it was under the circumstances that I had to. But if it happened again today, I couldn't forgive myself. I couldn't do anything sorry for Ziyi. So, when the affection could hardly be cleaned up, I stopped bailing and said, "no!"

With that, I reached out my hand and pushed bailing. She was very close to me, and her breath was very fragrant. I could smell it clearly. She looked at me and said pitifully:

"Suluo, I know you are hurt, so I won't mess around. I know you have a girlfriend, and I don't need you to make any commitment to me. Moreover, we will never walk together, but Yes, I only ask for it once. Today you belong to me. Let me be willful once, OK

Bai Ling's words stabbed my heart and made me feel embarrassed. Her request was too simple. Since she gave me the first time, she didn't need me to be responsible for her. She just wanted to have me once today. In this day's time, I really can't refuse such a request. At the same time, I can't refuse, just slightly close my eyes.Seeing my promise, bailing did not hesitate to kiss me. Our two lips intertwined and enjoyed the kiss. We were so lingering for a long time. From this kiss, I felt bailing's love for me, the love that let her let go of everything. In this kiss, more of my guilt was expressed. After a long time of kissing, bailing finally broke away My lips, we intertwined together, from the sofa, slowly transferred to the room, and then, a fragrant battle began.

The enchanting time makes us forget the time, also do not know how long, we ended the battle, bailing lying beside me, sweat dripping, her hand caressing my chest, we are like this, quietly lying, the room with the sun, bit by bit darkened, the night quietly came, I know, I also time to leave, can't again The delay went on, but at this time, bailing suddenly said to me: "Suluo, you can accompany me to have a dinner before you leave. You seem to have not eaten my cooking. I'll let you taste my craft!"

I looked at Bai Ling, thought some hesitation, said: "can, but!"

In fact, I wanted to tell Bai Ling that I really wanted to leave, but Bai Ling didn't listen to my explanation and directly interrupted me, saying, "I have nothing else to ask for. The last time, really the last time, please have a meal with me, OK? I'll never disturb you again

Her tone is very sad, as if she was meeting me for the last time. I also know that once I go back today, there will be no intersection with bailing. Too many things have happened in the past two days. Both in my heart and in Bailing's heart, she has left indelible deep memories. No matter what, bailing's point needs to be Please I still can't bear to refuse, she said before, today I belong to her, I can't refuse even more.

However, this may really be our last dinner party. In this case, I can also try Bai Ling's craft, which is my last point to make up for her. After thinking about it, I still nodded to promise her and got my affirmation. Bai Ling immediately laughed and left me. She dragged her body and put on her clothes. I looked at her Is a burst of heartache, she left the room, immediately, I also put on clothes, followed bailing to the kitchen.

Her kitchen is spacious and clean, and the kitchen utensils are clean and tidy. I stand aside and want to help her, but she doesn't let me do anything, just let me quietly watch her busy, she cooks cleanly. Suddenly, I feel that Bai Ling seems to know everything, but I just don't understand why such an excellent woman would treat all men People do not feel, but have feelings for me?

I can't think of it. I really can't think about it. So, I can only control myself and stop thinking. For about half an hour, bailing has finished the food, four dishes and one soup. It looks very appetizing. For such a simple meal, I feel very happy and warm. Bailing sits opposite to me, like a big sister, and keeps giving me clips Food, I usually eat very fast, but I don't know why, today I eat very slowly, because now I am really reluctant to leave here, I start to be afraid, I don't want to lose bailing!

However, even if the meal was slow, there was time to finish. When we both finished eating, bailing also showed a reluctant look. Her eyes were full of too much reluctant to give up. However, she didn't say anything, just quietly cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, and didn't say anything about letting me go. I also thought in my heart and made a decision to wait until bailing finished Let's go.

However, when Bai Ling finished washing the dishes and chopsticks and everything was done, I finally broke my determination, but I didn't go. We sat on the sofa in silence. Although we didn't say anything, we both had a kind of self-evident emotion in each other's hearts. Finally, bailing broke the embarrassing scene and asked me, "Suluo, are you still Is there anything urgent? Why don't you go yet? "

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